If Destiny Wills It


By Alex


Disclaimers – go see Part 1


Author’s NoteThis wouldn't be here if not for my beta, Ralf, the miracle worker, thanks bunches. Also a big thanks to all of you that continue to send feedback, it keeps the motor running. ~A~


Dedication – Dedication: To Diana my source of inspiration, Miss your wit, miss your wisdom, miss you.  Hope you are better and back soon.


Feedback – Yes always. You can reach me at keeper444@webtv.net







Chapter 15


The Countess Hela sat on her makeshift throne, idly tormenting the nearly dead young woman suspended from the ceiling in front of her. She hated waiting.


Ten large vampires lounged around the room, awaiting her orders to proceed with the mission the Countess had assigned them earlier in the evening.


The large Latino servant Max entered the room and hurried to his beloved mistress’ side.


“Your grace.” Max said as he bowed reverently and kissed the exotically beautiful demoness’ offered hand. “There is news of your Slayer and her Witch.”


She smiled at her pet psychotic and signaled her pleasure at his worship.


<>Soon they will all bow to me as my Max does.<> Hela told herself. “Tell me my dearest Max,” she purred. “What are my little future pets up to?”


“Your scouts have reported that they are out and alone,” her favorite and only willing human servant reported. “According to reports the two are heading toward the old cemetery just as you predicted, your grace. The scout stayed with them long enough to be sure of their destination then it came straight here.”


“Very good, my precious Max,” she cooed as she lightly ran her talons across his massive muscular chest rewarding him with her touch. “It will soon be time to leave. Once we have them we will be going home to the jungle house. I grow tired of this place.”


“Anything for you, your grace.” Max moaned trembling in the ecstasy of her attentions. “I await your commands.”


“Of course,” the Countess sighed, smiling benevolently at the enraptured man. Then she rose from her throne. She reached up and released the girl’s body letting it fall to the cold stone floor.


Max looked down on the broken yet still living anonymous female on the floor. He smirked as he remembered how arrogant and aloof she was when she’d first arrived.


She had looked down her nose at him like he was a lowly peasant. He smiled coldly as he thought about how she’d bragged about being chosen by the Countess.


<>My how the mighty have fallen.<> Max thought with a smirk. <>From top of the world to pet food in 24 hours.<>


As the psychotic butler followed his beloved mistress toward the awaiting vampires, the first of the small demon-spawn creatures came out of the shadows and began sniffing the immobile object. It was soon joined by its’ siblings.


Sensing no threat they began feasting on the helpless quivering, screaming girl.


Max walked away laughing as the girl’s screams soon died down to a gurgle. His mistress came to her cadre of vampires that was awaiting her orders. They snapped to attention at her approach.


Their fear of both her and her human assistant, was almost palpable in the air as they watched her glowing red eyes inspecting them.


“Alright my children,” the Countess Hela purred in her deep rasping voice. “It is time for you to prove your worthiness to serve me. Remember, the Slayer and her witch-kit are to be taken with a minimum of damage. Also my dear Kresis is fair game. In fact I do not want him to live through the night. Follow my orders and your rewards will be great, fail me and your short lives will be exquisitely painful. Now go, I will join you shortly.”


The vampires rushed out determined to follow the Countess’ orders to the letter, even those that hadn’t been in her service long had seen enough to have no doubt that she was quite capable of carrying out her every threat.


“Stay with me Max. I want you safe and unharmed my pet.” Hela purred while she absent-mindedly stroked the madman's shiny black hair. “We will pick up the personal guards and go, so we can be there in case those fools ruin my plans.”


“As you wish, your grace,” the psychotic Latino answered breathlessly at his beloved mistress concern. “I am your to command always.”


“Of course you are, precious.” Hela laughed and signalled two huge hulking, red skinned demons to follow as she left the room.


The Countess and her entourage left the house and headed to the ambush point in the old cemetery. As the group walked through the streets Hela confided her plans to Max.


“On the way back to the jungle house I think I will contact that nice chaos demon in L.A.” she said speculativly. “I will have him gather up a few playmates for us to take with us. What do you think Max?”


“As you wish your grace,” he answered then added enthusiastically. “May I request one or two red heads this time? They are ever so much fun and they scream so prettily.”


She looked at her favorite pet and was amused by his child like manner when he made his request.


“Oh alright.” Hela said as if indulging a favorite child. “Just remember, you are not allowed to break them without permission and only after you have finished your duties. Is that understood?”


“Of course your grace,” he answered overwhelmed by her generosity.


Hela chuckled at her pet’s excitement as they stepped into the shadows of the night.




Time moved like a snail on the edge of a razor blade for the impatient Count Kresis. He knew he'd been played for a fool by his ex-mate Hela. That she’d almost caused him to violate an edict from the master of Tarsus, his home world.


No one, demon or not, aristocrat or commoner, would dare violate one of his edicts.


Fortunately for Kresis he was able to discover the plot his ex had hatched and now he had compiled evidence that she was completely insane.


It had taken him a while to figure out her entire plan. At first he thought she was just trying to destroy him.


It was perfect, either the Slayer and her witch would do the job or he would do away with one or both of them, then he would be hunted down and destroyed by his own kind for violating one of the dark master’s orders.


That plan in and of itself was devious, vicious, and very nearly perfect. But now after studying the reports of his scouts and infiltrators along with Hela’s recent acts he had finally understood the real depths and pure audacity of her plans, and the completeness of her insanity.


Kresis head spun at the unbelievability of what his ancient nemesis was trying. Not only did Hela mean to destroy him, but she apparently intended to use him to wear down the Slayer and her witch-kit until she was able to take them, and after breaking them to her will that bitch was going to use them as a weapon against the Council and quite possibly the Dark master himself.


Kresis had to laugh at the irony of it all. Hela was always talking about how he was so stupidly chauvinistic that he inevitably underestimated his female adversaries.


Well he’d learned his lessons many earth centuries ago when the Countess had betrayed him into exile.


Now here she was thinking that she alone could defeat the latest incarnation of the great Sorceress or, even more ridiculous, that she could separate the Sorceress from her Slayer now that they’d acknowledged each other.


He couldn’t believe that after all this time Hela was falling for her own reputation and thought that she, or any other of their race had the strength to do that.


It was obvious to him that she hadn’t felt the steadily increasing power of the young witch-kit, but he had.


The first time they had clashed she had barely fought off his assault. However this last time he had attacked her on several different planes at once and although she had collapsed with exhaustion, Kresis had barely survived the backlash caused by her power.


It struck him that Hela had no idea that every time the Sorceress was pushed to her limits by a metaphysical attack, her powers increased three-fold. He hadn’t known himself until he’d done some in depth research, and the math.


This meant that Kresis had more working knowledge on the situation than Hela.


“For the first time I’ve gotten a step ahead of my precious ex.” Kresis told himself out loud, attracting the attention of his three remaining retainers. Noticing this he turned to them. “Well I hope you are better at fighting your own kind than you have been against the Slayer and her friends, because if we fail tonight none of us will see tomorrow’s sunset.”


The Count spun with a flourish and left the room followed by his retainers, all realizing they were headed for the battle of their un-lives.


This time they faced a far worse enemy then ever, not the Slayer and the Sorceress, but a Countess of the First Circle and her small army of their own kind. It was a toss as to which would kill them first.


Chapter 16


The cemetery was lit only by the soft eerie light of the crescent moon. The tombstones, mausoleums, and surrounding trees cast strange shadows that were able to hide a multitude of evils. 


The tall dark figure watched the two young women as they made their way across the grounds. A patchy ground fog hid their feet to the ankles. A smile crossed his lips as he watched the two make their way cautiously from shadow to shadow.          


The figure had watched with interest as the pair encountered young but determened vampires, three encounters, three dusted vampires. It was clear to him that the petite blonde and her red haired companion hadn’t lost anything since he’d last seen them. They had taken out their opponents with impressive speed and efficiency of motion.


He was beginning to wonder what had prompted Giles’ frantic call for help. The ex-watcher was not known to panic unnecessarily and the tall figure knew the deceptively mild mannered man would not risk the inevitable temper fest if the Slayer found out he was here, unless absolutely necessary.                  


After all Buffy had made it quite clear his presence was no longer needed when she’d told him of her new relationship with Willow. Granted he had not reacted well but considering she'd just sprung it on him with no warning what so ever. What had she expected?            


The real trouble was that by the time he’d had enough time to sort out how he really felt about her newly discovered lifestyle, they’d already had a devastating fight, complete with the usual vicious comments recriminations and nasty name calling. He was sure that the young, sensitive girl wasn’t about to forgive him.


Of course, in her defense, she never would have been so enraged at him if he’d confined his venomous verbal remarks to her. But when he’d verbally attacked Willow he realized, too late, that he’d crossed the line.


Buffy had gone ballistic, and in a flurry of punches and kicks she’d driven him from Giles’ home demanding that he never come near her or her friends again. He was told to keep his bigoted, small-minded opinions away from them.            


The next evening he’d packed what he wanted of his belongings and left Sunnydale and not returned until tonight.


Oh sure he’d tried to apologize for his stupidity, but his one time love had coldly rebuked each attempt without hearing them. At home he had a small mountain of returned unopened letters, packages, flowers and candy as evidence of his heart felt regret for hurting Buffy and her beloved witch, Willow.


<>If I’d only kept it between us and left the love of her life out of it.<> the brooding vampire speculated. <>All that would probably be behind us by now and I wouldn’t have to hide to help her.<>


He sighed deeply when he thought of how much he missed the easy camaraderie they’d shared for years. How the sound of her laugh had been able to lift his soul from the deepest abyss.


<>Well I guess that’s all over now.<> he thought, as the almost constant depression slipped back over him. <>There’s no way old Angel would be welcome back in Sunnydale as far as Buffy Summers is concerned. Gods I miss her, even just as a friend.<>


Angel’s thoughts were interrupted when sudden movements appeared in the shadows that the two girls were coming close to.


Buffy and Willow walked through the cemetery as if this was any other night, but no matter how casual they appeared on the surface, underneath they were both tensed and on guard with every sense alert, scanning the depths of each shadow for signs of the expected ambush.


As they went along on their regular patrol, they tested and learned the limits of their newly acquired mental link.


So far they’d figured out that they shared thoughts and emotions but it wasn’t like they were talking to each other. It was more like they instantly knew what the other was thinking and feeling. They’d also figured out how to block each other out so they each could have a certain amount of privacy.


When Willow sensed a presence watching them earlier, she let Buffy have access to her thoughts so she was warned.


To her frustration the witch was unable penetrate the barriers the entity had erected around itself and wasn’t able to identify it as friend or foe.


“Damn!” Willow muttered under her breath. “I still can’t figure out who that is out there.”


“No prob Wills.” Buffy said softly to reassure her friend. “If they weren't friendly...”


“...they would have attacked by now.” Willow finished with a smirk. “I realize that but not knowing makes me...”


“...nervous.” Buffy finished, smiling back at her companion. “Relax Wills, I’ve got a feeling I know...”


“Angel?” Willow asked surprised at her lover’s thoughts.


"Yeah, I think he’s trying to make amends for what he said,” the Slayer whispered. “I know he’s sorry, but after 246 years you'd think he’d know better.”


Willow blurted out a laugh at Buffy’s comment.


“How long ya’ gonna make him suffer?” Willow asked trying to hide her nervousness.


“Oh, I don’t know,” Buffy said smiling secretly to her lover. “He looks so good when he mopes, I'd hate to be the one to spoil his fun.”


Their levity was interrupted when Buffy’s “Slayer sense” went off, alerting her to the nearness of her favorite kind of opponents. Willow could feel her mate’s sudden tension and immediately knew its’ cause.



Buffy stepped back, placing herself between her beloved Willow and the shadows and assumed her combat stance.


Three large extremely mean looking vampires glided from the shadows.


“Hello Slayer,” one of the creatures purred menacingly. “I can’t tell you how truly delighted we are to see you.”


“Is that so?” Buffy said, trying to buy time for her allies to get into position. She could hear Willow chanting under her breath. “Do you really have that much of a death wish, vamp?”


She used that particular nickname for the undead because she knew how much they hated it.


“Ah that remains to be seen, my tiny Slayer,” the spokesman said scoring a hit of his own.


She looked at the still handsome face of the lead vampire, and wondered if she’d ever met him before he was turned, he looked familiar. She was going to ask but decided it didn’t matter now and shrugged it off.


“No love, you’ve never met him before.” Willow giggled into the Slayer’s ear. “He’s from out of town. I think it’s time.”


Buffy turned slightly and nodded her head to let her partner know she understood.


“So are we here to fight or are you trying to bore me to death?” Buffy asked sarcastically, contempt dripping from her voice. “Don’t any of you know anything new?”


The lead vampire snarled at the small blonde’s insult and losing control he launched himself at the Slayer. She met his attack with a flurry of spinning kicks and back fists that not only stopped the undead assailant, but began to drive him back toward a big ornate tombstone.

One of his allies snuck around behind Buffy in an attempt to blind side her.


“Buffy! Behind you!” Willow shouted to warn her mate.


Thanks to Willow’s warning Buffy caught the vamp’s movement and ducking under his punch, she launched a side snap kick into his chest, jumping up as her second attacker flew backwards to slam into a tombstone.


As he straightened back up Buffy threw her arm forward releasing a long sharply pointed wooden stake that blurred through the air to penetrate the vamp’s chest piercing his heart.          


Pain and surprise registered on his face just in time for him to explode in a cloud of dust.


The Slayer turned her attention back to her original opponent.


Unobserved by Buffy the third vampire launched a more cautious attack on the Slayer’s red haired companion.


Surprised by the attack Willow fell back using her staff to fend off the vampire’s assault.                


When Buffy's opponent suddenly turned and ran, she took off after him unaware that her Willow wasn’t right behind her.


“Come on Wills.” Buffy shouted enthusiastically over her shoulder. “I think this is it!”


Buffy ran at full speed disappearing over a slight rise that placed her out of sight, unaware that her single minded concentration had cut her off from her lover’s thoughts.


Willow was too busy holding back the third vampire that was slowly forcing her back toward an old vine covered mausoleum.


The harder he pressed, the harder she tried to concentrate. Finally her extra training and natural defenses took over and the mystical eerie neon green glow of her metaphysical powers began to rise. The brighter the glow the stronger her counterattack became. The tide of battle slowly turned in Willow’s favor and as she began pushing the vampire back she forgot to guard her own back.            


A vampire that neither Buffy nor Willow had detected earlier slipped out of the shadow of the mausoleum and stealthily approached the witch from behind.


Knowing that his mistress wanted this slender girl alive with a minimum of damage the vamp was preparing to strike her from behind.


Anticipating his rewards the vampire failed to check for any other possible opponents, an error he didn’t live long enough to repeat.


“Willow, down!” a familiar voice shouted from behind the vampire she was facing.


Without thinking Willow dropped to her knees, a blur flew over her head and a stake appeared in the chest of the vampire that was sneaking up behind her, and as he disappeared in a swirling cloud of dust a dark figure appeared behind the vampire facing her.


An arm wrapped around his throat and the vampire was bent backwards over a tombstone and an arm came down hard driving a sharp wooden stake into his heart.


As that one joined his comrade in a dust cloud Willow rose to her feet and looked into the dark eyes of her rescuer.


“Thank you Angel.” Willow said gratefully and smiling at him shyly. “We were wondering when you were going to join us, we missed you.”


“It was no big deal, Willow.” Angel said embarrassed by the girl’s gratitude. “I’m just glad I was here for you.”


“Me too.” the witch answered awkwardly, remembering why he’d been gone so long. “Does this mean you forgive Buffy and I for being in love?”


He nodded his head looking down in shame over his rude comments, that he’d made about both girls. He started to say something but stopped when he saw the shy smile disappear from her lips.            


Angel could tell something was wrong.


Willow was suddenly overcome with feelings of fear, revulsion, and rage that swept over her. The sudden change in the girl’s expression concerned Angel.


“Willow?” he inquired worried “What is it? What’s wrong?”


The witch’s green glowing eyes locked on the souled vampire’s dark gaze, a look of pure horror came over her face and she whispered the one word that conveyed her feelings of hopeless soul shattering terror.




Chapter 17


It wasn’t the toughest slayage Buffy had ever faced, but it was tough enough that she was getting to vent some of her pent up hostility and anger.


Every kick, every punch carried with it a little piece of the insults and harassment she’d been forced to put up with over the last few months. Every time someone had said some hurtful remark toward her and her Willow that she couldn't retaliate against was stored in her and every chance she got she released the beast within her.


The Slayer used all stored up negative energy to add strength to her fighting abilities. This was something Merrick had taught her and she was grateful to him for it, among all the other lessons he given her.


When the first vampire attacked, she could feel his bones breaking under each punch and kick. Buffy even ignored early opportunities to stake him in order to prolong the fight itself.


Though she knew the Scoobies (especially Willow) wouldn’t approve of her enjoying slaying, but deep down Buffy felt her little “inner slayer” jumping up and down for joy, cheering her on. Buffy was concentrating on beating the vamp she was currently facing to a bloody pulp, and was probably too focused on it too much.


It felt good, with every punch every kick Buffy could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins. It was like some drug sending her to new heights of pleasure. It was times like these that Buffy understood Faith, it was almost better than sex, almost.


She’d beaten the vampire back to where he was almost trapped against a large garish tombstone when she heard Willow's warning and caught movement out of the corner of her eye.


The Slayer ducked just in time as the vampire sneaking up behind her swung a punch at the back of her head. The fist cut through empty air where Buffy’s head had been, missing her completely.


From her crouch the Slayer launched a vicious side-kick that connected with the second vampire’s chest and knocked him backwards about four yards into the air, only stopping when his body collided with a waist high tombstone.


Pulling a second stake from behind her belt Buffy threw it at the second vamp.  Thanks to her Slayer abilities the stake hit him in the center of his chest, sinking all the way through his cold undead heart.


Before that one turned into a cloud of dust Buffy turned to face her first adversary, only to find that he’d used the opportunity to duck around the tombstone and was running toward a low rise.


From experience the Slayer knew that on the other side of the rise was a small bowl shaped valley just perfect for an ambush.  With that in mind she took off after him knowing full well that she was more than likely running head-long into an ambush.  In her excitement the third vampire and Willow slipped her mind momentarily, recalling that she wasn’t alone but with full confidence that her friend could handle a single vampire.


“I’m going on after this one, Wills,” the Slayer shouted over her shoulder as she took off in pursuit of the escaping vampire. “I think this is it.” As an after thought she added, “Come on when you’re done. I’ll hold them off till you get there.”


Buffy continued running, grinning at her own arrogant over-confidence and knowing she’d hear about it later from her lover.


Buffy went on ahead over the rise and down into the bowl shaped valley of tombstones and an old granite and marble mausoleum that was crumbling slightly with age.


She came to a sliding stop toward the center of the valley as she found herself suddenly surrounded by ten or fifteen very large vampires. All of which looked to be highly capable veterans, not at all like the inexperienced newbies she and Willow normally faced.


With a hard loud gulp Buffy began to realize that she could be in serious trouble.


<>Oh shit.<> she thought, cursing herself for not waiting for Willow. <>This is definitely not the smartest thing I’ve ever done. I hope Giles’ plan works, cause if doesn’t my sweet little Slayer butt is dead, or worse.<>


Buffy began to really worry when she realized that she was no longer linked to Willow. In fact now that she thought about it she hadn’t been since the fighting started.


Looking around Buffy realized she was totally alone and Willow was nowhere in sight, and without the link Buffy felt more alone than she’d ever felt before.


Something else was beginning to bother the Slayer, although the vamps had her out numbered and surrounded none of them had made a move of any kind.


They just stood there in a circle, eerily quiet as if they were just holding her there for someone else. They hadn’t even slipped into game-face. It was obvious that this was a well organized and disciplined force, not the usual collection of self-serving individuals she was used to.


Deep in her heart Buffy felt fear and doubt for the first time in a long time. She wasn’t sure that she and her friends would be enough to stop this new and different threat.


Summoning up what courage she could the Slayer took a deep breath and addressed the group.


“Uh...hey guys.” Buffy said, trying to hide her nervousness behind bravado. “What’s up? Who’s hosting this little shindig?”


As if in answer to her question the vampires in front of Buffy stepped aside to form an isle that was soon filled by a bizarrely beautiful woman, being closely followed by a big muscular man of obviously Latin extraction and flanked by two huge hulking red skinned demons.


As the group drew closer she could see that the woman, while beautiful, had some noticeable differences that marked her as not quite human, most notable were her glowing red eyes that captured and held the Slayer’s vision.


“Greetings Slayer,” the woman said, her deep rasping voice sending tingles along Buffy’s nerves straight to her core. “I’m so glad you could join us. We were waiting for you but it seems you have misplaced your little witch-kit. I do hope she hasn’t gotten herself into more trouble than she can handle, and that she too will join us soon.”


The woman laughed lightly filling the air between them with the musical sound. Buffy found she was unable to speak and found the woman’s deep throaty rasping voice strangely compelling.


It was as if a curtain had fallen over her mind that kept Buffy from thinking of anything except her attraction for this woman. She found herself drawn to the exotic beauty to the exclusion of everything else.


All thoughts of Giles, Xander, Cordelia, the Abbot, even her soulmate Willow were wiped from her conscious mind, and her entire being was centered on the vision of darkly inhuman beauty that was facing her.


“I am the Countess Hela,” the woman announced. “And you, my sweet Slayer, belong to me, as does your beloved little witch-kit. I have decided it is time to collect my property.”


Buffy tried to fight against the pull of the voice, but it seemed to penetrate deep into her psyche crowding all other thoughts and impulses back into the dark recesses of her mind.


This was the voice of her dreams, the voice that held the promise of salvation, the voice that gave forgiveness. It could not be ignored it would not be denied. Buffy’s deepest, most primal self answered its siren's call.


“Come to me my Slayer.” Hela commanded, softly and gently. “Come to your mistress and surrender your will to me, submit to my dominance obey my commands. Come to me.”


Buffy tried to fight the compulsion to follow the Countess’ orders, a chill ran up her spine. Fear, revulsion and anger joined submission and lust in the Slayer’s mind in a confusing vortex of emotions.


She was unable to resist Hela’s commands. She took a tentative step toward the Countess and her small entourage. Buffy tried with all her strength to fight the compulsion, but it was too strong, too deep. It was as if her legs were following Hela’s orders of their own accord.


“Come along my child.” Hela coaxed, like she was encouraging a toddler to walk for the first time. “Come to your mistress come on, that’s a good girl.”


A shiver of both revulsion and joy swept through Buffy’s body at Hela’s words of praise. Buffy closed her eyes and clenched her fists in a futile attempt to escape the fiendishly subtle female’s spell, but her body was no longer hers to command and it continued to follow Hela’s



<>Oh Gods Wills!<> Buffy's mind cried out in desperation. <>Please come save me my love or I’m lost forever.<>


Buffy walked stiffly like some giant puppet, answering the woman’s beckoning call. As she reached the woman, the two demons stepped up and seized the Slayer’s arms.


At a signal from the Countess they turned their captive around to face the direction from which she’d come. The vampires formed battle lines between the Slayer and the far side of the bowl shaped valley. Buffy felt the woman come up behind her. Hate, anger and fear joined disgust and nausea as Hela’s inhumanly large hands began roaming Buffy’s body, over her clothes.


She closed her eyes tightly as she felt an unnaturally long tongue sweep over her ear and neck as the woman’s abnormally hot breath washed over her sensitive flesh.


The Slayer was close to the end of her strength. She could feel her knees threatening to give out and a blackness began closing in on her mind to save her sanity that was hanging by a slender thread.


But the blackness quickly dissipated when the voice of hope and strength and most of all love reached her from across the valley.




Willow left Angel standing flat-footed in stunned silence as she took off running at top speed following the path over the rise that Buffy had taken.


She went over the rise and down into the valley coming to a sudden halt facing the battle line of snarling vampires. While the line of game faced vamps was enough to stop her, what really captured Willow’s attention was the sight of her chosen mate, best friend, and lover being held by two gigantic red skinned demons while being groped by what appeared to be a female of one of the higher demon races.


She could feel Buffy’s disgust and rage at being so intimately assaulted by the female. The situation was made worse by the big muscular Latino man that was watching the Slayer’s humiliation and giggling insanely.


“Buffy!” Willow called out to her lover. “Buffy, look at me.”


Buffy's eyes flew wide open and almost instantly locked on her mate’s glowing green eyes.


“Look at me my Slayer, my love.” Willow’s voice carried soft calm and clear across the distance separating the soulmate’s. “Open your mind to me my darling. Link with my thoughts. Feel my love for you. Let my power fill you. Let it enter your soul. These others are of no consequence to us. They have no hold on us. Our love is beyond anything they have. Feel the power of our love free you from their grasp.”


Buffy’s eyes grew wide as she listened to Willow's reassuring voice, and her very core was filling with the power her beloved witch was sending her.


The powers forced the hold the Countess had on the Slayer’s mind to slip. Hela fell back a few steps in surprise and sudden fear when she felt the overwhelming power of the Slayer’s witch-kit.


In a blast of intense neon green fire the two demons holding the Slayer disappeared, the powerful fire consuming them, completely freeing the Slayer.


As if that was the prearranged signal several of the vampires exploded into clouds of dust as Giles and the rest of their back up came over the rise, firing their crossbows with deadly accuracy while Angel attacked from the flank throwing the vampire troops into confusion.


Seeing her opportunity to capture the two young women she’d wanted so badly slip away, Hela decided to cut her losses and put an end to them once and for all.


“Destroy them!” Hela shouted to her troops with an angry hiss, then she turned to her pet and spoke in a lower voice. “Kill the witch Max, we can’t have her so no one will, kill her.”


“Yes mistress.” the psychotic man answered. “I will gladly do as you wish.”


Max stealthily slipped into the shadows and began circling around the fighting, to find a good position from which to kill the offending redhead that had ruined his mistress plans.


At the Countess’ orders the Vampires split into groups. Two of them attacked the Slayer and the witch.


The few remaining vamps tried to get at the reinforcements, to stop the deadly rain of wooden crossbow bolts that took a devastating toll on their ranks with each volley. Soon the sounds of close hand to hand combat could be heard all over the depression.


The two young women were too busy fighting for their lives to pay attention to where everybody was, but they were overjoyed that their friends were fighting at their side.


The fight lasted for over half an hour. Being veteran fighters, the vampires were harder to dust, but finally nearly all the Countess’ troops were dust bunnies. The last two fell back to guard Hela.


As Buffy and Willow were about to attack, a commanding voice rang out across the battle field.


“Hela!” the voice announced. “By order of the High Council of Tarsus, I have come to return you to them to stand trail for treason and other high crimes.”


“HA! Kresis!” Hela scoffed back at him. “You don’t have the power or authority to do anything to me.”


“Once he learned of your plans the Master of Tarsus himself broke the curse barring me from this place,” gloated Kresis. “Thus giving me all the power I need.”


With a wave of her hand Hela sent a bolt of reddish-yellow energy at the Count and his two vampire bodyguards. At almost the same instant Kresis launched his own arc of blue and black energy at her.


The two bolts struck simultaneously, knocking both high demons back several feet and utterly destroying the vamp bodyguards of both. They both rose shakily and faced each other.


Both were wounded, but neither would give in and admit defeat.


Suddenly the tense silence was broken as shots rang out. Everyone turned and looked at Xander standing there holding a smoking 9mm automatic in his hand.


Taking advantage of everyone watching the confrontation between Kresis and Hela, Max had silently approached his intended victim. Finally getting within striking distance Max slipped out of the shadows and held his favorite knife ready to strike out at the witch his mistress wanted dead.


Xander saw the man come out of the shadows and move toward Willow with a big hunting knife. Deducing his purpose and knowing there was no way he could reach the man before he could hurt Willow, Xander acted the only way he knew how, he drew the 9mm and aiming carefully Xander emptied the magazine into the man.


The group looked over at the man's lifeless body lying in the short cemetery grass. Willow looked over to Xander, worried about her lifelong friend. She looked into his eyes and saw them filled with a mix of happiness at saving his friend’s life and sorrow for having taken another human’s life.


“I told you I was watching your back,” Xander explained. “He was going to kill Will and I couldn’t let that happen.”


Willow went to her friend and placed a hand on his arm to comfort him.


“I know Xander,” the witch said sympathetically. “You didn’t have a choice.”


Buffy ran across the depression and grabbed the young man in a crushing bear hug that lifted him off the ground. There was no mistaking her feelings.


“Thank you Xander.” the Slayer said softly, releasing him then planting a big kiss on his cheek, her joy and gratitude clear in her eyes and voice. “I’ll never be able to tell you how much that means to me.”


She would have said more but was interrupted by a hissing scream from across the clearing.


“You bitch, you killed Max!” Hela screamed in rage as she turned and ran into the shadows before anyone could do anything to stop her escape. “You have not heard the last of this Slayer. I will be back for you too witch-kit.”


The Slayer and her witch companion looked at each other and sighed, each one knowing that the Countess meant every word.


Concluded in Part 7



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