The Vampire Slayer:  Buffy and Willow

By Joshua

Disclaimer:   All characters belong and are owned by Joss Whedon, Executive Producer of Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series, and the Warner Brothers television network.  This includes character death, lesbian and overtly sexual themes as well as scenes, (no pictures, sorry), and has the possibility of developing into a whole other universe in the Buffy-verse, depending if I get enough requests to actually publish/put up the continuing chapters.  This is extremely dark and you’ll like it only if you have a torture streak running through you.  Just to warn you.

FeedbackComments, criticisms and thoughts are welcome at

Pairings – Buffy/Willow, Willow/Cordelia, Willow/Vamp-Cordelia


Section 4:

“Yeeeeeeehhhh AaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!” a feminine soprano voice screamed out into the night.

As her scream faded, the red haired girl gasped for air and began to sob all over again.  She was naked, tied upside down in a stranger’s bed, and two women were asking her strange questions, and one of them, also a naked redhead, had just broken her finger.

Buffy and Willow were in Giles’ upstairs bedroom with the girl that Buffy had brought for Willow.  The 17 year old girl was tied with rope that Buffy knew Giles had, in a bondage layout, with her arms tied securely above her, her breasts, waist and abdomen tied in intricate knots, and her legs spread eagle, but with her ankles touching her hips in a fashion that no human could put it in unaided.

“Wha-wu-what-” sob “-what do-do…do you wa-won-want with me? sob” the girl sobbed/begged.  She was upside down, hanging from several hooks in the ceiling, so that her arms were behind her as well as above her.

“I told you,” Willow answered in a soft caressing voice.  “I want you to tell me your name.”  Willow then proceeded to take the girl’s right forefinger and broke another section of the bones within the digit.

The girl cried out again and sobbed all the harder.  The broken finger was already broken in five places, and despite the girl holding all of her other fingers in a fist, the finger was in the shape of when someone makes a hook shape with their finger.  Though the shape was decidedly inhuman in its very contours.  Also, pain was shooting through out the entire arm of the girl, and not just because of the position it was forced into, not just because of the broken bones in one finger, but because the disconnected muscles in said finger were trying to pull it into the fist all of the other fingers were already in, and such motion was no longer possible.

“JAMIE!” the girl screamed out.  “My name is Jamie!  I told you that already.  My name is Jamie,” the girl sobbed.  “Oh please!  PLEASE!  No, I’ll do anything, just please, please, please, PLEASE!  Don’t hurt me anymore!” the girl begged as she felt Willow touching the joint at the tip of her broken finger.

Willow only smiled, she was enjoying herself immensely.  Gently she rolled the joint between her own forefinger and thumb.  Then she began to hum a familiar tune, though given the situation, as well as the source, it was seriously out of place, and really, really creepy.  “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” was background as Buffy, also naked, crawled underneath the girl to look at her face-to-face.

“Please…no, please…no, stop, please, please, please, please, pleasepleaseplease…” the girl mumbles and begged as Willow continued to roll the joint and hum her wicked little tune.

“You know, I don’t think my girl here thinks that you’re telling her the truth.  And I hate liars, especially when they lie to my girl.  So I’ll tell you what,” Buffy commented casually, as though discussing a shopping trip.  “I’m going to give you a hint about what she wants to hear, and then it will be up to you about how much longer we’ll have to do this, OK?”

The girl, desperate and with tears in her eyes, hastily nodded, which caused Willow to pause in her humming and click her tongue in a teacherly fashion.  She also tightened her grip on the joint she was holding.  The girl froze and stammered out, “W-wha-what d-d-do I-I-I-I have t-to d-d-do?”

Buffy smirked and answered, “Well, if your name isn’t Jamie, then chances are that it’s something else.  But let’s take it from the philosophers side, shall we?”  Buffy paused as she leaned up and licked the tears from the girl’s right cheek all the way up to her eye.  She gave an approving sound and proceeded to lick the other cheek all the way to the eye.  She smiled and continued, “I believe it was Shakespeare who wrote, “What’s in a name?”  Therefore implying that we have no names, just words and symbols that other people call us.  Keeping this in mind, you are not Jamie.  See, to us, you’re just a plaything to tease,” Buffy started circling the girl’s swollen nipples with her fingers, “touch,” and moved on to fully caress her, “ and torture.” and she sharply pinched both nipple causing the girl to wince in pain.

Buffy crawled out from beneath the girl, but before she did whispered in her ear, “Just a hint,” and rolled out onto the opposite side from Willow.  Speaking of whom, was just finishing up the second verse of the hummed “Itsy Bitsy Spider.”

The girl was silent as she contemplated Buffy’s “hint” and Willow seemed content to merely hum and play with the girl’s finger.  Finally, Willow asked again, “What’s your name?”

The girl was quiet for several seconds and answered in a timid broken voice, “I-I don’t have a name…m-Mistress.”

Willow smiled and brightened considerably.  She let go of the finger and leaned in and kissed the girl’s cheek.  “Good girl,” praised the vampire, and then leaned back, took the same joint between her fingers, and crushed it in a soft crunching noise.

She screamed louder than ever.

“Now that we’ve got the introductions out of the way,” Willow said letting the fingertip fall loosely, as though the only thing still holding it on was the very skin around it, “here are the rules.  So listen carefully because I only say them once.  This is a torture session.  I’m supposed to have fun, and you’re supposed to have pain.  So you can accept it and learn your lessons, or you can be afraid and in more pain that you can imagine for longer than you could ever stand.  So you better decide now.  And if you’re real good…” Willow put her mouth to the girl’s ear and whispered (without breath), “…I might fuck you to get you off.  Once.”

The girl could only whimper and accept that she was going to die.

Buffy, having had her fun, and not really the one for a long drawn out torture session, got off the bed and put on her black pants, white tank top, and her ever present leather jacket.

“Will?  You think you’ll be OK till I get back with Faith?  I’ll be back before dawn, but I can’t say when.” Buffy explained as she finished dressing.

“Will” was playing cattails with the girl’s limp broken finger and barely paused to give her sire a glowing smile.  Buffy returned the smile and climber back on the bed to kiss her lover.  “I love you,” she said the ever repeated phrase once again.  Willow stopped long enough to kiss her back and replied, “I know.  Now go get Faith while I play with the doggy here.  I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Buffy stole one more kiss before patting “doggy” on the head and turning towards the stairs.  She barely took three steps before a call from Willow stopped her dead.

“Hey, do you want a snack before you go?” the occupied redhead asked.  Almost casually, she broke the middle joint of the broken finger.  This time the girl, apparently adapting to the pain, only whimpered loudly.

“What do you mean?” Buffy asked, coming back to the bed, opposite Willow.  “I thought you wanted your first torture session to last as long as possible.  That kinda means no feedings Will.  But hey, it’s your night.”

Willow smiled, after frowning at the whimpering girl.  “You’re supposed to scream,” she told the victim.  Turning to Buffy, “Well, I figured a small something wouldn’t be too bad.  You know, like finger sandwich sized.”  Buffy laughed and the girl trembled.

“What did you have in mind?” Buffy asked, her eyes glowing yellow with humor and hunger beneath her furrowed brow.

Willow smiled evilly.  “Bite off her little toe.  Makes a good snack dontchya think?”

Buffy’s smile mirrored Willow’s as she only nodded and leaned into the left foot close to her.  She licked and teased the toe some before finally just biting it off at the joint.

The girl screamed louder than ever.  “Now that’s more like it,” Willow praised.  Enjoying her snack, Buffy crawled up next to the girl, judging the reaction when the human saw Buffy’s vampire face, she screamed with renewed terror and shouted/stumbled out, “Wha-wu-WHAT ARE-rr-ARE-  YOU-U-YOU?!!”

Willow once again clicked her tongue and calmly took the girl’s clenched right pinkie and twisted it 180 degrees around.

Buffy smiled, and soundly swallowing her snack, trampled downstairs as the girl screamed in fresh pain, and fresher terror.  Out of habit, Buffy grabbed several stakes and other various weapons.

She also accidentally grabbed the silver cross that Angel had given her when she first came to Sunnydale.  When she realized what she had grabbed, she hissed and immediately dropped it.  Only when she looked at her hand, there were no burn marks, and there had been no pain either.  Confused, she trepidly touched the cross only for nothing to happen.  Carefully, she picked it up and held it in flat in her hand, against her palm.  Nothing.

It was definitely a cross.  Buffy thought for a moment and raced to a mirror on the wall.  She held the cross up to it, and the cross seemed to float in midair before it.  Buffy had never known of a vampire to be immune to holy relics before.  Maybe it was because she was the Slayer.  Oh well, no time to figure it out now, she thought.

Putting the cross on, she left and quickly made her way to where she lost Faith, (hah, hah, pun intended) and picked up the girl.  As she was leaving the apartment, she heard said girl barking like a chihuahua between sobs and screams.  She laughed despite herself.

Meanwhile, Faith was still unconscious in the alley, completely unaware of the danger that was slowly approaching, following the scent of her fear, her sweat, and even her shampoo that Mayor Wilkins insisted she start using.

When Buffy got to the spot, she immediately picked up Faith’s scent and had little trouble following it; through the two graveyards, through the three dozen bushes, through the seven some odd tossed around back alleys, until she walked through a large alley less than a mile from City Hall.

The scent was the strongest that it had been all… um, search.  She stepped out of the alley…and stopped.  The scent was completely gone.  Confused, she turned back into the alley and caught the scent almost immediately.

‘It’s almost like she never left the alley,’ Buffy mused to herself.  Then she looked down.

And low and behold, there lay Faith.  Out like a light with a bruise the size of Rhode Island forming on her forehead.  She clicked her tongue, similar to the way Willow had just twenty minutes earlier.

Interestingly, Faith still hadn’t managed to get her hands free.  Sighing, Buffy picked up the pale, dirty, and broken Slayer, and slowly made her way to the Bronze.  She wanted to know what was keeping Giles from coming back “home” to his “daughters”.


*                       *                       *                       *


At a walking pace, it took her about an hour from where she had found Faith.  She noticed that while there were paramedics, it was only one ambulance.  Surprisingly, there was only one cop car.  Ah, Buffy teased, Sunnydale’s Finest.  No wonder this bitch got away with murder.

As she slowly made her way through the shadows and around the warehouse style building until she could easily see the back alley, where the coroner’s van was, as well as all the other cop cars.  Oh yeah, Angel and Giles were there talking too.

Smiling, she moved closer, hiding in the shadows of the coroner’s van and another cop car that had its lights turned off.  She heard as Giles shouted several times because Angel was muttering something that even she couldn’t understand.  Finally, Angel explained, loud enough for her to hear, what had him so troubled.

“Giles.  Buffy and Willow are dead.  Willow was the one who did this, but Buffy was there also.  Both of their scents are on that cloth that was over Oz’s face.  It was all Oz’s blood though.” Angel said deadpan.

Buffy was suddenly struck by how stupid they’d been.  It should have been obvious that Angel could smell their scents, and be able tell the difference of what they smell like human, and what a vampire smells like.  Buffy could have slapped herself to death, if not for the facts that it would tell Angel she was there, and that she was already dead.

Silently, she creeped around the vans and sticking to the shadows, se turned to see her ex-Watcher turn a familiar shade of pale and mutter the words, “Oh my God,” before his eyes rolled back and he fainted, he actually fainted!  Buffy thought only Wesley did that, trying hard as she could not to laugh.

Just managing to control herself, she stalked away with absolutely no sound.  Something that she had begged Angel to teach her once.  Now that she was an actual vampire, it was easy.  She wasn’t aware of Angel’s eyes on her, but she was aware of him running towards her as she reached the end of the alley.  She quickly jumped up onto a fire escape with no sound and Faith still over her shoulder.

She watched silently and with a frown on her face as Angel stopped just beneath them and looked in all directions.  Apparently not seeing what he wanted, he subconsciously dropped his shoulders and raced back to help Giles.  But not before glancing at his watch, giving Buffy exactly how much time she had left till sun-up.

As Angel raced off, Buffy dropped back to the ground.  It would have been so easy for her to have landed on top of the souled vampire.  To kill him on the spot.  An unconscious growl began to emerge from Buffy’s throat as she watched Angel.  It was suddenly so clear to her.  She HATED him!

And not because a vampire kills and hates it’s loved ones, when it was human, first, though in this case that was a considerable portion of the reason.  As a human, Buffy had been hurt by Angelus, and Angel had been different ever since he had returned.  But ever since she had realized that she loved, had always loved Willow, Buffy had resented him.

Now, as she even looked at him, she felt a hatred so pure, so great that it boiled the very blood in her body.  She ran as fast as she could back to Giles’ apartment, where her real and true love awaited.



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