Militat Omnis Amans (Every Lover is a Warrior)

By Kevin Beckett


Chapter VII -        Vivamus, Mea Lesbia, Atque Amemus

(Let us Live, my Lesbia, and Let us Love)


in an age of troubles
in an age of uncertainty
in an age of dwindling hope,
you still have me


no matter where you are
no matter how far from home
no matter if you're lost,
you still have me


Never Doubt I Love

Melanie Doane, Shakespearean Fish

© 1996 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.



k folks,” yelled the Arch-Mage, “this is how we are going to handle this.”


Everyone paused in their preparations for battle in order to understand clearly what Willow had to say.


“Daithi,” she continued, “I want you and the other guardsmen to keep this first group as busy as you can with missile fire.  Buff, I want to keep you back in reserve till that second group gets closer.  Grael, Frankel, Amana can you three keep any of those demons in the first group from breaking off and circling behind us?”


“We will do our best,” replied Amana, “but we will need help once that second group gets here.”


“That’s where Buffy and I get into it,” Willow replied, “I hope.  Aiofe, Bridie, what can you do to help, we haven’t had any time to really talk about your magical abilities.”


“We will stay out of the way,” Aiofe replied, “and keep the horses from panicking.”


“If worse comes to worse,” added Bridie, “we’ll fight.  After all, we were guardsmen at one time.”


“Ok then,” Willow shouted, “lets kick some demon ass.”


Everyone burst into action.  Daithi and the guardsmen immediately began to lay down withering fire with their bows, assisted by Buffy and her crossbow.  Grael spotted a yellow-skinned demon breaking for the trees and yelled out, “bassoil ùir!”  With that spell, the demon was suddenly enveloped in the earth as the ground rose up and smothered it.  “One down,” he muttered as he kept a sharp lookout for any others.


Willow meanwhile began thinking about options on how to handle the second group of demons.  She knew that they would have very little time after dispatching the first group before the larger group would be upon them.  The only solution she could think of quickly was to devise a method of channelling the enemy so that only a small group would be able to attack them at any one time, therefore giving them a chance against the demon’s greater numbers.  Looking at the terrain in front of them she noted that they were in a small valley with a river to their left and the road that they had been travelling on going down the centre, parallel to the river, then disappearing over the hill ahead of them.  They were in a copse of woods that followed the river; open fields were on the other side of the road.  She saw that if she were able to block the demons from coming over the fields on the right side of them, the river would block them from the left, leaving only the ten meters directly in front that they would have to defend.  She decided to try to use a variation of the shield that Amana had taught Buffy, except this shield would be much larger. 


Drawing upon as much energy from the surrounding area as she dared she grounded herself, focused, then cried out, “Bree fuar bhalla!” A translucent blue wall sprung up angling out from where Willow was standing, crossing over the road and the fields in front of her and disappearing over the hill.  Creating an effective barrier to the demons, she hoped.


“That should keep them from getting behind us,” Willow commented, “now we’ll only have to deal with a small group at a time.”


“Yeah,” commented Buffy as she took careful aim and fired at another demon, driving a quarrel through its eye, “ten to one odds, we can certainly deal with that.”


“Sarcasm is unbecoming in a pregnant woman,” Aiofe quipped as she was trying to keep five horses under control.  They had taken one look at the approaching demon hoards and had decided bolting was far better than staying.


“I mean it,” the Slayer responded, “this is going to be fun.”  Bridie and Aiofe looked at Buffy as if she was possessed, and thinking that their new lover was just a few apples short of a bushel. 


They had more than Buffy’s sanity to worry about; the horses were becoming a real handful.  They smelled the unfamiliar scents of the demons, the blood being spilt and the general commotion in the small camp.  They had almost gotten away from the two young women several times.  Frankel noticed the problems that they were having and came over to the horses.  Laying his hands on each of the horse’s heads in turn he whispered into its ear.  The results were immediate and dramatic, the horses immediately calmed down and stood placidly while Aiofe and Bridie tied them to some nearby trees.


“That should keep them quiet,” commented the sage.


“Thanks,” replied Aiofe, “I thought that we were going to lose them.”


“Let’s get our armour on,” added Bridie, “we can do more good helping the guardsmen by using our shields to protect them from the demon’s missile fire.”


Just then, Amana spotted a demon breaking for the river, with a shouted, “Tendreil orraghey,” a bolt of lightning sprang from her palm and hit the demon just as it entered the water.  The results were impressive, electrocuted smoked demon.


“That’s a delicacy I’ll avoid,” commented Buffy as she continued her banter, “I mean desiccated demon is not on my list of edibles for expectant mothers.”


“Come-on Buff,” Willow pleaded, “get serious for a second will you?”


By then the entire first group of twenty demons had been dispatched.  Everyone took the opportunity to catch their breath and re-arm for the upcoming major battle.


“I’m nearly out of arrows,” commented Padrick, “only eight left.”


The other guardsmen were in a similar situation.  Looking around Daithi commented, “Ok then, all of the arrows to Padrick and David,

everyone else use your shields to protect them and rest up for when we run out of arrows and that second group of demons reach the barrier.”


The larger group of demons were now in bow range. Padrick and David immediately began to rapid fire their remaining arrows, selecting arms and legs as targets wherever possible in order to disable as many of the enemy as possible.  They were not able to stop the tide of demons, only slow it for a short while, then they were out of arrows and the first of the demons were directly in front, at the barrier, and snarling for blood.  It was then down to hand to claw fighting.  Willow kept Buffy back from the conflict, wanting to use her as a strategic reserve, and to protect the mages from interference.  Some of the demons tried to go through Willow’s barrier, and received nasty shocks and burns for their troubles.  In addition, since the barrier was keyed to Willow, she was able to target those who tried to go through it for direct spell action.  They were holding their own, however, there were a great number of foes, and they didn’t seem to be slowing down. 


One by one the guardsmen had to retreat out of the battle due to minor wounds and exhaustion until there was only Aiofe, Bridie and Daithi left on the line.  At this point Buffy felt an intense burning sensation on her chest.  When she looked down she saw that the tattoo of the sword was pulsating.  She reached down and when she touched the tattoo, it turned into the sword, and separated from her body.


<Willow, do you see this?>


<Yes, but I don’t believe it,> the arch-mage replied, <but, she did say help would be yours when you needed it.>


<We will have to talk about this,> Buffy commented as she raised the sword overhead.


As soon as she lifted the sword over her head it bust into flame and she was consumed by an overpowering and out of control rage.  Buffy leapt over the improvised barrier of logs that they had been using, directly into the midst of the demons.  Demon ichor and gore flew everywhere as she cut a swath through the middle of the enemy ranks.  The demons were bewildered and confused, no attacks seemed to touch or affect this berserk woman in their lines.  Buffy was seemingly able to anticipate every blow against her and turn it aside with her sword.  Where her sword struck demon flesh it burned as if the sun had touched it.  Her arm was tireless as she thrust, slashed and parried ceaselessly.  The sword was feather light in her hands, almost as if it was weightless. 


The mages took advantage of the disruption Buffy was making to let fly with various bolts of energy, flame and lightning, to further decimate the enemy ranks.  Within minutes the moral of the attacking demons had broken and they began to break ranks, the remaining two dozen or so, mostly wounded, fleeing back up the hill.  Buffy, still in her berserker rage, started after them when suddenly the sword disappeared.  Buffy collapsed; exhausted from the psychic and physical effort she had been under.


Willow, seeing her soul-mate’s collapse, immediately ran to her yelling, “Amana, Grael, keep harassing them while Frankel and I collect Buffy.”


The two of them quickly reached Buffy’s side, and Willow sent a brief <Buff, what happened, you ok?>


<Where am I, and did anyone get the number of the truck that hit me?>  Buffy replied as she slowly stood up.  “What happened?”


“You went berserk,” commented Willow, stating the obvious, as she and Frankel helped to support either side of Buffy.  Once she was upright and mobile the three of them started to walk back to their improvised campsite. 


Buffy was a mess.  Her hair and armour were matted with demon blood and gore.  She was also a mass of bruises, which even as they walked back to the camp were in the process of healing.


“Ugh,” Willow commented, “you stink of blood and goo.  We will have to get you cleaned up before we move on.”


Buffy sniffed herself and said, “no kidding witch-girl, I am rank.  What was I doing?”


“Butchering demons,” replied Aiofe, “come on, lets get you into the river and get that junk off of you.”


Buffy took a look around the battlefield.  There were bits and pieces of demons everywhere, in addition to the demons that had been dispatched by various spells.  Those that had been killed by the mages had been burnt, strangled, webbed and electrocuted. 


“My Goddess,” exclaimed the Slayer, “we certainly did a number on them, didn’t we?”


“That we, or rather you, did,” replied Bridie as she was getting various items out of the travel bags, “lets bathe and get some food into you.”


Shortly the four women were in the river, three of them trying to get Buffy clean.


“This water is cold,” complained Buffy as she was doused with another bucket of water, “hurry up, I’m beginning to freeze.”


“We’ll get you warm again,” commented Willow, “don’t worry about that, besides, none of us got covered in demon goo, did we?”


“None of you have a Goddess who decides to drive you berserk either,” retorted Buffy.


“That’s true,” replied Willow contritely, <forgive me?>


<Always, now get me out of here before I turn blue.>


<A blue Buff, now that would be a sight.>




“Ok, ok,” Willow said as she finished rinsing off Buffy’s hair, “let’s get her out of here.”


The four women left the river and quickly grabbed towels and quickly began to dry off.  Willow finished and turned to Buffy and asked, “need any help love?”


“That would be nice.”


Willow began to vigorously rub Buffy’s hair, trying to get all of the water out of it.  She also began to caress her shoulders and neck.

<Mmm,> commented Buffy, <that’s nice.>


<I promise a good backrub tonight love,> returned Willow.


<I’m going to hold you to that.>


Within minutes all four women were redressed and the entire group remounted, Buffy taking the opportunity to bolt down some food while sitting in the saddle. 


Willow turned to Daithi and asked, “how are you and your guardsmen doing?”


“Just some minor scrapes and bruises,” he replied, “nothing a good nights sleep wouldn’t cure.”


“I’m open to suggestions on how we proceed,” Willow continued, “I don’t think that we drove them off all that far, not that we left all that many to drive off.”


“I agree,” the guard captain commented with a slightly pensive look in his face, “we, or rather Buffy, did kill over three-quarters of them.  That alone will probably keep them demoralized enough to allow us to continue relatively unmolested.”


“But,” asked Willow.


“But, I’ll send two of the guardsmen to the flanks as sweepers,” he added, “and Padrick and I will ride slightly ahead of the rest of you.  With luck we will not see anything, but the four of us will give the rest of you enough warning to set up a defence if we do.”


“Sounds good,” Willow said, “alright everyone, lets ride.  We have three hours to sunset and that’s just enough time to make it to our destination if we don’t have any more distractions.”


“Before we head out,” said Frankel, “we should do something about the bodies.”


“You’re right,” Willow commented, “let me.”  Willow once again reached deep into the surrounding energy and used a variation of her fireball spell to return the demon corpses to their component elements.


“There, that should do it,” she commented as the last of the corpses turned to dust, and was scattered by the winds.


“Remind me to never, ever, get you mad at me,” said Buffy with a stunned look on her face, “you just vaporized them!”


“I think I can only do that with dead flesh,” responded Willow.  Turning to everyone she said, “that’s it, lets get going before any more demons show up to ruin our day.”


The four guardsmen immediately set out at the gallop to take up their positions ahead and on the flanks.  The remaining members of the party broke out into a hard travel ride; alternating the pace of the horses from canter to walk to trot and then back to canter.  It was a pace that the horses could maintain for an extended period of time without becoming overtly tired.


“My but is going to ache tonight,” complained Willow, about an hour into their forced ride.  Like Buffy, she was not yet that comfortable with riding, and she was beginning to feel aches and pains in muscles she didn’t know she had.


“That’s ok, sweetly,” commented Buffy, “I’m sure that Aiofe and Bridie will be happy to massage our various aches later.”


“You bet,” commented Bridie.


“Looking forward to it,” added Aiofe.


They were able to complete their day’s travel without any further incidents.  Daithi, just before they reached the town of Peters Forge, rode back to talk with Willow.


“We’re being watched,” he said as he drew near and fell in beside her.  “I think that a small group of eight or so are keeping pace on our right flank, well out of range, but staying in contact.”


“Meaning?” asked the Arch-Mage.


“Meaning that they will definitely know where we are headed,” he replied, “and maybe what you are trying to do.  In addition, I’m certain that they have sent word back to their commanders about what happened.”


“We are going to have to worry about that tomorrow,” Willow said, “do you think they will try anything tonight?”


“Not in the town, I don’t think,” answered Daithi, “and if they were strong enough they would have hit us by now.”


“This is how we’ll do it then,” said Willow, “pull in your outriders, and we will rest for ten minutes.  Then we will ride hard, directly to the inn.”


“Sounds good,” commented Frankel, “when we’ve reached the inn, we can set up some wards and with luck get some sleep.”


“Wards,” asked Buffy.


“Shields,” answered Aiofe, “similar to the ones that you do, which will warn of anything approaching the inn.”


“Cool,” commented the slayer, “I’m exhausted and could do with a good nights sleep.”


“Is that all you could do with,” asked Willow, an impish smile on her face.


<You know better than that.>


<Just checking.>


The party immediately began a hard gallop to the town, reaching it as expected just as dusk was falling.  They rode up into the stable yard of a small two-story inn named the Boar’s Feast and quickly dismounted, passing their horses over to the stable boys.  The inn was a hundred year old timber framed structure with a slate roof.  It could accommodate twenty or so travellers and had facilities for their horses, equipment and other items.


Daithi and Frankel proceeded into the inn in order to arrange for their stay while the others gathered what baggage they would need for the night.  The remaining items would be left in the stables, under the care of the stable master.  Just as they were approaching the inn’s door Daithi came out into the yard with a worried look on his face.


“Problems,” asked Willow.


“They are full,” he replied, “absolutely no room in the inn, so to speak.”


“What are our options?”


“Well we have three choices,” Daithi said ticking them off on his fingers, “first we can ride on and hope for another inn.”


“That’s out.”


“Second, we can bed down in the stables.”


“Benefits,” asked the arch-mage.


“Easy to secure,” he replied, “and easy to defend.”




“No privacy.”


“What’s our third option?”


“Third, we can bunk down in the common room,” replied Daithi, “it has the same privacy problem as the stables, it is as easy to secure, probably more comfortable, but.”




“But, we will be sharing with a number of other travellers.”


<Buff, what do you think?>


<Stables, at least we will be with only our group.>


<Ok love, stables it is,> “Ok Daithi, lets go with the stables.  Will they at least feed us, and is there somewhere we can clean-up?”

“Basic country cooking,” he replied, “but lots of it, they also have baths around the other side of the inn.”


Willow turned to the others and said, “Ok folks, here’s the deal.  They have no room for us tonight, so we are going to takeover the stables.  Grael, Amana, Bridie, get everything in one place and set wards so that only the eleven of us can pass.  Then join the rest of us for dinner.”  Within the quarter hour Willow’s strike force were all sitting to dinner, discussing the days events.




Deep within a darkened fortress, far from where Willow and her party were enjoying their dinner, a demon master sat in his operation centre reviewing the progress of his various demon offences.  He was pleased with the progress of the last two days, and knew that within a day or so he would have the capital city of Maldorstat surrounded in siege.  While few of his armies had met their objectives, most were at least progressing against the humans.


“Human scum,” he thought to himself, “soon we will have all of you to heel.  Then we can begin our true work here.”

He paced about the room thinking about the operational plans that he had been given by his masters, and how to use his forces to accomplish those objectives.  He hoped that they could subdue Maldorstat quickly; he had additional work for those troops. 


He knew that he was out on a limb.  He had accelerated his attack plans, well ahead of the general demon offensive, due to the information that he had received from his slaves in the human capital.  It gave him complete surprise over the hated humans, however, it also left him short of reserves, since they would not be available through the transfer portals for two or more weeks.  Every one of his troops was needed urgently, for several different objectives.  “Oh well,” he thought, “I’ll just have to keep juggling the forces and hope that I don’t lose too many of them.”


His reverie was interrupted by the arrival of two of his slaves, one of them the quasi-human Hugh d’Torville and the other, one of his company commanders.  He acknowledged their respectful bows with a nod of his massive head and granted them leave to speak, “yes, what is it you have to report?”


“Grave news dreaded master,” began Hugh, “Junulak here, our Northern approaches commander has returned with information on those two strangers that the mages in Maldorstat were working with.”


“Yes,” replied the red-skinned demon master, “must I wait forever for the information?”

”No lord,” replied Junulak.  He was a two-meter high, blue-green skinned demon with yellow eyes, no hair and two spiral horns jutting out from his brow.  “As you know, my company was advancing on Maldorstat from the North-East.”




“Yes, my lord,” replied the company commander, just beginning to sweat, “was.  As we were moving through a small valley, burning out the farmsteads, I noticed two mounted humans ahead on the road.  I ordered a platoon to give chase and then gathered up the rest of the company to follow.”


“The point, get to the point,” demanded the demon master said impatiently.


“When we caught up to the platoon, I noticed that they had been eliminated by a small band of humans, soldiers and mages.  There was only ten or so of them, so given that I outnumbered them ten to one I attacked.”




“And they had created a force shield of some type so that only ten or so of my troops could attack at once, and then, just as we were beginning to make headway and wear down their dammed soldiers, this woman went berserk and leaped into our ranks and began to attack us.  Nothing we did could stop her.  She killed or maimed over half my forces, along with those cursed mages.  Finally the troops could take no more, broke off the attack, and ran.”


“Casualties,” asked the demon master.


“Of my one hundred and fifty soldiers, one hundred and ten dead, thirty wounded and only ten functional.”


“Good Gods of Chaos,” said the demon master stunned, “one woman?”


“From Junulak’s description,” continued Hugh, “it was one of the strangers I reported earlier. As I said earlier,” he continued, “these two are dangerous.”


“That is why I accelerated the attack, and increased the attacking forces dedicated to the capital assault.  It appears, however, that the reasons for that attack slipped out of the capital where they were relatively safe and are heading north into dangerous country, why?”


“My lord,” said Junulak, “I left eight of my company to trail them.  When I headed here to report to you the humans were heading towards this small village,” Junulak pointed out the town of Peters Forge on the situation map that dominated one wall of the room.  “It is the only human habitat of any size within a day’s travel of where we attacked them.”


“What forces do we have in the area?” asked the master demon as he studied the map carefully.


“None, now,” replied Hugh.


“Pull back half of the troops dedicated to the siege of the castle and send them after those impertinent humans,” the master demon ordered, staring at the situation map with intense concentration, and sudden realization of the danger he and his forces might be in.


“Master, that is over five hundred troops.  Why so many for a mere ten humans.”


“Fools, do I have to spell out everything to you,” he replied pointing at the map, “they are after the hell-mouth.  They must know what we use them for, and they might also think that they can do something about it.  When are we due to start transferring personnel through it?”


“Not till next week, lord,” replied Junulak, stunned at the possibility that the inter-world transport network which they had used for millennia could be tampered with, “with the acceleration in our attack plans, none of the other battle groups were ready, nor were the reinforcements from home.”


“Send messages to the other commanders and ask if they can speed up their plans,” the demon lord answered, “in addition, I want to send a messenger back through our transfer portal, to inform the commanders back home.  Third, Junulak, I want you to take personal charge of capturing and disposing of these pests.  I do not have to tell you the price of failure.  Now go make your plans, I expect you to be ready to leave in the next three days and I will want to review them before you leave.”


Hugh d’Torville and the demon Junulak immediately left their master’s presence to carry out his orders.  Meanwhile their master returned to his contemplations.  He now had a significant unforeseen problem to deal with, and reduced resources to use against it.



On a pile of hay, which had been covered with several blankets and comforters, lay four young women and a cat, knotted together in a tangled pile.  After eating their dinner Willow, Buffy, Aiofe and Bridie had bathed and retired for the evening.  They had made brief, but passionate, love - more out of need than true desire, and afterwards Aiofe and Bridie had immediately drifted off to sleep.  Willow was not even close to being asleep.  She had been thinking about the day’s events, her role in them, and the extraordinary events surrounding Buffy.  She turned towards her soul-mate and asked, <you still awake love?>


<Yes, what is it?>

<Crazy stuff going on.>


<Yeah, but…>


<Oh, I don’t know, how are you dealing with it?>


<Getting by, barely, I just wish we had more time to get a handle on everything.>


<You ok with the initiation and everything?>


<You did promise to make it special, and boy did you deliver.>


<I’m worried about you’re little ‘fit’ this afternoon.>


<That is the understatement of the evening, but maybe with time I will have more control over everything.  At least I hope so.  Why don’t you tell me what is really bothering you love.>


<Am I that transparent?>

<Only to me, now give.>


<It’s just that everything is happening so quickly.  We are going to have children, this mind thing between you and I.  We feel everything the other does.  When you were making love to Bridie I felt your climax.>


<Oh,> Buffy blushed internally, <I didn’t realise.>


<It’s only when your barriers are down. But that isn’t the main thing. I don’t know if, let alone how, I’m going to close the hell-mouth.  And everyone is counting on me.>

<Ok, lets look at your fears one at a time.  First, we have eight plus months to worry about the babies.  As long as we eat right, get the exercise we need we’ll be fine.  People have been having babies for generations, and we have excellent support here.>

<Yeah, the technological dark ages and giving birth in the middle of a war, fun.>


<But, we have the advantage of three excellent midwives, and our new healing abilities.  And the war might be over by then.  If

everything here becomes hopeless, we just head home and have the babies there.>


<You’re right, I just wish we knew more about how, and why, we became preggers though.>


<So do I, but we won’t figure that out anytime soon.  Now second, your un-voiced fear, me.>


<I didn’t want to bother you with it.>


<You know that nothing you do or say can truly bother me now.>


<I know, but this is all so new.>

<To continue, I will be fine, trust me Red.  I admit this thing this afternoon scared me, but I went into it willingly after all.  Given time, we, and I do mean we, will work it all out.>


<I was worried that you’d blame me for all of it.  It wasn’t what I had planned.>


<I’d never blame you love, besides, the Goddess often has other plans for us than what we want.  Now as to this mind thing, I think that we are dealing with it just fine, for now.>




<Meaning that over time our shields will get better, you and I will become much closer and we will develop the skills to work both independently and collectively.>


<You’re right. Besides, the advantages are better than the problems.  After all we are never alone now, I always know where you are, and if I try, I can hear your heartbeat, and feel your emotions.>


<Exactly, now last, this business about everyone depending on you.>


<The scariest part.>


<Wrong, love, the easiest part.>


<Say what?>

<The easiest part.  No one has any idea about closing the hell-mouths, so Amana and the others will agree with anything you come up with.  Second, given the prodigious amounts of power you’ve been playing with I’m sure that you will figure a way to seal the hell-mouth, even if you have to be so unsubtle as to dropping a mountain on top of it.>


<Now that’s an idea I hadn’t thought of,> Willow drew Buffy into an embrace and whispered, “love me?”


“I thought you’d never ask,” the slayer whispered back as she ran her fingers along Willow’s side.


“Mmm,” the redhead purred, “that’s sooo nice.”


“Shush, let me just move you a little. Buffy reached under her lover and shifted her down the hay pile, away from the other two women,

“I don’t want to disturb the others.”


Buffy then proceeded to kiss Willow gently on the neck and shoulders while moving her hands around the front of Willow to cup her breasts.  She continued to kiss her, while stimulating Willow’s nipples with her thumbs. 


Willow took the opportunity offered to cup the Buffy’s buttocks in her hands, she then began to use one hand to squeeze gently while her other made soft stroking motions, moving between Buffy’s clit, and ass-hole.  While she was doing this, Willow started to rub her clit on Buffy’s leg, which immediately drew the attention of the Slayer.


“Bad, Willow,” she whispered, “didn’t your mother ever tell you that self-stimulation leads to blindness?”


“Do you listen to everything your mother told you,” quipped back the Arch-Mage.


“Obviously not.  Now lets see what I can get up to.”  Buffy slowly licked her way down Willow’s body, stopping briefly to tease her nipples, finally reaching Willow’s already damp sex.


“I just love it when you are wet,” Buffy commented as she began to lick and nibble Willow’s clitoris, while reaching up to pinch each nipple, rolling them between her thumb and forefinger, and using her remaining fingers to stimulate the rest of Willow’s breasts.  Suddenly Buffy had an idea, <if this works, we will have fun forever.>


<What, Buffy, what are you talking, no, not talking, thinking about?>


Willow was beginning to lose control as the various points of her body that were being stimulated were starting to have the desired effect on her.  Suddenly she felt herself being penetrated by something, she was confused, she felt Buffy’s hands on her breasts, her tongue on her clit, she could not figure out what was penetrating her.


“Buffy, what are you doing, <how are you doing it,> she babbled, slipping from one form of communication to another.


“Just using a special type of magic on you,” Buffy replied softly, “I’m using that extension thing I was working on the other night.”


“Nifty,” exclaimed Willow, panting as she did so, “what other surprises do you have for me?”


“Do you trust me?”




Willow felt an invisible extension caress her backside, separating her buttocks, and softly circling her asshole.


“Oooh,” she whimpered softly, “be gentle, please.”


“I will love,” Buffy replied as she continued her oral assault on Willow’s clitoris.


Slowly, almost teasingly, the extension began to penetrate Willow’s sphincter.  Willow initially tensed her muscles, but as she grew comfortable with the sensation began to relax them.  As she did so, Buffy thickened the two extensions and then began to simultaneously thrust them in and out of their respective orifices.  It was more than Willow could take.  She climaxed violently, biting her tongue to keep from screaming out in pleasure.  As she had her orgasm the barriers in her mind dissolved and Buffy was flooded with conflicting and confusing images and sensations.


Once Willow had regained some of her composure Buffy moved up her body and gave her a long, passionate, kiss.  <Is the feedback I received from you what you get when I come?>


“Basically,” Willow replied, tasting her salty blood.  “I think I hurt myself.”


“What did you do?”


“Bit my tongue to keep quiet.”


“Didn’t work,” responded Aiofe in a soft voice, “you two are just so noisy.”


“Can’t two girls get a nights sleep without distractions,” commented Bridie with an impish smile on her face.


Buffy turned to her lover with a knowing look on her face, <shall we?>


<Yes, such impertinence deserves our response.>


Turning back to the other two women Buffy shouted out, “Lets get them!”


Aiofe and Bridie were suddenly seized by unseen hands and pinned to the blankets.  Both Willow and Buffy jumped on the other women, Buffy on Aiofe and Willow on Bridie, and proceeded to kiss and softly caress them, with intermittent bouts of tickling.  Within minutes all four women were once again engaged in enthusiastic love making, as tongues, fingers, and magic were employed by all in various acts of stimulation and pleasure.  Finally all four collapsed in exhaustion, with very little of the night remaining.  Willow summed up the thought of everyone with “that was incredible, but boy am I going to regret the lack of sleep in the morning.”


“We’ll just tie ourselves to the horses,” replied an equally worn out Aiofe.



Later that morning, four exhausted women presented themselves to breakfast.  They had stumbled out of bed at dawn, only at the insistence of Buffy.  After completing their exercises, Willow complaining that they had exercised enough in the night, they had bathed and dressed before heading to the inn for breakfast.  There had been one other event of note in the early morning.  When both Buffy and Willow had woken up, they had both immediately headed to the bathroom, were they were violently ill.


“I guess this just confirms we’re pregnant,” Willow said as she finished ejecting the remains of her stomach.


“Joy.  Bliss.  Happiness,” replied Buffy, as she too finished being sick, “I’d heard about morning sickness, but the reality is far more dreadful.”


Aiofe and Bridie were concerned when told of the morning sickness, and offered numerous contradictory suggestions for helping to ease the symptoms.  Amana was equally worried about the morning sickness, however, her suggestions were a bit more helpful, “always keep something in your stomach,” she advised, “and avoid the high fat content foods.  In time you will learn which foods you can eat, and when you can eat them.  It will also pass once your body adapts to the changes that are happening to it, in about three months or so.”


“I’ll be dead in three months if this keeps up,” replied Buffy sarcastically.


They were once again eating in the same room, which they had had dinner the night before.  It was the inn’s common room and served as both a dinning area and as a bar.  It was furnished with simple wooden benches and tables.  A large oak bar dominated the side of the room away from the door to the stable-yard, and doors to the kitchens were beside it.  On one wall was a large fireplace, and the stairs to the inn’s rooms were on the fourth wall.  It was a cheery room with several large windows and numerous lanterns for lighting.  The room was about half-full, most of the inn’s guest having left earlier in the day.


Both women ate in moderation at breakfast, confining themselves to fruit and dried toast.


“Bagels,” remarked Willow, “we have got to get somebody who can make bagels.”


During their breakfast the party conversed quietly on several, innocuous, subjects.  Just as they were finishing up, Willow turned to Daithi, who had gone into town earlier that morning, and asked, “ok, what is our situation, and what news do you have for us?”


“First of all,” began Daithi, “the herald network of message riders appears to be still functioning, so they have been able to get some news here.  However, the news from the capital is spotty and incomplete, but this is what we know.”  He paused to take a sip of juice before continuing, “it looks like the demon leadership in this area jumped the gun.”


“How’s that?” asked Grael.


“There have been no other reports of demon attacks anywhere else,” replied the guard captain, “activity in this area has been light, with only sporadic incidents of demons attacking the outlying farmsteads.”


“Consequences,” asked Frankel.


“Basically the farmers have fled to town,” Daithi replied, “thinking that this will be over soon.”


“But,” asked Buffy as she idly toyed with the remains of her breakfast.


“But,” he replied, “if they don’t get back to the farms soon, the crops won’t get in, and we will face starvation next winter.”


“That won’t really matter,” commented Amana, “if this goes on till next winter, they’ve won.”


“Enough about far future speculation,” Willow said, “we may not survive the next week, let alone the next year.”  Willow suddenly received images from Shadow-cat and thought “what is that cat doing now, letting me know how she is hunting?”  But the images were not the usual ones of the cat stalking and killing its prey, or of it checking out the various new territories and scents it had been exposed to.  This time the images were of the kitchen, and a number of scruffy looking people who appeared to be harassing the cooks.


<Buff, we have trouble in the kitchen.>


<Again?  What is it with kitchens.>

<Don’t know, but I’m going to check it out, you keep things going here.>


Willow proceeded to move quietly towards the kitchen door, while Buffy took up the conversation, answering Grael’s questioning look with a shake of her head and a whispered, “later, Willow is checking out a problem in the kitchen.”


Willow continued her stealthy approach to the kitchen door, noticing for the first time that all of the serving staff was missing from the dinning room.  Thinking, “this has the look of a robbery,” she paused by the door and extended her awareness to link with her familiar.  Quickly making sense of the cat’s jumbled images, she concentrated on hearing what was being said in the kitchen.


“Alright then,” said one particularly large and scruffy man who appeared to be the leader of the eight or so robbers, “give us all your cash and horses, or we start cutting up your staff.”


<Buffy, get Daithi and yourself over here.  We have a robbery in progress.>


Buffy motioned to Daithi to follow her and soon the three of them were standing by the kitchen door conversing in whispers.


“What do we do?” asked Buffy to Daithi.


“If they’ve got the staff as hostages,” replied Daithi, “we have to be very careful.  Remember, you are not allowed to use your magic against humans.”


“But can we use it to protect the staff, while we use conventional methods against the humans,” asked Willow.


“Yes,” he replied, “what are you thinking?”


“That I’ll use a variation of my shield spell to protect the staff, while you and Buff kick the robber’s butts right to jail.”


“Sounds good to me,” replied the Slayer, “shall we?”


Buffy kicked the kitchen door open and yelled as she leapt halfway across the kitchen, “Everyone stand still or I’ll kick your butt.”


Willow and Daithi followed Buffy into the kitchen.  They saw the inn’s owner being held by two men, while a third held a knife to his neck.  Three other men, all armed with short swords and knives, had the remaining cooks and serving staff at one end of the kitchen, while two other armed men were keeping watch at the kitchen door.  With Buffy’s dramatic entrance everyone in the kitchen paused, for just a second.


Willow had been prepared as she entered the kitchen.  As soon as she saw the situation she called out, “Fuar bhalla!”  With that spell, a shield wall appeared between the hostages and the three men who had been menacing them.  She then yelled, “all but one safe, take them out Buff!”


Buffy had brought with her the sharp knife that she had been using at breakfast.  As soon as she gained her bearings, she threw the knife at the hand of the leader, piercing his wrist.  He screamed out in pain and turned to Buffy saying, “Bitch, I’m going to chop you into pieces for that.”


“I seriously doubt that,” Buffy replied as she closed the distance between them and delivered a roundhouse kick to his head.  The kick propelled the bandit across the kitchen, into one of the sinks.  “Let’s see what you’re saying if you ever get out of the sink.”


The kitchen exploded into general melee, with Daithi and Buffy taking the fight to the seven remaining bandits.  Buffy concentrated on the two still holding the innkeeper, while Daithi went after the ones who were menacing the serving staff.  Willow gestured to the cooks and serving staff that they should leave the area, since they were now protected by her shield spell.  This would give more room in the kitchen for Buffy and Daithi.  Buffy had by this point had almost finished disarming and disabling the two men who had been holding the innkeeper.


<Buffy, two of them are making a break for it,> Willow commented as she noticed one of the remaining men gesture to the other that they should leave.


<Keep them around love,> Buffy asked, <I’m still a little busy with these two.>


<No problemo,> Willow replied thinking to herself, “a variation on my shield should keep them inside the room.  I’ll just block off the door.”


Buffy punched one of the men she was faced with in the chest, which caused him to double over in pain.  Just as he was about to raise his head she grabbed a frying pan from a kitchen table and smashed it over his head, knocking him out for the count, and joining his other comrade who was already unconscious on the floor. “That’s three down,” she commented turning towards the remaining two, “now for the others.”


“Let’s get out of here,” yelled one of the men turning towards the kitchen door.  He ran towards the open door, and as soon as he crossed the threshold he immediately bounced back into the kitchen, colliding with the other bandit who was following him, since he could not see the shield wall that Willow had cast in the open doorway.  Both men ended up in a heap on the floor, looking up at a very angry Slayer.


“Stay,” she ordered, “or you’ll get hurt.”


“We’ll stay,” replied both simultaneously.


“Willow, keep an eye on these two.  If they move, kick their butts,” said Buffy as she turned back to the kitchen to see how Daithi was doing.  “Need a hand,” she asked the guards captain.


“No,” Daithi replied as he finished disarming the last of the three men that he had been initially faced with, “this scum is used to beating on un-armed opponents, when faced with skill they crumple.”


“Well, not bad for a morning’s work,” commented the slayer, “Daithi can you keep watch over this rabble until the town’s guard gets here?”


“Yes,” he replied, “I assume that someone has already gone for them.”


“That wasn’t what I was thinking though you are probably right.”


“What were you thinking,” asked Willow.


“I’m hungry, let’s eat,” Buffy replied as she left the kitchen to go back to finish her breakfast.



Just before noon Willow’s strike force was ready to leave, albeit belatedly.  They had spent the balance of the morning being interviewed by the local police, each of them having to give a statement.  Buffy and Daithi were required to answer numerous questions regarding the fight in the kitchen.  Before they could depart everyone had to promise to return the following week when the magistrate would set the accused bandits down for trial.


“That’s if there is anything around next week,” commented Willow to the group as they gathered their horses and prepared to continue their mission.


Willow then turned to her mounted force and said, “ok folks, the day is half gone, but the good news is that the hell-mouth is only about three hours North-West of town.  We have already arranged for rooms back here tonight, so that is one less worry.”  Willow reigned over her horse and headed out of the stable yard with the rest of the party following.


“We don’t know what the demon forces are like at the hell-mouth, nor do we know the precise location.”


“What do we know?” asked Buffy, echoing the thoughts of most of the group.


“Basically,” replied Frankel, as he began to perform the task that he had given himself, “that this particular transfer point has not been used that often by the demons.  In addition, there has been historically little activity by demons in this general area.”


“Hopefully,” continued Willow, “the demon force that Buffy dismembered, literally, yesterday was the only major force in the area, and therefore I will be able to do my job without any major interference.” 


During the conversation the group had left the town boundaries and had started out on the northern road.  After an hour on the road they came to an intersection, the main road continuing north, with a badly overgrown secondary road heading in the direction they needed to go.


“Why do I get the feeling that this road is trying to tell us something,” commented Buffy as she examined the road that had obviously not seen any traffic for days.


“You’re just a pessimist,” replied Willow, “after all, we don’t know for certain that only demons live up this road now do we?”


“I wouldn’t bet against it though,” commented Aiofe dryly to her lover.


“Nor I,” Bridie replied.


“Pessimists, I’m surrounded by pessimists,” said Willow as she turned her horse onto the side road, “Daithi, you’re not worried are you?”


“Um,” Daithi replied choosing his words carefully, “worried isn’t the word I’d use.”


They continued on the road for another hour, with the road getting rougher and the undergrowth along side of it thicker.  Suddenly after going around a corner in the woods the road widened and the undergrowth had been cut away leaving a pleasant clearing.


“I think we should pause here and discuss our plans,” said Amana as they rode into the clearing, “we need to get some idea of how you plan to proceed Willow.”


<Here we go,> commented Willow to Buffy as she paused for a moment to collect her thoughts.


<You’ll be fine,> replied Buffy in encouragement, <remember what I told you last night.>


“You are right Amana,” replied Willow, “it’s just that I’ve been formulating my plan and checking for problems before I was willing to discuss it with everyone.”


“Are you ready to discuss it now,” asked Grael.


“Yes,” answered Willow as she dismounted and walked around the glade stretching her muscles.  “My basic idea is to permanently seal the transfer portal.  To do this I’m going to link with Aiofe and Bridie and use them as anchors while I shift my awareness and attempt to destroy the links and sources of energy that support the portal in the magic realm.”


“Ambitious,” commented Frankel, “what are your plans for the rest of us?”


“Simple,” replied Willow, “Buffy will guard the three of us, while you, Grael and Amana will use your magic to keep any unwanted nasty things at bay.  Daithi and the guardsmen will watch the horses and protect your, and the other mages, back while you do your stuff.”


“Have you been able to get a fix on the location of the hell-mouth,” asked Grael.


“I think so,” replied the arch-mage, “it should be about three kilometres north of here.”


“No road,” commented Aiofe.


“Nope,” replied Buffy, “time to travel through the woods.  Someone bring the pebbles?”




“Don’t worry Aiofe,” said Willow, “its an in-joke.”


Everyone took the opportunity to dismount and stretch before heading into the woods.  Daithi and his guardsmen took the lead since they had the best chance of finding paths and trails through the forest that would lead in the direction that they needed to go.  The others followed closely behind, with Willow and the other mages using all of their senses to attempt to find potential trouble, before it found them.


“Strange,” commented Amana after twenty minutes of travelling through the dark, dense forest, “I’m not able to sense any sentient creatures within kilometres of us.  Could they be masking us somehow?”


“I don’t think so,” replied Grael, “I think that somehow we happened to choose as our first target a sparsely populated area, and an underused portal.”


“Let’s just hope this luck holds for the rest of the day,” said Frankel, echoing the hopes and fears of the entire party.


The reached their destination without any incidents, with Willow bringing everyone to a halt at the edge of a clearing in the middle of the forest.  The hell-mouth was an invisible, evil, presence that they could all feel located in the precise centre of the clearing.  The mages were however, able to ‘see’ it using their ability to see into the magic realm.


“We’re here, commented Willow needlessly, with just a bit of apprehension in her voice.”


“Can we do this now, or do we have to wait for a specific time?” asked Buffy as she swung out of the saddle.


“No,” replied Willow, “we’ll start as soon as everyone has had a chance to eat, call it twenty minutes or so.”


“That will leave about an hour or so to sunset,” commented Amana, “is that enough time?”


“Plenty, I hope,” answered Willow.


Within thirty minutes, everyone was ready.  Willow, Aiofe and Bridie took up their place facing the portal and about twenty meters away from it.  Buffy was with them, keeping a close eye on the edge of the woods.  Daithi and the guardsmen had staked the horse’s reins into the forest floor, with two of them watching the horses and the other two the remaining mages.  Frankel and Amana had taken up a position about ten meters behind and to the left of Willow with Grael on the other side.


<You ready love?>


<As ready as I’ll ever be.>


<Luck, knock them out of the park.>


Willow took the hands of the other two women and began her breathing exercises.  Within minutes all three women were breathing using an identical rhythm.  As soon as they were comfortable, they grounded themselves and prepared for Willow’s expedition into the magic realm.


“Here we go ladies,” Willow called out, “remember, no matter what happens, at least one of you has to hold onto me, or I could be lost.”


“Don’t worry,” replied Aiofe, “we won’t let you go.”


Willow took one last deep breath then translated her awareness into the magic realm.  As soon as she did, she could see the hell-mouth for what it was, an evil construct pulsating with malevolence, and sucking energy from the surrounding area.  “This thing is two way,” thought Willow as she surveyed her surroundings, “they must use them to transport energy back to their home worlds.”


As Willow was beginning her work, Frankel noticed movement at the edge of the woods and he yelled out, “we’ve got company,” as a band of twenty demons burst from the woods heading directly for Willow and company.


“Got them,” replied Buffy as she moved to intercept them before they could disrupt what Willow was doing.  The other mages and the guardsmen all began to fire missiles and spells into the demons, trying to keep them from their target.


Willow meanwhile had begun to gather energy into herself.  She detached herself totally from the real world, trusting that she would be able to use either Aiofe or Bridie to return.  She focused the energy into the centre of the hell-mouth and yelled out “co-healal dorrys!”  The result was spectacular.  There was a titanic explosion in both the real, and in the magical realm.  Somehow, Aiofe was able to keep her grip on Willow as the three of them were blown back twenty meters by the force of the explosion.  The effect on the others was equally dramatic with bodies both human and demon being blown in every direction.


As soon as she could regain her equilibrium, Aiofe called out, “Willow, return to us, return to the ones who love you.”


Willow slowly regained awareness of the real world, sitting up, she shook her head and commented, “got to think of something else for the next one.”



The effects of Willow’s spell were felt far away from the hell-mouth.  In the demon master’s situation room the closing of the hell-mouth was instantaneously felt, since all of the demons in the room immediately collapsed in pain.  After a few minutes the demon master got to his feet and yelled out, “Hugh, I want you here now.”

Running into the room Hugh replied, “Yes lord, your will?”


“I want you and Junulak to leave immediately and deal with those humans.”


“Yes lord, but may I ask why?”


“That damn human has figured out a way to close a transfer portal permanently.  If she keeps on closing them, our existence both here and at home will be threatened.  Now leave me, and don’t return without proof of their deaths.”


Continued in Chapter VIII



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