Tiger by the Tail


By Shadow


Disclaimers – go see Part 1


Feedback – Yes, please. Shadowlander1@coastalnet.com




Chapter 4


“You must be Buffy,” the young man said with a smile, pleased beyond words to finally be meeting the noble Chosen One.  Although after listening to Willow’s description to the Slayer, he sort of expected her to be taller.


Finally tearing her eyes away from the sleeping form of her best friend, a part of her was convinced she might disappear at any moment. “Yes, and you are?”  She questioned cautiously wondering where Giles was. ‘He’s not a vamp,’ she noted, her inner Slayer sense not giving off any of the usual signals for a vamp, although she was picking up a faint blue aura around him. 


“I am Yoshiro, I believe you know my." he was cut off by a low moan from the sofa. “She does this often,” Yoshiro added with a tired sigh, reaching down to Willow’s shoulder.  “Willow, wake up, we got company.” He said in a soft voice give her shoulder a gentle shake, silently hoping that this wasn't going to be the day she accidentally unleashed a fire ball when startled out of a sound sleep.  He was pretty sure that that would not endear them very well to Mister Giles. 


“Go way, don’t want to talk.” came the muffled reply as Willow pulled the blanket over her head and snuggled deeper into the couch.  This had been the first time in months she had been able to fall asleep on something other then a hard floor and she meant to enjoy it as long as she could. 


Exchanging an amused look with Buffy and Amy, he leaned over the back of the sofa and in a loud voice ribbeted right where Willow's head was.  The response was immediate as the blanket was thrown back and a small compact figure rolled off the sofa and into the floor. “You bastard,” Willow growled ready to pounce on him. 


“Ah, Willow.” Yoshiro said with a laugh pointing to her left.


Turning in the indicated direction, Willow immediately froze before she turned her face to the side and lowered it a bit. ‘This was a bad idea, I shouldn’t be here.’ She said to herself closing her eyes briefly, adding a few curses toward Yoshiro and his somewhat warped sense of humour. 


Buffy forced herself to remain calm as she slowly reached out to gently raise and turn Willow’s face back toward her.  "Ah, Wills?"  She breathed, a tightness forming in her chest at what greeted her.  Instead of seeing the familiar green eyes she had been so desperate to see moments ago, she found herself staring into a pair of missed matched eyes.  One its rightful colour, clear and focused, the other a sickly milky white.  Firmly pushing down her outrage at whomever, whatever did this to her best friend she focused herself solely on Willow. ‘Make sure Wills is fine then go and track down whatever is responsible for this and kill it slow and painfully.’ She decided her own eyes hardening with resolve. 


‘Great, just great. Now Buffy is going to go off on a killing spree.’ Willow said to herself knowing the look in the Slayer's eyes well. ‘Four years and she still hasn't learned to control her temper.’  “I’m fine Buffy.”  Willow said with a gentle smile, trying to reassure the other woman. 


“Fine?  Fine!” Buffy repeated in disbelief. “You are as far from fine as you can get and not be dead.” The Slayer replied, trying to regain her composer giving the other two an imploring look that said ‘help me out here.’


“Don’t look at me, she never listens to anything I say.” Yoshiro said holding his hands up in surrender. 


“You hush, I’m mad at you.” Willow ordered with a growl only to have him stick his tongue out in reply not at all bothered by the threat clear in her voice. “I’d say ‘bite me’, but you’d do it just to see what Buffy would do.” She noted dryly with a smug look forming on her face. ‘This should be interesting; Yoshiro and Xander in the same town.’


“What exactly is it about you and biting?” Yoshiro asked arching an eyebrow in question. “And don’t think you're getting out of having to calm down your friend."  He added with a smug grin of his own.  “She’s about to spit nails.” He noted dryly, successfully returning Willow’s attention to the blonde Slayer who had a growing look of irritation on her face.  


Buffy didn’t know who this Yoshiro guy was and why he seemed so friendly with ‘her’ best friend, but she was going to find out.  Telling herself the entire time that she was not jealous, she just wanted answers nothing more. 


Chapter 5


Giles, who had chosen that moment to come downstairs, broke the somewhat awkward silence that had settled itself over the living room. “Oh B-buffy you’re here”, the former Watcher stammered.  Pushing aside the somewhat irrational urge he had, to run back upstairs and hide under his bed at the look the young blonde was giving him, he calmly walked into the room.


“Yeah, I’m here”, Buffy replied after a moment her eyes narrowing as she stared accusingly at her Watcher. “Imagine my surprise, when I walk in and find my best friend...WHO HAS BEEN MISSING FOR FOUR YEARS... asleep on the couch.” She all but growled at him.


“Buffy quit growling at Giles,” Willow said placing a restraining hand on the blonde to keep her from doing something she would only regret later, “we got here pretty late last night.”


“Late? He could have called me, told me you were back,” she stressed, giving him a dirty look before turning her attention back to the redhead standing beside her. “I wouldn’t have been mad.  Far from it, in fact,” she finished in a small voice as she found herself in the receiving end of Willow’s resolve face.  Even after four years, the infamous resolve face had not lost its effect, even if one eye no longer focused properly.


With a tired sigh, “Buffy I knocked on his door a little after four this morning.  It took me nearly forty minutes to convince him that I was not a demon, a vengeful spirit or a vampire, before he would let me through the front door,” Willow explained with a lopsided grin, “and another fifteen before he let Yoshiro in,” she added smugly.


“How was I supposed to know the porch light was going to make my eyes do that?” Yoshiro questioned in mock offense. “Like I go around scaring people on purpose,” he grumbled.


“Well he could have still called,” Buffy replied, knowing that she was whining and not really caring. ‘Is it such a bad thing that I wanted to know the exact moment my best friend had gotten back into town?’


“When you and Amy had left here just about an hour before?” Willow questioned, giving the stubborn Slayer a poke in the shoulder, silently daring her to continue being difficult.


“We wouldn’t have minded being called,” Buffy insisted, a light entering her eyes for the first time in four years, “would we Amers? We would have gotten back here in record time.  And just how do you know what time Amy and I got back to the dorm anyway?” the Slayer questioned smugly, thoroughly enjoying herself now. ‘God I missed this’, she thought fondly, knowing that she was being silly, if not down right goofy, and couldn’t care less. ‘Willow’s home! Willow’s home!’ her inner Slayer voice was crowing in theback of her mind, even as she firmly pushed down the urge to take the redhead into a bear hug and not let go for the next month or so, just long enough to assure herself that Willow wasn't going to disappear on her, then she would see about having homing devices sewn into all of her clothes so she could easily keep track of the small hacker no matter where she went. ‘Wonder if Angel can get

me a good deal on them?’


“So...how do you like university?” Yoshiro asked Amy after a moment turning his attention to the young witch and away from the Slayer, who was still trying to convince the redhead that she would have preferred being pulled out of an exhausted sleep to trudge back to Giles’ flat, all because Willow had come home.


“Oh it’s coming along nicely”, Amy replied with a small smile, finding herself liking the young man standing beside Giles.  Although she too wanted some answers to a lot of questions surrounding Willow's sudden return, she was willing to wait a bit before she tied the redhead to a chair and drug out the interrogation equipment.


Any further conversation was interrupted by Giles’ front door flying open, two figures nearly falling over one another, just to be the first inside each searching for someone in particular.


Xander scrambled to his feet first, giving the figure that had become tangled up with him at the door a slight push to steady himself.  Looking around the room rapidly he settled his gaze on Willow standing on the other side of the couch. “Wills!” he cried a wide grin plastered across his face as he jumps over the couch and swept his childhood friend in a bone-crushing hug, unmindful of the dumbfounded stares being directed at him.


“Does he realize that he’s not dressed?”  Yoshiro asked, unsure if he should remove the dark-haired man, clad only in a pair of beige Snoopy boxer shorts and socks, from the room or not.


“That is dressed for him”, a new voice said from behind him as Cordelia Chase leisurely entered the flat, closing the door behind her, a smug little smirk planted firmly on her face.


“Xander!  Xander...oxygen becoming REALLY an issue here”, Willow growled as Xander continued to merrily swing her around.


“He’s on medication, right?”




“All right hang on”, Yoshiro replied with a laugh, raising a hand and pointing toward the embracing couple...with rather interesting results.  One moment Xander was doing a very bad rendition of a waltz, the next he found himself floating above the floor, a grinning Willow staring up at him.


“Hey!  What the..?” Xander cried out, trying to shake off the force that was holding him.


“Interesting friend you have there, Wills” Buffy commented dryly.


“Ain’t he though?” Willow replied with a big grin, “you can put him down now Yoshiro.” Glancing behind Giles and Yoshiro, Willow’s smile got even wider as she spotted Angel and Cordelia lurking in the background. ‘How did Angel get here?’ she wondered, before seeing the little puffs of smoke rising from the vampire, even as he patted himself down with mild annoyance. “Hi Angel.”


“Hi Willow,” the vampire said, a rare smile on his face, “if I give you a hug will your friend take offense?”


“He shouldn’t, but if he does you can always bite him.”


“And she mentions biting again?  Exactly what is it with her and biting?” Yoshiro asked.


Chapter 6


Angel gave himself one last pat, careful made his way over to Willow, and Buffy, only mildly startled when a sudden flash signaled that Cordelia had indeed retrieved her little pocket-camera from its latest hiding place. ‘I knew she was much to pleased with herself after we got back to the office’, he said to himself, wondering just when the office was going to be plastered with Cordelia’s latest round of candid images.


‘I am going to kill that little fashion demon for getting her interested in taking pictures.’ Okay so Carlo wasn’t technically a demon, but still that was just plain mean of him to get her hooked on photography, although Cordelia did have a natural flare for it.  And her photos did help in identifying the more “photogenic” members of the demon world, not that Angel was ever going to admit that to her, or she would have video equipment next making tapes of him and Wesley in the office.  He just knew she would do it too, especially after he heard her on the phone with Amy discussing a spell that would make vampires show up on film - well transparently but they would still be there.  He had nightmares for a week of Cordelia sneaking up on him while he was sleeping, in the shower, or eating and taking a picture.


Pushing aside thoughts of his secretary and the mischief, he just knew, she was going to get into with her little camera; Angel turned his attention to Willow.  And suddenly found himself having to consciously keep his game face from slipping on at the site that greeted him. Tentatively brushing the side of her face, trying to make some sense of the face before him, his rational side was calling for calm and clear thinking.  While his demon half was yelling for blood and dismembered body parts - this was his childe.... well she would have been if he hadn’t of gotten re-cursed with a permanent soul.  But he had already made a claim on her, she was going to be his one way or another, and after getting re-cursed it had to be the other way.  Which really didn’t matter all that much to Angelus, even he had to admit he had been one screwy bastard on his last rampage without his soul, and the soul wasn’t so gung-ho to keep him locked up all the time now so that was a good thing too.  Although the demon wasn’t ever going to admit that he felt anything but contempt for his “soul” he would never live it down.  Spike and Cordelia would both make sure of that.


With a defeated sigh Willow gave the vampire a small little grim recognizing the look of murderous rage that was lurking in the dark vampire’s eyes.  It wasn’t all that hard to miss; she had seen the same look in Buffy’s eyes when she had seen the damage to her left eye moments ago. “Its okay”, Willow said, getting the same look of disbelief from Angel she had received from the Slayer. ‘What have they been doing?  Practicing synchronized facial expressions?’ she questioned herself.  With another sigh “Really, its not as bad as it looks.”


“She’s right, it isn’t as bad as it looks.  She’s just blind in that eye and the nerves are pretty much shot so she’s not feeling any pain aside from the phantom ones every now and then.” Yoshiro cut in dryly, knowing that his traveling companion wouldn’t tell her friends and family everything she had gone through to get home, wanting to spare them the agony of knowing the whole story and the guilt - no matter how misplaced - over not being able to save her.


“You are not helping!” Willow growled at him, wondering if in fact Yoshiro and Cordelia had not been separated at birth after all. Sometimes his honesty drove her crazy especially when she was trying to keep her insanely overprotective friends from doing really evil things they may not ever regret.


“Who?” Angel growled his demon surging forward at Yoshiro’s words. He just wanted a name that is all he needed - just a name to put to the being he was going to merrily torture, kill, and even let Cordelia videotape so he could always relive the moment.


“It doesn't matter”, Willow replied closing her eyes momentarily to collect herself. ‘This was a really bad idea.’ At another growl from Angel followed closely by one from Buffy and possibly Xander, “It doesn’t matter,” she stressed again, “Yoshi ate him.”


“Hey! I did not eat him.... I merely swallowed,” Yoshiro defended with a look of outrage. “I did not chew.”  Noting the somewhat puzzled look he was getting from Amy and Cordelia, "I was a lot bigger at the time, in my true form.”


“True form?  Are you a demon?” Amy asked recalling Willow’s earlier comment about it taking several minutes to get Giles to let him in too.


“Me?  A demon? Oh no, I’m a dragon,” he replied. “But a good dragon, I don’t go around kidnapping princesses or trying to burn down kingdoms. I’m a luck dragon; I help people,” he assured them, hating the fear and loathing that always came into a human’s eyes once they found out what he was.  Only to be amazed by the acceptance in their eyes, apparently in Sunnydale a luck dragon in the shape of a human was no big deal. ‘This place may not be so bad after all.’


“You didn’t chew?  Well couldn’t you make an exception and chewed just a little bit?” Xander questioned once again opening his mouth before his brain had time to properly register what had been said.


“Chew?  On a fungus demon?” Yoshiro replied a look of disgust on his face. “It was bad enough I swallowed him, but to chew on him too...that is just ewwww!” he finished with a shudder; sometimes humans could really be gross when they wanted to be. ‘How else did Barney and the Teletubbies get invented if not from the mind of a sick twisted individual?’ he wondered briefly.


“Real nice friend you got there Wills”, Buffy said again finding, that she liked Yoshiro; anyone willing to swallow a fungus demon to protect a friend was okay in her books.  Besides she had fought a fungus demon once, one that kind of looked like the TA in her psych class, and knew how gross they really were.  Next to a chaos demon they were just simply ugly to look at and very messy to slay. ‘At least Quin was a big help in getting me a new leather jacket', she thought silently, remembering the daring young man who acted as “bait” to lure the fungus-demon out into the open so she and Spike could kill it.  Although the “Committee” he claimed to be a part of did concern her a bit especially that one

Committee member in charge of public safety, now she seemed like a really strange person.


“So the demon that did this to you is dead?” Angel said slowly, trying to regain control of himself a bit.  On one hand he was pleased that the creature responsible for Willow losing her sight in one eye was dead. On the other hand he was outraged that he wasn’t the one that got to kill the fungus-demon and feed the little pieces to Oz one night during the full moon.  After all they had discovered that while in his “wolf –form” Oz could eat just about anything and not get sick.  It had become a somewhat morbid pass time of Spike’s to feed the werewolf all kind of strange things when it was his turn to wolf-sit.  Come to think of it, they got the best and most useful information when Spike was wolf-sitting, amazing how the threat of being fed to a werewolf just opened all sorts of people.  Sometimes they had to make the threat again to get them to shut up.


“Yeah... very dead”, Willow replied with a small grin, and then something occurred to her.  “Why did you risk coming out during the day, wouldn’t it have been better to wait for sunset?”


“We left LA a little before dawn after we got back to the office and got Giles’ message on our answering machine.... didn’t want to wait until sundown to come”, Angel said, returning to his human face and giving her a lopsided grin of his own.


“Giles called you last night?” Buffy questioned in anger, giving her Watcher another dirty look, “Angel lives in LA and he gets a phone call, but we live in the same city and we don’t rate one... I see how it is.”


“Buffy give it a rest”, Willow said gently, placing a hand on her friend’s arm. “You know I’m here now that is all that matters.”


“Yeah, well.... I still would have liked to have been told sooner,” Buffy continued to grumble, determined to stay angry at Giles for at least the rest of the morning.


Yoshiro stepped back to watch Willow’s friends get situated in the living room to hear her recount the last four years.  His shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter at the brief shoving match between

Xander and the vampire over who got to sit next to Willow, only to have the spot taken by a smug looking Cordelia, who wasted no time in making herself right at home beside the redhead. On the other side sat a grim faced Buffy who continued to shot hostile looks at her watcher, before he had disappeared into the kitchen to make some tea.


Finally the two males had settled down onto the other furniture in the room, Xander with the blanket Willow had used the night before draped over his lower half, after Angel had looked at him with a cocked eyebrow and commented, “nice boxers”.  Which had been closely followed by another camera flash at the look on Xander’s face when he realized that he had ran across town in nothing but his boxers and a pair of mismatched socks.


Shifting uncomfortable at the silence that had settled over the room, Willow fought the urge to run out of the flat and not stop until she reached Ohio.  She hated being the center of attention and talking in

front of people, several of whom were not known for always keeping a level head about them when told something they really didn’t like to hear.  Then something occurred to her, “you and Cordelia were in LA?" she asked trying to picture the vampire and cheerleader together in Los Angeles for any length of time.


“Oh yes, Angel runs a detective agency and I’m his office manager,” Cordelia replied happily.


“Detective agency?  Office manager?” Willow said the words carefully testing them out. ‘No they still sound strange even spoken out loud’, she concluded after a moment.


“Angel Investigations,” Cordelia began before being cut off by Yoshiro who so far had stood quietly against a wall content to observe the whole reunion.


“You guys wouldn't have an Irish guy named Liam working for you, would you?”


“Liam?" Angel questioned, his interest peeking up at the name that was the name he used while investigating one of the sightings of the mysterious redhead two years ago.


“Yeah, some guy named Liam was asking about Willow in a pub in Sydney, said he was with an LA detective agency”, Yoshiro explained.


"Ah, that was me... Liam is my real name, I was using it keep Rodelus

from knowing I was following him.", Angel said after a moment,

completely thrown off balance when Willow started laughing only to be

joined a moment later by Yoshiro.


Exchanging confused looks with the others in the room, Angel could only watch as the two had laughing fits at his expense.  After a few moments, “Oh goddess, this is too rich,” Willow said trying to compose herself. “To thank this all could have been over with if we had waited.”


“Huh?” Buffy questioned, trying to understand what was so funny, “Wills you’re not making any sense.”


After a few more moments, Willow raised her tear-streaked face, her eyes puffing and watering from laughing too hard. We were there that night in the pub, ducked out the back when the owner said some Irish vampire named Liam was asking about us.  If I had only stayed long enough to see your face”, she continued before dissolving into laughter once more. The irony of it all was just too much, and after a moment Angel joined into the laughter.




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