Realizations & Revelations: An Interlude: Bittersweet Memories


By Alex


Disclaimers – The characters of Buffy, Willow, Giles, and any others from

BTVS are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy etc. No

infringement of any kind intended and no money made.


Author’s Notes – Hi Guys, This little interlude is a part of the "Revelations and Realizations" story but it didn't really fit into the main body of the story.

My muse wouldn't let me go on until I finished this. I hope you like it, so sit back and enjoy the ride.<g>


Rating – PG-13


Pairing – Buffy/Willow


Feedback – Please any comments or suggestions to:



Part 1


The young couple sat on a well shaded, padded stone bench next to the happily gurgling fountain. The red haired knockout sat quietly, with her equally beautiful, blonde haired soulmate sitting between her legs and leaning back against her chest.


Even if you didn't know they were soulmates, it was obvious to the most casual passerby that the pair was deeply in love, by the way the redhead's arms were wrapped lovingly and protectively around her blonde lover's waist. Holding the most precious being in her life tightly against her, as if she was afraid she would awaken, and find it was all a beautiful dream.


Emerald green eyes gazed adoringly down at her lover as hazel eyes looked lovingly up at her other half, both sets of eyes bright with the promise of future passion sparkling in their depths.


Every once in a while the redhead would lean forward and with an even more dazzling smile whisper into the blonde's shell like ear. These were obviously provocative whispers judging by the adorable blush coloring the blonde's cheeks.


An old woman approached the couple, carrying a tray that held a tea pot,cups and saucers, and a large plate, piled high with freshly baked scones. She smiled knowingly at the lovers as she came near, she sat the tray on the stone table in front of the couple and stretched her joints popping audibly, fatigue was evident on her features.


"It is certainly a fine day you children have picked to enjoy." the old woman said her nearly black eyes clear and bright, despite her visibly ancient body there clearly was evidence of a sharp mind and good humor. "Been a long, long time since I've seen two young folks as much in love as you two. Does my old heart good to see it. Brightens my day even here in as pleasant a place as the home of Danu's last children."


"Please sit down and join us." The redhead asked knowing that although tired, the old woman wouldn't think of intruding on their idyllic setting, unless invited. "My name is Willow and this is my wife Buffy, and you are...?


"They called me Branwen, in my youth, back in the shires of Wales." She said giving the couple a grateful smile as she sat "but why don't you call me what the children did back in the days when I lived in your realm and was a mid-wife it, if my old mind isn't playing tricks on me."


The silver haired woman laughed as she recalled her days wandering the country side of her homeland.


"I was called Wenny, by those who knew me, in those days and the little uns called me, Granny Wenny." she chuckled reminiscing as she poured them all a cup of the herbal tea. "Think I miss the little uns most of all. I know the two of you though, we never actually met, but a body would have to be deaf, mute and blind not to know the Chosen One and her Great Sorceress."


Both young women blushed when she referred to their destined titles. They still weren't very comfortable about being called such formal titles.


Willow looked at the old woman as Buffy was teased by the friendly old woman. As her wife and the woman spoke a strangely sad look crossed her face. She was so intent on the woman she hadn't noticed that her two companions had stopped speaking and were staring back at her.


"Huh? What?" Willow asked embarrassed at being caught by the two women, not noticing the tears falling from her eyes.


"Nothing child," the old woman said patting Willow's hand to comfort her, "just worried is all. Is it something I said that brings you sadness, or do I bring someone to mind, someone you miss terribly?"


"Can I call you Grams." Willow asked suddenly, sounding like a lost child, the tears stopping temporarily. "You remind me so much of my Grams, she survived the camps, and she always treasured children. She always said that she'd seen so many of the little ones die there, she said that it was such a horrible waste of God's greatest gift. I always knew I was loved when I was with my Grams, I miss her so much."


Tears fell from Willow's eyes again as memories of the loving old woman returned flooding her mind.


"Mom and Dad were always so cold and distant to me then." the young woman continued "Grams always made them send me to spend summers with her, whether they liked it or not. Some of my happiest childhood memories were made there, the best ones are of when I was little, and Xander's parents would let him go with me to Grams' ranch."


Buffy watched the most important person in her universe speak of the happiest moments in her young life. She saw the unshed tears shining in her emerald eyes. It always, tore at her heart to see her beloved wife in such pain; it was obvious to the Slayer some very sad memories hadn't been revealed yet. She also knew that if her lover didn't find some way to bring those memories out into the light and purge them from her soul, she would be in agony every time she remembered her compassionate and loving grandmother.


Somehow it didn't seem fair to have her beloved mate forced to suppress her fondest memories because of something she could help Willow overcome.


So using the cunning she possessed as a natural Slayer's talent she decided to trick her lover into telling the story of her grandmother and hopefully, whatever was bothering her would come out.


"What happened to her Wills?" Buffy asked innocently looking deep into her wife's eyes, "I never heard you talk about her, how come?"


Without a second thought, Willow automatically began telling the story of her grandmother, Magdalin Estell Rosenberg, and the reason memories of someone she remembered so fondly, could cause her so much pain.


"You would have loved her Buffy, my Grams was something else, a real free spirit, kind of like you." Willow began her tale, her love for the long dead, and still terribly missed woman, evident in her voice. "I know she would have loved you, if only because you make me so happy. That was always very important to Grams, that I be happy. That was why she first started letting Xander come with me to her farm, in the end she kind of adopted him too. She loved Xander like he was her own grandchild. That was just like her, Grams was always extending a helping hand to people, especially young people. She always said that children were the greatest, most wonderful blessing God could bestow on a person. I think that had to do with what she saw at Dachau too. She didn't often talk about the camps.

It made her so sad whenever she did. It was always on certain days, she become very depressed and I didn't find out why, until after she was dead."


Willow was weeping silently, as she continued telling the woman that was the most important being in her life, now, about the most important being of her less than happy childhood.


"I can still see her on the last day of my last visit to her at the ranch, it was the summer of my freshman year, the summer before I met you my love. I had brought Xander, but he had gone back home the week before, for some family business. It was just my Grams and me left, well except of course, her housekeeper/cook and the ranch hands. That night that stands out because it was the last night I ever saw her alive. Come to think of it, I believe she knew it would be our last time together, because of some of the things she said that night."


Willow's face took on a far away look as her mind went back to that night years ago.




She had searched for her grandmother all over the house, to wish her a good night, and finally finding her in her favorite old rocking chair in the parlor.


She was looking at a portrait of her husband and herself from when they had first married. Magdalin had met Avram Rosenberg almost the moment she had stepped off the boat in New York. The moment they set eyes on each other they knew they would marry and spend the rest of their lives together.


"I was such a tiny thing back then." Magda said, as her beloved granddaughter entered the room. "and Avram, he was so handsome, with his big brown eyes, and thick black hair. His mother's family was Greek you know. His family had sent him to America, shortly before the Nazis invaded Greece, I think they sped up his citizenship papers, just so he could go back home to fight the Nazis. He was a real hero too.  Did you know that honey? Of course I've told you before, many times.

Ah I despise getting old, you lose so much of yourself."


The 85-year-old woman sighed heavily as memories of times long gone by went through her mind. Her thoughts centered on the late 1950s when a young Greek named Rosenberg and his beautiful wife were just starting out.


"When I finally got to meet his parents, his mother told me all about his valiant exploits against the invaders. He had never gotten to Germany, he was wounded in the mountains, just above his family's home village, while he was saving his entire platoon from a hidden machine gun," She said proudly remembering also the recurring nightmares he'd suffered through for so long after he had returned to the States. "took it out all by himself, his best friend died covering his back. He was so embarrassed when he heard his mother bragging."


The old woman chuckled softly as the memory of her beloved husband as a young man, so proud and fiercely brave, yet so humble and gentle, he had always been a wondrous paradox to her.


"Apparently his mother was trying to show her son's wife how undeserving she was of him," her grandmother said continuing her story. "The thing was neither of us thought we could ever be good enough for our mate. When Avram heard how his mother was talking to his wife he pulled both his parents aside and told them about where I spent the war, and his mother backed down, and never brought up the war again."


She went on to re-tell the old story of how his parents came to live with them. It was a story her granddaughter must have heard a million times, but never tired of hearing it, over and over again.


Then her grandmother went on, telling how with Avram's skill, and their mutual determination, their one small produce stand, grew to be one of the largest suppliers of fresh produce on the east coast.


With all the skill of a ship's captain and his trusted first mate, Avram and Magda carefully guided their business to become progressively larger, after it became the largest supplier of produce on the east coast. It wasn't long until they had turned it into a nation wide corporation.


Not content with that, Avram, with the help of his loving and supportive wife and partner, diversified their business, and soon they were very wealthy. Avram used his first hard won millions to buy an estate on Long Island with a home on the grounds for his parents, and several smaller houses.


The houses were originally servant's quarters, but he had them remodeled. So he could use them to house anyone in his family that wanted to come to America.


Their life was good, and Avram was proud that most of his family had moved on with their lives, leaving the estate behind, as they no longer needed him and his wife, to help them. It had been hard for his family to accept his help even though he had given it gladly, they were proud people, so all of them worked very hard to become citizens and find jobs, granted some went to work for him, only on the condition they be treated like all his other employees, he gladly agreed.


It was a testament to the work ethic of his family that soon they were all ready to begin their own lives, and everyone of them did it on there own. From the outside the Rosenbergs were a successful family that had everything they could possibly want, but Avram had a dream that had begun during the war. He kept it so private that he shared it only with his trusted wife and companion, Magda.


During the war he had made friends with a young man from Colorado, named Rocwell "Rocky" McCandels, and had spent many of the long lonely hours, listening to Rocky's stories of his home state, and of his beloved Rocky Mountains, and it's unparalleled beauty. Avram loved his stories and was constantly asking the man to repeat them. They became good friends and the two of them finally decided that after the war they would pool their money so they could be partners in a Colorado cattle ranch.


They say it isn't good to make plans with another soldier during a war, Avram and Rocky heard it constantly from others in their platoon, but they were sure they were the exceptions to that saying. Their platoon was ordered to take a mountain that was overlooking Avram's old village.


Avram looked forward to showing his new friend the place where he had grown to young manhood and to introduce Rocky to all of his family that still lived there. It was a great idea but it never happened.


In the mountains over looking the small village of Avram's childhood, while attacking a hidden enemy gun emplacement Avram was badly injured, and he would never walk without a cane again and young Rocky McCandle was killed as he pulled Avram to safety.


The grieving man set aside his dream unsure if he still wished to chase that dream, until he shared it with his wife. Together they decided that once their son was grown and on his own they would retire from their business and buy themselves a cattle ranch in Colorado.


The two still hopelessly in love people would often sit in front a crackling fire and talk of their now shared dream of clear blue skies and wide-open spaces.


Avram never got to live his dream, he passed away at the age of 45 after suffering a massive stroke. He lingered for several days in the hospital the whole time his totally devoted wife was at his bedside. The couple talked of how this was God's way of telling him to stop waiting and retire. It was planed that after leaving the hospital they would live their dream of ranching in Colorado.


Sadly though, after 2 weeks in intensive care, Magda's beloved soulmate and husband had a second massive stroke and died quietly in his sleep.


As was her way, Magda buried her husband, then took up the reigns of the business the two had built and buried herself in her work so no one would know how badly she was grieving for her beloved Avram.


Being a very smart and astute business woman, Magda was very successful, and made even more money to add to the already enormous amount she and her husband had already compiled together. It was her way of honoring his memory and to be sure there was a place for their son if he wished to follow his father into business.



"Like she always did, Grams didn't try to force Dad into the family business," Willow added wanting her wife to understand why her father ended up a psychiatrist, and not a successful businessman "So, when he said he wanted to become a psychiatrist instead, Grams never said a word. She just stayed with the business and gladly paid for his extended schooling. That's where he met mom. She and Grams never did hit it off very well."


"What a surprise." Buffy snorted and that earned her a playful poke in the ribs, "Ow, hey I was just saying that your mother isn't an easy woman to like."


"She stayed on running the business even after mom and dad graduated from medical school and then through their training in their chosen field." Willow began again ignoring the comment, and giving her wife a "don't you dare say it" look, "Once they were licensed and ready to begin Grams bought them a house and paid to set them up in their practice. Dad was a great psychiatrist and Mom, well, Mom wasn't as good with people. She eventually gave up her private practice and went into

clinical research. She had found her niche. It wasn't long before they were both very wealthy in their own rite.


Mom was offered a full professorship at UC Sunnydale so they bought the big house there and Dad moved his practice their. Grams was very happy, that they were happy, and things went along smoothly, until Mom found out she was pregnant.


From what has been said Mom wanted to abort the baby but she waited too long and ended up having me."


The redhead had a tear in her eye, and Buffy wondered quietly what kind of monster Shelia was that she allowed her daughter to know things like that, but she didn't comment knowing it would upset her lover even more.


"Grams was absolutely ecstatic over her first (and as it turned out only) grandchild, but Shelia Rosenberg was less than pleased at the prospect of raising a child." Willow said trying to make it sound like some kind of joke, but her audience knew better. "You already know about my childhood, so suffice it to say the only real love I got was from Grams."


Willow stopped for a moment to blow her nose and dry away some of the tears this story always gave her. She didn't want to go on but she knew she had to. For the sake of her sanity if nothng else.


Part 2


Once Willow had opened the mental door the memories of her beloved Grams come forth in a deluge. She couldn't stop them even if she had wanted to, both good and bad memories flooded into her mind with equal force.


Beginning with her last night with the woman that had shown her love when no other would.




"Sit little Rose," the old woman said remembering Willow's presence, "I think we need to talk before you go home tomorrow and now is as good a time as any."


"Sure Grams," Willow answered suddenly saddened recalling that she was leaving the next afternoon and returning to the real world, tears filled her eyes knowing she would be miserable as always "I really don't want to go Grams, but Momma would be so mad, but Grams people are so mean to me there, Xander is my only friend and there's this girl Cordelia Chase, Grams she hates me and I don't know why, I try to be friendly but she always makes fun of the way I dress and the way I wear my hair, and all her friends laugh at me. It hurts so much Grams. Why don't they like me Grams? What horrible thing did I do to her to make her hate me so?"


Anything else she said was lost as the red haired beauty dissolved into tears and knelt next to her beloved grandmother laying her head in Magda's lap.


"Hush my sweet child don't cry." the suddenly frail looking woman spoke softly to the weeping girl trying to allay her fears and comfort her by gently stroking her soft red hair. "I wish I could tell you it was going to be better my sweet little rose, but I can't. We don't know why God lets the ones that hate exist but he does and they are always with us. I learned that no matter how bad it gets and how much it looks like the hateful ones have won. There is always someone that will come along to your life when all seems lost and this one will make the sunshine brighter and your life will never be the same. That will be your soulmate, my child, once they come into your life, the ones that hate lose their power to hurt you. I had thought at one time that you were lucky and young Xander was your other half but alas while he is a true and loyal friend he is not the one for you. But someone will come for you my beautiful little Rose rest assured, and when they do your heart and soul will tell you."


Willow looked up at her lover knowing now what her grandmother was saying. "Don't listen to anyone when your soulmate arrives, hold them close and never let them go no matter what, do you understand what I'm saying."


The young girl looked up into her grandmother's eyes and although her vision was blurred by tears Willow could see that her Grams was being totally serious. Willow had always noticed that at times like these her grandmother was always right.


The old woman told her that back in the motherland it was called having the sight and it ran in the family, her grandmother's family had descended from Gypsies. It had been Magda's mother that had left her Gypsy roots and settled down with a handsome young Jewish doctor from a nearby village.


"I-I understand, Grams, but" Willow asked the old woman, "how will I know him Grams, when will he come?"


"Don't worry child they will be coming into your life soon." Her grandmother assured her, "that's another gift I brought this family along with a few others. Our family has always had the power to recognize our souls other half. I have been a very lucky woman little Rose, God has seen fit to give me two soulmates in my life. The first was taken from me by the Nazis and died in the camps. I almost died when I felt my other half die, but God made me live through that hell on Earth, so that when the horror was over I would come to America, and meet my second soulmate, your grandfather. The minute I saw Avram Rosenberg I knew he was mine for the rest of our lives together, just as I know he awaits me now in our own paradise."


"NO! Grams," the distraught girl cried out as she realized her grandmother was speaking of her death. "you can't leave me not yet. I need you please Grams, I'll die if I lose you, I'll be all alone without you here. The rest of the family hates me, because I love you so much, sometimes they're worse then that Cordelia Chase and her friends. They make fun of me, and call you awful names, and they're just so cruel. Sometimes they act like they wish you were dead."


"They do child, they all do." the old woman admitted to her granddaughter. "They are sure that when I'm gone they can swoop in like vultures, and tear apart everything I have, and divide it among themselves, but they are in for a real surprise. I have provided some very special treats for those vultures. Don't worry so child, Nature has a way with balancing things out. When my time comes, and I go to join my sweet Marie, and my handsome Avram, the only regret, I will have is not being here for you. But don't despair, my beautiful Rose, I will always be at your side, and  when it seems like things are at their blackest, watch little one, you will see how an old woman gets her final laugh. It will brighten your day, and lighten your soul a little. You will see.


Now my sensitive little love, it is very late, and you, my child, have a busy day tomorrow, you know Jimmy and the boys wont let you leave without a proper good bye. so to bed with you, tomorrow will be a beautiful day, just for you, and in honor of our last day, this I know."


Not completely understanding Willow sniffed back her tears and gave her Grams her brightest smile.


"Yes Grams, I'll go, after my good night hugs." Willow laughed her mood brightened by her grandmother's promise of a beautiful day "I will miss you, you know."


The two women one just beginning her life the other nearing the end of hers, hugged each other fiercely, then each retired to their rooms to rest for the coming day.




That was the last time I saw her alive." Willow told her audience of two. "Two weeks after I got home, we got the call that she had passed away quietly, and peacefully in her sleep. I was devastated, and Mom tried to keep me from the funeral, but Dad insisted, because of the appearances with the family.


Most of the funeral was lovely. The family spent too lavishly on the funeral, Grams would have been so angry. They only did it to impress every one I guess, but when Grams real friends showed, they wouldn't allow the family to ruin her memory.


They refused to be quiet or to be whining about her death, they were there to celebrate her life. They sat with me talking about all the good times they'd had with Grams and how she was always there for anyone in need. They kept me away from the family and I went with them, from the time they arrived, until the funeral was over. They surrounded me, and supported me, when I lost it at the grave site, and saw to it that I was safe before they would go home."


Then a sad yet very angry look came over Willow's face, her lips were curled into a disgusted snarl and her beautiful emerald eyes flashed (literally) with anger as she continued her tale.


"You should have seen them Buffy, it was horrible." Willow said her voice reflected her barely controlled outrage at her family's crass and cruelly ruthless behavior. "Once all the guests were gone, all pretense of love, and devotion disappeared, and all the old meanness and ugliness was back.


All they talked about, was how glad they were that the old battle-ax was finally dead, and speculating how much each of them would get from her will. The women, even my *mother*, made a tour of the ranch house picking out the various items that they wanted to have. It was sickening, and I was so ashamed to be related to them.


Then the lawyers and Grams' Rabbi, showed up, and told them that until the will went through probate, it was considered property of the state. Everything was to be left as it was. My mother even went so far as to demand to know where my Grams jewelry was."


Willow's face bore a look Buffy had never seen before. It was a combination of all consuming outrage, and stomach turning disgust. She felt a wave of rage wash over her, along with a desire to strangle anyone that would put that look on her wife's gorgeous face.


"I couldn't believe them Buffy," Willow said her anger turning to disdain as she continued. "It was just as bad while they waited for the will to get out of probate. They even had conference calls on how they were going to divide Grams' belongings, how they were going to fire all the ranch hands, and sell the ranch to developers, that had approached them after the funeral.


I was getting sadder and sadder, the person that loved me so much, and that I love beyond measure was gone, and the jackals were getting ready to destroy everything that was left. That's when the letter came.


Two letters actually, one was from Grams' Rabbi, he was a really nice man, and he wrote to find out if I was doing better, and how Grams wouldn't like me ruining my health because of her. Then I opened the second letter. The minute I saw the first sentence I began crying and couldn't read any farther for a long time, it was from my Grams."




My Dearest Little Rose,


Please little one, don't be too sad, I'm back with the ones I loved and we are all watching over you. So dry those tears and show us your gorgeous green, green eyes.


I know the vultures are circling the carcass ready to feast, on my life's work, and you my most precious child are in a constant state of outrage, and pain at their actions, aren't you?


Well then my little rose bud, have you forgotten what I said, I told you I would show you how an old woman gets the final laugh.


Well it will be soon, the Rabbi was supposed to send you this when the Will was about to come out of probate. This means your parents are about to learn that you are mentioned in the will. They wont like it but they have to let you be there, Dave will see to that.


When the reading starts stay close to Dave, cause old Grams is going to really open the can of worms, and pour it all over those greedy vultures.


Now you go to bed and get some rest. I love you my little Rose and we are all watching over you. I want you to be rested and awake when you go to the reading of the will. You are going to love this. Watch for me child I wouldn't miss this for anything.


With All My Love




Willow stopped to wipe away a tear. During the story, Buffy had gotten Willow to switch places, so that the redhead was sitting between her wife's legs, and the Slayer was holding her lover tight, hoping to comfort her and support her as she told the story of her Grandmother Magdalin Rosenberg, and the events that occurred just before they met.


Tears had left their trails down the beautiful redheads' face and her emerald eyes were shining with tears waiting to be shed. She sniffed a little as she took a sip of the tea that Wenny had brought them.


It was the friendly old woman that had sparked the telling of this story and now the old woman and Buffy were sitting patiently, waiting for Willow to be able to begin the story where she had left off.


Buffy could feel her lovers muscles tighten as she was about to continue her tale, it worried the Slayer that all this may be too much or her sensitive lover to bare.


"You know honey, you don't have to do this," the Chosen One whispered into Willow's ear. "You've already told me enough, to know how special your Grams was, and I wish I had been given the opportunity to know her."


"Aye, little one, there is no need to dredge up old pain." Wenny  added, "I can see your love for her in your eyes, and I am honored  that you would see some of her in me. I only hope that I can live up to the privilege and the honor you have given me."


The young Sorceress held up her hand to stop their protests on her behalf, her face glowing with gratitude and love for the support and unconditional acceptance she received from both women.


"No please, let me continue," she said earnestly "I haven't felt this close to Grams in a long time and telling her story is really helping me. I'm getting rid of all that bile, that has been staining my soul for hating my relatives, all these years. It's really nice to finally get past all that hate, and rage and be able to go on from here, with only good memories, and I love having the chance to share my Grams with the two of you.


She was a kind, brave, strong, compassionate, caring woman, with a generous supply of love, which she freely shared with all those around her. That's the legacy I want to begin living with, instead of the anger I've felt because of some greedy, and ignorant people."


Both women saw the truth in what Willow was telling them and Buffy could feel the weight lifting from her mates' soul, as she released the harsh feelings the story had held in her heart for so long.


"Go on then, Wills." Buffy whispered in her lovers' ear enjoying the shivers of pleasure that ran through the witches' body as her lover's warm breath washed over the highly sensitive organ. "I want to know your grandmother better, my love. You were lucky to have had her."


Willow gulped loudly, and nodded her agreement with Buffy's statement as she readied herself to go on with the rest of her story.


"Before I go any further, I do want you to know, I wasn't completely alone during all this." Willow said first "Xander was there with me every minute, he even found a way to be there for Grams funeral. Even though he was almost as destroyed by her passing as I was. She was an oasis of love and acceptance for him in a childhood that severely lacked both. Despite all that, he stood by me, to this day, he gets uncontrollably angry, when he is reminded how my family acted back then."


Buffy smiled sadly knowing, Xander's past almost as well as Willow, she could imagine how devastating it must have been, to lose that one shining light, in a very dark time for him, and she knew his temper, when someone treated the people he loved with disrespect.


"Anyway, a couple of days after I got the letter, I noticed that everything was buzzing around the house. The conference calls increased as did the yelling and screaming, that was when I learned that I was to attend the reading of Grams will.


My mother did everything she could to keep me from being there, but Grams lawyer David, insisted saying the will would not be read, and there would be no distribution of assets, until I was there, as Grams will stated.


He assured my parents, that he intended to follow my grandmothers final wishes to the letter, and nothing would convince him to do it differently."




There was an attitude in the older attorney's demeanor, that made Willow wonder, just what he and her grandmother had cooked up so she could have her "old woman's last laugh".


Willow had been around long enough to know that the older lawyer absolutely adored her Grams and if she hadn't been so in love with her departed Avram, he would have been after her in a heart beat, but it wasn't to be and he was her best friend and closest friend, and trusted confidant.




"Anyway the day rolled around until they chose a day when everybody could be present for the reading of Grams' will," Willow said her, voice taking on the far away quality, that Buffy knew meant that her wife was picturing the events in her mind. "You should have seen them honey, Grams hit the nail right on the head, when she called them vultures. The lawyer's conference room looked like a scene out of "Wild Kingdom" with the carrion eaters perched on branches, waiting for their chance to swoop down on the carcass of a beast far nobler than them. Anxious to devour every bit of their victim.


They wanted all evidence of Grams' life disappeared from the face of the Earth. Their behavior before now had disgusted me, the way theywere practically drooling at the thought of getting their greedy hands on her property.


They were all complaining, because I had stopped at a younger lawyer's office, to say hi, and thank him, for all the special extra things he had done for Grams, and her lawyer refused to begin reading the will until I was there. I was almost going to throw up, they were just sickening. I knew that none of them had given a damn about her while Grams was alive, but now that she was gone, they were all trying to convince each other of how close they were to her.


"My mother was the worst of all of them, with her bragging that 'Grams loved our part family so much, that she was even leaving "our dear little Willow" something' speech. Everyone knew she hadn't seen Grams since she sold the estate on Long Island and moved to Colorado. It washorrible."




Once again the painful memories cause Willow to pause her story long enough for her to regather her scattered wits and to take a long sip of the herbal to wash the bitter taste the telling of the tale was leaving in her mouth.


Part 3


The horrible memories of her family's actions on that day in the attorney David Ludlow's conference room were forever imprinted into the redhead's mind.


She could see the entire meeting clearly as if it occurred only yesterday.




Willow walked into the conference room and looked timidly around the room, in an effort to find a place to sit. That she was nervous was easily seen in her body language, but on her face was unadulterated disgust, after she heard the conversations that were going on.


The tall very handsome silver haired man that had been her grandmother's attorney saw her and signaled her to join him.


When she got through the gauntlet that was her family, the polite man with gentle blue eyes, held a chair out next to him, for Willow to sit in. He had impeccable manners, and was usually quite charming; she smiled at her grandmother's old friend, as he helped her to be seated.


He gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. She looked around the room, and noticed that there were others there besides her family, all of whom, she'd met at some time, and knew them to be good friends of her grandmother, then of course there was grandmother's Rabbi, who gave her a friendly smile, and a secretive wink, she couldn't help but smile at him.


Once the lawyer was sure that Willow was comfortable, and had a cup of her favorite herbal tea, all of which aggravated her family even more, especially since they hadn't received such preferential treatment, he turned his attention back to the others.


The charming congenial friend was gone, and in his place, was a stern by-the-book barrister, ready to discharge his client's last wishes, to the letter, and would not stand for any nonsense from the people assembled before him. He cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention, glaring at a few until they were quiet.


Then, he began the distasteful business of dealing with the ungrateful family of the finest woman he had ever known.


"Alright, we are here, to read the final probated, last will and testament, of one Magdalin Rosenberg." he began and although he tried to conceal it, Willow could hear the sadness in his voice, at having to say this final goodbye, to his much beloved and treasured friend. "First, at my clients insistence, I am to provide you with the following documents and provisions to this document."


There was a buzz of voices around the room, but one glare from those cold blue eyes quieted them quickly. He pulled two large manila envelopes, and opened the first one taking out several type written papers, the lawyer, who was 'the' David (Dave to Willow and her grandmother), held the papers up and consulted the first page of the will.


"What I have here, are certified letters from some of the most respected psychiatrists in this country," He began, Willow would have sworn she heard a touch of satisfied sarcasm, in his rich baritone voice "Each one is properly witnessed and notarized, and certified, that the, aforementioned, Magdalin Rosenberg, is a sane, and rational woman, in full possession of her faculties, completely cognizant of her actions, and of their consequences at the time of this wills signing."


As he spoke a junior associate attorney passed out copies of each document to everyone there.Willow was watching the faces around the table, and noticed that some of them fell slightly at this news. It was at that moment, she realized what her grandmother had done, with that one move, she had effectively removed the only reason they could have to contest the will. A sly smile came to her lips, and she was forced to hide it behind her hand, so her family wouldn't see it.


"This second document," the lawyer continued, as he opened the other envelope, and produced a very official looking paper, "is a recent amendment to the will, that my client felt necessary to add to her will. Simply put, it states, that if any of her heirs try, in any manner, to break or contest her will, their inheritance would be forfeit, and be reverted back into the estate. Any questions so far?"


There was some very nervous twitching, but nobody spoke up. When no one spoke, David returned to the thick document in front of him. He turned the first page, and after clearing the emotional lump from his throat, he once again began reading, Willow found herself enjoying that commanding, deep timbered voice, that Willow and Magda could sit and listen to for hours.


He started with the first of many pages of her grandmother's actual will.


"I Magdalin Estell Rosenberg," the lawyer began again determined to get through this for Magda, and her 'little Rose', "being of sound body, and a lot sounder of mind, than any of you thought, do affirm and attest that this is my last 'will and testament', and reflects my true wishes for the final disposition of my earthly goods, assets, and properties.


I have selected as the executor of my estate to be David Ludlow, in the event of his inability to perform these duties, I appoint the law firm of Ludlow and Burgess, to take the responsibility of naming his successor, who will serve in that capacity until such time as all the provisions of this document are discharged, as I have instructed."


The lawyer stopped only long enough to turn the page.


"I was going to stop here, and have David read some comments to you all, but I have decide that since my family's time is so valuable that they couldn't come see me, unless they wanted something, I should just plow on ahead, and get to the part you are all eagerly waiting for.


First; to Avram's dear cousins and assorted distant relatives who never saw fit to come visit, but I am sure are here because there is money to be leached, I leave the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, to each of you. If my Avram hadn't loved you so I would have given you nothing."


The room came alive with angry grumbles, all of the family knew that the estates liquid assets alone, were in the several hundred million range, and the cousins had counted on a much larger piece of the pie.


"If you aren't quiet I will call security and have you removed." David growled and when it was once again silent he returned to the will.


"Yes that's all you get, what did you expect after all the things you said behind my back. I can't believe that you idiots were stupid enough to say that to the very people that were looking to get more by getting you cut out of the will by running back to me to tell me everything you said. I don't reward stupidity."


The next section of the will covered her various friends and others that Willow's grandmother had set aside fairly large sums of money.


Her ranch hands all received large bequests and were asked to remain until the reading was over, to discuss their employment situation with David, as she had formulated plans for them to have jobs.


To her ranch foreman she left one million dollars as a token of appreciation for his years of loyalty and tireless devotion, that really got the relatives buzzing but a glare from David quickly quieted them down.


Then came several charities that she had always supported in various amounts according to their needs. Soon after the other charities came her Rabbi and her temple, all during the last years, they had played a big role in her life and had been a true comfort to her. Since the temple was in need of both a youth and a senior center, Magda donated the money to build them, and had already arranged for a contractor to handle the construction.


The Rabbi was so overwhelmed by the womans generosity that he actually began to weep, this prompted Willow to go to the man and comfort him until he was once again in control of his emotions. David handed the man an envelope with the already signed contracts for the construction of the two buildings, as an added bonus the deeds for the property to build them on directly across the street from the temple. Along with all the necessary waivers and permits, required.


This was donated by David and his partner as a memorial to their friend.


The poor Rabbi was so stunned by this development that all he could do was sit and stare at the documents.


Through most of this, Willow had been keeping an eye on her parents, and could see on their faces they were busy calculating each bequest, against the estimated size of the remaining estate. By the wolfish smile on her mother's lips, it was clear she had reached a figure, it was clear that the will was almost finished, and she was already spending the money, she was sure was as good as hers, on a wild world wide shopping spree.


"Now I come to my son Ira and his wife Shelia who refused to come see me after I left New York, and was always conniving to take that next step on the social ladder.


I feel sorry for you both, you Shelia, because you don't care who you step on or who you hurt, to reach some shallow goal, and you Ira, for being too weak to stand up to your own wife, and direct your family in the right direction. For some unknown reason, God saw fit to give you a beautiful, intelligent, and compassionate daughter, but neither of you have ever given her the slightest part of your lives.


I would tell you to take a step back, and show your love, for this sweet young woman, and to get interested in her life but I know you both too well. You have both been sitting there trying to do the math and figure the size of the remaining estate.


I'll even bet you both are thinking of ways you're going to spend the money, and how you are going to liquidate the rest of the assets, for even more money, but neither have given a single thought for Willow, have you?


I'd bet that you have both ignored her, ever since you got news of my passing, and knowing my precious little Rose, she has been grieving terribly. Oh well, why should I waste my time with fools."


Willow was watching her parents, while David was reading that last part, and she could see the signs, her mother was about to launch herself into a gigantic tirade over how ungrateful and vindictive her Grams was being. That she was too old to know what it was like, raising an ungrateful, disappointment like Willow, and a long list of remarks intended to hurt the young girl, whose only actual crime against Shelia, was to be born.


Then she looked at her father; he was almost scary, his face getting progressively redder. As he came closer to the breaking point, but as his mother predicted he remained silent, and let his wife grumble, as the lawyer continued to read those humiliating words, in front of everyone. She knew if David didn't get away from that part of the will soon, her mother would be a real problem.


Taking her silent hint the attorney, skipped several more lines describing how Willow's parents had disappointed her, and found the actual distribution section.


"For these reasons, and so many more too numerous to mention, I bequeath to my son and his wife, Ira and Shelia Rosenberg, the sum of Five hundred thousand dollars."


That did it the entire room exploded with angry voices, Willow cringed into the lawyer's side, seeking shelter from her raging family. It was really bad, Willow and several of her grandmother's friends, were frightened for their lives.


If any of her family had brought a gun, Willow was sure there would  be a lot fewer Rosenbergs in the world by morning. David let the relatives rant and rave for a little bit, inwardly smiling at what his friend had done.


But when he looked down at the small girl that was burying herself into his side to avoid the near violence in the room. He decided to say the one phrase that was guaranteed to grab their attention.


When his booming Baritone voice made the announcement the entire room became deathly still.


"As for the remainder of my estate," He bellowed over the jumble of angry voices, then when everyone had gone quiet, and the family sat down so that Willow felt safe enough to come out of hiding "including but not limited to the cash accounts, stock portfolio, property, both real and other wise, anything left, that was once mine, except for my jewelry, will be placed in trust to be managed by David Ludlow, and/or any other agents that are deemed necessary.


Said trust, benefits and profits from the Little Rose Bud Ranch, are to be held in trust, until such time as my primary beneficiary has met certain provisions, that my executor will share with her, in a private meeting, after this friendly little get together is over."


The friends that were sitting in the back of the room, all began laughing at their friend's prophetic remark, and as a group, they got up and left, so they wouldn't be forced to witness another shameful demonstration by the Rosenberg family.


Between the hateful glares being shot at her, and the angry grumbling, that was also aimed at her, Willow was afraid to hear what more Grams had to say, but she took a deep breath, and putting aside her family's petty behavior, the redhead focused her attention on her friend, as he continued her grandmother's last words to her.


"Willow honey, I know that you are sad right now, and all this craziness you are seeing has only served to make it harder on you but, honey, don't feel sad for me. I told you on the last night we were together, sitting in front of the fire, I'm in a much happier place, and I have my momma and poppa, my sisters and brothers, here with me, again, and I have my beautiful Marie, and of course, Abram my sweet gentle hero, right beside me, and we are all watching out for you, my little Rose. So don't shed anymore tears for your old Grams.


Now Ira, and you too Shelia, it would do you good to listen. I know you both are sitting there trying to think of a way to steal your own daughter's money. Don't even try to deny it.


Well forget it, David and a veritable army of the finest attorneys, have set up this trust so that only Willow can profit from it. If it is discovered that you two have somehow figured out how to steal or badger, even a single dollar, of her trust you will be prosecuted, for fraud, theft, embezzlement and any other charges, that David and his people can think of, that you will have a long stay behind bars. So forget it.


Now Willow, honey, you go with my best friend and most trusted advisor, Dave, and get all the details of your newfound wealth. Go on honey, go dry your eyes, and wash your face, and always listen to Dave, he cares for you, almost as much as I do."


The lawyer was embarrassed as he read those last words, but he was also very proud to know how much he had meant to Magda. With one last look, at her angry family, and a sad gaze for her stunned and greedy parents, the redhead turned and followed the silver haired lawyer to his office, to do as her Grams told her to.




"That's the last thing that I heard from Grams, my family was so mad they haven't talked to me since. By the time I was finished in David's office, mom and dad were gone, and after I got home my relationship with my parents went down hill, but you know all about that" Willow sniffed out after the story of the will reading she still was hurt by her families actions that day


"The only one who even tried to get better was Dad, it has been a while since he asked me for money."


Buffy forced a laugh, knowing that her lover was trying her best, not to show how much it still hurt, and how much she still missed her Grams, but the Slayer knew she had to hear the rest, her own natural curiosity would drive her mad.


"Honnnnney! Come on." Buffy whined playfully and began poking her lover in the ribs tickling her


"What sweetheart?" Willow asked acting innocent, even though she knew what her wife wanted, "Is there something you want my love?"


"Grrrrrrrr, Willow Rosenberg Summers!" Buffy growled sending thrills of passion through the redhead "You know very well what I want. Finish the stooooorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy!"


"All right, brat." Willow laughed grateful to her lover for teasing her out of the depression that always came after thinking of her grandmother. "Well lets see, ok I remember where I was, David and I went to his office and he told me the rest of Grams provisions, and then I stayed for a couple of weeks at the ranch. I talked Grams old housekeeper into staying in the house, and to treat it as if it was her own, I even let her move her daughter, and her grandkids move in."


"David's firm and a very good accountant took care of everything else. I had David send me home just in time to begin my sophomore year, and I met this incredibly sexy blonde, with amazingly good taste in women, and the rest is written in the stars."


"That isn't all!" Buffy protested "Tell me, tell me, TELLLLLLL MMMMEEEEEE!!!!"


"All right geez lover, nosey much?" Willow gave her wife what was supposed to be a stern look, and it might have worked if that mischievous gleam hadn't been in her eyes, and she had kept a straight face. "Anyway, basically David and the accountants were to handle all the business aspects, and they are geniuses, they have made me big profits. I can't have total control until I reach 21, and I'm living on my own away from my parents control, oh, and yeah I have to be doing what makes me happy. I do have access to all the money I want though, I mean, like that's how I pay for school, and although my parents tried to make you, and your mother, think that they had paid for the wedding and bought our condo for us it was really the trust fund money that paid for our cozy little four bedroom love nest."


"Hey Wills, you know something?" Buffy suddenly reached a revelation, and when Willow looked back at her. "Didn't you just hear what you said, you have already met all the requirements."


"Hummmm, I hadn't thought of that" the witch said thoughtfully "I guess I could call David, and have him begin arranging to have it all turned over to me, but it's an awful lot to handle on my own, even with every one helping, I don't think I want that kind of responsibility. I mean there's the ranch and all the other property and remember we still have our Slayer slash Sorceress destiny things to figure out. You know, I think I'll just have David just transfer some of the cash deposited in our bank account here."


"Then we can do some serious shopping, we haven't done that in a while, oh yeah, and we can take Cordy and get her some new fashions, she'll love that, it's been a while ya' know. Yeah that's what we'll do, when we go home." Willow's eyes lit up at the thouht of doing for her wife and their friends "Maybe we can redecorate. Oh baby, do I have some ideas for a new computer room, and you a game room, and even a gym where we can train, oh this could be fun!"


Buffy was reeling at her lover's sudden tangent, she was a little worried that Willow was getting ahead of herself.


<>Geez I mean how much could there be?<> Buffy wondered silently <>I mean even if she inherited one or two million she has to leave enough to keep the ranch going and then all those lawyers and accountants weren't free and I'm sure they didn't come cheap either<>


"Ah Wills, can I ask ya' somethin'?" Buffy queried she didn't want to rain on her wife's parade, but she wanted to keep her anchored, also she didn't want to expect too much and face yet another disappointment.


"Sure sweetheart," Willow replied happily "ask me anything, I don't have secrets if ya' want to know, just ask."


"Alright already, geez I just wanted to ah... well, you seem to want to..." Buffy began, but suddenly shy about getting into Willow's family business, but even if Willow just thought about it, she'd realize she was going overboard, "Ah well aw shoot I'll just ask… How much?"


"How much what, sweetheart?" Willow asked confused.


"How much did you inherit?" Buffy forced herself to ask "It's justyou're making all these plans honey, and I just didn't want you to get hurt by setting impossible goals, ya' know."


" Oh...well yeah I guess I should tell ya', shouldn't I," Willow said suddenly embarrassed by the wealth, and hoping it wouldn't scare Buffy, or intimidate her "Well at the close of last year, the last time David sent me the biyearly audit, there was, oh I think, ah, around, three or four hundred, that I could have at a moments notice, so to speak. That would also leave plenty, to run the ranch, and the other properties, support the foundations we sponsor, and pay all the taxes. There's probably more now, but I don't want to have that much here in Sunnydale. So yeah, there's maybe three or four hundred in usable assets or cash."


"Ah Wills, wow three or four hundred, what?" the Slayer asked, thinking that she had so much they could actually have three hundred thousand dollars to spend, anyway they wanted, but just to be sure, "Three or four hundred Thousand?"


"No Sweetheart, not thousand," Willow began she saw Buffy give her a worried look and knew she thought that Willow meant three or four hundred dollars, she smiled and hoped Buffy could handle the coming bomb shell, "that's million honey we can have three or four hundred million dollars sent here, if we want."


Buffy just stared, slack jawed, completely stunned by her lover's casual revelation. Wenny was cackling at the two young women's antics, she felt years younger, just sitting here with them. She knew she'd have to make a habit of spending time with these two youngsters often, or at least when they were here.


Buffy's mind finally decided that it would just push the staggering amount to the side, and take it a little bit at a time. Then a happy thought suddenly struck her.


"Hey! Wills, ya' know what?" Buffy said nearly vibrating from all the energy she suddenly had, she felt so good it just naturally showed in her joyous mood.


"What's that sweetheart?" Willow asked curious, but happy her lover was over her shock of her mate's wealth


"I always knew I was lucky to have you as my wife," Buffy quipped happily "You've got it all."


"Buffy, what are you talking about?" Willow asked not sure she wanted to hear this.


"I mean think about it lover, you are everything anybody wants in a woman," Buffy chirped happily "I mean sexy, beautiful, smart and fabulously wealthy, you're the true triple threat babe, and all mine. Whoa I really hit the jackpot mine! Mine! Mine!"


The Slayer chanted, as she swept her beloved witch off her feet and into her arms and began twirling her around, with joyous abandon. For some reason, just having the redhead in her arms sent the Slayer off into fits of total jubilation. She had no idea where it come from and she wasn't really sure why she was feeling such unbridled joy at Willow's mere presence, but she didn't care where it came from, she decided to go with it and have fun with her beautiful lover.


Still holding her lover in her arms, Buffy looked over at the old woman that was still sitting on the bench, laughing at the Slayer's show of wild abandon. Buffy reminded the old woman of a young colt frolicking in a pasture of sweet grass.


"We'll see ya' later Wenny" Buffy hooted happily "I'm goin' to dance with my unbelievably gorgeous wife right now."


The old woman laughed, as the couple twirled out of sight into the trees, she could still hear Willow's squeals of joy, as her wife pulled her into her sudden feeling of complete and absolute freedom.


Branwen was having the best time she'd had in several thousand years, and she knew it was all due to being in the company of the two vibrant young women.


As she was picking up the cups and dishes to be returned to the kitchens for cleaning Branwen closed her eyes for a moment and sent a small prayer up to her Goddess.


<>Sweet and caring Goddess, I am a very small and very humble part in the scheme of things<> She began putting all her faith and devotion into her missive <>but I ask a boon of you if I may. Please watch over those two closely. They are innocents in the ways of their enemies and will need you divine guidance before all this is over. I will keep my part of the bargain and will tell them what I know before they leave. I just hope they can stand all the grief that is headed their way, I thank you for listening to your humble priestess.<>


Moving slowly because of her extreme age Branwen finished gathering the dishes and with a slow unsteady gait moved across the glen toward the kitchens eventually disappearing into the trees. Leaving only thehappily gurgling fountain to enjoy the peaceful scenery.






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