Der Weidedämon


By Shadow


Disclaimers – This story has violence and scenes of sex between 2 or more women, if that bothers you or is illegal where you live then leave now or move.


Feedback – Is always welcome. You can reach me at




Chapter 3


As most of the Scooby Gang gathered around the makeshift altar to get a look at their friend, Wesley moved over to the sprawled form of Ethan Rayne. Taking a moment to check for a pulse, he noted his

Slayer’s work with a touch of pride. Only Faith would hit someone below the belt then kick them in the head, recalling the last time she had done such a maneuver during the graduation ceremony. Although why she had decked the principal was still a bit of a puzzle to him. Granted while Snyder could have been classified as a demon, if you used the Xander Harris Demon Classification system, he still didn’t see the need to attack the annoying little trollkin. Of course Wesley had decided years ago not to ask too many questions about his Slayer, some things he was just happier not knowing. Like how Faith’s bank account suddenly gained several thousands dollars right after the mayor-snake got blown into little pieces.


Once satisfied that Rayne would indeed live, even though he would regain consciousness with the world’s worst headache, Wesley turned his attention to an old book laying not far from the altar. “Giles,” He said raising to his feet and turning toward the other former Watcher. “Does this look familiar?” He questioned, flipping through the ancient text with a frown. Something was tugging at the back of his mind, telling him that the book was important, in fact quite dangerous in the wrong hands.


Stepping over to the younger man, Giles accepted the book with a frown of his own. After a few moments, “Dear god, man. What where you doing?” He says himself, wondering if his old friend had taken leave of all of his senses after all, and not just the hundred or so brain cells he had originally thought Ethan had lost in their misspent youth. Closing the book, Giles makes a quick decision. They needed to research the book, there was no telling what spell Ethan had been attempting. Even if they did there may not even be a way to reverse it. “We need to get out of here.” He said getting everyone’s attention. “Angel, if you don’t mind taking charge of Ethan,” he continued his mind all ready going into research mode.


“Hey why is deadboy bringing him along?” Xander demanded after a moment finally tearing his eyes away from the sight of his best friend lying on the altar. He had been silently entertaining thoughts of feeding Ethan to that bog-beast that was passing through town – the one that had slimmed Agent Finn and all his little commando buddies last week in front of most of the Scooby Gang. Xander just wished he’d had a camcorder at the time, the look on the commandos faces when their little ray guns only seemed to annoy the bog-beast as it slimmed the lot of them, was classic. He had never laughed so hard in his life, especially after Clarence the bog-beast just turned on his heel and departed into the night whistling a happy little tune.


Hoisting Ethan over his shoulder, “He’s going to tell us exactly what he did to Willow.”  Angel vowed, nodding briefly to Wesley and Giles, before heading for the surface. “Even if I have to beat it out of him.” He added lowly, feeling his demon moving toward the surface, eager for the fun to begin. A part of him, the part that felt remorse and had a conscience, was strangely not voicing any objections to the acts of torture his demon half was all ready envisioning.  Then it occurred to him that for the first time in countless decades, his soul and demon were actually in agreement. Angel wasn’t sure if he should be glad that his two halves had finally found some kind of common ground, or terrified that such an event had actually occurred. Granted his demon and soul had radically different reasons for wanting to inflict massive amounts of pain on the person of Ethan Rayne over a long period of time. The demon annoyed that Rayne had touched someone that ‘he’ had made long term plans for. Plans that included turning and molding Willow into a vicious vampire to help run his little empire he was planning to build over the hellmouth. While his soul was enraged that Rayne had kidnapped and beaten someone ‘he’ thought of as a younger sibling. Either way, both halves were screaming for Ethan’s blood.


Shrugging off his trademark duster, Spike carefully wrapped Willow in it, before picking her up and wordlessly following his sire out of the old lair. He could feel his own demon thrashing about inside of him, demanding the head of the worthless mortal that dared to touch ‘his’ Red. ‘She’s mine!’ the demon fumed. ‘Mine to punish and bruise, as I see fit…not some lowly human.’ Pushing down his rage as the pounding in his head increased, Spike shifted his dark musings to other things. Like finally being able to get Red into his bed, where she belonged. Because there was no way in Sunnyhell he was going to allow her out of his sight anytime soon, not until he was sure she was under his full protection and that wouldn’t happen until the chip was removed. Red would be moving into the Kelly Street mansion with him, he decided firmly. Granted a bit sooner then he had originally planned and under different circumstances, but she would be where he could properly look after her.


“He’s up to something.” Faith dryly noted before following the retreating vampires. She didn’t like the look of possession Spike had been giving Willow, not one little bit. ‘May have to do something about that,’ she said to herself.


“You THINK!” Cordelia commented, putting her prized water gun back in her purse, and joining the rest of the little group heading for the surface.


Taking one last look around the old lair, a place she had hoped to never see again, Buffy Summers let out a tired sigh and joined the others. The events of the last few hours weighing heavily on her mind, even before Giles rang to meet him back at his flat, she had been out looking for Willow. It wasn’t like her roommate to miss class, hell as long as she has known Willow, she had never once missed or cut class. It was one of those annoying little quarks in Willow’s personality that really got on her nerves.  Well that and the redhead’s ability to understand Wesley and Giles when they go into their “Watcher

Speak”.  Which tended to totally confuse the hell out of all those who had not had an incredibly boring childhood, or where the offspring of Watchers to begin with. In Buffy’s opinion, there was just something totally wrong with Watchers being allowed to reproduce…it just seemed unnatural somehow.


Later – Kelly Street Mansion


Willow drifted toward consciousness as Spike carefully placed her on the couch in the main room, he had refused to allow anyone else to hold or carry her from the moment he first picked her up back in the lair. Not wanting the Watcher or the Slayer to get any ideas about taking Red away from him. With a low, animal-like groan she opens her eyes only to find herself staring into a strange face.


Xander was leaning over the back of the couch; reluctant to let Willow out of his sight while Spike was so close to her, when she opened her eyes. His moment of joy was cut short however, as Willow jerked away from his smiling face and scrambled off the couch as fast as she could toward Cordelia’s waiting arms.


Cordelia held the trembling form in her arms, trying to calm the redhead down. As long as she had known Willow Rosenberg, never once had she seen that type of reaction out of her toward Xander.

“Shhh, its all right,” she cooed gently rocking the figure that seemed like it was trying to curl itself into her body.


Exchanging confused looks with one another, each trying to figure out just what the hell was going on with their friend. They could only stand there in stunned silence as the little drama plays out in front of them. Sharing a look with her fellow Slayer, Faith made the first move, determined to get to the bottom of this whole weird little mess that surrounds the shy hacker. Crouching down in front of

Cordelia and tentatively reaching out, she pushed down the jealousy threatening to overwhelm her at seeing Willow in Cordelia’s arms. That annoying little voice in the back of her head, the one that shares a room with her “inner Slayer voice” – which was just as annoying – growling that Cordelia had no right to be comforting Red like that.


“Hey Red, it’s all right, you’re safe now.” Faith said putting a comforting hand on Willow’s shoulder. Giving a reassuring smile, which on the dark Slayer doesn’t always have the intended effect, as the redhead turned to regard her with eyes that seemed to glow from within as they bore into Faith’s own dark ones. For one fleeting moment she could have sworn that she saw Willow’s normally green eyes flash red before returning to their rightful colour. Little knowing that at the exact same moment her own eyes flashed the same colour. However, she did notice something else, almost equaling important

about the redhead. "What the…" she said in a near whisper, watching in disbelief as the cuts and bruises begin to close and fade before her eyes.


Faith had little time to dwell on this new development as Willow climbed out of Cordelia’s arms into her own. ‘Did she just purr?’ the dark-haired Slayer asked herself, once Willow had settled herself into a

comfortable position.


Chapter 4


“We need to get her cleaned up,” Faith said after a moment, shifting the redhead in her arms as she stood. “Blondie where’s the bathroom?” She questioned a scowling Spike, a look of eternal disgust firm on the vampire’s face.


“Upstairs fourth door on the left,” Spike grunted, trying to appear unconcerned about the recent turn of events. All the while, his demon screaming to kill the lot of them, mind-shattering headache be damned. This was his home, damn it, the one place in Sunnyhell he wasn’t reminded of the demon he once was, thanks to that bloody chip in his head, or have to put up with the slayer twit and the moron. Now Watchers, Slayers and his blasted sire had overrun his safe haven, there was truly no justice in the universe, he decided with a scowl. “Here, let me help you get her cleaned up,” he said, an evil little grin forming on his face. ‘This is the perfect time to see what my little Red is going to look like once she’s mine,’ he said to himself, as he started to follow Faith up the stairs Cordelia not far behind her.  Visions of a naked Willow at his feet for all eternity already dancing in his head.


A firm hand grabbing a hold of the back of his shirt halted his progression, as he was not so subtly reminded that he wasn’t alone. “Don’t even think about it,” Buffy growled in his ear before giving him a quick jerk that sent him sprawling against the sofa.


“What?” Spike demanded trying to look innocent momentarily forgetting just who was in the room with him.


“Spike…Faith will castrate you if she even thought you were planning to ‘help’.” Buffy said in a voice usually reserved for mothers reprimanding small children. “And that’s only if Cordelia doesn’t get to you first.” She added with a smug little smile, secretly hoping that the vampire would try something underhanded. Anything, just as long as it gave her a good enough excuse to smack him around a bit. However, she felt she owed it to Willow to at least warn him about Faith’s little knife fetish, for some really bizarre reason the hacker seemed to like the vampire. Just why she did was way beyond her understanding and would probably never be known, but Buffy wanted to be able to tell Wills later that she did try to protect Spike from a very overprotective Faith.




Meanwhile upstairs –


Faith and Cordelia found the bathroom relatively easy, the ex-cheerleader leading the way to get the door for the Slayer and her precious cargo. “Where the hell did Blondie find this place?” Faith asked no one in particular, giving a low whistle as she took in the room before her. It had to be the biggest bathroom she had ever seen outside of the shower room at the ‘Y’.


“Who knows,” Cordelia replied absently, opening the large walk-in shower door to turn on the water. 


“Oh yeah, he’s up to something alright.” She noted with a smirk at the site that greeted her. The shower stall could not only easily hold four people without crowding but also had three showerheads. One on either end of the stall and one suspended from the ceiling. “This place used to be a high priced brothel back in the eighties early nineties I think.” She added with a shake of her head.


“Leave it to the bleached wonder to own a former whore house,” Faith commented, carefully maneuvering Willow into a standing position facing her so she could get the redhead’s clothes off.


“Makes you wonder if he’s mad that it had been closed down years ago,” Cordelia couldn’t help but add, once satisfied with the water temperature. “Here let me help…I think it would be easier if we both got into the shower with her.” She said suddenly serious, a look of concentration on her face as she helped the Slayer remove Willow’s bloody torn shirt.


“Makes me wonder how you know what it used to be.” Faith said with an evil little grin.


“Oh please! My father was a regular.” The cheerleader snorted as the last of Willow’s ruined clothing was removed. Her attention was drawn away from the highly amused Slayer and back to Willow, who had turned around with a look of confusion in her green eyes.  The redhead seemed to be studying her and it was really beginning to freak her out. The last time she had seen a look remotely similar in Willow’s eyes was that one time in the Library when they had been searching for a way to kill that locust-demon that had taken a rather unhealthy liking to Giles. The hacker had come across a part of the Watcher diaries concerning witchcraft, and had been almost non-responsive to any outside stimulus for nearly two hours before Giles caught her and confiscated it before she could memorize too many of the spells.


She was brought out of her silent musings by an annoyed little growl that seemed to come from the redhead and a tugging at her gym shirt. It seemed that Willow had discovered what was bothering her about the cheerleader and was taking steps to remedy the situation. Apparently Cordelia was wearing way too much and Willow didn’t like it one bit.


“Come on, let’s get Red cleaned up and settled in.” Faith said after a moment, stepping out of her pants and underwear in one motion. “Hey, Red lets get wet.” She offered placing her hands on Willow’s shoulders to get her attention, a naughty little grin forming on her face. All the while, that annoying little voice, that shares a room with her inner slayer voice, is jumping up and down crowing with joy. ‘Yes, yes! We’re going to be naked together in a shower, just the two of us…and well Cordy.’ It kept saying as all sorts of possibilities started to run through her mind in vivid detail.


Willow looked over her shoulder at the woman standing behind her, a frown in her eyes as she tried to place a name with the face. Something about her seemed very familiar, as did the other dark-haired one. They bother were familiar to her, but she couldn’t remember who either of them were. ‘Pack-mates perhaps?’ she questioned herself cocking her head slightly. ‘Family? Mates? My mates? Why can’t I remember?’ The questioned continued to run through her mind as strange and bizarre images begin to bombard her, confusing her even more. None of it made sense to her, not even the language her possible pack-mates spoke to her or the “others” that had followed them to this odd place. But the two women were here, as were the two males, and they seemed to like it here. So she would stay too, at least until things cleared up a bit more for her.


Chapter 5


Getting Willow into the shower proved a bit harder then the two had planned, the redhead seemed to be fascinated by the three showerheads and the jet sprays of water.  After a few false starts, Faith finally coaxed her into the shower stall as Cordelia reached for the bottle of shampoo.  ‘Apple Cinnamon?’ she questioned herself reading the label, a small part of her never wanting to know why Spike owned a bottle of scented shampoo, she was sure the knowledge would scar her for life.

Shaking her head to clear it of the unwanted images, the former-cheerleader squirted some of the scented gel into her hand and turned her attention to the redhead, who seemed quite fascinated by the dark Slayer.


Willow allowed the water to run over her body for a moment enjoying the pulsing spray, before turning her attention to the dark-haired woman across from her.  Stepping closer, she tentatively reached out to touch the Slayer.  Faith nearly jumped out of her skin when Willow tentatively put a hand on her naked breast.  Visibly gulping when the redhead’s eyes seemed to light up and she was certain she really did hear another purr out of her friend. “Ah, Red... that may not be such a good idea,” Faith said a bit hesitantly shooting Cordelia an annoyed look over Willow’s head at the ex-cheerleader’s amused chuckle.  Although that didn’t stop the little redhead from stepping closer, her hand fondling the Slayer’s breast with interest, all of her attention focused on the Slayer’s body and getting to know it a lot better.


Taking a shaky breathe to steady herself, Faith gently but firmly removed the hand from her breast, even as that annoying voice in the back of her mind was eager to start doing a little exploration to her own. ‘No, Red is not thinking clearly’, she chastised herself, trying to keep control of her hormones.  It would not help Willow to back the shorter woman against the wall and have her way with her, no matter how much her inner Slayer voice was in total agreement with that other annoying voice in her head.  Both of those voices where really beginning to get on her nerves... always thinking of sex or food... stupid inner kids.


Deciding to distract Willow, Cordelia started to wash the redhead’s hair, cringing in sympathy as her hands caressed her hair and skull. One particular spot causing her a bit of concern, “I think she may have a concussion,” she said trying to focus on getting her friend clean and tucked into the nearest bed without doing something she may regret later... like joining the redhead in bed.  Only to stop in her administrations as Willow turned to face her, pinning the seer in place with a lustful stare.  Now it was time for Cordelia to gulp as her friend stepped closer to her. ‘Did she just purr?’


Stopping well within Cordelia’s personal space, Willow raised one hand and ran it down the seer’s neck and shoulder, trying to commit the form to memory.  Or at least, that is what is felt like to Cordelia who suddenly felt like a high-priced computer system the young hacker once drooled over in LA.  That was the only way she could explain the focused, direct, almost predatory look she was getting for her.  “Ah... Wills...” she began but couldn’t finish as Willow leaned closer taking one of her breasts into her mouth, effectively sending all rational thought out the window.


Behind the two, Faith fought with the wave of jealousy that hit her at seeing the ex-cheerleader being pinned to a shower wall by ‘her’ Red. ‘Damn it that should be me’, that annoying little voice fumed, while her inner Slayer voice was practically humming with all sorts of possibilities the three of them could do together. ‘The may queen isn’t a bad looker and Red certainly looks like she is getting her ready for a good fucking, why not join them’, her inner Slayer voice reasoned, ‘I bet the two of them would look fan-fucking-tastic as I screwed them’.


Willow nestled closer to the brunette, enjoying the feel of hands running through her hair, although the strange scent that seemed to fill the air was a bit distracting to her and yet familiar at the same time. Sensing the other woman behind her, she gave the breast one last lick before turning to its twin, playfully blowing on it before taking it between her teeth. ‘Mine... they both are mine’, she reasoned, as age old instincts began to take over, the urge to mate and claim what was hers becoming stronger with each beat of her heart.  That only things that were missing were the two males, her other mates... or did she belong to them... it was all too confusing, best to finish with this mating when go onto the males.




Down the hall... Spike's master bedroom -


Spike stood before the television broadcasting the three women in the shower, stroking his hard cock as he watched his little witch slowly lower herself to her knees before the May Queen.  His demon pleased that he never bothered to disconnect the video equipment hidden in most of the rooms in the mansion.  He couldn't believe he almost forgot about the cameras, wasting a good fifteen minutes downstairs, with his sire and the rest of the morons, when he could have been up here watching his witch getting it on with the two in the shower.


While his demon did fume a bit over the fact that one of the other women was a Slayer, he did have to admit that Red and the cheerleader did look good together. ‘May have to take her in too’, he thought, his mind already envisioning the things he would teach both girls once they were his, ‘after all she is going to be all alone when I stake that poof of a sire of mine and kill the rest of the Sunnyhell twits’.


Only to be brought out of his silent musings by another hand wrapping itself around his cock, as Angel finally made his presence known in the room. “Little boy likes to watch my mate... doesn’t he?” he purred into Spike’s ear, pressing his own erection against the blonde vampire’s ass. “If you’re a good boy... I'll let you play”.


“Let go... bloody wanker”, Spike growled, trying not to respond to the hand on his cock slowly stroke and squeezing him.


“They look good together, don’t they?” Angel continued, his lips barely caressing the other vampire’s ear in a husky whisper. “What would you do to be allowed to play with them all?”


“What are you talking about, Poofelus.  You got a soul no happies for you”, Spike taunted, his demon pushing forward eager to play, just as long as his sire played too.  And strangely enough the demon wanted to play with the Slayer too, something about her called to him, almost daring him to try and shag her.


“I got news for you Spikey, the soul... its permanent, a gift from Willow”, the dark vampire purred before licking his childe's neck.




Back in the bathroom -


Faith gently pulled the redhead into her arms one hand eagerly running down Willow’s flat stomach disappearing between the girl's legs. “That’s it Red... let me take care of you”, she whispered into her ear, as the hacker arched into her touch.  Only to be interrupted by a pounding on the door.


"Hey, you guys okay in there?" Buffy yelled from the other side of the door, having grown concerned over what was taking so long.


“She couldn’t wait another twenty minutes.  No she has to be pounding on the door now,” Faith growled lowly, sharing a frustrated look with Cordelia.  As the pounding continued, “Yeah we’re fine.  We’ll be out in a minute!”  She called out in a louder voice, ‘so’ not wanting B to break down the door and catch them.




Spike's room -


Angel finished jerking his childe off, the two continuing to watch the television screen. “Clean yourself up boy... we’ll talk about this later.  You are to mention nothing about my soul to Buffy or that Delia is my mate”, he growled before stepping back, bringing his cum covered hand to his lips.


Hastily fastening his pants and turning to glare at his sire, Spike felt himself begin to harden again as he watched his sire lick his hand clean.  It was at that moment he realized that he would do anything to get his sire back in his bed again even if he did still have a soul. “Right... sure no problem mate, not like Slutty would believe me anyway”, he tried to sound unaffected over this new development. ‘Great

just great, like my unlife wasn't complicated enough’.




Downstairs -


Giles was looking through the spell book found in the old master's lair, something tugging at the back of his mind. “I’m going to start researching this... Wesley, please keep me apprised of Willow’s condition”, he said already heading for the door, his mind clearly on the book in his hand.


Watching the other man leave, Wesley turned his attention to the unconscious Ethan Rayne who had been rather unceremoniously dropped in a corner of the room by the souled vampire when they had first arrived. “What shall we do with him?”


“We could call Dru in Rio and ask her if she wants a new toy”, Xander suggested helpfully.  Remembering how possessive the insane vampire had gotten toward Willow before Buffy made a deal with Spike to stop Angelus from opening the hellmouth.  Part of the deal was to take Dru with him and to keep her out of Sunnydale.


“No, no I think that would be quite unnecessary Mister Harris,” Wesley replied, recalling his one and only encounter with Angel’s insane childe, never wanting to experience that again.  That female vampire seemed determined to castrate him for having the misfortune of being just a bit too friendly with the redhead for Dru’s liking.  As it was the only reason he was spared that particular fate was by the timely arrival of his own Slayer.  Although that didn’t spare him the nightmares he had for a week afterward of Dru carrying through with her threat.


“Oh yeah that’s right... she doesn't like you,” Xander commented with an evil grin.


“She doesn’t like you either chubs,” Spike said entering the main room once more, his own eyes shining with images of his dark princess torturing all of the human twits.  Drusilla would go on and on about killing the moron and the watcher for looking at her Little Tree, at the time Spike didn’t know exactly whom she was talking about, until he followed her one night and saw the girl for himself. That was when she had became his obsession, he knew that she would be his one way or another... it was all a matter of time.




Upstairs -


Cordelia pulled the black t-shirt, recently confiscated from Spike’s dresser drew, over Willow's head, although the redhead was making it a bit hard to do so since she kept trying to kiss the former may queen. Not that Faith was any help, the dark Slayer having gotten a little hand slipped between her legs when she tried to dry off the redhead.  On the other side of the door Buffy and Angel stood talking lowly after running Spike back downstairs once getting the t-shirt from him.


“What took the blonde wonder so long?”  Buffy asked, absently her mind on her best friend who was clearly not acting herself, if that whole cringing from Xander thing was any indication.


“Oh he got distracted by something... nothing major,” Angel replied, his mind on his mate and Willow making love in the shower.  Seeing Cordelia getting eaten by the redhead, stirred something in the vampire, his demon half moving forward demanding to claim her... that his mate would enjoy having another lover.  Pushing aside the images of his Delia and Willow in bed together, while he and Spike watched, Angel forcibly reminded himself that now was not the time for such thoughts.  They did have other matters to attend to first, like finding out what Ethan did to Willow and then killing the bastard.


The two were brought out of their silent musings by the bathroom door opening and Faith stepped into the hall, a sleepy Willow cradled in her arms. “Where are we going to put her?”


“This way...” Angel directed to the room that Spike had picked out for the redhead, the others having decided that it would be for the best to keep Willow here at the mansion for the time being, since she seemed to be the most comfortable with Spike, Faith and Cordelia.  Besides it wasn’t like they were going to leave her here unsupervised... Angel had already told his childe that he would be staying at the mansion too, rather he liked it or not.  And after what had happened in the bedroom he doubted that Spike would complain too much about the arrangement now outside of a few complaints for Buffy’s sake.


Once settling the hacker on the queen-size bed, Faith moved to stand only to be stopped by a hand on her arm pulling her back down.  Looking into scared green eyes, she finally relented and crawled into bed with the redhead, curling around the smaller woman somewhat protectively. Almost at once Willow settled down and closed her eyes drifting off to sleep.


“Maybe we should...”


“Yeah good idea,” Angel said ushering the other two out of the room.


“You think Faith is going to finally admit she loves Willow and not leave when all of this is over with?” Buffy asked looking at the closed bedroom door.




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