A Higher Power


Disclaimers – Buffy, Willow, Giles and any other characters from BtVS belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. No copyright infringement is intended.


Other Disclaimers – Most of this is PG-17, however if the thought of two women in love offends you or this is illegal where you live hit the BACK button now.


Special Thanks – Go to Diana Renee, for all her help and patience Beta reading this story, pointing out problems and solutions, and all in all making this a better story.


Feedback – Feedback is like food to a writer, send any comments or suggestions to Alex at keeper444@webtv.net .



Chapter 1


Willow was sitting on the Slayer’s bed hugging Mr. Gordo to her chest, her legs drawn up as she gently rocked staring intently at the door waiting impatiently for it to open. More worried than usual, the hollow feeling in her chest and the lump in her throat was telling her that something was definitely wrong with her Buffy. However the actual nature of the trouble eluded her. Buffy had been getting back from her patrols later each night. Each night she was exhausted to the point of collapse and though she denied it, Willow could tell that she wasn’t bouncing back like she used to.


It was breaking Willow’s heart to see the person she cared about even more than life itself go out every night to face what ever danger the Hellmouth might throw at her when they both knew Buffy was not in any condition to fight them. Now she was more than 2 hours over due and even though she had promised not to go out alone after sunset, especially not to look for Buffy on patrol, Willow was considering facing her friends anger and going out to find Buffy anyway. She just couldn’t get over the feeling that the Slayer was in serious trouble.


<I can’t lose her, I couldn’t go on without her> she thought to herself and a sob escaped her throat. <Don’t do that !!> she yelled at herself <No negative thoughts! Buffy is fine...Buffy is safe...Buffy is....GORGEOUS!!> A mischievous smile played over her lips as she thought of her friends near perfect athletic body. <Stop that!! Bad Willow, bad, bad Willow> Her chest tightened as she recalled the warmth of Buffy’s body pressing against her whenever they hugged. <Friendly hugs only> she reminded herself.


Willow knew that she really truly, deeply, loved her with every part of her body and soul but she hadn’t done anything about it and everything she could to deny the reality of those feelings, ending with her disastrous relationship with Oz, but that was so over now and she’d been forced to face the truth. Eventually she learned to settle for the platonic friendship Buffy offered and simply learn to live with the constant frustration of unrequited love. She just knew that it would all work out as long as Buffy never found out, not ever.


Willow’s thoughts were interrupted when the door to their room flew open, slamming loudly against the wall, revealing a figure leaning on the doorframe to hold themselves up. Willow gasped when she realized it was her best friend and roommate (not to mention her entire world). Worry overcame control, “Buffy.”


Buffy was barely recognizable under all the dirt and blood her whole body heaving under her effort to breath. Willow jumped off the bed and ran to the Slayer's side. Buffy raised her head and looked into the deep, dark green eyes of her closest and dearest friend and smiled weakly.


“Hey Wills!” Buffy whispered breathlessly “Rough slayage tonight.”


The Slayer tried to chuckle but was too weak.


Willow pulled Buffy’s arm over her shoulders and wrapped her other arm around Buffy’s waist and helped her across the room to her bed.


Chapter 2


“What happened?” Willow asked as she carefully helped Buffy sit down on the bed. “Is it some new master vampire or maybe an arch demon from the Hellmouth determined to destroy the world You just tell me and I’ll get everyone together and foil their evil plans cause that’s what we do the Slayer and her possie guarding the Hellmouth and defending mankind from those evil nasties that........”


“Please Willow” Buffy groaned and held up her hand stop the girl’s nervous babbling. “It’s nothing like that.”


“Then what happened?” Willow asked suddenly serious “Who did this to you?”


“Easy Wills, don’t blow a brain cell.” Buffy said with more strength than she really had. “I'm not really sure what happened, it was just your everyday regular vamps, three of them, I was kickin’ ass when all of a sudden I was so tired, It was like I couldn’t even hold my arms up let alone fight. “I got lucky and introduced two of them to Mr. Pointy and the last one ran away.”


“Good thing too cause as soon as he was out of sight I fell right there in the blood and vamp dust and was too tired to get up…so I just laid there. I could feel every scrape cut and bruise they gave me and some I had before I met them.”


“Finally I got up enough strength to get home to my Wills, cause I know she’ll take care of me and make all my big bad Slayer boo-boos all better.”


Hearing that Willow realized she was just sitting there holding Buffy in her arms rocking her gently completely engrossed in the warm wonderful feel of the woman she loved gently pressing against her. The beautiful blonde head resting on her shoulder.


Reminded of her friend’s condition Willow gently lay Buffy down on the bed and went to her closet. She rummaged around until she found the first aide box and returned to Buffy’s side. Willow began laying out the supplies she needed to treat her friend’s wounds, but before she could start tending those wounds Buffy raised herself up a low groan escaping from deep in her throat.


“Hold on Wills,” she said softly, “I’ve got to take a shower. I mean whoa, major stink.”


Buffy wrinkled her nose to demonstrate her point causing Willow to giggle despite of her concern for her friend.


“Buffy! you can’t be serious!” Willow exclaimed stunned by her best friend's intention. “You can barely sit up let alone make it to the showers.”


“Oh please Wills, stop acting like my mother.” Buffy wished she hadn’t said it the second the last word left her mouth. “Oh god I'm sorry Wills...I didn’t really mean that. I know you’re only trying to help. I’m just tired and grumpy nothing a hot shower won’t cure.”


“B-But you can’t....” Willow began but Buffy cut her off.


“Did you forget?” Buffy said with false bravado and pointing at her own chest, “You’re dealing with the big bad Slayer, the all powerful Chosen One, you can knock me down but I spring right back up. Nothing keeps me down.”


With that Buffy sat up and began removing her disgustingly dirty and torn clothes with some difficulty because of her injuries.


“A little help here please,” she groaned the pain showing in her voice. “Oh....sure...no probs” Willow mumbled distracted, she began helping the injured Slayer to remove her clothes.


“Just throw them in the trash Wills,” Buffy told her friend “They’re shot, DOA, deceased.”


“Yeah..s-sure” Willow stammered slightly afraid to trust her voice “in the trash.”


The redhaired woman swallowed hard and tried to stop her hands from trembling as she helped reveal Buffy’s warm soft skin Willow could barely contain her urge to lean down and kiss that inviting soft white skin just to find out what it tasted like.


Buffy was watching her out of the corner of her eye. She could see the emotions plainly showing on her roommates face. She sympathized but she couldn’t allow that to happen. When all Buffy had left was her underwear she stood up slowly and broke the contact between herself and Willow.


Willow couldn’t stop her eyes from wandering over Buffy’s body drinking in the intoxicating beauty before her.


<Bad Willow, bad, bad Willow> she scolded herself. <Mustn’t lust after your best friend no matter how incredibly beautiful and sexy you think she is!>


She took an inventory of every cut scrape bruise and scar on the Slayer’s body and recalled in flashes of memory the story behind the worst of them, it was easy she’d been there for most of them.


“Hello earth to Willow” Buffy called to her distracted friend, “Could you give me a hand with my robe?”


“Huh, yeah sure.” Willow said coming back to reality. “Here you go. Give me a second and I’ll come help you.”


“No...I'll be alright.” Buffy said as she put on her soft terrycloth robe “The Slayer should at least be able to clean herself. I won’t be long.”


She picked up her shower bag and walked out of their room, making sure to hold her ‘strong’ pose until she was sure that there was no way Willow could see her. Once she heard the door close Buffy slumped against the wall and using it as a brace she limped slowly down the hall to the showers, pain and exhaustion showing clearly on her face now that her best friend couldn’t see.


Buffy had long ago figured out how Willow felt about her. It was easy, she felt the same way about beautiful red haired friend. However she also knew she could never tell Willow how she felt.  If Buffy had learned only one thing after spending all these years as a Slayer on a Hellmouth, it was that if she showed any kind of real love for anyone that person became the target of every nasty, slimy, evil thing that crawled out of the place. Her proof was when Angelus figured out how she felt about the shy, compassionate girl, he had made her his main target because he knew that hurting Willow would kill Buffy.


There was no way she was going to put her beloved little red-haired, green-eyed, witch girl in that kind of danger ever again. It was bad enough that she ran around playing research girl for the gang and the danger that entailed, to expose her to any more was unthinkable. She knew that if she'd allowed Willow to come to the showers with her there was no way she could have controlled herself. To avoid that she took a chance that Willow’s feelings might be hurt in order to keep her safe and refused to let her best friend help even though her need was obvious. The pain in those incredible green eyes had torn Buffy’s heart out but it had to be done.


The badly injured Slayer eventually made it to the showers, thankfully they were empty probably due to the late hour. She stepped into the nearest stall and carefully shrugged out of her robe and hung it on a hook. It took several minutes for her to get her underwear off, the effort left her out of breath and more than a little dizzy.


<Good thing Wills can’t see me like this.> Buffy thought to herself  <I’d never get a minute of peace. The girl just worries too much.>


She turned on the water adjusting the temperature to just below scalding, Buffy leaned against the wall and let the hot water spray over battered body. As she stood under the spray she noticed her vision blurring around the edges then her stomach did a slow forward roll and she felt light headed.


<Oh gods no> she thought realizing she was in serious trouble. <Willow, HELP ME!!>


That was the last coherent thought that went through Buffy’s mind before everything faded to black and she collapsed in a heap on the shower stall floor.


Chapter 3


Willow sat on the edge of her bed eyeing the door anxiously waiting for Buffy’s return. She chewed on her bottom lip nervously and her mind wandered back to the alluring vision of Buffy standing there in her underwear looking so battered and hurt yet acting so tough and Slayery Willow wanted to take Buffy into her arms and hold her close and kiss her until all the bad stuff went away. She wanted it so bad it hurt.      


<Stop it Willow!> she yelled at herself. <Keep talking like that and you’ll lose her forever and you know you couldn’t live with that.> After several minutes she began wondering what was taking Buffy so long. Usually she was back long before now.


<Oh well she did have a rough night I’ll be....>


Suddenly a blinding white pain burst into Willow’s mind blocking out all other thoughts.                  


<Willow, Help me!!> slammed into her consciousness like a sledgehammer.               


She knew instinctively that Buffy was in trouble. Without the slightest hesitation she launched her self off the bed and out the door. Slamming through the shower room door Willow began searching the room for her friend, while calling her name.


Panic began rising in her when Buffy failed to answer. Then she heard the water running. Hurrying toward the sound she called to her missing friend getting no answer Willow pushed open the stall door and froze. A horrified gasp escaped her throat when she saw Buffy lying motionless on the floor.


Willow jumped into the stall, after shutting off the water she knelt down next to the Slayer. After trying to rouse her by calling her name and shaking her unsuccessfully, Willow decided to move Buffy out of the confined area. Somehow she was able to get Buffy’s unconscious body out to one of the long benches and began to gently dry Buffy off and get her robe wrapped around her.


She still couldn’t wake Buffy and she knew there was no way she was going to be able to get beloved roommate to their room without help. She ran down the hall and got their old friend Larry and had him carry Buffy to their room.                                       


“You want me to call 9-1-1?” he asked as he carefully laid Buffy on her bed.


“No Larry I’ll handle it from here.” Willow said sounding a lot more confident than she truly felt. “Thanks for your help.”                                             


“Hey no big Will,” Larry said glancing worriedly at Buffy’s unnaturally still form “If you need me for anything at all call me you have my phone and pager numbers.”


“Sure Larry don’t worry we’ll be alright.” Willow said giving him a hug.


Without another word she turned around and began fussing over her friend, Larry quietly slipped out of the room.


After a brief struggle Willow finally managed to get Buffy into a nightshirt and underwear. While she was dressing the unconscious girl she noticed a long partially healed gash on the inside of Buffy’s upper arm. She also noticed that the flesh around the gash was swollen and a dark angry red.


After getting Buffy settled into bed Willow called Giles and filled him on the situation. He assured her that she had done the right thing and he would be there as soon he picked up some things he felt were necessary to take care of the Slayer. Hanging up the phone Willow dragged a chair over to Buffy’s bed and sat down to wait and watch over her best friend.


<Cause that’s what friends do> she rationalized. But she knew deep down the real reason was she loved this person too much to trust her care to someone else’s hands. <Because that’s what lovers do, they cared for their loved one when they were too sick to care for themselves>.


Willow let out a sigh and took Buffy’s limp hand and held it between hers. <This way she’ll feel me here and know she’s not alone> Willow closed her eyes and said a silent prayer to the Goddess on behalf of her beloved.


Chapter 4


Buffy's eyes fluttered open her first sight was an angelic vision of her best friend.


Willow was looking down at her the light shone from behind her reflecting off her red hair causing a kind of halo effect that made Buffy's heart skip a beat. Her brow was furrowed with worry and her incredible green eyes were filled with concern and compassion. In all it was the most beautiful sight Buffy had ever seen.


“Hey you.” Willow said softly “You just rest, Giles is on his way. And I AM taking care of you,” Willow paused, as if expecting Buffy to protest, when none came, “so don’t worry.”


“No worries Wills.” Buffy said weakly as a slight smile played across her lips. “See, I knew if I could get home my Wills would take care of me.”


Before Willow could respond Giles came rushing through the door followed closely by a tall dark man she had never seen before. Giles went straight to Buffy's bed and sat down on the edge across from Willow. He immediately began asking questions of his surrogate daughters trying to assess the extent of Buffy's illness. “How long have you had this?” Giles asked sternly after Willow called his attention to the wound on Buffy’s arm.


“Oh I don’t know ...about a week,” she replied barely able to speak. “I got it the night I fought that slime demon the vamps called up.”    


“Yes well you know you really must keep me informed when this kind of thing happens.” Giles scolded her quietly. “How am I supposed to know what you need if you don’t keep me apprised.”


“Giles,” Willow growled menacingly “Not now.”


“Yes...well…ah…quite right.” Giles stammered cleaning his glasses surprised at the normally shy, quiet, girls’ intensity and more than a little embarrassed by his insensitive lecture.


The forgotten stranger clearing his throat and calling to Giles interrupted the awkward moment.


“Ah, who is he?” Willow asked defensively, “and why have you brought him here?”


“Yes, where are my manners?” Giles began “This is Dr. Jeffery Fallon I've known him for several years. He is a fully qualified physician, but he has made caring for supernatural beings his specialty. I am sure Buffy and her less than normal injury fall well into that category.”


The doctor bowed to Willow in recognition of her relationship to the Slayer and set his bag down on the bed next to Buffy. When Willow refused to move out of the doctor’s way he looked at Giles for help.                              


Willow shot Giles a threatening look, normally she trusted Giles completely but this was Buffy and that changed all the rules. She tightened her grip on Buffy’s hand, silently challenging the two men.


“It’s alright Wills.” Buffy said softly knowing how Willow felt, since she felt the same way about the Witch. “You know Giles would never hurt us.” She finished, the weakness in the Slayer’s voice causing it to fade out.


“Quite so.” Giles said firmly.                           


<She’s like some jungle cat protecting its’ mate> he imagined he could almost hear her growling a warning.


Reluctantly Willow released Buffy’s hand and moved back but only as far as her bed. She sat tensely on the edge watching the doctor’s every move, muscles coiled and ready to jump to Buffy’s defense at the slightest provocation.


The doctor examined Buffy thoroughly, most of the things he did and the equipment he used Willow recognized as normal medical procedure but some of it looked like it was straight out of one those cheesy sci-fi movies Xander was always watching.


After what seemed an eternity to Willow, the doctor straightened up and put his equipment away, as soon as he moved Willow was back sitting beside her and holding her hand.


The doctor and Giles walked over to the other side of the small room and began quietly consulting. They were making Willow nervous by the way that every few minutes one or the other would look over at the two young women. The young Witch did her best to ignore the two men by concentrating on Buffy.  The little Slayer seemed to be fading in and out of awareness-unable to stay completely conscious for more than a few seconds at a time.


“Thank you Jeffery.” Giles said shaking hands with the doctor. “Be sure to give my regards to the Abbot.”


The man held up his hand then turned to the two young women bowed turned and went out the door closing it quietly behind him.




Giles returned to Buffy's bedside carrying a small package the doctor had given him. He opened the package and pulled put it's contents. It was an antique looking glass syringe with a long thin needle and a vial of green fluid that glowed eerily in the dimly lit room. Giles filled the syringe with the thick liquid and began swabbing Buffy’s arm with alcohol preparing to inject her when he heard a low growl.


He looked up to see Willow glaring threateningly at him, her green eyes drilling into his soul causing him to shiver slightly. He shivered slightly as he felt a twinge of guilt knowing the girl was recalling his part in the Slayers’ test. Plus, for the first time since he had known the shy young Witch he also felt real fear-the person before him was not the Willow he knew-the person before him would do anything to protect her.... Friend.


“It is a compound.” He began to explain sheepishly, “it is to enhance her Slayer healing abilities.” The green eyes continued to bore into him, “I would kill myself before I would ever hurt her again! Willow, you simply must believe me,” he pleaded.


“Yeah? Whatever.” Willow snapped. Giles taking that as permission carefully slipped the needle into his daughter’s arm and gave her the injection. Shuttering at the memory of doing this same thing to her at the Councils orders-what a fool he had been.


<What is wrong with me?> Willow berated herself <I know nobody cares more about Buffy than Giles. But, he was tricked by the Council last time.>                                   


<Well he won’t survive being tricked again> a dark steely voice said from the deepest darkest recesses of her mind. <No one is going to hurt MY Buffy again!>


Willow shocked herself with those possessive and violent thoughts.


But, her attention was immediately drawn back to her love when Buffy sighed deeply, Willow could tell the Slayer was falling into a soft peaceful rest.


Both the Watcher and the Witch kept a loving eye on her until they were sure she was safely asleep.


“She should rest now” Giles explained. “The doctor said that it appears to be some sort of demonic infection. She shows all the symptoms of a high fever and an elevated white cell count but physically she has neither. It apparently attacks through her metaphysical abilities.”                               


“What can we do?” Willow implored the ex-watcher, “There must be something I can do instead of just sitting here holding her hand.”


“Actually that is exactly what she needs,” Giles informed her. “I tried to contact her mother but Joyce is on some business trip for the gallery and will out of communication for a week or more. So sitting here letting her know she is not alone is as important as any other thing you can do. You know she would rather have you here than anyone else she knows.”


“If you say so Giles.” Willow said softly, “I will stay here and take care of her. Will you please inform my professors that I’ll not be in class until further notice and that I’ll send in any required work via e-mail?”


“If you wish Willow,” Giles said realizing that any argument would be futile. “I will come by or have Xander come by later to give you a break.”


“No” Willow said flatly. “Just bring me my class work and food. I’m taking care of Buffy; I don’t trust anyone else. Don't let anyone come, besides Giles. I won’t have the time or patience to deal with Xander and his inane babble.”


Giles looked deep into those green eyes and saw the love in them. Willow’s feelings were pure primal instinct and he knew better than to doubt what she said.


“As you say, Willow.” Giles said softly and handed her a small black box with a red button “This is an emergency pager, if you need me for any reason press that button. I will be here as fast as I can, I will even sleep with it.”


“Alright Giles,” Willow said then grabbed his wrist with a surprisingly strong grip and looked into his eyes. “Please find a way to make her better. I can’t lose her, I can’t live without her.”                                                            


“I will I promise” Giles whispered reverently.


Normally he would have scorned such theatrics but he knew Willow well enough that he believed every word she said. He quietly left the room. As he closed the door he took one last look and saw Willow lean forward and gently kiss Buffy’s forehead then settle back into the chair still holding Buffy's hand.


“I will find a cure Willow” Giles said under his breath inspired by the beautiful young woman's devotion to her friend. “Even if it kills me I will find it. I will not be the cause of you losing your love.”



Continued in Part 2



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