Torn Apart


By Phoen Dusk


Disclaimers – Buffy and any other characters from the show belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.


Summary – Death, lots of it. Not for those who weep easily.

Spoilage -  “Primeval”

Warning/Rating - This fic series is rated R for descriptions of extreme violence.


Feedback – is always welcome. You can reach me at



The key turned in the lock, opening the door to our room. Our room. The thought made me kneel down on the floor, crying fresh tears over the death of my roommate. Earlier in the day, we had decided to take out Adam by bringing the fight to him. We had been so wrong. The girl – no, the woman – I had told I loved in the elevator, though not revealing how deeply, was now gone.


“I know I should have told you
I was so afraid you’d leave”


I had been in love with her for years, practically since the day we met. The first time I had seen her beautiful smile had clinched it. After that, all I could think about was how delicious those lips must have tasted. I would chastise myself for thinking that way, especially when I saw her kissing someone else. Jealousy had reared its ugly head in me quite often during her relationships, but I had my own, though they were all poor substitutions for her.


“And now there’s nothing left to say
Well nothing you’d believe”


While in the security room, I had wanted to reach out and hold her hand. I felt the need to comfort and be comforted in return, but I had denied myself. Giles and Xander had been in the room, as well as a small group of Initiative soldiers. Even at a time like that, I was worried about embarrassing her. I could have leaned over and whispered the three small words I meant to say in her ear before we went to the hidden lab, but that would have skewed our focus in the coming battle. In the end, it probably wouldn’t have made a difference… except maybe to me.


“I never meant to hurt you with
The things I couldn’t say”


Starting across the compound, the majority of the demons had turned their attention towards our group. The four of us gave everything we had, covering each other’s backs whenever possible. Giles had given up all semblance of civility, and the behavior that contributed to the nickname ‘Ripper’ came to the forefront. He had carved a rather impressive swath through the horde of monsters, but he had been cut-off from the rest of us, then overwhelmed by three vampires and a Chaos demon. I can still remember his screams as they tore into his flesh, cutting his cry short as one of the vampires ripped out his throat.

Xander had gone utterly commando after that. He began firing the blaster repeatedly, draining the power cell completely, then continued to use it as a makeshift club until he spotted something atop one of the Humvees. Jumping into the vehicle, he climbed into the rollcage, and proceeded to deliver hot, blazing lead from the gattling gun mounted there. He managed to clear a path ahead for us, killing demons and incapacitating vampires as we headed towards the door. I remember looking back as he, too, was overwhelmed, though he pulled the pin on a grenade he had picked up somewhere before he died. The resulting explosion destroyed the Humvee, as well as taking out two dozen of the bastards that had cost us our friends.

We made it inside the room, and had a short cry over our loss. There was no way to perform the spell now, and we debated the virtue of continuing our assault. I should have told her how scared I was of losing her; of never showing her what she meant to my life.


“I promise you tomorrow while
Denying you today.”


We both decided that there was no way we were going to let their deaths be in vain, and started walking towards the entrance to the secret lab. I should have kissed her then, but I was still too afraid of what she might say. I told myself that when this was over, I would sit her down and tell her everything.


“These lies have torn my world apart
These lies have torn my world apart
These lies have torn my world apart.

A darkness grows inside me
In fading shades of grey.”


When we reached the first lab, Riley was already dead. Forrest was removing his skullcap, and the reanimated corpses of the two doctors advanced on us. We quickly beat them back, removing the tube feeds from them and forcing them down Forrest’s throat. Who knew the concoction would be fatal to his demonic grafts? I took pleasure in watching him – no, watching the thing that had replaced Forrest – slowly deteriorate into a puddle of flesh. We said a small prayer for Riley, hoping that his soul had moved beyond the pain and indignities his body was suffering.

Then we went after Adam.


“All the colors of the world
Are slowly sucked away.”


He smiled when he saw us. His right arm changed into a gun similar to the one Xander had used earlier, and I stared in excessive disbelief as he leveled the weapon at us. I felt myself being shoved out of the way as he opened fire, and felt a warm, sticky liquid strike my arms and face in the next moment. Thinking I had been hit, I turned to see what kind of damage had been done. My shirt was covered in blood, and a large puddle was slowly expanding on the floor. I was in no pain, and as my eyes followed the pool, I swallowed hard, trying to deny what I saw.
She was dead. She had pushed me out of the way to save my life. Her chest had… the sight of her defiled body made me want to retch. The woman who meant more to me than my own soul was gone, taken without ever knowing how I felt; taken from a world that never truly understood the nuances of her persona; taken from me by this patchwork monstrosity.


“I’m sinking ever deeper
To a place that’s cold and black.”


Adam still had that fucking smile on his face, only he had it directed solely towards me, now. Then he had the nerve to speak.

“Interesting. She sacrificed herself for you. A shame that neither of you understood that you could not defeat me. Still, your contributions to my project will be greatly appreciated.”

I lost it. I screamed in pure rage and hatred and leapt towards him with a speed I didn’t know was possible. The thought of him turning her into some freak like Forrest and himself was too much. Somehow, I sank both of my hands into his chest, just below where his xyphoid process would have been. He looked down at me, and for the first time, I think he was beginning to experience apprehension. The look of complete shock, when I ripped his chest open like wrapping paper, simply fueled my revenge.

“This is not possible.”

I continued to show him how incorrect he had been, as I dug my hands into the exposed joints of his right shoulder, removing his arm and discarding it on the floor. I repeated the process with the left arm, then proceeded to stick my hand in the knotted ball of intertwined human and demon muscle that comprised his neck.

“Wanna see how possible it is, you sonovabitch? You killed the woman I loved. This is just payback!” I took his head clear off, pulling out yards of electrical wiring from his spinal column, cutting him off from his power supply. Then it was over.


“I can’t believe I’ve lost you
And you’re never coming back.”


That was the first time I fell to my knees, placing myself next to her body. I began to cry, cradling her lifeless body to mine, not even noticing the amount of blood that was running down my shirt, over my lap, down my legs, and onto the floor. She was gone. I screamed in agony, though no one was around to hear me. I stood from the floor, carrying her body in my arms, and made my way towards the door. Adam’s body still contained the nuclear power cell; I could have cared less if it decided to detonate, or fell into some terrorist's hands.

She was dead, and nothing would bring her back. I gently laid her on one of the tables in the lab room, and found a small stash of gasoline back in 314. Returning to the autopsy table, I poured it generously over her body, then trailed it to the room’s concealed entrance. I said my final good-byes as I lit the fuel, then watched as the flames consumed her corpse. I knew she would have wanted it this way, rather than to be left to be further defiled by the demons in the compound.

Somehow, I managed to walk out of the Initiative’s complex without encountering a single being, human or otherwise. More than likely, all the soldiers had been killed, and the beasts were out to wreak some havoc on Sunnydale’s populace. I didn’t care. Eventually, I made it back to our room, not even bothering to close the door behind me as I broke down.


“These lies have torn my world apart
These lies have torn my world apart
These lies have torn my world apart
Torn my world apart

Soon the night will take me
And save me from my pain.”


Rising from my knees, I walked over to the weapons chest and pulled out one of the daggers inside. The blade had been sharpened recently, and I moved to my bed to let it perform one last task. The demons are going to overrun Sunnydale within a matter of days. Nothing I do will be able to prevent that, though I might slow them down a little. Now that they’ve learned to work together, the armies they can raise up will be too powerful to handle by myself.

My friends are gone. My beloved is gone. All that awaits me is a lifetime of bitterness and suffering, trying to replace what I once had. I don’t want that.

I laid down on the bed, holding the knife in both hands above my chest. I whispered a quiet prayer that whomever is up there will forgive me for having failed her, both in life and in love. With that, I plunged the blade into my heart, burying six inches of steel up to the hilt.


“Cloak me in cold darkness
And help me lose your name…”


Strange how things don’t feel like you expect them to. I could hear the blood in my arteries slowing. I could feel the blood seeping from beneath my shirt. I could almost smell her as our blood intermingled, and I wondered, for the last time, why I never told her how I felt.
My sight started to fade, and the room suddenly dropped thirty degrees. In a way, this was fitting. Sunnydale was about to go straight to Hell, or, more precisely, Hell was coming straight out of Sunnydale. Either way, let the next Slayer handle it. Let her find friends, then watch helplessly as they die. I didn’t want to exist in a world without my beloved. I’d join her on the other side, instead.


“These lies have torn my world apart
These lies have torn my world apart
These lies have torn my world apart
Torn my world apart
Torn my world apart
Torn my world apart.”


When Tara spotted the girls’ door wide open, she decided to stop in and see if Willow was around. The sight that greeted her as she peered in the doorway caused her to hyperventilate, as she struggled to find enough breath to scream. Taking a tentative step into the doorway, she finally found her voice, and the banshee wail begins to draw a crowd of students. They stared in utter silence, not knowing what to say to the blonde girl kneeling next to a bed, whispering something no one can hear to the redhead with a knife sticking out of her chest.


The End


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