A Higher Power


DisclaimersIf you want disclaimers go to Part 1, I have plenty of them there.


Thanks – Special thanks go to Diana Renee, for all her help and patience Beta reading this story, pointing out problems and solutions and all in all making this a better story.


FeedbackFeedback is like food to writers, if you have comments or suggestions send them to Alex at keeper444@webtv.net.


Chapter 7


Willow’s eyes opened slowly, her mind was a complete blank, she yawned and stretched feeling rested and completely relaxed for the first time since Buffy got sick.


“Oh no Buffy!” Willow gasped and bolted up remembering her best friend’s serious condition and the shape she was in when Willow saw her last.


“Be calmed little one,” a soothing female voice told her, a warm soft hand touched her shoulder. “Your beloved is resting quietly in another room. The sister of my soul watches over her.”


Willow felt a warm comforting feeling spread throughout her body from the hand. She looked over and was mesmerized by what she saw. Seated next to the bed was the most serenely beautiful woman Willow had ever seen. She was wearing white gown with an emerald green cloak held by a pair of silver swan clasps at her throat. Her long softly shining blonde hair hung to her waist. She had flawless soft white skin and wore a compassionate caring smile on her full sensuous red lips, but her eyes were the feature that held Willow’s attention.


They were a pale grayish blue like crystal clear bottomless pools that seemed to glow with their own soft light. Willow felt drawn into them letting them wash away all her cares and sorrows. The woman had an air of grace and elegance about her that made even the simple rocking chair she was sitting in seem like a throne.


“What?  Where?  How?” Willow stammered confused.


“All fine questions.” The woman said with an amused smile. “And they will be answered soon, but first rise and refresh yourself. We have replaced your soiled apparel and when you are ready I will take you to see your beloved.”


“Ah...okay” Willow said stunned and more than a little confused. Willow slid out the bed followed as the woman showed her where the bath was.


“Pull the bell cord when you are ready and I will return to take you to the one you wish to see,” the woman said as she left.


Willow heard the door close and looked around the large bathroom amazed by what she saw. Everything was exactly the way Willow had it at home only on a larger scale. The bath water was hot and scented with the perfect combination of oils and herbs for her. Even the soaps and perfumes were all Willow's favorites. It was kind of spooky but not in a bad way.


When Willow was finished she reentered the bedroom and found a new set of clothes laid out for her on the bed. As she put them on Willow was impressed by the quality and intricate workmanship of each article. There were of course the normal undergarments but the rest were anything but normal at least for Willow's century.


There was a long dark green velvet gown that nearly reached the floor, a pair of soft leather slippers, and a long green cloak like the woman had been wearing but with pentagram clasps instead of swans. To her further surprise everything fit perfectly.


Willow couldn’t help it she just had to look in the mirror. She almost didn’t recognize her own reflection; she looked like a picture out of one of Giles’ medieval books. She stopped staring at herself and forced herself back to the matters at hand. She pulled the bell cord she’d been shown and almost instantly there was a knock on her door.


“Come in,” Willow called out.


The door opened and the woman stepped in. “Is everything to your liking?” she asked.


“It's perfect.” Willow replied then added, “except for one thing.”


“What is that?” the woman asked with genuine concern.


“What do I call you?” Willow asked “I mean ‘Hey you’ just doesn’t seem right and after all you've done for us and ‘ma’am’ seems a little too impersonal.”


A smile lit up the woman's face and her lyrical laugh seemed to fill the air.


“I suppose we have not been properly introduced, but in truth we have done little for you,” she began, then paused as if considering the best way to phrase her answer. “However to answer your question at the time of my calling I was known as Brigit though I have not heard that name for quite some time but it will do for now.”


“Okay Brigit,” Willow said. “You did say something about going to see Buffy.”


“As you wish.” Brigit said then warned, “Before we go you should know we are unable to cure the Chosen One. We have halted the progress of the ailment and she is sleeping peacefully without pain, but she is no better and her infirmity is apparent so do not be shocked by her appearance.”


“Ah...okay so can I go see her now.” Willow persisted.


“Certainly little one.” Brigit said calmly. “Come with me.”


She led Willow through the door and down a long marble hallway. After passing several large iron bound doors Brigit came to a stop at huge door with an intricate silver hexmark on it. She knocked and ushered Willow through the somewhat intimidating doorway announcing their arrival. Willow looked around the room amazed at its size.


Her gaze stopped when it reached the over sized bed in the center of the room,


Lying in the middle of the bed propped up on pillows was the center of Willow’s universe. Buffy was covered with a large fluffy looking bright red and silver comforter. A heart-wrenching sob escaped Willow’s lips when she saw how small and frail her normally strong and healthy friend looked in the huge bed.


Her skin was pale and drawn making her bones protrude and her cheeks hollow, the circles under her eyes were so dark it looked as if someone had beaten her. Willow ran to the bed. “Oh Buffy what have I done?” Willow sobbed, “Why can’t I heal you?”


“Perhaps that is something we should discuss,” a man's deep voice said from behind her. “Among other things.”


Willow turned and came face to face with the man from the night before in the clearing. He was still wearing the long gray robes and was still as impressive as before.


Those shining hazel eyes seemed to look straight into her soul and saw her every secret.


“Who are you?” Willow demanded, amazed at her own audacity.


He smiled at her. “All will be answered soon my child,” he said his warm soft voice filling her mind. “Come with me and we will explore your questions and possibly find the answers you seek.”


Chapter 8


Willow tore her eyes away from the man’s hypnotic gaze and looked back at her unconscious friend.


“No” she said adamantly, “I won’t leave my Buffy.” It was a statement, not an argument or request.


“I will care for your other half,” replied a husky female voice.


Willow looked toward this new voice and saw a shockingly beautiful and exotic looking woman stepped out of a shadowed alcove. The first thing Willow noticed about this new comer was her fiery red hair that fell in a wild cascade of waves and curls to just past her shoulders. She was wearing a black leather tunic trimmed with silver Celtic knot work over a dark blue knee length dress and knee high leather boots. Hanging from her belt were two long silver dirks their handles looked worn with constant use.


Her smoky green eyes seemed to take in everything without ever breaking their contact with Willow. That combined with the cat like grace of her movements and her strong white teeth that flashed when she smiled gave her a feral predatory look the exact opposite of Brigit.


“We must talk,” the man said. “We won’t go far I promise. Nothing will happen to her with Morrigan watching over her.”


Willow looked from Morrigan to Brigit to the man and back again, she was confused and very worried about Buffy.


“I give you my oath; nothing will happen to your other half while she is under my protection,” Morrigan said quietly, with a steel edge voice.


The young girl’s mind suddenly flashed on an image of warrior standing tall on a battlefield-but instead of Morrigan’s face the warrior had Buffy's.


“I guess that’s okay.” Willow said unsure but something in the back of her mind was telling her to trust these unusual people and that little voice had never been wrong.


“Good, please come with me.” he said, “we will be just outside.”


He led her outside into a large tree filled courtyard in the center of which was a small fountain surrounded by stone tables with benches. He chose one on the sunny side of the fountain. Willow sat down opposite him and looked around in wonder.


There were trees and flowers of all kinds all around. There were birds and other wildlife some that Willow saw she knew to be extinct. When the man sat down a huge raven flew down and landed on his shoulder.


They sat quietly for a few moments drinking in the peaceful beauty of their surroundings storing the memory for later more turbulent times. Something was tugging at the fringes of Willow’s mind, something about these people and this place. Just as she was about to confront the man Brigit came out caring a large silver tray filled with fresh fruit three glasses and a pitcher.


“Eat child,” the man said. “Enjoy the Earth mother’s gifts.”


“The meade too little one.” Brigit added “It will strengthen you for what lies ahead.”


“Thank you,” Willow said taking a sip of the potent liquid “This is really good."


Willow savored the sweet honey aftertaste as the warmth of the meade flowed through her body. Brigit smiled at her and she felt the warm spring sunshine in that smile.


Brigit sat down at the end of the bench and Willow gasped when a huge, shaggy gray wolf padded over sat down next to the woman and began nuzzling her hand demanding attention.


“Now is the time little one.” Brigit said absent-mindedly scratching the wolf's ears. “Ask Lugh your questions.”


At the mention of the mention of the man's name Willow's mind clicked and she remembered where she'd heard the names before.


“Lugh!” Willow choked out her eyes wide with surprise and disbelief “That means...you are...this is...you can’t...”


The man she now knew as Lugh smiled at her surprise and confusion, he held up a hand to stop her verbal melt down.


“You are remarkably well informed child.” Lugh began “You apparently have heard of us.”


“Heard of you...yes” Willow blurted out. “Your legends...gods even!”


“No child not gods.” Lugh assured her. “We are as human as you and your friend in there. We are merely well educated and trained in the ways of our kind.”


“What is your kind?” Willow asked a little calmer, “Are you immortals? I’ve heard of them.”


“No, not immortals" Lugh said smiling at her amused at the girl's undeniable curiosity.


“It is this place. Long ago our people saw the need for our people to have a sanctuary away from your world so using ancient and powerful magiks and combining our talents this place was created. It does not exist on your plane it is adjacent to your world but only we know how to part the veil that separates our planes allowing us to go back and forth as necessary.” Lugh stopped long enough to take a drink.


It had been a long time since he had talked this much and his throat was parched.


“Others created many legends and folk lore about us, I have heard most of them. The truth however is much more mundane,” he continued. “It seems that when we created this place there was a side effect no one had anticipated.”


Lugh stopped again to get a drink from the tall glass goblet that Brigit kept filled.


Willow could hear the strain in his voice.


“You see time as you know it does not exist here” Lugh resumed. “We have done many tests some with dire consequences to learn the laws that rule this plane. Here we do not age. So when the time comes for those of us with the calling must enter your world we have not changed. People misunderstood and thought we were more than we truly are. Eventually superstition being what it is people came to think of us as gods, a title we neither seek nor want.”


“Okay so this place must be....” Willow began knowing but not believing.


“Yes child we have brought you and your friend to Teach Tu Danann” Lugh told her.


Willow speechless, she had read some obscure legends of this place, never much because of the lack of written history about the Druids and their beliefs.


“I never had any idea this place could possibly exist.” Willow said once her brain began to grasp what she’d just been told. "Everything, all the writings were so vague."


“That was not an accident my child.” We did not want to give the outside world too many clues and it worked.” Lugh sighed softly, “but now we have been forced to once again to come into direct contact with your world because of you and the Chosen One.”


“Why? What can you do to cure her?” Willow demanded hopefully “Is that why we’re here?”


“All in it’s time child..” Lugh said cryptically.


“Lugh! Really were you never young?” Brigit scolded him softly then explained to Willow “No, little we can not cure her. We can only halt the progress of the affliction the demon caused. We have saved her life but we cannot cure it and what you must know is that it has progressed much further than we knew. If a cure is not given soon her soul will be released and with that the fate of your world will be sealed.”


“Quite true,” Lugh interrupted. “Let me explain a little history and maybe you will better understand our dilemma.”


Alright I’m listening." Willow said with far more confidence than she felt.


They all three took a deep drink of the potent meade, then Lugh looked deep into Willow's eyes capturing and holding them with his eerily glowing hazel orbs.


“Since the way to spin a tale is from the beginning that is where I shall begin.” Lugh said, his deep voice, and lyrical accent reassured Willow, and helped her relax and absorb what he was saying. “Let us begin with the dawn of creation.”



Continued in part 4



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