If Destiny Wills It


Disclaimers – Buffy, Willow and any other characters from the series belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. I’m just borrowing them for a little while.


Other Disclaimers – This story has a relationship between two women in it, if that or the thought of the Slayer and a Witch getting it on bothers you leave now. If it is illegal where you live, I suggest you move, soon!


Summary – This is the third and last sequel after "A Higher Power" and takes place just after "The Next Illogical Step", enjoy.


Thanks - Special thanks go to Diana Renee, for all her help and patience Beta reading this story, pointing out problems and solutions, and all in all making this a better story.


Feedback – Please send any comments or suggestions to Alex at keeper444@webtv.net. Flames will be summarily deleted.


<   > Thoughts


Chapter 4


Kresis sat on his high-backed makeshift throne; his leg casually draped over the arm of the chair. He was trying to mask the seething frustration that these...wanna warriors were invoking in him.  A hundred vampires and demons and not a one had the potential to even be an arms-bearer in the Royal Guard.  How in the five worlds of Taurus was he supposed eliminate the most powerful Slayer in the history of this world, not to mention her mate, the Great sorceress with such as these?


Count Kresis couldn’t stop the impatient tapping of his talons on the table next to him, the only outward sign of his boiling emotions.  He drank his favorite thick red mixture of twenty-year-old single malt scotch and AB negative.


As per the duties expect from one of his rank he was listening to the badly wounded demon snivel about how the Slayer and Witch had defeated his carefully planned ambush.  He kept the fact that he expected his forces to lose to himself.


Oh, he had done the best he could by his soldiers-as he did by all his forces.  But, his plan was to wear the Slayer and Witch down by getting them to fight a series of ambushes on his terms.  The General had watched the training drills weeding out the slackers and identifying the ones who exhibited the most talent.  Then he had separated the strongest to give them extra training-extra food-he treated them the best and encouraged teamwork. They were the best of this ragged sorry group-they were his only real hope of success.


Growing tired of the sycophant’s simpering he rose from his throne and slowly stepped down to stand next to the pathetic excuse for a commander. He put a reassuring hand on the demon’s shoulder; he wanted this to be swift and painless for the fool.


He didn’t like wasting a resource, but he had to somehow keep order within his ranks.  Kresis knew that as the body count rose, discipline would fail, so he needed to maintain total control of what he laughing refereed to as his troops.


“Don’t worry my friend, you will never again fail me.” Kresis said sarcastically and without warning he tore the demon’s head off with a single smooth motion. “No one fails me twice.”


He threw the head down next to its still quivering body and walked to the door.


"Clean that up!" He ordered the surviving members of the dead demon’s squad as he walked out of the room. He was satisfied that within the hour all of his commanders and their troops would know the price of failure and discipline would never become a problem.


He cursed at the shortsighted idiots on the council. They had been so afraid that he would return to wreak havoc on them they had laid this ludicrous curse on him that kept him away from the Hellmouth.


He knew that if he could just get at those two bitches then one way or another all this would be over. The Count wasn’t a fool, he wasn’t desperate enough to attempt getting closer to the Hellmouth yet, but time was getting short.  If things didn’t start to work out soon-then he might have no alternative.




Willow came down the stairs after her shower surprisingly refreshed.  It was hard to imagine that less than twelve hours ago she had been taxed to her magical limits.  Under normal circumstances she should have been totally wiped out for at least two or three days-not bursting with renewed energy as she was now.


Something had been slowly changing inside her ever since her little jaunt to Brigit’s world.  It almost as if they were becoming stronger in their abilities.  Buffy should not have able to stand there and just pound it out with six vampires and two demons the way she had last night, or as Willow corrected herself, this morning.


With the thought of Buffy came the memory of their abject failure with the innocent girl, those bastards, had used as bait.  The young witch felt terrible about the girl-but it was Buffy who was suffering from the soul poisoning guilt.  For the second time in less than twelve hours Willow felt impotent--what good was all this power she was developing if she couldn’t ease the other half of her soul’s pain?


She found Buffy awake when she reached the bottom of the stairs.  If awake is what you would call it, she thought to herself.  The young girl was sitting on the couch staring down at the carpeting, her normally bright hair nearly brown from the dried blood still matted in it.  Willow tried hard not to gasp as the slayer faced her with dead and defeated eyes.  While the physical damage to the blonde was impressive, it was the utter despair that radiated from her lover in waves, which truly frightened Willow.


“Oh, Buffy...” The Witch whispered as she sat down on the couch next to her soulmate.  She reached out to take the slayer in her arms and then pulled back because there was literally no safe place to touch her.  Besides the gashes on her arms the witch saw cuts and livid busies all over Buffy’s body, even through the ragged, bloodstained clothes she still wore.


“I got her to drink some soup and a little bit of Gatorade.” Cordelia said quietly as she walked into the living area with a mug of soup for Willow.


“Thanks.” Willow took the mug and began to sip the hot chicken broth.  She noticed as the slayer dropped her eyes back to the carpet.


“You guys are in serious need of a grocery run.” Cordy announced.  “I made a list of the basics, if you could finish it with what you want I’ll go, after we take care of her.” The brunette finished with a pointed look at Buffy-Willow could tell that she was trying to provoke the slayer-Buffy hated to be spoken of as if she wasn’t present.


But all her lover did was clutched her injured arm tighter against her chest and sigh as the slow trickle of tears began again.


“Buffy, honey, please let’s talk about what happened.” Willow begged her soulmate.


The Slayer didn’t answer; she just shook her head emphatically, no.


The helplessness Willow felt was threatening to overwhelm her.  She just couldn’t stand to sit by and watch the person she loved more than life itself be in such pain.  Yet, she just didn’t know what she could do to ease it.


“Okay then,” she said with a resigned sigh.  “Let’s get you cleaned up and into bed.”




Hela, Countess of the First Circle, Matriarch of the house of Red Swords of Tarsus sat in her throne room smiling slightly.  She was overjoyed as she watched the couple in a glowing red sphere. Her devious and complicated plan was coming together perfectly.


That idiot Kresis had been stupid enough to attack those two head on, once again underestimating his opponents. The Slayer and her little Witch-Kit had thrown everything right back at him weakening him even further.


Her own mystical attack will be more subtle.


If everything worked according to plan then, the slayer would be under her control before the Witch knew anything was wrong.


“Oh, Max,” the beautiful demon called to her human servant.  “You don’t want to miss this, I’m about to start the Slayer’s training.”




Weeping softly Buffy cradled the young girl’s lifeless body. She looked down at the innocent face as the dull death-clouded eyes turned toward her.


“Why did you forget me?  It was your fault, you let me die?” The girl’s hollow voice echoed in her ears. “Why? You could have stopped him?”


“I-I-I t-tried.” Buffy stammered, stunned by the accusation.  Some part of the slayer’s mind knew this was a dream, that it had already happened and that there was nothing she could do to change it.


Even as she watched, a red glow covered the young victim’s face and it changed-to Willow’s.  Instead of cradling the teenage girl in her arms she held the lifeless corpse of her lover.  The witch’s blood pumped out through the wound in her neck spraying Buffy with crimson.


“Will you forget me, too?” The dead Willow asked spitting blood out of her mouth with every word.


After a shocked instant the tiny slayer felt as if a pit had opened up under her feet and she was falling. She tried to hide the truth of her failure in denial, but the lifeless green eyes of her soulmate continued to accusingly stare up at her.


The dream Buffy let out a horrific scream, dropping her soulmate’s body and curling on herself.  She prayed for insanity to come and release her from the agony of failing the one person she couldn’t live without.  She lost all sense of her dream, of who she was, as a red haze filled her mind and she knew that without Willow, there would be no escaping the pain this time. She would be lost in this eternal hell of reliving her failures.


She felt the musical voice more then she heard it.  It started as a soft jingling on the very edge of her conscious awareness and grew as she tried to focus on its beauty.  Once she acknowledged it, that she could hear it, it seemed to reach right into her and run through her nerves to her core.


Buffy found that if she concentrated--the notes almost became words-and the words began to wash some of the emotional distress away.  She forced herself to uncurl and stand just so she could better hear the song.


As she stood, she understood the words for the first time and a peace engulfed her.


“Listen,” they beckoned. “Listen, little slayer, believe in me. Surrender to me and you will never hurt again.”


Buffy didn’t want to question the music; she was frightened it would leave her, leave her utterly alone, still she was the slayer and she had to know.


“How?” She whispered.


Silence.  The beautiful music stopped.  Buffy was left straining to try and hear it.  But, all she could make out was her own harsh breathing-panic seized her as the emotional agony threatened her sanity once again.


“You need to be punished.” A voice said softly behind her and the slayer whirled dropping into a fighting crouch, only to find the dead teenager looking at her calmly.


“Once you accept your punishment, everything will be all right.... See?” The dead girl finished.  She lifted her hand, placing it over Buffy’s heart.


The slayer looked back up at the girl’s face just as an intense wave of red light crashed down the dead girl’s arm and slammed into her chest.  Wave after wave of mind numbing pain tore through the slayer until it hit the core of her being.


She knew she deserved the punishment and she accepted it for her failures.


“That’s right,” the dead teen encouraged. “Surrender to it and its pleasure.”


Then the nature of the pain changed and Buffy lost all control as the red light centered in her sex....


And she woke.


And she was blinded by the bright morning sunlight pouring into through the windows.


“Giles, she’s awake, again.”  Cordy's voice shouted.


“Thank god, I was beginning to get very concerned.” The ex-watcher said entering the room.


The slayer tried to blink her vision clear but couldn’t; all she could make out were two big people-shaped blurs.


She was terribly confused by the sudden shift from her dream to being awake....


<> Still, there was a dream, wasn't there? <> She thought to herself, as the images faded.


“Buffy? How do you feel?” Giles asked, tentatively sitting down on the bed next to her.


She blinked again, trying to make him come into focus.


“Damn, she must be still out of it.” Cordy's voice stated when the slayer didn’t respond.


“No, no, I'm fine.” Buffy was able to force the words out. <> I’m sure I had a dream.  It was important.  I needed to remember it. <>


“Well, it’s about time!” Buffy looked at the blur that had to be the tall brunette. “Do you know how worried we’ve been?” Despite the irritation in Cordelia’s voice Buffy could plainly hear the fear her friend felt for her.


“Oh and poor Willow; she has been beside herself-she feels guilty for leaving you to go to the magic shop so she could get some stinky herbs to do a healing ritual-how was I to know you were going to spike a fever in the twenty minutes she was gone.  That was just so unthoughtful of you....”


"Cordelia would you please shut-up!" Giles snapped at the babbling brunette.


At the mention of Willow's name Buffy got a flash of a memory-it was more like a sense memory--that her lover was in extreme danger.


“Willow, where is she?  Is she okay?” The Slayer asked trying to sit up so she could find her soulmate.


“She’s fine Buffy, she's sleeping in the guest room.” Giles said.  But, when he touched her on her chest with the intention of making her lie back down she got another flash of something or someone touching her in the same spot.


“I need to see Willow, now!” The Slayer cried as she got yet another flash, only this time it was of dead green eyes staring up at her.  She tried again to stand up but her body betrayed her and she fell back down, a sick dizziness forming in her in her head.  Her thoughts were growing even more confused....


“Giles, I’ll carry her in there.” Another people shaped blur said from the doorway. “Keeping them apart will only make her sick again.”  Xander spoke walking over to the bed.


“It is against my better judgment, Xander.  Willow was up for forty-eight straight hours and she needs her rest.” Giles stated as he stood and faced the young man.


“I know, Giles, but Buffy won’t wake her up. If anything having her there will help them both rest." The Slayer heard as the blankets were lifted off of her and strong arms picked her.


“I gotta say, I agree with Xander.” Cordy piped in following the procession down the hallway.


Xander gently placed her on the bed next to her soulmate and all Buffy could think about doing was curling up around her and falling asleep despite the audience.




Hela sat on her throne as she listened to the report from one of her vampire spies in Kresis’ camp. She knew it would not be long before her ex-mate would be amiable to her offer of assistance and that would be his downfall.


It had now been a week since her success with her first intrusion into the Slayer’s mind.


Like the majority of males, Kresis had made the mistake of underestimating his opposition because they were female.  He had tried to spring two more ambushes on the Slayer and her mate-both had met with complete failure.


Hela herself had observed last night’s ambush and she had to laugh at the incompetence of Kresis and his troops.


The only thing he had accomplished was killing off a significant potion of his forces and giving the little Slayer vivid nightmares about the people he had used as bait.


He'd obviously underestimated the Slayer and her lovely little witch and now she was certain that he would underestimate her ambition, too.  HE could never understand her capacity for hatred and soon he'd be at her mercy.


For centuries she had chafed at the thought of her ex-partner still alive and able to enjoy life’s pleasures after she’d done her best to destroy him.


Exile would never be adequate revenge for her after what he had done!  Once she had total control of the Slayer, and her soulmate, then the council and the Darklord would fear her!


Maybe she should raise her goals....  Mistress Darklord didn’t sound so bad to her!  Either way once the slayer and the little Witch-Kit were under her control and fully trained no one would dare act on her decision to rid herself of that arrogant bastard Kresis.


<>Soon it will be time, <> she thought. <>Soon there will be no way that fool will be able to refuse my terms and then it will be only a matter of time until he is dead. <>


She chuckled at her own cleverness.


Chapter 5


“Goddess, Cordy,” Buffy whined sleepily.


It felt like she and Willow had only just fallen asleep when Cordy came bouncing into the bedroom.  She was there to demand that Buffy come with her to the seamstress for the final fitting.  Buffy had missed one of the fittings because she had still been recovering from her illness.  Even now, her mind shied away from memories of that ambush.


“But, at least we were able to save the ones last night,” she mumbled under her breath.


“What?” Cordelia asked.


“I said, you’ve made me go to that dungeon three times already, isn’t that enough torture, or do your especially hate me?”


“Oh, no, Miss Almighty Slayer,” the beautiful brunette scolded. “You know for someone that’s supposed to be so tough you sure are a baby about the little things.” Cordy put on her best Queen C face. “Now get your cute little butt out of that damn bed and get dressed! If you are lucky to get someone as great as Willow to marry you than you should be happy to do this

for her.”


“Oh, do you really think I’ve got a cute little butt, Cordy?” Buffy asked, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.  Buffy knew that there was no way she should do what she was about to do-but she just felt too good to pass up the chance to get one up on Cordy.


So, she pulled back the covers revealing her nude body to her painfully straight friend. “And here I was afraid it was getting too big, what do you think?”


The look on Cordelia’s face was priceless!  <> She shoots and scores. <> Buffy thought.


“I...ah...well...oh...it’s...I don’t....” Cordy stammered confused and embarrassed by all the exposed Slayer flesh. “You...really...”


Buffy was enjoying her friend’s dilemma far too much to let her off the hook.  It wasn’t everyday that Cordelia Chase turned as red as an apple! So in order to fluster the girl even further Buffy yawned and stretched like a pampered cat, all the time watching Cordy fidget.


“BUFFY!” a familiar voice screamed at her as Willow appeared in the doorway to their bedroom. “Will you please leave poor Cordelia alone and get out of that bed this minute.”  Buffy looked up as the Witch stalked into the room with both hands on her hips.  She closely resembled her mother at that very moment.


“Really, I can’t leave you alone for a second without you pulling something like this.” Her incredible lover continued to scold her. “What am I going to do with you?”


“Ooooh, something wickedly nasty, I hope.” Buffy purred sexily not quite ready to let Cordy off the hook yet.  The exhibitionist slayer rose to a sitting position and to Cordy’s further frustration stretched again this time for real.


“Besides she started it.” She said as she winked at her lover to join in the fun. “Cordelia told me ‘I had a cute little butt.’ ”


“She what!” Willow exclaimed incredulously, trying hard to maintain an indignant pose. “Cordelia Chase are you in here flirting with my fiancee? You just stay away from her she’s taken.”


Cordy opened to her mouth to say something-but nothing came out.


“Well, that's a first,” the tiny slayer laughed from the bed. “Cordelia Chase speechless!” Unable to keep her serious look any longer the witch broke out laughing and was soon followed by a now covered Buffy.


“Well, I never...” Cordy began unable to keep from smiling herself.


“We know you never, not with us anyway.  I think that’s why she teases you so much.” Willow explained to her friend. “That and you’re her match.”


“Hey, hey, in the room, here!” The blonde spoke from the bed.


“Oops, sorry honey,” Willow apologized.


“S’kay, you can make it up to me later.” She winked again at her lover, this time full of promises for later.


Then all three girls laughed as the reason for why Cordy was running so later herself flashed across her face.  Buffy didn’t think it was possible for someone’s face to be so red.


“C’mon Cordy, I’ll feed you breakfast while the flasher over there gets dressed.” Willow took the now fully embarrassed Cordy downstairs.




Knowing that Buffy and Cordelia would be busy at the fitting for most of the day Willow’s mother decided to take advantage of their absence to ambush her daughter.


Sheila Rosenberg had never been quite comfortable with her daughter’s lifestyle choices and now she had fallen in love with that Bunny person. She thought not.  Willow may have fooled Ira, but she was no one's fool.  If her daughter insisted on having this fiasco then the least they could do was have a normal wedding! Or at least a semi-normal wedding, since it was with another a girl.  And by normal Sheila meant the wedding she had always wanted.


Then that Bunny person had foiled her plans by having her awful friend, that Chase girl do the planning, and doing it all wrong to boot!  If she did say so herself, which she did.


Sheila had fought Cordelia tooth and nail over every decision from the napkins, (what was wrong with paper, didn’t that Chase girl know how much a cleaning bill for linen would be?)  To the actual wedding party, of course the Blums from Nebraska had to be invited, their Great Grandfather had been on the boat with great cousin Josh, once removed!


But the absolutely final straw was when she saw what her daughter was wearing for the ceremony. Why, oh, why did Willow insist on that Bunny being the bride?  Why? Because they wanted to put her, Sheila Rosenberg who had suffered through 14 grueling hours of labor to bring Willow into the world, into an early grave, that’s why.


And on this one point Sheila Louise Rosenberg, Ph.D., was not going to give in-her lovely, wonderful, daughter was going to be the bride!  Or else! Besides, she had read about women couples and roles, and she knew that Bunny was the “man” of the house.


So she waited until that awful Chase woman carted off Bunny to the final fitting just so she could get her daughter alone.  If she had to she would pull out the heavy duty guns-her father’s bad heart.




When Cordelia stopped her car in front of the townhouse Buffy let out a loud sigh of relief, she was so glad to be finally home. This had been as close to a day from the darkest pit of Hades, as she’d had in a while.


“What?” Cordelia asked getting out of her car.


“Nothing,” the slayer answered, following her, as she noticed a familiar car parked in front of them.  “Say, isn’t that Mrs. Rosenberg’s car?”



“No, it can’t be....” Cordelia answered her.


Then Buffy’s Slayer ears heard arguing coming from her house, and having an idea what was going on the Slayer growled and stomped off toward the front door with Cordelia following close behind her.


As they approached the front door the voices could be clearly heard. Buffy and Cordelia looked at each other and groaned both knowing exactly what was happening on the other side of the door.




Willow's head was pounding like there was a jackhammer in there trying to get out. Her mother had been there for over 2 hours alternating between yelling, whining, and browbeating.  All her arguments were also seasoned liberally with a large dose of guilt.


Her mother was totally off the deep end about everything concerning the wedding. All the details were up for grabs from her choice of clothing to her role as the groom.


What had begun as a minor irritating throbbing at the back of Willow's skull had grown into a full-fledged-sight-blurring-nausea causing, knee buckling migraine.


Finally, the small Wyccan had taken just about all she could stand from her “loving” mother.


“Really Willow are you trying to embarrass your entire family with this behavior!” Sheila Rosenberg continued to screech.  She was seemingly enraged by her own daughter’s obstinacy.


“I just don’t know what has gotten into you. After all I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me?”


At that point Willow lost it.


“What’s that mother?” the redhead snapped. “All you’ve done for me, mother. What have you done for me mother?”  Willow said quietly, least her head would split wide open on the spot.


“Oh, lets see?  You were never there for me when I was lost and alone in school.”  The witch’s said as her headache suddenly started getting better. "Oh, what else, do you know the humiliation of going to the school nurse to learn about my menstrual cycle? Well?  What did you do for me then?”


Now that she had started to pour out all her pent up emotions she couldn’t stop. “The only person I ever had growing up was Xander and you treated him like dirt.”


“Well, he was dirt, from the wrong side of town!” Sheila retaliated.


“Crap, mother he was my only friend until I got to high school!” Willow stood and walked over to the window remembering the day she met Buffy.


“Then I met Giles and Buffy and Oz who treated me like a valuable person, Mother, part of a team!” The Witch turned back to her mother and saw the hurt and anger on her face.  But, it only served to enrage the young woman more, “I was in love with Oz or at least thought I was....”


“See this is what I mean,” Sheila pounced. “You thought you were in love with that dreadful musician-and now you ‘think’ you are in love with that girl!  I just want to keep you from making the same awful mistake again!”


Willow stalked over to mother, fury blazing in her eyes. “That is just so much stuff, mother.  I found a real true love in Buffy and then I almost lost her because I was afraid it would embarrass you and Daddy!”


Thinking about her Slayer made all the hurt and anger drain away from Willow.


She added, speaking softly, “I have a chance to be happy with someone that loves me more than life itself. But you wouldn’t know about that, would you? If you did you would be happy for us instead of sitting here screaming.”


Willow could see that her mother was beyond livid.  The witch would place a bet that none of her students had ever spoken to her like that before.


“Willow Rosenberg, how dare you speak to me like that?” Mrs. Rosenberg yelled, outraged by what the young redhead was sure she felt was her daughter’s disrespectful outburst.


“I don’t know who has led you to believe that you can just run over my feelings this way, but I have an idea. I just know it was that Bunny that put you up to this!”


“One more time my name is Buffy that’s B-U-F-F-Y, Buffy.” Willow's lover and protector said calmly from the doorway. The two Rosenberg women turned and looked at the petite blonde that was leaning casually on the doorframe. From the power radiating off her Willow could tell that her Slayer was in a mood.


“Now would someone tell me where you get off coming here and treating my fiancee this way?” The Blonde asked.


One set of green eyes looked at the slayer with complete love, adoration, and gratitude for her timely entrance.  Another, identical set of green eyes narrowed in anger at the interruption.


“I have every right to be here this is my daughter's home after all.” Sheila Rosenberg huffed haughtily.


“True, very true,” Buffy agreed as she walked slowly over to her Wills and took the witch in her arms. “But you see it’s my home too and when you barge in here and try to force the woman I love to bow down to your selfishness--then my only recourse is to tell you to get out.” She finished calmly.


It was all Willow could take, so the girl turned to face the Slayer and buried her face in the blonde’s chest and started crying.


Her mother began to say something rude, but Buffy guessed the woman’s intention and cut her off.


“I said leave Mrs. Rosenberg!" Buffy growled angrily. "You've done quite enough already.”


Seeing that she had lost this battle over the wedding and quite possibly more, Willow’s mother wisely shut her mouth and left without another word.


“How much of that did you hear?” Willow asked after the door slammed shut. Hoping her slayer hadn’t heard much of her infuriated speech.


“Oh lover,” Buffy started, lifting Willow’s head so they were looking into each other’s eyes. “I heard everything and I must say I am so proud to call you my soulmate and lover!”


Willow kissed her beloved slayer lightly then was pulled into another far more passionate kiss by her soon to be wife.


The kiss lasted until Cordelia cleared her throat.


“Geese you two give it a rest already.” She said grumbly, “I’ve had to deal with that woman ever since you two put me in charge and nobody’s rewarded me like that!”


“What’s the matter Cordy? Jealous?” Willow quipped to tease their friend.


Cordelia scoffed at her accusation.


“I told you, she thinks I got a cute butt,” Buffy stated joining her lover in the fun.


“I...you...we...I mean I thought we covered that this morning.” Cordelia cried demurely showing off her acting skills. “I mean I wouldn’t dare covet you, Buffy, imagine what Will would do to me? Besides if I was after anyone, it would be Will, her’s is cuter!”


Both girls stared slack jawed at the grinning brunette.


“I still got it!” Queen C announced.


The rest of the day was spent going over details for the wedding and going back and correcting the things they found that Willow’s mother had secretly changed.


Once again Cordy was an invaluable asset when it came to figuring out where the overbearing woman had messed with their plans.


All three agreed that while they looked forward to the public event, they would be glad to get it over with.


“At least those Wyccan friends of yours from San Francisco knew some members of a local Grove to help them set up the joining.” Buffy sighed, “We aren’t allowed to have anything to do with that.”


“Yeah I guess so,” Willow said wistfully. “It would have been easy considering it’s all written down so there’s no guess work, like with this little monster we’ve created here."


The three friends laughed then returned to finalizing the details of the public wedding and the required reception that followed it.  Buffy and Willow were very late for patrol that night.


Chapter 6


A light fog swirled around them as the Slayer and her chosen mate stalked into the graveyard’s oldest section.


“For Goddess sake, Buffy,” Willow complained. “Why is it so hard for you to tell me what's wrong?”


“Let it go Wills,” the obviously troubled blonde growled through clenched teeth. “Not every part of my life is open to discussion you know, or is that too much to ask?”


“Fine!: The witch snapped glaring back at her lover. “All I want to do is help you through these dreams, but if you are going to bite my head off every time I try to talk to you then just forget it.”


Buffy was about to make a sarcastic remark when her “Slaydar” started tingling.


She stopped dead in her tracks and began scanning the surrounding area, her eyes straining trying to penetrate the shadows trying to locate the danger she sensed was near.


Knowing the meaning of her soulmate’s sudden stop and feeling her anxiety Willow froze where she was and waited for a signal from her companion.


Buffy's sensitive hearing picked up the sounds of a scuffle not too far off to the right and she silently let her partner know as she headed toward the noise. The sound led them to a heavily shadowed tree lined lane that meandered lazily through the woods to a clearing lit up by the bright summer half moon.


In the center of the clearing was a stone altar that was surrounded by six chanting vampires, and on the altar was a young girl struggling to free herself from the bonds that held her.


Examining the situation carefully, the Slayer came up with a plan of attack that would draw the vamps away from the girl.  She just hoped it would give Willow enough time to free the girl.


Indicating her intention to her partner, Buffy stepped out into the clearing before Willow could protest her decision.


“Hey, guys.” The Slayer called out, “is this a private party or can anybody join in?”


Six very ugly faces turned to look at the intruder.  As Buffy had predicted all six began advancing on her, forgetting their bound captive entirely.


As if on signal they rushed at the audacious blonde expecting her to run and were caught by surprise when she stood her ground ready to fight.


Once the conflict began Willow used the shadows as cover to get around behind the half dozen undead and hurried to the altar.  She was determined to free the girl as quickly as possible so she could join her mate in he fray.


Willow stealthily made her way to the alter and using her athame began cutting the ropes that held the would be sacrifice. The brave young witch had turned to lead the freed captive to safety, when an unnaturally strong pair of hands suddenly grabbed her from behind. She turned her head as far as she could to see what had grabbed her and saw that the cute young

brunette that was gone and in her place was a female vampire in full game face.


Willow struggled, but was held fast in the vice-like grasp of the monster. The vampire was smiling hideously at her in triumph. Willow immediately tried to use magic to free herself, but just like in all the other ambushes, some kind of strong dark power was protecting the Vampire.


“I’ve got the witch.” The vampire shouted victoriously. “You can come out now.”


The first six vampires backed away from the Slayer as six more joined them.


“We are one of Lord Kresis’ elite corps,” the apparent leader of the party crowed to the stunned Slayer.


“You would not believe how much planning our master put into this ambush,” he continued. “And now we have not only been able to trap the dreaded Slayer but we have also successfully separated her from the witch for the first time.”


“To answer your question Slayer,” another one of the vampires said laughing triumphantly. “This is a private party but don't worry, you and your bitch are the guests of honor.”


“Wouldn’t you know it,” Buffy quipped, with far more confidence than she felt. “I brought the party favors.”


Buffy pulled out two stakes from her belt and feeling that a good offense was the best defense she attacked the nearest vampire in a whirling twist planting the stake his long dead heart. As that one exploded in a cloud of dust, the blonde blur moved on to her next target, all the while pushing the fight toward the vampire that was holding her lover. She vowed that she would save her beloved or die in the attempt.  The Slayer fought with a ferocity far beyond anything she thought she was capable of doing.


The surprisingly sudden and vicious attack seemed to have unnerved the vampires and it threw them into a panic.  The instructions from their leader and all the training they received hadn’t prepared them for the fury, strength and speed that they faced in the blonde slayer.


As the vampire’s leader tried regain control of his troops by having them fall back and reform, the female vampire holding Willow made the mistake of watching the fight.  Sensing her captor's distraction Willow began chanting quietly under her breath, gathering powerful magiks.  The witch’s hands began to glow with a neon green--signaling the power Willow had built.


When Willow was sure she had gathered enough to break through whatever it was shielding the unfortunate vampire that was imprisoning her, she let it loose.  With a flash of incredibly intense green light the female vampire disappeared.


No cloud of dust, no flames, no screams, the vampire was just gone.


Willow collapsed to her knees panting--she looked up to see that Buffy was in it deep.  The remaining vampires had reformed and, now that they were over their initial panic, were fighting like the elite guard they claimed to be.


She staggered to her feet and rushed to her mate’s aid. She didn’t slow down long enough to contemplate the meaning of the new range of her powers—all she could think about was Buffy.


As she approached, Willow continued to chant and balls of powerful green flames shot from her hands destroying any undead creature it touched. Things slowed some when the witch joined the reason for her existence and turned to guard the quickly tiring Slayer’s back.


“Good to see you, Wills,” Buffy admitted panting heavily from her exertions. “I was beginning to think you were going to sit this one out.”


“What and let you have all these hot young vamps to yourself?” Willow quipped, knowing that her lover used humor to cover her fear that she was going to lose her mate. “I think not.”


Now the only thing that worried the two defenders of humanity was that, although they were fighting better than they ever had, they had now reached the limit of their strength.  They were trembling with exhaustion and there were still three vamps facing them.


“Wills, I’m sorry...” Buffy gasped, barely able to hold her arms up. “I don’t... how...longer I can...hold on...it looks like I’m letting you...down again.”


“No...I can’t ...accept that...we’ve got to... hold on” Willow whispered out of breath and strength herself. “I won’t ...let it end...now. I know if we....”


She could say no more as the abyss of total physical, mental exhaustion swallowed her, and she collapsed in a heap. Even exhausted a faint green aura surrounded the witch.


Buffy looked down at her fallen companion and felt tears of frustration falling down her face. With fatalistic determination the devoted Slayer and lover of the fallen Sorceress straddled the body of her mate ready to defend them both from their enemies.


“My love...” Buffy panted, blinking the tears and sweat out of her eyes. She knew this was the end but she was incapable of surrender because of Willow. “They. Won’t... get to... you... with... out going... through... me.”


The first of the vampires launched itself at the weary blonde defender and in a deadly dance of kicks, punches, leaps and spins the two fought.  The Slayer was surprised at how much stamina she still had, but by the time her dance partner was dusted there was nothing left.


Swaying unsteadily on her feet, her knees threatening to buckle, but refusing the inevitable the Slayer looked even smaller than normal. Turning slowly to face her last two adversaries the tiny blonde tried one last insult.


“Come on...vamps,” Buffy shouted as loudly as she could and with as much contempt as she could muster “You haven’t got the fangs to finish it?”


“You bitch, we were going to do you quick,” the lead vampire snarled viciously. “But now your smart mouth has convinced us to do you and your witch slut nice and slow so we can enjoy every agonizing second of her death.”


“Gods... don’t you guys ever get...new...material?” Buffy shot back and braced herself for the attack that she knew must come.


A small smile crossed her lips as she felt a trickle of power coming into her from Willow’s unconscious form and saw the aura was a tiny bit brighter but Buffy knew her beloved wouldn’t be able to get enough strength in time to help.


<>Good try sweetheart, <> Buffy projected to her soulmate hoping the thoughts were reaching her. <>There just isn’t time. I love you Willow. Now and forever we will be together. <>


The petite blonde watched her antagonists waiting for them--prepared to go down fighting.  She wanted to take both of the vampires with her hoping that could possibly save her partner.


The two vamps began to circle her in opposite directions trying to draw the Slayer off balance and failing, she was too well trained to fall for that.


Suddenly, Buffy felt a familiar red haze cloud her mind and vision.


The next thing she knew she was standing over her beloved Witch, in the empty clearing.


She looked down at the peacefully sleeping redhead in confusion.  <> Where’d the vamps go? <> She thought, searching the dark tree line for movement.


Again, with no warning the red haze pushed everything from the slayer’s mind--except the urgent need to get her beloved to the safety of their home.


Mind and body on the point of collapse Buffy picked up her unconscious lover and started towards home.


As she gently placed the Witch on the bed--she thought she had no idea how they made it.  She couldn't remember anything after she left the clearing.


<>None of that matters, <> Buffy repeated the thought that formed in her mind. <> You are safe.  She is safe, go to sleep now. <> And a red tinged blackness filled the slayer’s head....




Countess Hela and her faithful servant Max slipped out of her hiding place across from the slayer’s townhouse unseen.


As they headed for her temporary home, she could tell that her loyal Max had questions.  Since everything was going exactly as planed she felt benevolent towards the human.


“What is your question, Max?” The Countess asked still humming a happy demented little tune.


The insane little man looked at her adoring, “Thank you for your kindness, mistress.” He started, she could see that he was carefully forming his question. “You had them at your mercy, why did you not allow me to collect them?”


She laughed at his stupidity. “The Slayer still struggles with her destiny as my slave.  Her will must be completely broken for me to gain total control of it.  If we had captured them tonight, I would never have been able to gain power over her.  No, for me to own the Slayer, she must come to me willingly.”


“And the witch?” She glanced down at the human with a withering glare and was rewarded as Max dropped to his knees to beg forgiveness.


“Stand up, Max.” Hela said, “the Witch doesn’t need to be broken for me to use her power -- energy -- all I need is the Slayer.”  The poor little human still looked totally confused; Hela sighed dramatically.  “The connection between the Slayer and a Witch cannot be broken, all I need to reach the source of both their power is one or the other.”


Comprehension finally dawned in Max's eyes.  Hela laughed again, “let us go and began phase two of the Slayer’s training.”





Weeping softly, Buffy cradled the young girl’s lifeless body. Some part of her mind knew this was a dream.  That it was the same dream she’d been having for weeks. Still, that knowledge didn't dull the pure agony she felt when she looked down at the death clouded eyes of the innocent girl.


“Why did you let me die?” The girl's hollow soulless voice asked. “Why didn’t you stop them?”


“I-I-I t-tried.” Buffy stammered, still stunned by the accusation even after all this time. “It’s not my fault. I couldn't...”


The red haze that would normally gently fill Buffy’s mind with the promise of absolution instead slammed into her with a soul killing grief.


Her dream self fell to her knees gasping for air as the dead, innocent girl, turned into Willow.  Only this time Willow changed into Jenny Calendar who hung lifeless from Angelus’ arms.


“Yes you could have saved us all, Buffy.” A familiar baritone said from behind her.


She turned toward the voice and saw her first watcher, Merrik, the blood still oozing from the gapping hole in his chest.


“You could have saved her, Buffy,” he repeated pointing at Jenny. “Just like you could have saved us all.  If only you had tried harder, just a little more effort and none of us would have died.”


Buffy tried to cover up her ears so she couldn’t hear the truth of the words Merrick spoke.


He was joined by all the innocent victims she’d hadn’t saved over the last several years.


“You could have saved us,” the voices of the failed screamed at her. “If you had tried, you could have saved us, if you had really wanted to you could have saved us all.”


“NO, NO, NO, NO!” Buffy shouted as loud as she could, trying to drown out the crowd. “I tried, I really tried, please believe me. PLEASE!”


The voices stopped.


Buffy slowly opened eyes she hadn’t known she had closed.  She peered around and found that she was alone. The silence was every bit as damning as the cries of the people she'd failed.


She stood, as the cold feeling of loneliness began to creep into her bones.


“Then why do you resist your punishment?” The musical voice of her last dream asked. “Accept your punishment, surrender to its power, and you will never be lonely or in pain again.”


Buffy felt herself falling -- and as soon as she gave into the beautiful siren song of the music a red light washed over her -- with a pain so intense it became pleasure.  The promise of absolution from the other dreams becoming the reality of ecstasy.


Buffy woke still crying out....


Realizing it was just another of those weird dreams that she forgot as soon as she woke up, she choked off her screams. She didn’t want to wake her beloved lying next to her. She watched as the beautiful redhead stirred slightly and mumbled something in her sleep.


The love Buffy felt for her soulmate rose up in her--she was sure that there had never, in the history of the entire world, been anyone more beautiful than her Wills.  She gently stroked her lover's side, knowing the contact would at once reassure the witch of her love and help her Wills settle back into deep sleep.


After the ambush Buffy really didn’t expect Willow to wake-up before noon, at the earliest, but the slayer had to make sure her soulmate wouldn’t disturb her.


Buffy noted the bright morning sunlight streaming into the room from the open curtains.  She had been too exhausted the night before to close them, so she got up out of bed to close them now.


As Buffy slid out of bed, she quietly made her way to the downstairs bathroom, stopping by her dresser to pick up a special item.


She closed the bathroom door and leaned against it vaguely wondering what she was doing.  Why was she in the bathroom downstairs, she questioned, when all she wanted to do was close the curtains?


Music intruded into her conscious mind; maybe Giles was re-living his mid-life crisis?  She thought, while making sure the door was locked.


Still confused at her own actions she tried to make out the words to the music and couldn't, though she knew exactly what the music wanted her to do.


Slowly, the slayer climbed into the bathtub and sat down on the back edge. After a few moments she realized she had something in her hand.


Buffy studied the beautiful knife she held in her left hand. She admired the way the tapered black plastic handle fit her hand as if it were made for her. The shining surgical steel blade reflected the harsh fluorescent light into her eyes.


Caught in the thrall of the musical voice she laid the flat of the blade against her cheek, enjoying the feel of the cool steel on her fevered skin. Buffy slowly pulled the flat of the blade across her cheek to her mouth.


Pausing before she brushed the dangerous implement over her lips--her tongue suddenly flicked out without her knowledge or control--over the needle sharp point.  The slayer gasped and pulled back--her mind clearing for just an instant -- until the coppery sweet taste of her own blood washed over her taste buds.


She closed her eyes and leaned her head back feeling her entire nervous system tingle as it carried the pain from her tongue seemingly throughout her body.  It began to focus in her belly where it ended up as a burning knot.


The incredible dark music seemed to bury itself deep inside of Buffy.  The girl could almost feel tentacles detaching from the knot in her belly and spreading through out her body.


As each of the dark snakes surfaced it called for more pain--more blood. Buffy couldn't help but answer the song--she had to be punished--she had to suffer for her sins.


Buffy lowered the razor sharp blade until it rested against the soft highly sensitive skin of her inner thigh.


<>How perfect the same knife I used on Faith. <> She told herself, <>someone else I've let down. <>


Buffy slowly drew the blade up her thigh, bearing down enough so it sliced through her flesh. The pain was exquisite. The darkness expanding inside of her applauded.


"At last--I can feel something else," the slayer hissed and repeated the process on her other thigh.


She was panting heavily as the nearly orgasmic pain took control of her mind and body.


Buffy turned on the water and let it mix with her blood and carry it down the drain. She ran her finger across her skin coating it with the blood flowing freely from the cuts. She put the finger in her mouth, sucked, and licked the blood from the digit.


Buffy was in her own world of pain, blood, and the dark song urging her on, demanding more pain more blood.


Demanding she do it in payment for her numerous past failures.  It was telling her that only her own suffering could possibly pay for causing all the pain and death that ruled her life.


And Buffy was lost.


Continued in Part 3


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