Buffy: The Love Goddess


By Joshua


Disclaimers: See Part 1


Feedback: All comments, criticisms and flames are welcome. You can find me at saberprime@angelfire.com





Chapter Four



            “Buffy I’m your brother,” said Joshua.

            Buffy didn’t react in the slightest, except that she stopped breathing.  “Sorry, what?” she acted like she hadn’t heard him.  Joshua, playing along, repeated, “I’m your bro…”

            “I heard you the first time!” shouted the distraught Slayer, or whatever she was.  She got up and began to hyperventilate, babbling on in barely coherent sentences.  “What do you…no, you can’t be my…well, OK, there was the fact that I hugged you when we first met, but that’s not…and then there’s the fact that I can teleport and make myself invisible…No, I can’t be your sister…My mother died, she never got pregnant again…how could you be my brother…My brother is an Archangel, so what does that make my father, Michael?  No, no, I don’t have a brother…you can’t be my brother, so…why are you my brother?  Giles, a little help here?” she finally looked to her Watcher, as she had often done for guidance and sanity where she saw none.

            “What do you mean you’re her brother?  Were…were you, that is to say, did you die before you were born, and thus…?” asked Giles, stepping in to “save” his daughter.

            “No, uh…Giles, is it?  No I was not born to Joyce Summers, and died early or in the womb, and then left in Heaven where I became an Archangel, no nothing like that.  Buffy and I had the same parents.  As did the others that I am looking for on Earth.  Maybe this will be easier if I tell you the whole, or at least most of the story.  Since I don’t want to repeat myself, lets wait for Xander to come in and get settled.  Buffy, would you please open the front door?” requested Joshua.

            Buffy, desperate to do anything to get her mind off of the concept of a brother and parents she’s never known, immediately goes to do as requested.  Five seconds after the door is wide open, Xander stumbles in carrying at least seven, maybe more, large pizza boxes, with all the extras on top.  You know, breadsticks, Buffalo wings, cheese bread, soda, and everything else.

            Buffy, taking pity on Xander, offered to help, “Xander, would you like some help with those?”  “Buffy?” asked Xander in a scared voice.  Then, recalling, he says again, “Oh, Buffy!” in a more confident tone, “Oh, yeah, I’d love some help.  Maybe the sodas and all the other stuff.  And half the pizza boxes but be careful, they’re hot.  I had to beg and plead the guys to let me use their disposable hot gloves, though those are starting to…wear…a little……thin…”  Xander trailed off as Buffy took the twelve very hot pizza boxes in one hand, and took the other stuff in his arms in her other hand and walked casually over to the table.  Not even a hint of the fact that it could all go tumbling at the slightest step she took.

            “What?” said the short blond girl when she noticed everyone staring at her.

            “Well, gee Buff, I knew you were strong, the whole Slayer strength going for you, but I didn’t think even you could balance that many boxes and sodas and stuff.” commented the brown haired young man.

            Joshua snickered from his chair, causing all attention in the room to go straight to him.  He stopped laughing and sat a little straighter.  “Maybe I should tell you all the surprises before I get into the details Buffy.  Please, sit down.  Just listening can’t harm you.  And you have all your friends here to support and protect you.  So please?” said Joshua.

            Buffy frowned a little, and then looked into the faces of everyone there.  What she saw in each, love, support, friendship, gave her strength and she took her seat next to Joshua.  Xander grabbed the top pizza box, and took a seat between Anya and Joshua.  Before he continued, Joshua turned to Xander, “Pepperoni?”

            Xander shook his head, opened the box and pulled out a slice, “Cheese.  Pepperoni’s third from the bottom.” said Xander as he stuffed his face.

            Joshua’s eyes lit up and he held out his hand and looked towards the stack of pizzas.  There was a flash of the same pure white light, and the third from the bottom pizza disappeared, only to reappear in his outstretched hand.  He opened it and the scent of baked pepperoni pizza filled the room.  He quickly took out a slice, and began to “chow down” on it.  His eyes rolled back in ecstasy on the first bite.  “I love pepperoni pizza!  Every time that I get to come to Earth, for whatever reason, I indulge as much as possible.” said the Archangel as he ate another piece.

            Buffy watched the two eat with a gaunt and hungry look, then she glanced at the stack of pizza boxes.  Sensing what she was thinking, Xander told her, “Hawaiian Specialty is the one on the bottom.  Sorry Buff.”  Then he scarfed his face some more.

            Buffy looked at Joshua and asked, “Can I do that?  That thing you did with the pizza box.  Could you teach me to do that, like you taught me the teleporting thing?”  Joshua paused as he finished one slice before taking another.  “I don’t have to teach you anything Buffy.  The knowledge is there, as is the power.  You just have to really want it, and it’ll happen.”

            At this, Buffy just smiled and closed her eyes tight in concentration.  All of a sudden, there was a flash of gold light and gold sprinkles in the middle of the mostly empty table.  Once the sprinkles had dissipated, everyone could see the largest Hawaiian Specialty pizza that anyone had ever seen.  Soon, its smell over ran the smell of the other pizzas.  The Hawaiian Specialty pizza was not all that popular of a pizza, nor all that cheap to make.  It was made out of a special dough, most often made in Hawaii, had “Sun dried Tomato” sauce, “coconut milk” cheese, and was covered in Hawaiian and sea toppings.  Pineapples, hams, peppers and other edible herbs, but most of all, anchovies and lobster cuttings.  Buffy and Dawn were the only ones of the “Slayerettes” that ate it.

            “Or you could just make your own.” Commented Joshua as he picked up another slice of his pepperoni.

            Buffy reached for a rather large slice of the pizza that she had seemingly made out of thin air, and paused before biting into it, asking, “You mean, this isn’t the pizza from the box?  I made this like out of thin air?”  She then took a very large bite of it into her mouth.  Joshua only nodded.

            Giles, Willow, Tara, and Anya looked at the three eating pizza, looked at each other in turn, and as if in unanimous decision, each made a grab for a different pizza box.  Twenty minutes later, everyone had had their fill, and Buffy had even gotten Joshua to try a slice of the pizza on the table.  He had almost immediately choked, but managed to get it all down.  Coughing loudly, but not choking, Joshua managed to get out, “Not…<cough>, not too bad.  Whoa boy, I forgot the kind of tastes you used to have.  Good thing I love you way too much to hate anything that you love.  But if you ever, ever ask me to try this thing again, I will personally get all of your old boyfriends together and convince them to try dating you again.”

            Joshua again noticed that his words troubled his sister.  “Ah, shit, I’m sorry.  I don’t mean this world’s old boyfriends.  Ah, Mother above!  Buffy listen to me, you aren’t Buffy Summers anymore.  Not anymore.  Not completely anyway.  Buffy, remember when I said keep an open mind?  Well, this is the part that I was talking about.  The part that I’m your brother was just a warm up, and it doesn’t even begin to cover all the bases.”

            Buffy paled slightly, but steeled herself, ordering herself not to flip out the last time this man had revealed something to her.  “OK.  What is it that I need to know?”

            Joshua sighed and steeled himself for whatever response that was to come.  “Buffy,” he began slowly, “Buffy, I know this will sound unbelievable, but some of the things you have just done have proven it beyond any shadow of doubt that your mind and emotions may tell you.  Buffy, you are a god.”

            Joshua almost winced and braced himself, but forced his body to stay still and take whatever reaction his sister would give.  He expected disbelief, he expected another panic attack, he might’ve even expected total calm and acceptance, but he never expected total rage.

            “What?” she asked in her Slayer “I’m about to kill you because I’m angry” voice.

            Joshua paled and backed up slightly.  “Um, Buffy, um, is there a reason why this might upset you?” he asked cautiously.  Her face was etched in fury, and everyone knew her reasons were more than justified.

            “Do you know what “killed” me two weeks ago?” Buffy asked.

            “Not specifically, no.  I knew about the dimensional rift, and what caused it to open, but despite where I’m from current affairs is not often a priority on the message board.  I know enough that I could find you and the others, and get generals on the backgrounds of each, but no, I don’t know what “killed” you two weeks ago.” answered Joshua.

            “I was fighting a god.  A demon god that wanted to go back to her “realm”, to her home realm, and it turns out that I was exactly like her?” accused the enraged girl.

            Joshua’s face scrunched in confusion.  “Um, what was this god’s name, if it had one?”

            Buffy’s stony features stared back at the Archangel.  “Glory.  Her name was Glory.” she said.

            Joshua’s face remained the epitome of confusion until Giles stepped in, “Her minions called her Glorificus.”  Joshua’s face fell and his eyes bulged.  “Glor…Glorificus…?  But, how?  She was to be trapped inside a normal man.  With no way to break free.  No way at all.  Heavens above Hell, I didn’t even know that she was on the Earth Realm.  Glorificus.  I…can’t…believe…it…” said Joshua, looking like he’d just been told the world was going to end in the next thirty seconds.

            “What happened to her?  Is she still around?  I mean, how did she get out in the first place?” Joshua asked.

            “She stole people’s sanity, to give herself enough balance to break through.  After that, it was just a matter of fighting for control.”  It was Tara that spoke this.  All eyes turned to her and Willow held her closer.

            “Tara, baby, are you all right?” Willow asked in a singsong baby voice.

            “I’m fine Willow.  It’s just that I’ve been thinking about…it…for the past couple of weeks, and… and I figured out why she did it, and in some cases how.  I…I don’t remember everything, but I remember enough to know…to remember what it was like for her, to be trapped inside of Ben.” said the small blond wicca.  She trembled slightly as she recalled once again the feeling, the…

            “Oh Lord All Mighty.  Tara…we…we had no idea.  I mean, none of us knew that it was Glorificus free on Earth that was here.  If we had, we would’ve sent someone, I would’ve even come myself if I knew that it was Glorificus.  It was when Buffy first died that we, myself and our parents, became aware that she had come of age, that you were all still on Earth and for the most part, safe.  After that, Father spent a great deal more time checking up on everyone here, unfortunately, he couldn’t exactly leave our Realm, and I still had responsibilities back home that could not be put off just to check on my sister.  So when it was finally found out that Buffy had briefly entered a demon dimension, my trip was planned, and my tickets were bought, as they say.”

            “When everyone in Heaven heard what had happened to Tara, I couldn’t wait another minute, so I rushed everything as much as possible.  Then, Buffy made the call.  It wasn’t conscious really, and it wasn’t really a call.  When you jumped into the dimensional rift Buffy, the part of you that still was a god, called out for help, called out to come home.  My trip wasn’t delayed any longer, and whatever responsibilities I would leave unattended would be taken care of until I returned, and returned with everybody.  The next moment that Buffy appeared on Earth, I was taken to that exact time and place and guaranteed enough power and tools that I would need to assure the safe return of everyone to our home Realm.” Joshua finished.

            After about a minute of total silence, Anya asked what everyone was thinking, “Everyone?”  Joshua smiled.  “Buffy, you are a god.  But long ago, I can’t say exactly how long, all the gods of our Realm were forced to leave.  Not because of anything bad or whatever, but because our Realm needed to experience a time without the gods, so you left.  I couldn’t leave because of the role I play in the grand scheme of things, but all of the others didn’t really need to stay.  So, when the time came, everyone left for Earth.”

            “Once they were here, I don’t know exactly, but they all decided to try living as ordinary humans.  I don’t think many succeeded.  Almost all of the “special” or super powered humans of the past fifty years or so has no doubt been one of these gods.  So, what I’m saying here is, that however many years ago it would have taken, you chose a woman, Joyce Summers, and because she was sterile, you blessed her with a child, yourself.  Unfortunately, well maybe not totally unplanned, but you ended up being the chosen one.  The Slayer.  Yet, and I can’t say I’m surprised, you found some of the others, and they found you, and you became friends in this life.”

            Buffy shook her head, trying to absorb all of this.  “OK,” she began, “What you’re saying is that I was born a god in this Realm in Heaven, then one day all of us gods left and I put myself in my mother’s womb so I could be the Slayer?  OK, I can keep an open mind, but this is stretching it.”

            “As I said, what you’ve already done proves it beyond any and all doubt.  And there’s more.” he said.  At this he looked at Willow and Tara, and Tara sensing his gaze looked up, which in turn caused Willow to look up.

            “That’s right.  You kept mentioning me.  And you said something about my mother.” said Tara as she held Willow’s hand.  Suddenly the blonde’s eyes widened, “Is Buffy my mother?!  I mean, my godhood mother?”

            At this, Joshua burst out laughing so loud that everyone jumped in surprise.  He wiped away tears from his eyes and stopped laughing after a bit.  Getting serious he said, “Well, yes, Tara it is true that you are one of the gods of our Realm, but Buffy is not your mother.  And yes, you do know your mother in this life.  In fact, she is in this very room.  And if you’re also wondering, yes, she is a she.”

            “So what am I god of?” Buffy suddenly asked.  Joshua turned his attention back to his sister, but before he could answer her she asked another, “I mean, Glory was part of a god-tri-umpheret or something, and then she tried to take over.  So what are Tara and I gods over?  Or are we just gods because of our powers and nothing more?”

            “Buffy,” said Joshua to stop her babbling.  “Sorry,” came the response.

            “Well, Tara is the Goddess of Peace and Purity within the lands of Anton, Amphora, and Quiltius.  Understand, these are like countries, provinces, continents on the chosen planet in our Realm.” explained Joshua.

            “Chosen planet?” asked Xander.

            “Well, in each Realm, there is one planet, or city, or maybe even just building that is the center of everything.  Attention, money, popularity, even the attention of the gods and God All mighty.  For example, in this Realm, in this universe, in this reality, the chosen planet is Earth.  God made countless other planets throughout the cosmos and Heavens, so why does He send His only son to this planet to die for one species on a planet so full of diverse life that more than half of them go extinct practically over night?  Makes you feel kind of special huh?  Well, in our Realm the planet is called Anton.  It’s much smaller than Earth, and only has one ocean.  Ofcourse that ocean covers the entire bottom half of the planet, but you get the idea.”

            “OK, so Tara is the goddess of peace, what am I?  What do I do?  What other powers and stuff can I do?” asked Buffy impatiently.

            Joshua smiled like the cat that just ate the canary.  “Well, you Buffy, you are the Goddess of Love and Happiness of children and girls.  At least, that’s what it says on most of your temples.  What isn’t commonly known, except through story lore and Myth, is that you are the Princess of the gods.  A title given you by the fact that you are the first daughter born to our father and mother.  It is not a light title, nor one that you have ever taken lightly.  Basically, it means that you are in charge when Daddy, Mommy, or I are not in the room.”

            Buffy sat in shock.  She didn’t know what to say.  Not only was she still alive and on Earth, when she should have been dead, but she was a god, and not just any god, but the goddess of love and happiness.  To top that, she was a princess too.  Now all she needed to hear was that she was married.  She looked fearfully at her brother.  Her brother!  When did she get herself a brother?

            It was like Joshua was reading her mind as he answered her question before she could even form the words to ask it.  “No, you are not married.  But that doesn’t mean that you’re a virgin.  The princess title aside, the title of Love goddess has its own set of responsibilities.  Two of which I imagine you can guess.”

            Tara interrupted, “Um, Joshua, uh who is my mother?  I mean my godhood mother.  You said it wasn’t Buffy right?  So, um who is she?  I’d-I’d really like to talk with her.”

            Joshua’s gaze downshifted right then.  “Um Tara.  Buffy, who has re-attained her powers as a goddess, still hasn’t gotten her memories as one back.  So, even if I told you who your mother is, she would still be in her mortal form, and only have her mortal memories.  Don’t worry though, there’s a hypnosis technique that can help each of you get back in touch with your powers and memories.”

            “Let’s do it,” said Buffy out of the blue.

            “Huh?” said Joshua.

            “Let’s do it.  This hypnosis thing.  I know you’re telling the truth, and I don’t want you telling me any more about my past.  I want to remember it.  You said you could do it, so lets do it.” Buffy told him.  He only shrugged and said, “OK, you’re the princess.”

            He stood up and indicated that she should also.  He then walked into the back room, Buffy on his heels.  The others, weren’t sure if they should follow or not, until Joshua said to them, “Well, coming?”  Immediately they all rushed like third graders to the playground, even Giles.

            When they all got to the back room, they saw Buffy sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, and Joshua standing about five feet away from her.  He looked up at them.  “Well, come on in, but you don’t want to crowd around.  When Buffy gets back in touch with her powers and memories, I imagine there might be some powerful discharges of energy.  Just warning you.”

            “Ready?” he asked.  “Ready,” she said.


Chapter Five



            “OK Buffy,” said Joshua, sitting backwards on a chair in front of the woman, “I want you to relax, as much as possible.  Just let the tension flow out of you and focus your mind.  Focus it inwards, where you can see yourself, where you can see all the parts of your personality, your body, and your mind.  Once you have that, let me know.”

            Buffy closed her eyes, concentrating.  After about a minute, she tensed a little.  “Relax Buffy, it’ll come, just let it come and don’t fight it.  Relax,” reminded Joshua.  Again Buffy relaxed and about a minute later she announced, “I have it.”

            “Good,” said Joshua.  “Now, I want you to focus on one part of your personality, one part of your body, and one part of your mind.  You may choose which to focus on.  Let me know what you see when you’ve done that.”

            Almost immediately, “A triangle.”

            Joshua smiled and turned to the others.  “She focused on her love for others, her hand, and her upper consciousness.” Joshua told them.

            Buffy opened her eyes.  “How did you know that?” she asked.

            Keeping the smile, Joshua explained, “What you just did was what we call, “Seeing Yourself.”  It allows ‘us’ to find out if anything is wrong with us, or allow us access to parts of our bodies, minds, or other things that we can’t normally access consciously or even subconsciously.  When we focus on particular parts of each part of us, we usually see a shape.  For most, this shape is roughly identical, if they focus on the same parts.  You focused on the strongest part of your personality, you hand, and your upper consciousness, or what people call the ‘real’ you.  When one of us does that, we see a triangle.  Usually different colors, various shapes, but the basic is a triangle.  There’s also a way to tell if a certain part of you is injured or in trouble or just different.  The shape that you saw was kind of weak on the right side, wasn’t it?”

            Buffy’s eyes widened and silently nodded.  “Well, that’s because your upper consciousness is damaged, you don’t remember everything about you.  It should fill out when we finish up.” Joshua explained.  “Now Buffy, I want you to concentrate again.  See yourself.  That was basically a warm up to let you know what exactly you’re doing.  Now, let me know when you see yourself.”

            After about thirty or so seconds, Buffy announced, “OK, I have it again.  Now what do I do?”

            “OK, now I want you to focus on your love.” Joshua told her.

            “What?!  What are you talking about my love?  What’s that look like?” complained Buffy.

            “Buffy, you are the Goddess of Love.  Your powers and abilities and just about everything that makes you a god is centered around your ability to love, and to accept and receive love.  Buffy, you are full of love.  I don’t think it would be that difficult to find in yourself what I’m talking about.”

            “Well, OK.  I’m getting a real big déjà vu here, but could you give me a hint as to what I have to focus on here?  Please?” pleaded Buffy.

            “OK.  You love Willow right?  Like a sister, right?  You love Alexander?  You love Tara?  You loved Angel?” Joshua offered.

            “How do you know about Angel?” asked Willow, of all people.

            Joshua turned to her, shrugged and simply said, “Gossip,”

            The brown haired angel turned back to his sister, and the small blond woman nodded her head, her eyes still closed.  “OK.  I-I think I see something, but it’s insubstantial, I can’t really see it all that well,” she told him.

            “That’s OK.   There is just a couple more steps to go through,” he told her.  “Now, I want you to focus as hard as you can on the love you have for each and everyone of the people that you have loved in this life.  I want you to focus on it until you feel it as fresh as the day you realized that you did.  It should become a little more substantial after that.  Once you’ve done that, I want you to remember all of the people that have loved you in return, and I want you to put yourself in their shoes.  Feel the love that they gave to you as if it were your own, and add it to what you are already feeling.  Once you’ve done this, you should be able to see that love as a real substance that you can touch and see.  Touch it.”

            “What about Spike?” Xander asked, interrupting.

            “Spike?” asked Joshua.

            “Um, yeah, Spike.  Formally William the Bloody.  He’s a vampire that previously killed two Slayers, and tried to kill Buffy.  Until this government agency kidnapped him and put a chip in his head that made him kind of impotent.” Xander elaborated.

            “Impotent?” asked the Archangel.

            “He couldn’t hurt any humans without getting something like a migraine, only a thousand times worse.  When he couldn’t kill Buffy, about three or four months ago he fell in love with her instead.  It was really creepy,” continued Willow for Xander.


            All of a sudden, Buffy gasped.  All eyes were immediately back on her.  As they watched, the familiar red and pink aura had completely engulfed her, and tiny bolts of pink and gold lightning danced all over her seated form.  There was a sound like a loud vacuum and distant thunder, as a ball of pink lightning energy coalesced inside Buffy’s body and then visibly traveled up until it reached her head.  A sudden wind more powerful that tornado gale force winds, whipped through the room and at the end of it, Buffy cried out.

            Then it all just stopped, and Buffy, looking normal, collapsed onto the floor, unconscious.  Immediately everyone was beside her, but Joshua who was the first there, held onto Buffy.  “Shhhhhhh, shhhhhhh,” Joshua tried to quiet everybody.  Once the commotion stopped, Joshua carried Buffy back out to the main room and laid her gently on the table.  Stepping back, he joined the others that were huddled together all a little angry with him; he could tell.

            “All right, before you go pointing fingers and everything, allow me to remind you that Buffy was the one who wanted to do it immediately.  As for that, I think it was just a little bit too much of a rush for her.  She’s fine.  She just needs to rest for a bit,” said Joshua.

            “Oh, will that happen to me when I…” Tara started to ask.

            Joshua shrugged, “I’m not sure.  I can guarantee you that it won’t happen to all of you.  But don’t worry, it’s more like jumping off a skyscraper with a bungee cord or a parachute.  But a whole lot more intense.  I think its just because she tried to fight it at first, but since she went looking for it and found it, it wouldn’t be stopped.  Just be aware that you have to embrace your powers, no matter what they’re based on.”

            A groan from the table turned everybody around and before Joshua could blink, everyone was surrounding Buffy, trying to see if she was all right.  Slowly Buffy returned to consciousness, and as she did, the memories slowly surfaced.  First were the forgotten ones, the times she spent as a child of the heavens, then as a little human girl playing in a field her father made just for her, and growing up to her maturity, all of her mistakes, all of her blessings and memories as the goddess of love.  It wasn’t until hate entered man’s heart did she include the happiness of children and girls.  She protected them all, and she never abused her responsibilities.  Her powers?  Oh yeah, all the time, but never her responsibilities.  She also remembered the day that she and all her family and friends left their Realm, and why.

            Then came the memories of this life.  She remembered Joyce Summers, her mother that had loved her and cared for her more than even she, the goddess of love could imagine.  She remembered her childhood, she remembered being called, she remembered staking her first vampire, the gym, she remembered meeting Angel, the Harvest, the Master, Spike, Angelus, the Initiative, Adam.  She remembered Faith.  Oh God in Heaven, she remembered Faith.  Faith and Kendra were the two things she had not expected to encounter on Earth, but she wasn’t the real Slayer, she just happened to choose along the bloodline and got picked.

            Then, other memories came.  The memories that the monks had given her.  She remembered the day her mother and father had come home with Dawn, she remembered Dawn’s first day of school, Dawn learning how to ride a bike, their first fight, everything that Dawn would’ve experienced had she really been with Buffy through the blond Slayer’s life.  She remembered the Tower, Glory, Ben.  And she knew what had happened to them.  Using her powers it was easy enough, but deep down, she wasn’t really surprised that it had been Ripper who had done it.

            Opening her eyes, Buffy saw about five different heads floating around her in her vision.  It reminded her of the time that she had woken up from fainting when she had that mind reading power.  At least this time she didn’t hear their thoughts as she woke up and looked at them.

            “It’s OK guys.  I’m fine, except maybe a little crowded,” she said as she lay there.

            Slowly, they got the hint and backed off a little, letting her sit up at the least.  “Buffy, what happened?” asked Giles, always the concerned father figure.  It was strange hearing the question so filled with concern coming from someone who held within them a being of such ruthlessness.

            “Do you remember anything?  Are you all right?  You passed out,” informed Willow.  Dear Willow, her Special Guardian, her dearest sister.

            Buffy turned to Willow and smiled as bright a smile as Joshua did the moment that he saw her.  “Don’t worry Wills, I’m all right.  Actually I’m better than all right.  I remember, I remember everything.  Especially how to do this.” Buffy said as she was suddenly surrounded by the pink and red aura, though it seemed to be even more substantiated, and the gold sprinkles.  Something else that was different from her earlier uses was a ball of gold energy, setting off more of the gold sprinkles, traveled from the center of her being to the top of her head as she disappeared from the table, and reappeared beside Joshua in an identical fashion.  Ofcourse the bells could still be heard.

            “Wow!” exclaimed Xander.

            “Yeah, what he said,” Willow casually said.  “By the way, did you figure out what the bells were?  Now that you got your memory back and all?”

            Buffy smiled brightly again and slowly she walked back to Willow, till she stood less than a foot from the taller redhead.  She shrugged and said, “I think it’s just something to add in with the special effects, but with the sound more than the visual.  You know, like Aphrodite on the Hercules TV show?  Since we’re both goddesses of love, I guess some things have to remain standard, huh?”


            Buffy was still smiling.  She couldn’t help it, Willow, next to Joshua and Alexander, had been her favorite sibling, and the fact that she was her best friend in her life on Earth made her all the more special to her.  “Uh, Buffy, why are you smiling at me like that?” asked the nervous redhead.

            “I just really missed my sister is all,” was all Buffy said.  Then she hugged Willow in a bone-jarring bear hug.

            “Uh, yeah, I really missed you too Buffy.  Especially since I thought you were dead for two weeks and what do you mean you missed your sister and now you’re hugging me?” Willow babbled.

            Buffy chuckled and struggled to hold back her tears.  “Wills, you’ve got to try it.  It’s a rush and a half and then some.  Unfortunately, I was so startled by the sheer amount of my power that I held back some, and that kind of created a vacuum sort of.  Whatever you do when it’s your turn, believe me when I say jump in head and feet first.  Don’t hold back for anything.  But it was still wicked cool!”

            “Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that I’m one of you too?  I’m a god, uh, a goddess?” asked Willow, panicked.

            “Yes, you are Willow,” Joshua told her, coming up beside Buffy.  “As is Tara, and Alexander.”

            “What about Giles?” she asked.

            Buffy then let her go and the love goddesses face most definitely went down a notch or two.  Joshua was still hung on who this Giles was, an old man, a Watcher, that somehow knew everybody and owned the shop where they met.  “OK, sorry to disappoint, but there is no god in our Realm named Giles.  Sorry Watcher.  But…  Wait a minute,”  Joshua paused and stepped closer to estranged old Englishman.  “You are one of us!  Buffy, explanation please.”

            Buffy appeared saddened as she did just that.  “He’s Ripper Joshua.  He’s Ripper.”

            Joshua paled slightly and nodded in understanding.  Everyone else was confused as anything at the moment though.

            “Wait, wait, wait just a moment,” Giles stuttered.  “What does my old college nickname have to do with me being one of your gods?  And why are you two looking like you just proclaimed my death sentence?”

            “Because we have in a way Giles.” Buffy answered him.

            “Ripper is the God of War and Suffering in all realms.” Joshua explained further.  “It is a burdensome title and responsibility, and I’m sorry to say that it leaves its mark on the bearer.  Ripper is still one of us, and our friend and cousin.  But he is a very cruel and devastating creature when he is in his element, death and destruction.  The nicest way to say it is, he’s a killer.”

            Giles appeared struck by that last statement.  He didn’t understand what they were saying yet, but he immediately identified the traits that he shared with this “Ripper”.  He wondered why he even came up with that nickname for himself.  “I…I still don’t understand…” he said.

            “Giles, let me try and explain,” said the blonde goddess.  “I’m not Elizabeth Anne “Buffy” Summers anymore.  I’m just Buffy, the Love Goddess.  Yet, in many ways I still am that Buffy because so much of me went into that young mortal girl.  With you, it won’t be quite the same.  I know what you did to Ben, and I’m not angry with you.  I can forgive you as easily, if not more than you yourself can.  I know as well as you do how much of you is Ripper, and how much is Rupert Giles, Watcher, guardian of the Slayer, and surrogate father to Buffy Summers.  Right now, there’s more Giles than there is Ripper.  But when you re-attain your godhood, when you remember who Ripper is, Giles will be gone.  There will be trace elements of him, but only because of the memories that Ripper will keep.  So, in the end, it will be as if Rupert Giles really is dead.”

            “Buffy…” Willow tried.

            “So what are you saying?  You’re going to kill Giles, just so you can have a god that you don’t even like back?” shouted Xander angrily.

            “No!  I love Ripper!  Just as I love all of you!  And I love Giles, but Giles is a mortal that was shaped out of the Watcher’s council training and then my love.  I could do the same thing to every god in Anton, but that would leave them all nothing but careless, yet heart filled fools!  Ripper is needed to help maintain the balance.  He’s my counterpart, my cousin, and my friend!  Giles is but a small portion of him given human emotions and an attachment to Buffy Summers, who died two weeks ago saving a sister that doesn’t even exist!!” Buffy screamed.

            Everyone was silent after the tirade, and as Buffy realized what all she had said, she immediately felt the remorse and pain of the whole room.  “Oh, Giles…I, I’m so sorry, I…I didn’t,”

            “No it’s all right Buffy.  I understand completely.  Besides, my life was feeling rather empty without you here.  The Watcher’s Council, after you got me my job back was undoubtedly going to call me back to England as soon as they heard about “your” death.  I’d be glad to know that I’ll still be with you, at least in some part.” Giles consoled her.

            Fresh tears were flowing from Buffy’s eyes as she mourned the pain that she had caused, not only him but her other friends and family.  Joshua stood silently by, his hands in his pockets and head bowed slightly.  Anya, the only one that seemed unaffected by this, asked the typical selfish Anya-response question, “Since you’re leaving with them, does that mean that I get to keep the shop now?”

            Joshua, Buffy, and amazingly Giles all smiled and started chuckling at her remark.  “What’s so funny?  I was being serious,” said the ex-demon.  They began to laugh all the harder.

            “Well, why you three yuck it up, I’ve got a question.” Xander said interrupting.  “What happens to Willow Tara and me when we remember?  What kind of gods were we?  Was I some kind of Hades god of the underworld person or something?”

            Joshua shook his head and said seriously, “We don’t have an underworld in heaven.  We do have an Angel of Death, but she’s not a god that came to Earth.”

            Buffy decided to answer Xander’s question.  “No Xander, you won’t be like Giles.  You’ll be more like me.  Tara’s the Goddess of Peace and Purity.  She’s sort of the complete opposite of Ripper, and she’s what the mortals of our Realm ask for in times of turmoil and suffering.  She’s a peacemaker and since she’s my niece she has a lot of love within her as well.  Of what I know of Tara the mortal, she has flourished in her goddess persona for many years, and it seems the only thing that sustained her through a very rough family life.  The only thing that will change is how she reacts to the rest of us.  You’ll see why when you find out who her mother is.”

            “Willow, my dear Willow.  The only thing that is different between you and my dearest sister is that my sister is not the shy type of person.  She is much like the woman that you have become.  If this is mine, or Buffy Summers influence then I am greatly honored that I could help you to become the person that I love today.  My sister, she babbles, she gets confused sometimes, but she is caring to all those around her, and there is not a person in Heaven or Hell that she could possibly hate or despise.  In times of need, she is calm, confident, and easily takes control of the situation in the crisis.  As I said, the only difference is that my sister is not the shy type.”

            “And my dear Xander.  You are the embodiment of my brother, my older brother Alexander.  He is the God of Justice and Truth.  No doubt, in my presence you can already feel your blood boiling at the injustice of Giles dying, or even feeling the lingering pain of my own death at so young an age.  Or maybe the injustice of Joyce dying of something so minor when everybody said that she would be fine.  Or maybe even…”

            “All right!  You’re right!  I do feel my blood boiling at all of these injustices that I can’t take care of myself, and I do wish that I could make everything right!  And its not right to kill off Giles like this!  There’s got to be something that you can…” Xander pleaded.

            “Alexander, you are the God of Justice, but you are also the God of Truth.” Joshua interrupted.  “You know as well as we do that this must be the way that it is.  Nothing, not how you feel, not how we feel, not how Giles feels can change the truth of that fact.”

            “What’s your point?” Xander, or is it Alexander now, said bitterly.

            “ My point is, that each of you has a place where you belong in our Realm, just as I do.  Each of you is needed.  And so each of you will be reawakened.” Buffy continued, “But if it helps, there will be little else of you changed either Xander.  Alexander, my brother, is a good man.  He has a heart of gold and the will of a lion.  Xander, so much of you, the first day that I met you, was so much like my brother all ready.  Then as time went by and you gained more self-confidence, you became exactly like my brother.  We all have our moments and times of doubt, but you have the same sense of humor, the same love for life, the same sense of honor and justice.  Let me ask you one more thing, and I’ll tell you how you’ll feel before you tell me, OK?”

            “OK, try me,” he challenged.

            “You’ll feel loss, regret in its deepest form and maybe a slight case of anger and fury.  But mostly you might feel confused for no reason at all.” Buffy told him.

            “Are you going to ask your question or not?” he asked impatiently.

            “Do you think that Faith was punished fairly for all of the crimes she committed against the state and against us?” it came out of nowhere.

            And damned if he didn’t feel exactly as she had described as he realized the question.  He felt regret in the deepest parts of his soul, wishing that he could have done something to turn the brunette Slayer from the dark path that she traveled.  Then he remembered all the things she had done; killed, lied to her friends, tortured Buffy, kicked him out right after having sex with him!  He was briefly filled with a flash of furious anger, but it quickly faded away as he thought of the answer to the question.  Was she punished fairly?  She had been alienated, chased by the police, and forced to face her piers.  Now she was incarcerated in the LA county jail until her court date in three months.  (A whole lot of backwater garbage and stuff)

            So he was confused.  Personally, yeah he felt that she deserved another chance, but that was him.  He had forgiven her a long time ago.  But the court system seemed to disagree with him, and despite all its flaws, it was still the law, and there was also a part of him, the raging part that wanted her to suffer for all eternity.  He sighed.  “I don’t know.” He finally answered.

            Satisfied, Buffy finally got off his back.  And onto Joshua’s.  Literally.

            “So, Big Bro.  How’s it been hanging at home and when can we go back?  As absolutely great as Earth is, I really wanna see Mom and Dad again.  By the way did you find Uncle Fey?” she asked.

            Joshua grunted slightly when the blond had jumped on him, but he smiled.  He had missed her antics.  Standing as straight as he could, making it as difficult as possible for the woman to remain on him, he answered, “Actually, yes we did find ‘Uncle Fey’.  About two days after everybody left.  And we can go home when we’ve found everybody and reawakened their godhoods.  As for Mom and Dad, they miss you.  They miss just about everybody actually.  Except for Oz.  He always smelled.”

            “Oz?” Willow asked.

            Buffy’s eyes widened in shock as she remembered Oz, both Oz’s.  “Oh, Mother in Heaven!  I’ve completely forgotten about Oz!  He was here!  And so was Cordelia, but she’ll be easy to find.  Oz left about seven, almost eight months ago to find a cure/control over his werewolf side!  His cousin, here on Earth was a were wolf and bit him.  Willow and Oz dated in high school, then he ran across this female were wolf, and lets just say that he didn’t exactly trust himself, with the wolf inside of him, around Willow anymore.  Then he showed up again and got captured by the Initiative.”

            “OK, as fascinating as the whole story is, do you know where he is now?” Joshua interrupted.

            Buffy shook her head no, “No idea.  He took off and hasn’t been back since.”

            “Wait a minute.” Willow said, “Oz is a god too?  What’s he, the god of music?”

            “Um, no, but it is one of his famous talents.” Joshua answered, smirking.  “He’s the God of, well, he’s the God of Animals to put it simply.”

            At everyone’s confused looks, Joshua tried to elaborate.  “Well, it was decided when our parents were first given the Realm we live in that they could pretty much do whatever they wanted with it.  Catch was, they wanted to fill it with something more than just stuff, and so they asked God if they could fill it up with creatures, living thinking things.  He agreed, but said that only one creature could reside there.  Long story short, Mom and Dad chose to have Man, humans, as the creature of their Realm.  Well, there’s a very good reason why it says in the Word that God created man in His own image.  Turns out, that in Heaven, man has the exact same powers pretty much.  He can create whatever his mind imagines.  So after a time, the humans of our Realm were getting bored with just farming and living.  They wanted to hunt, so they began to imagine and “create” animals within the Realm.  These animals are a lot like medieval monsters and lore creatures.  You know, dragons, man-wolves, winged-lions, unicorns, and ofcourse animals they could hunt like deer, antelope, ferriers, various birds, and so forth.  Well, there had to be somebody to keep all these animals in check and to make sure that Man could not create more dangerous creatures, so Oz was given the job.  Funny thing is, he always had a crush on Willow, but she never returned his feelings, always too wrapped up in her own work.”

            “So, uh, who’s next?  I mean this all sounds great, but like Buffy, I’d rather remember it rather than hear about it.  And I want to meet Tara’s mother, too,” said Willow after he finished.

            As she said this, Joshua and Buffy exchanged a brief look.  Turning back to Willow, his youngest sister, Joshua informed them, “Well, uh that’s the thing.  Buffy just re-attained her powers today.  That kind of put a big surge of power right on top of another big power source, the Hellmouth.  For safety sakes, we have to kind of space out the re-awakenings.  So tomorrow I’ll give Alexander and Ripper their swords, and I’ll start helping Willow with her research.  Buffy, maybe you should have a talk or two with Tara.  In the meantime, I’ll see if I can find Oz and get a message to him to come back here ASAP.  Have fun kids!”  And with that, he disappeared in his unique teleportation signature.

            “Uh, Buffy what did he mean, help me with research?” Willow asked nervously.

            “I get a sword?  Cool!” Xander exclaimed.

            “Talk about what Buffy?” Tara.

            “Buffy are you sure you’re all right?  I mean if you need to rest or even eat something more after your ordeal, I’ll be happy to…” Giles.

            “GUYS!” Buffy yelled over their voices.  Suddenly all talk ceased.

            “Giles.  He’s right about the whole power thing, but there’s more to it.” She began.  “Since I am the goddess of love, in order to keep me and my power stabilized, I have to have a counterpart to my powers.  I need the god of war in his position of power in order to maintain the balance.  So, what I’m saying is that tomorrow, you’ll be given back your godhood.  We’re giving Xander back his sword because we both know that Xander will want to hold on for as long as he can, and will resist whatever it would take for him to access his powers.  For you, I imagine as soon as you have your sword back in your hand, you’ll know exactly what to do.”

            “I-I…I understand Buffy.  What is it exactly that you need me to do?” Giles asked quietly.

            “Well, I suggest giving all your books to Willow, because Ripper was never exactly the bookworm type.  That and she’ll need all the information she can get for the upcoming weeks.  And don’t worry Giles.  You’ll still be there.  It’s not like you haven’t been aware of the different person that exists inside of you.  You’ve been trying to hide him for a long time.  I imagine that he’ll do the same with you, but whatever happens, he’s a part of you, and you’re a part of him.  That and you’ll look a whole lot younger, plus the whole god part of it.”

            “Younger?” Giles brightened.

            Buffy only smiled her “devil’s” smile and turned to Tara.  “We need to talk.”  With that, Buffy took Tara’s hand and together they disappeared in Buffy’s own unique teleport.  Now that the “gods” were gone, the others began to wonder what to do with themselves.  Giles went over to some legal documents he had in a drawer, which he had been contemplating.  Now, he immediately signed them and presented them to Anya.

            “Anya, the store’s all yours.  Legally.  I had these drawn up last week sometime; I’ve just been waiting for the time to do something with them.  I figure now is as good a time as any,” he says as she looks soulfully up at him.  She surprises him by suddenly taking him up in a hug.

            “Thank you for everything Giles,” she says quietly.  He mutters something back, which she thinks sounds a lot like, “You’re welcome…daughter,”


Chapter Six



            In the room that Willow and Tara had been sharing since the renovations to their previous room began, (Glory ripped the wall off of it), a pink, red and gold flash announced the arrival of two young blond women.  Or at least one appeared to be young, though in a way she was older than any civilization alive today.  Tara was more than a little surprised to suddenly find herself in her room of the past few weeks.

            “Buffy?  What happened?  How’d we get here?” Tara asked in a panic.

            “Tara, calm down.  Remember the thing with Joshua, he teleported you and Willow to the magic shop.  I just did the same thing.  Relax Tara it’s me.  We just need to talk for a bit.  I figured you’d want to do it in more comfortable surroundings.” Buffy explained.

            “Oh, OK.  Sure.  So, what do you want to talk about?” Tara asked as she sat down on the bed.  Absentmindedly she grabbed a pink heart-shaped pillow to her chest.

            Buffy smiled.  She looked down at herself then, and casually conjured a mirror in a flash of gold sprinkles right next to her, so that Tara could also see the reflection.  “This outfit is starting to get old.  How about I change it?  You know some of my favorite times at home was playing “dress up” with you and Cordelia.  Here what do you think of this outfit?” Buffy snapped her fingers and in a flash of red sparks and pink sprinkles, she was wearing a completely different outfit.

            The colors were still primarily pink and red, but instead of the masculine female look she’d had, now she was more the ‘sexual predator of all females in the world’.  She had on 4 in. red stiletto heels, a really, really, almost obscenely short hot pink mini-skirt, a bare midriff spaghetti strap red tank top that had in pink letters the words, “KISS ME”, and she also had on gold bracelets, and Tara noticed a very cute gold heart pendant around the goddesses neck.  Buffy’s hair had also been redone.  Instead of the straight, parted down the middle look that she had that night so many weeks ago, it was now kind of curled.  It fell in long luxurious locks around her head, like it had when she had faced Dracula that time.  (Just think beginning of season 5, end of season 4)

            “Cordelia?  As in Cordelia in LA that works with Angel, who Willow went to visit some weeks ago?  That Cordelia?” Tara asked, disbelief evident in her voice.

            Buffy smiled brightly.  “Yes that Cordelia.  I refuse to believe for even a second that that’s a common name on Earth.  And yes, Tara, she’s also one of us.  Goddess of the Stars and Skies if I remember correctly.  And not movie stars, as I know she’ll not doubt think.  So what do you think?” indicating her outfit that she had made out of thin air.

“It’s…uh, very-very nice.  Uh, Buffy what is it that you needed to talk to me about?  I mean if you don’t approve of my relationship with Willow because she’s your sister, then I can talk to her about it, I guess,” said Tara in her calm peaceful voice.

            “No, its not that I don’t approve Tara.  I say if love is there, let it blossom.  And I don’t have any problems with whoever Willow chooses to see.  It’s just that…this outfit screams “Slut!” doesn’t it?  OK, next!” and Buffy snapped her fingers again.  In a similar flash her outfit changed again.

            This time, her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, but the outfit was still pink and red.  The outfit was still more feminine than what Buffy normally wore, but what Buffy normally wore had mostly to do with her Slayer activities.  She was wearing a long red dress, with a slit up to her knees in the back, a pink cardigan, and the same stiletto heels, only pink instead of red this time.  Tara saw that while the jewelry that she had on earlier had disappeared, the gold pendant had remained.

            “I like that better,” Tara commented, trying to keep Buffy on track.  “So, do you remember who my mother is?  Or, is she the same as your mother, back in our home Realm?”

            Buffy smiled briefly at her reflection, musing to herself.  “No Tara, you were born to one of the Gods, not the Guardians, my parents.  You’re my niece actually.  My favorite, but not my only, niece actually.  You are the daughter of my youngest and dearest sister.  She’s everybody’s favorite.  Not a mean bone in her body.  So, you think Willow will like this one?  Heels aside, I think this kind of takes after her fashion for long dresses and sweaters.  Don’t you think?”

            Tara nodded silently, trying to put the picture together.  “Yeah, it kind of does.  But I was just wondering, are you going to tell me who my mother is or not?”

            Buffy looked in the mirror one last time, and then waved her hand and it disappeared in a flash of gold sparkles and sound of bells.  Her expression appeared pained as she sat next to her niece on the young woman’s bed.

            “Tara, I don’t know quite how to tell you this, but I guess better now than when you remember yourself,” began Buffy.  “Tara, I’m just the goddess of love, so I don’t know everything or how and why things work out the way they do.  And despite my being said goddess now, doesn’t mean that I was when I was still Buffy Summers.  Just keep all this in mind when I tell you…”

            “Buffy, just tell me,” ordered Tara, “who is my mother?”

            “Willow” came the short reply.

            “Huh?” Tara had seemingly taken after Buffy in accepting news about family.  Mimicking Buffy almost exactly, right down to the not breathing.  Then she started breathing again, but much quicker than before.  She also became slightly flustered.

            “Wha-what do you-you-you…what do you m-mmea-mean, Willow’s m-mm-my-my mother?” she stuttered out.  Buffy, with a very saddened expression, could only nod.

            Tara’s eyes widened, partly in fear, mostly in shock as she tried to absorb the fact that she had been dating and sleeping with her godhood mother for the past year.  Despite not being Christian, and not exactly being raised in a proper family, Tara knew and believed that incest was very, very wrong.  She felt like fainting.  Well, she definitely wanted to faint, but she didn’t.

            Tara gulped as she turned to her aunt Buffy and asked the question that Buffy had been fearing she’d ask.  “What do I tell Willow?”

            Buffy, keeping as straight a face as possible, offered her several answers, “Well, you could tell her the truth upfront, and experience days or maybe even weeks of uncomfortable time together due to the awkwardness of the situation.  OR you could wait until you re-awaken your godhood and tell her then, and that would only leave you on the uncomfortable end of it.  But then she might get concerned why you would be a little bit more “closed off” if you know what I mean.  Then she’d start asking questions, you’d tell her nothing’s wrong, and then she’d finally come to me, or Joshua or anyone else awakened before you, and ask one of us what was wrong with you.  Me, personally, I’d tell her to ask you about it because its your business.  Then she’d go straight back to you and do just that and wouldn’t give up until you finally gave in, telling her.  After all that she might even start out with the ‘resolve face’.  You would tell her everything’s fine, nothings wrong, she’d say she knew you were lying and you’d come up with some lame excuse, like “I’ve just been tired lately, a lot’s been going on”, but she wouldn’t accept that and would keep pestering you until you finally either blurted or shouted it out at her.  Then you’d both have angry and uncomfortable times, and anyway I guess it doesn’t matter because Willow’s going to be pretty busy over the next few days and maybe even weeks.  It all depends on her really.”

            “But it really depends on what you want to do.  So I guess my answer is, what do you want to tell her?” Buffy asked her niece seriously.

            Tara sat still for several moments, trying to absorb all that Buffy had told her, or guessed for her.  Then she shrugged and said the ever popular, “I don’t know.  I guess I have to think about it.  I just wish that…I don’t know what I wish.  I wish that I had more time to think about it.”

            “You have all the time you need Tara.  You can stay here for the rest of the day, or I can take you some place else that will give you more space to think.  It is entirely your choice little one.  Tell you what, I’ll do my best to keep Willow busy for the rest of the day, and maybe even the night.  Then, tomorrow when we give Giles and Xander their swords, you can decide what to do.  I promise, the next time you’ll see Willow is at the Magic shop tomorrow morning.”

            Tara smiled at Buffy’s attempt to help, but she felt, more like she knew that avoiding Willow right now would not make the confrontation any easier, and in fact might make it worse.  Tara asked her aunt a question that was suddenly nagging at her like an annoying puppy.  “Buffy, why…how do you think that Willow and I even developed a…a…a r-ro-rom-man-romantic relationship if we, or our spirits anyway, were that of a mother and daughter.  I’ve read in some cases, that twins, or siblings of one life might be lovers in the next, and vice versa, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it happening to a mother and daughter.  So, I was just wondering if you had any ideas about how, or maybe why it happened.”

            Buffy’s face scrunched as she sat there thinking.  After about a minute, “Well, like I said Tara, I don’t know everything, but the best that I can give is the fact that we all chose to be the same ages when we chose our mortal forms.  Also, there is a very strong connection between you and Willow.  There is a similar connection between all the gods and their children, but I think its strongest between you two because you are Willow’s only child.  You see, you are the Goddess of peace, and Willow is practically filled with this as well as many other things.  Just as I am filled with love, and etc, you are filled with peace and purity of spirit.  There is also a direct link between your powers and Willow’s.  I think this is what first drew you two together.  After that, I imagine it was just that you opened up to each other on intimate and personal levels.  Then there was also that encounter with an evil vampire Willow from an alternate reality, trust me you don’t want to know.  Anyway, Willow saw something in this version of herself that she had never really admitted to, mostly at the time because of Oz.  When Oz left, she was forced to face it and you just happened to be the one that she was on intimate terms with when she did.”

            “There’s also a story, Realmly speaking ofcourse, that might better explain the connection between your powers, but it’s really long.  I’ll tell it to you some day.  It involves Willow, ofcourse, and a quest that I sent her on.  The story has been called by bards and storytellers, “Defer’N’falliah Neh’Fall”.  Or in English, “The Guardian’s quest for an apple.”

            At this Tara’s face was like that of a two year old child that had to tell their parent something so important and she stood up and went over to her closet.  She opened it, sat the pillow inside and started digging for something in the back.  Apparently she found what she was looking for because she came back less than a minute later, holding a relatively small brown leather tome.  Buffy could make out the Latin words on the cover, (Translated; I don’t know any Latin!) “Secrets of the Heavens and Basic Workings of the Gods,”

            “Interesting title for a very old book.  It must be, what?  About two thousand, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four years old?” Buffy asked.

            “How-how, how did you know that?” Tara asked surprised.

            “Old knowledge,” was Buffy’s only answer, and it was obvious to Tara that she wouldn’t get any more of one out of the newly awakened goddess.

            “Well, I found this book in Giles’, I mean Ripper’s, I mean…” Tara started to say.

            “Giles is fine for now.  Ripper’s a god, Giles is a Librarian.” Buffy told her.

            “OK.  Anyway, I found this book in one of Giles’ forbidden stacks, but there’s nothing really magic in here, at least nothing more than old legends and stories of magical creatures and stuff.  So, I kind of took it.  I’ve only been able to translate some of the basic text, like the intro, something that looks like the Table of Contents, and a list at the back of it.  Though, at first I thought they were like a translation guide, but now, I think they might be names.”

            “Oh kaayyy.” Buffy drew out the word, not quite understanding where Tara was going with this.

            “That name, or title or whatever sounded familiar.  It’s a name from this book.” Tara opened the tome to the back, on a certain page and began skimming the pages.  “Here!  Defer’N’.  I translated it to, “The Guardian” or the protector or something along those lines.  You don’t think that maybe this tome is from your Realm, I mean our Realm, do you?”

            Buffy paused, looking at the book.  No doubt some part of Giles had recognized this tome for what it was and had kept it hidden and safe.  Looking closer, she could see something more.  A god had written this.  Almost exactly how long ago that she had said it had been written.  Taking the old leather book from Tara, she looked closer at it.  Yes, a god, and one of them no doubt about it.  But she hadn’t written it, and neither had any of the others that were here in Sunnydale.  Tracing, as best she could, the aura that the words were written with, flipping through the pages, Buffy found what she was looking for.  It was the last name on the list of names that Tara had pointed out to her.  The name was; “Ly’Marvue N Fartrus’d Fire……………………………………..Liam, God of Lore and Fires of Anton.  In short, her youngest son, the God of storytelling had written this so that they could remember themselves and their Realm when they needed to.  Smart boy.

            “No Tara, it’s not from our Realm.  It’s about our Realm.” Buffy explained to her.  “It was written here, on Earth, but by one of us.  My son actually.  His name is Liam, and he is the God of Lore and the guardian of Fire and so forth in Anton.  He wrote this tome so that we would not forget where we came from and who we are.  It carries a good portion of the myths and legends of what we did in our Realms as gods that made heroes, made and stopped wars, saved people and killed them.  Our mistakes, our jealousies, our valor’s and our strengths.  You might want to read it.  Though it is written in the home language of Anton, so you might not be able to understand it.”

            “Oh, well, how long do you think before I can read it?” Tara asked, suddenly excited by having a book that told her almost everything about where she came from.

            Buffy only shrugged.  “I don’t see why you can’t read it now,” the goddess commented.  “Huh?  What do you mean?” Tara asked.

            Buffy suddenly smiled like the Cheshire cat, as Tara was learning she did a lot.  “Here.  It’s something we can do you know.  Grant gifts to mortals.  Since you already know, at least in a way, how to read Gaelic, I’ll just grant you access to that knowledge.  Not that tough to do really.  Hold still, and look at the words while I’m doing this.”

            Tara turned to the book, and Buffy inched closer to her.  Then, Buffy held her right hand up to just behind Tara’s head, a spark of red energy forming at her fingertips.  Slowly the energy increased in intensity and light as Buffy concentrated, never blinking or not looking at Tara’s turned head.  Then, the energy shot from Buffy’s fingers the short distance to Tara’s head and the young mortal woman was surrounded in a slight red glow.

            As Tara looked at the words, all of a sudden, they began to make perfect sense.  She could read them!  She could understand!  Too excited for words, she turns to Buffy, only to see the goddess gone.  There was a note though.  It was on red construction paper, in the shape of a heart.  Tara grabbed it, opened it up and read:


            Dear Tara,

                        Sorry to bail on you like this, but apparently I’m not up to full strength yet.

That spell took a lot out of me.  Don’t worry little one, I’m fine.  I just need to

finish off the rest of the pizza back at the magic shop.  I’ll keep to my promise

about keeping Willow out of the room for today.  I think I can keep her busy.

Hope you two don’t share a bank account.

            Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow morning, maybe around 9 o’clock.  I know

you don’t have any classes for the rest of today, and tomorrow you may not even

have to deal with them ever again.  Love you little one, I’ll see you in the morning.



Your Auntie Goddess,



            Tara smiled at the note, and sat it down, picked up the book, and opened it to the first page.  She didn’t stop reading until long after the sun had gone down.  Then, she just lay in her bed, awake and dreaming of what new adventures she and the Gods of Anton would soon be doing.  After a while she finally drifted off to pleasant dreams in slumber land.


Continued in Part 3



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