Return of Legends, Bk.2: Revelations and Realizations


By Alex


Disclaimers – Go read them in Part 1


Rating – Pg – 13 to R in some places.


Pairing – Buffy/Willow and several other peripheral pairings that aren't on the show. So there phffttt.. ]:-P


Thanks – Thanks to my beta Cheryl Hill, she's done the best she could with what I gave her and she has a fabulous first name. Great work!!!


Feedback – Please send me some I'm an incurable feedback junkie and I'd perish without it (I'd beg but the neighbors got that special ordinance passed and besides it's just too ugly to watch) any and all comments or suggestions to:






Part 7


The sun of Teach Tu Dannan was nearly straight over head when the two young lovers came out of the trees strolling hand in hand into the clearing, talking and laughing together, like millions of other young people in love throughout history.


No one would know just by looking at them that the fate of mankind all too often rested on their soft skinned shoulders. The laughing blonde pointed toward the central fountain and the two slightly older looking women that were sitting on one of the benches holding each other with their foreheads together apparently deep in some conversation.                      


The blonde whispered something into the redhead's ear causing the young witch to laugh and blush brightly, as she slapped the blonde playfully on the arm.

They joined their friends at the picnic table and after a few words of greeting began attacking the trays of food sitting on the stone table. They were ravenous and ate like it was their first meal in days.


“Glad ta see ya' took it upon yerselves ta join us Slayer darlin'.” Morrigan quipped with a mischievous twinkle in her laughing green eyes, “Did ya' and yer lovely Sorceress get yerselves lost or were ya' just sidetracked dear girls?”


Both young women blushed a bright crimson at their friend and mentor's gentle, good-natured teasing. Unlike their first visit both Buffy and Willow had been tutored by the tall woman with the wild redhair and easy smile that flashed whenever she was pleased with her students.


Morrigan had been smiling a lot, she had been instructing them in fighting techniques both individually and as a team and they had improved immensely under the watchful eyes of the warrior. She was very proud of both her students and it showed in the way she lovingly teased and tormented the young couple while they wolfed down their food.


As Willow spent time learning a warriors skills from Morrigan so too had Buffy spent time learning new skills from the small gentle blue eyed blonde, Brigit.


While the Slayer would never possess the diversity and finesse of the Sorceress Willow, she learned that she was a powerful elemental force and as such she was able to call upon the five base elements to do her bidding at will.


Once Brigit taught her how to call forth and control these powers, Buffy had proved to be an amazingly powerful elemental mage. Brigit had also taught both young women how to combine their mystic abilities to support and strengthen each other during their battles against the forces of the Darkness.


No longer would either woman have to worry about some of the things that had plagued them in the past because of waning strength during a fight.


She had given them a very stern warning about using powers before they were sure of the powers and limitations of that power. Brigit gave both young women a long lecture about how they had used the untried power on Spike and his minions at the warehouse, she was sure they were very clear on why after she gave them an extremely vivid description of what the consequences could have been if that particular skill had backfired on them.


Even Lugh had taken the time to teach them several highly useful new skills, even how to travel through the veils between the realms. He informed the two young women that now they had no excuse not to come visit more often so that Morrigan and Brigit would stop worrying him about seeing their two young friends.


The biggest surprise to Buffy was the ancient Druid's dry and rapier sharp wit, which he used quite often to get his point across to his sometimes hardheaded students. He also introduced Willow to several of the other Druids that called Teach Tu Dannan home.


From them Willow acquired many new talents some not even Lugh knew how to use. All the residents of the sanctuary realm felt the renewed energy and sense of purpose that filled the environment because of the presence of the two young champions.


What was not common knowledge was that when Buffy, Willow, and Nightrunner had formed their pack, the three of them had fulfilled yet another prophecy.


This one held a very special meaning for the Druids of the small community that only Lugh and a few of the elders knew. It was to be revealed that night. Lugh had made sure that all four of the women knew that they were expected to attend a special very formal dinner in the great hall in the evening so they decided to just spend the day resting and enjoying each others company.


It had turned out to be a very enjoyable time, spent in conversation along with some good natured bickering between Buffy and Morrigan that kept the other two amused. Then late that afternoon they split up and returned to their rooms to prepare for the evening. From what Morrigan had teasingly told Buffy the formal Druid dinners were very rare, because they were so stuffy and boring that even the most serious and officious of the Druids found them tedious and irritating.


When the Slayer and Willow entered their rooms they found two new outfits laid out on the bed for them. Buffy picked hers up and groaned.


It was a duplicate of the clothing that Morrigan was wearing when they first met, it consisted of a stiffly starched white Irish linen shirt with long sleeves that ended in French cuffs and a knee length heavy wool skirt with a wide heavy leather weapons belt. There was a brand new pair of knee high, black, heavy soled boots that Buffy was sure would give her blisters before the night was over because of the stiffness of the new leather.


There was also a leather tunic with three quarter length sleeves that was decorated with silver and steel, it was to say the least that the tunic was very heavy and it was obvious to Buffy how uncomfortable this formal Slayers' "uniform" was going to be.


On the other hand Willow was thrilled with her formal attire. There was a floor length, forest green, satin and silk gown with a high collar and a pair of butter soft kidskin slippers. She was also given a new green cloak with the usual spell embroidered in silver thread around the edges, it was held together at her throat by a pentacle clasp.


It was obvious to Willow as she examined both outfits, that a lot of time and thought went into making the hand sewn formal clothing.


“Really Buffy,” Willow scolded her wife gently, “Listening to you now it's hard to believe that you are the same woman that used to argue with Cordelia about who had the better fashion sense. I mean these are beautiful clothes and our friends worked very hard to make them for us. What you don't understand is these people do not use magic to provide things like this, they consider it to be too sacred to be used to provide such mundane items. That means every cut and stitch in these outfits were done by hand.”


“I'm sorry Wills,” the contrite blonde mumbled, ashamed of herself for whining about the clothing, “I didn't realize how special these gifts were. I guess I've gotten used to wearing only my old grubbies or the comfortable leathers Morrigan gave me when we first came here. Hey! Are you telling me that Morrigan made those leathers for me?”


“That's right sweetheart,” the witch explained. “It was her way to welcome you here as a friend, a sister and a student. She wouldn't let me tell you before but I really think you should know considering how often in the last year those hunting leathers have saved your life. That reminds me, I need to thank her too.”


Sure that her mate had understood the full gravity of the gifts of clothing that they had received and the true nature of their mentor's affection for them, she hustled her lover into the bathroom to be cleaned.


There was of course the mention of the wisdom of conserving resources by showering together, but Willow vetoed that idea informing her eager lover that if they were going to make it to their dinner on time they would have to forgo the “fun and games” until later that evening.


It was a pouting Slayer that was hurried into the bathroom that evening, and Willow couldn't help but giggle at her lovers' antics.


Despite Buffy's attempts to do otherwise both young women were ready on time and were waiting patiently for their friends to come get them for the formal dinner.


The entire affair was quite mind-boggling for the two guests of honor. For one thing it wasn't every day that two college students were sitting and talking to beings that were thousands of years old and were once considered gods, and more than willing to share their extensive knowledge with the two young women.


It was quite an experience for both women but especially for Willow, she was meeting people that she had read about in Giles' books while doing research. She went from one small group to another engaging the Druid scholars in deep conversations all with her Buffy trailing along behind her beaming at her wife and smiling indulgently as Willow tried to include her in their talks.


Finally after the meal was consumed and everyone was settled with their after dinner wine Lugh stood and signaled for everyone's attention.


“My ancient brothers and sisters, and of course our beloved students,” the big shaggy green eyed man began. “As you know it has been our honor and privilege to have had the Slayer and her mate, the Great Sorceress, here with us these past few months. As we all can attest to their presence here has brightened all our lives and given us a new sense of purpose and for this we all thank them.”


There was a murmur of agreement from everyone at the table, and Buffy noticed that Nightrunner had joined them, taking her place between her and Willow.


“As much as we have enjoyed having them here as guests it is time that they became more than just guests.” Lugh announced, all eyes riveted on him “It is common knowledge that they have bonded with our friend Nightrunner and with her they have formed a new pack. In doing this the three of them have fulfilled a prophecy long forgotten by all but a very few of us. This bond has linked them directly to the revered Old Ones and so has made them residents of Teach Tu Dannan. No longer will they be referred to as guests, while that title is an honorable one it none the less makes them outsiders in our community.  This is no longer true and it is time that they take their rightful place among us as the Clan of the Wolf and from now on are to be treated with the same respect and honor of any other of our group.”


The rest of what their friend had to say was lost to the cheers and shouts of congratulations from everyone gathered in the hall. Both young women were surprised and overjoyed at the announcement, their two closest friends were hugging them and all four had tears of joy flowing freely from many eyes.


Once things settled the group at the table broke into smaller groups around the room. Lugh had given both Willow and Buffy Clan badges in the shape of a wolf's head made from silver and had put a loose collar on Nightrunner that also had a wolf's head medallion hanging from it.


Willow pulled Buffy from group to group until tired of being a “third” wheel Buffy finally excused herself telling Willow to ‘call when she was ready to leave’ the Slayer went outside under the trees to relax while her lover made nice with the party guests.


It wasn't long before Nightrunner had joined Buffy and was laying beside her enjoying it while Buffy absent-mindedly scratched the big wolf's ears. A light breeze blew across the tree line bringing a mischievous smile to the Slayers lips.


“Do you think you're going to sneak up on me, Morrigan darlin'?” Buffy said quietly as she scratched the huge black wolf's ears. “We were beginning to feel kind of crowded in there. Besides that's Wills kind of thing not mine or Nightrunner's, so we left it to our beloved pack-mate to handle it.”


“Aye, I can sympathize wit ya' Slayer, darlin’ ” the tall red haired warrior laughed, “I usually leave that kind of thing to my sweet Brigit myself.”


Morrigan sat down on the grass next to her smaller student, and friend. They sat silently for a while enjoying the quiet music of the night and the comfortable companionship for a moment.


Suddenly Buffy knew that something was wrong.


The blonde and the wolf were up and running back to the dinning hall where they'd left the witch that was their pack-mate only a fraction of a second ahead of Morrigan.


The deadly trio burst into the crowded hall weapons drawn and ready. Three sets of worried and angry eyes surveyed the room, all three simultaneously lighting on the huddled figure of Willow being comforted by Brigit.


Faster than the human eye could follow all three were at the two women's side. Buffy knelt down and gently took her weeping lover from Brigit cradling her tenderly in her powerful arms while stroking the Sorceress' soft red hair lovingly and rocking her slightly.


She whispered words of love, protection and reassurance softly into her wife's ear in an effort to comfort her and learn what the source of her distress was.


Making a decision Buffy stood up still cradling Willow protectively in her arms. She looked to Morrigan, who nodded understanding the Slayer's intention and agreeing completely.


“Come on my friends,” The wild Irish warrior said in a clear commanding voice that would not tolerate any argument, “we will be needin' through here. We're takin' this child to the safety of her rooms.”


The ancients knew better than to question the woman and cleared a path to the outside door. Buffy saw her four-legged friend waiting by the door.   


“Make sure the way is clear, my sister,” she said softly, “our pack-mate needs us now.”


The huge wolf let out a yip of agreement and disappeared into the trees. Buffy ran out the doors and was soon fading into the night still carrying her lover as if she weighed nothing. Nightrunner ran ahead.


Morrigan followed knowing that Brigit would join them as soon as she had finished consulting with Lugh and some of the other Druids that might have an insight to what had struck their student so hard and so fast that none of them had sensed it coming.


Someone had some rough questions to answer and she knew her beloved mate wouldn't stop until she had some satisfactory answers for Buffy.


Part 8 


Buffy kicked open the doors to their rooms, followed closely by her two fellow warriors. Nightrunner went to the foot of the huge bed that her packmates shared and leapt onto the soft surface wanting to be near to protect both her distressed packmate and worried mate.


Buffy gently lay her weeping lover down and was going to get up to allow her lover her personal space, but Willow grabbed her wrist with amazing strength and begged her not to leave her. In response the Slayer lay down and pulled the red haired witch into a loving and protective embrace, holding her tenderly while she sobbed out her apparent grief or whatever it was that was hurting her.


“I don't know Buffy,” Willow answered once she was able to speak through the sobs. “I just have this feeling of incredible pain, like a part of me has been ripped open and left to bleed out. I also get this disoriented feeling like something that wasn't right has been righted but in a terrible and agonizing way.”


“You are right my child.” Brigit's voice said as she materialized in the doorway. “Somehow the path of true destiny has been diverted and was allowed to deviate from its goal much too far. That caused a serious imbalance in the cosmos. It has been rectified or at least turned in the proper direction. Two that were to be one were sent in the wrong direction and thus the course of four lives were being corrupted. Destiny in the form of a powerful deity has had to take desperate measures to return those life lines to their proper place.”


Morrigan moved swiftly to her mate's side to comfort her as she spoke. It was obvious to everyone in the room that whatever the normally serene and quiet woman had learned had upset her greatly. Her copious tears were easily seen by all of them.


“Who?” Willow asked her voice broken by the depths of her emotion and worry. “Which of our loved ones has paid destiny's price?”


“That I can not tell you my dearest child.” Brigit told her student, the regret was clearly written on the blonde woman's face and in her dark blue eyes. “I was not given that knowledge. I only know that involves your fellow warriors of the Light and that nothing any of us could have tried would have changed the course set by destiny to thwart the interference of the Dark's forces.”


“We need to go home,” Buffy said flatly in a voice that would brook no descent. “If our friends are endangered we should be there to protect and support them. It is my responsibility to insure the safety of the people that follow me.”


Buffy looked over the huddled form of her mate and directly into the burning green eyes of her mentor, doing her best to project how important she believed this to be.


“Slayer,” Brigit said softly holding a finger to her impetuous mate's lips to stall her comment, “I know you are worried for your extended family and given your position as head of your clan your anxieties are amplified greatly. However I must counsel patience, for the sake of both yourself and your mate and all the others involved in this unfortunate situation.”


“Patience isn't an easy thing for me Brigit,” Buffy returned just as calmly, but the violence she was holding back was visible just below the surface, “I'm not inclined to be patient when one of the main reasons I have for continuing this insanity as the Slayer, and not just giving up and leaving it for the next poor deluded sucker, are the ones getting hurt because they believe in me. No, Brigit, patience is hardly an option I would normally consider.”


The Slayer waited for her teacher's reply staring unwavering into the dark blue eyes of the woman once called the Goddess of healing and compassion, not in defiance, but in all the seriousness and firmness of someone with her responsibilities in her position. She was also trying to convey her willingness to consider their reasons and to compromise if their answers merited it.


“Slayer your point is well made and to your credit it is the argument of a clan chieftain that has the concerns of her people close to her heart.” Brigit began answering the young woman she had come to respect for her intelligence as well as her fighting abilities, and had become very fond of. “It is an admirable trait and one to be cultivated to be sure. However as a clan chief or even a pack alpha you must consider the good of the entire pack or clan when you are making your decisions.

All I ask is that you listen to what I have to say and then make your decision based on the needs and security of your clan.”


The two women looked into each other's eyes trying to gauge the others state of mind and their sincerity. Understanding her student's dilemma Morrigan knew it was time to step in. The tall redhead took he blonde lover in her arms and rested her chin on the top of her head.


“She's bein’ as fair as she can Elizabeth,” the legendary warrior added, the fact that she'd used Buffy's given name let the Slayer know just how serious she believed this was. “Just know that no matter what ya' decide ta do, my darlin' Brigit and myself are goin' ta stand wit ya', even against Lugh himself if ya' need us to.”


Buffy was thrown a little by her mentor's statement of support, she was about to tell Brigit to go on and tell her what she knew when Nightrunner made her presence known. The huge black wolf moved up on the bed and took her position in front of Willow and Buffy to show the other women where her loyalties lay.


She would stand and protect her pack-mates no matter the foe. Buffy smiled at her new friend's gesture and projected her affection and appreciation to her pack-mate.


“Ah your pack-mate has added her support as well my dear,” Brigit pointed out and smiled at the dire-wolf's actions. “You inspire great loyalty Slayer, it is a credit to you that so many would gladly stand with you, but I also understand it is a great burden as well to be the one responsible for the welfare and actions of so many others. It is because of this obligation that I ask that you hear me out before you make your decision. The out come of your choice will have a lasting effect on all those you hold dear.”


Buffy studied the deceptively small woman for a moment as if trying to gauge her sincerity. Seeing no indications of any kind of deception the Slayer began to think it might be for the best to hear what the woman many had called Goddess felt was so important to those who for whatever reason followed her lead.


“Alright Brigit,” Buffy sighed in resignation “I'll listen to what you have to say, but I have to tell you, I don't think that my being in danger will carry much weight when the safety and well being of my friends and loved ones is involved.”


Sensing the young woman's determination to do what was right for her followers, Brigit smiled and stepped away from her tall red haired warrior and went over to sit on the edge of the bed that held the Slayer and her two clan members.


The small woman seemed to fill the room with her aura of peace and serenity, feeling her student's anxiety over this unforeseen and precarious situation and her willingness to accept outside counsel, Brigit relaxed and sat on the edge of the bed near the wolf, as she began her explanation the small blonde instinctively began to scratch the huge black animal's ears unaware of the endearing effect her natural unassuming display of affection had on the other four occupants of the room.


“The truth of the matter is that your friends are not in any life threatening danger. Yes, they are in pain right now, and that pain is having an effect on my dearest student, Willow, they will eventually get past it and will be immeasurably stronger because of it.” Brigit began focusing her attention on Buffy, determined that the volatile young woman hear and understand the message she had to deliver. “I'm sure they would feel a little better if you and your mate were there to support them, but I have to tell you that the relief you bring would be short lived. If you and Willow were to return to your realm now you and she along with everyone you hold dear would be either dead or worse tuned to the side of the Darkness within a month.”


Both young women gasped at this revelation and Buffy opened her mouth to protest but Willow beat her to it.


“How can that be?” the distraught redhead said her voice nearly breaking with the mix of pain and anxiety that was assaulting her senses threatening to overwhelm her. “How can you know that for certain? We would never turn to the other side and neith....”


Willow was cut off when her mate touched her shoulder and gently squeezed it, to get her attention.


“Wills honey,” the Slayer said softly “we did promise to hear her out, and I think we should calm down and hear what she has to say. I'm sure Brigit will explain everything if we just give her a chance. K?”


“You're right my heart,” Willow agreed as she kissed her lover's reassuring hand. “I'm sorry Brigit, please go on.”


Brigit nodded accepting the young witch's apology.


“It is quite alright my child, it was quite a harsh and abrupt manner to give you such news and I shouldn't have told you in that way. I just wanted you to understand the full gravity of the decision you and your mate are about to make.” Brigit replied to Willow's apology then turned back to Buffy, “I am not saying this to make you stay, it is the facts as divined by our seers."


The small blonde's intense dark blue eyes locked with Buffy's equally intense hazel eyes, the gold and red flecks flashing brightly at her mentor's statement. Buffy felt as if she were pinned to the spot as those eyes burned straight to her soul, laying bare so that the information would soak into her very being.


“As you know,” Brigit continued, “there are always alternatives whenever a major life decision is made, and once the final choice is made all but one of the timelines will cease to exist. Until the decision is made all of the alternate timelines are there and we sit on a nexus. Using the capabilities of some of our seers it is sometimes possible to see the outcome of each of the alternate timelines. When all this occurred tonight I asked our seers to try to see what had occurred and what the consequences would be of whatever decision you might make. Only one was able to pierce the veil enough to see the results. In one timeline you chose to return to your friends and it came to an end within a short span with the results I gave you. The other continued on into the mists of time, and while I can not promise that you will not be defeated in the future, I can guarantee that if you should ignore this warning, you will not be able to with stand the powerful forces of the Darkness that are arrayed against you at this time. What he saw was so disturbing the seer has gone into seclusion grieving over the image he saw.  I will tell you if you wish, but it is a hard thing to know.”


“Tell me,” the Slayer croaked her throat suddenly very dry.


Willow silently nodded her agreement but it was obvious she feared the answer.


“The man that looked into your future has asked that after you know that you do not try to contact him as he wishes to forget his vision,” Brigit told them in preparation for sharing the knowledge she wished she didn't possess. “What he saw was that you, your mate, your Watcher, and your Seer, I believe her name to be Cordelia, all dead. Your mother, and everyone associated with your struggle against the Darkness, some you don't even know yet, all that survive that final confrontation were all turned into servants of the Darkness, and because of their attachment to you they are reduced to the lowest most humiliating slaves of the Dark Lord you know as Dracula.”


Brigit sat quietly letting the startling information sink through the raging storm going on in the Slayer's mind. Her emotions were at war with the more logical and sensible side of the young woman.


On one side she knew through her beloved mate that someone they cared about was in dire trouble, along with another of their loved ones that were badly hurt or worse, and like any other normal caring and compassionate person she wanted to be there to comfort and protect them.


On the other hand, she had the facts given to her, and since she was responsible for more than just herself she was forced to consider the consequences her actions would have on the others.


She knew neither Brigit or any of the others were capable of lying to her the vows they took upon entering the Druid society would cause them unimaginable pain and possibly death if they lied to another and especially to her or her wife.


The new clan chief was obviously torn between leaving and facing the consequences of the Druid seer's vision or staying, knowing the pain her mate would suffer from the pain and suffering their friends were enduring. Plus the knowing that her friends were facing and suffering because they were fighting the evils that she was supposed to be protecting them from.


Willow turned and looked deeply into her lover's eyes, despite Buffy's attempt to keep her torturous thoughts from her mate, Willow was still able to read the agony that being the Chosen One was putting her mate through once more.


Once again Willow wished Buffy would let her share the burden of destiny with her, but she knew that the deeply ingrained and stubborn protective streak wouldn't allow the woman she loved beyond distraction to relinquish her responsibilities to anyone, and especially the one woman on earth that the Slayer was determined to protect above all others.


Being the Great Sorceress Willow was just as determined to aid her Slayer whether she liked it or not, and she knew this was the time to speak up and let the Slayer know where she stood.


“Buffy,” Willow's voice was weak and drawn from the pain brought on by the overwhelming grief she had experienced and to be honest still felt. “I know you're worried about me, but we can't go no matter how much it hurts. After what Brigit just said we simply can't take the chance that something that bad could happen, because we weren't ready for it. Besides how could my soul ever rest when I would know it happened because of me?”


“Are you sure sweetheart?” Buffy whispered looking down at her life mate and the absolute center of her existence. “I know you're hurting so don't try acting all noble and self sacrificing on me. I need to know what my Wills feels, not what she thinks everyone else thinks she should feel.”


“I know my love,” the Sorceress answered as she raised a hand and gently caressed the face she always saw even in her dreams. “I've seen that our friends are troubled and something very frightening has happened, that I can feel through the veil, but I can feel all of them and while some are hurt no one is dead or dying. Now that we know that what happened wasn't life threatening we have to consider their distress weighed against what we know will happen if we go back too soon, and you know we must stay as do I but if you still feel we must go back, then know that I will be at your side where I'm destined to be.”


Buffy closed her eyes and leaned into the soft caressing hand as she listened to what her deeply loved Wills had to say. A slight frown crossed her lips and her brows furrowed when it became obvious where Willow's line of thought was going.


She knew the highly conscientious Sorceress would never shirk her responsibilities in favor of her mate and the Slayer was also sure the her wife knew the only reason Buffy didn't like it was no matter how right or reasonable it was to stay, staying was causing Willow pain.


As far as Buffy was concerned all rights and reasons went out the window when it was about relieving Willow's pain, but as much as it really irked the Slayer, she was forced to admit her lover and her mentors were right and there was really only one answer she could give the quiet patiently waiting blonde.


“Alright, Brigit,” Buffy conceded reluctantly, “you can tell the elders we'll stay for now, ONLY because Wills says so. If remaining causes her anymore pain, we'll be gone in a heartbeat.”


Nightrunner yipped her agreement as it was her duty to help protect the Alpha's mate and she too hated it when the redhead was in pain. In many ways the Alpha's mate was more important to protect because she was the future of the pack.


Morrigan had to smile slightly, secretly approving of her student's defiance. She was well aware of how high handed the Druids could be and she used to rally against them herself.


The fact that Morrigan saw a lot of herself in the small feisty blonde warrior only endeared the Slayer to her even more. Brigit gave the younger woman a sad smile knowing the inner turmoil she was facing and how the choices would only get harder from now on.


“I see your worry my child,” the serene woman said softly, her gentle dark blue eyes conveying her empathy for the Slayer. “You have made a difficult decision considering your dilemma. It is always hard when weighing the greater good against the possible detriment of your friends. Your father would be proud of your leadership and maturity.”


Buffy's head jerked and her spine stiffened at the mention of her father.


“Who the hell cares what Hank Summers thinks?” the enraged Slayer snarled as her hazel eyes turned hard and cold. “That son-of-a-bitch is no more a father to me than a sperm donor.”


To her surprise Brigit smiled at her indulgently and Morrigan laughed out loud.


“I'm so glad you find amusement at my father abandoning me,” Buffy growled both angry and hurt by the women's seemingly inappropriate behavior. “I had expected better of you.”


Morrigan grabbed up the upset Slayer and gave her a bone-crushing hug to forestall any further expressions of her anger. The tall wild redhead had decided it was time for all the Druids and Watcher's secrecy and deception to be ended.


The mystery surrounding the Chosen One had always irritated the ancient warrior it went against everything she had always stood for and the compassionate woman felt a deep maternal connection with her young pupil and she thought it cruel to make the child believe that the heartless bastard was her natural father.


“Ah my darlin' Slayer, the things that have been kept from you are legion, and as far as I can see it's done for no apparent reason.” Morrigan said her patience clearly at an end with the supposed mystic secrets of the Druids. “The first thing ya' got ta know, is that useless git Hank Summers is not yer Da. Fact is he's no relation at all.”


Buffy stared at her mentor slack jawed and flabbergasted at the woman’s statement. A thought took root in the Slayer's fertile mind and she blurted out. “If Hank Summers isn't my father, then just who in the hell is?”


Part 9


Joyce Summers, mother of the Slayer, lover of her daughters' watcher, and confidant of the Scoobies, turned her tired eyes to the tall  confident and strong man that was her lover and studied the look in his eyes.


She had seen that weary look before and it had always been at a time when he was faced with an exceptionally difficult decision.


He noticed she was studying him and knew it was only a matter of time before she asked him the question he wished he would never have to answer.


“Rupert,” the dark blonde woman queried hoping that whatever problems her lover faced she would be able to help him. “What's bothering you? You know you can tell me. Maybe I can help.”


The ex-Watcher looked at the warm and compassionate woman letting the feelings he had for her take over his mind, in the hope they would drive out the thoughts that had been troubling him ever since he'd heard Cordelia muttering that name in her sleep.


“It's not about the kids, is it?” Joyce asked afraid that one of the two injured Scoobies had taken a turn for the worse while she had been away taking a shower and grabbing a quick burger and a shake on her way back. “Has something happened while I was gone? If it has you have to tell me Rupert. I think we learned a long time ago that keeping secrets from each other just leads to problems later on.”


“I agree with you Joyce,” the librarian said trying to sound calm but a slight wavering note in his voice gave him away. “It's just something I heard Cordelia say in her sleep has me worried, and I'm not sure what to do about it, if anything.”


“What did she say?” she asked patiently.


“A name, Joyce, just a name.” Giles stated then added, “but it's the name of someone that has caused a lot of trouble for us in the past. I know I can do something about it right now but if I do it will be a dark stain on my soul. However if I do nothing and this person comes back to plague us again I wouldn't be able to look any of you in the eyes again.”


“Who is it Rupert?” she asked her determination was clear in her tone “and what is the thing so terrible, that would be so bad, that it bothers you this badly to even contemplate it?”


“It really isn't something I want to worry you with,” he said hoping she would accept that and let it drop, but knowing she wouldn't. "It's just a problem I must discuss with Jeffery. I know it will put a strain on his conscience and I'd rather not place that kind of burden on you. You have enough on your mind with Buffy and

Willow and these two in hospital without having to carry around my troubles.”


Giles was trying to divert Joyce's attention away from him and back to Cordelia and Xander, but it was a futile effort. Joyce was far too in love with the stoic Brit to allow him to not share his burden.


“Who is it Rupert?” she repeated sternly. He let out a deep sigh knowing that he could no longer keep it from her.


“Faith, Joyce” He said flatly “The name Cordelia called out for in her sleep was Faith. I don't know how but I'm sure that somehow that girl is tied in with the reason that Cordelia hasn't regained consciousness. I only wish I knew what she was doing, but I will not allow that bitch to wreak anymore havoc on us. Even if I must kill her I will do what it takes to put an end to that threat once and for all.”


The look in Giles eye as he said those words made Joyce shiver in fear, she could see that with all that had happened in the last month was about to drive her fiancé to doing something he would regret the rest of his life, and would very likely destroy their relationship.


“Rupert you can't.” Joyce gasped the shock at his attitude showing clearly in her eyes. “If you do that then you're no better than the evil beings you and Buffy and these kids fight. What comes after that Rupert? Do you ally yourself with some demon so you won't have to worry anymore. Or how about we just kill Cordelia and Xander, that way they wont be in danger of being turned. What do you say Rupert? It is easy isn't it taking an innocent life.”


"Faith is hardly an innocent, Joyce,” Giles huffed, “or have you forgotten what she and the Mayor tried to do to this town or that she very nearly murdered your own daughter or the pain she has caused all of us before Buffy put her into that coma. Does any of this ring a bell?”


“Yes, RUPERT! I am well aware of the girls' past record,” Buffy's mother roared at him, “I also know she's been in a coma for the past four years and she hardly poses a threat to anyone except in your fevered mind. You are obviously not thinking right, and I think you should go home and get some sleep before you do something more stupid than threaten some poor defenseless girl laying in a coma!”


Joyce indicated toward the door and turned back to where Cordelia lay in the drug-induced sleep that Giles had ordered Jeffery to put her in. This was something that Giles hadn't told Joyce, as soon as he heard the name Faith he had called the doctor to Cordelia's room and insisted he give her something that would put the patient into a deeper sleep. Then he told Jeffery to wait for him in his office.


This was where Giles headed when he left Joyce instead of going home as Joyce had suggested strongly.


<>Bloody damn women<> the former watcher thought as he walked toward Jeffery's office <>I will never understand why they can't see reason. Yes that evil seed Faith was in a coma but who knows what powers she got from the abomination that was mayor. If Cordelia is saying that name in her sleep then I'll just wager that she's trying to warn us that the little bitch is up to something and I'd be willing to wager it's not something good <>


He came to the door that bore the name Dr. Jeffery Fallon MD, PhD, underneath that it said, Private Please Knock Before Entering. Giles had to smile at the command on the door, he was willing to bet that the hospital administrator would go crazy if he knew the true nature of the former monk's area of research.


Knowing that his friend might be involved in some delicate experiment he knocked lightly on the solid wooden door, and waited for the invitation to come in.


“Come in Mr. Giles,” came a voice from behind the door. “I'll be right with you.”


The one time librarian entered the room and was amazed at the piles of books and papers that were scattered around the room. It was so cluttered that he had to remove a large unkempt pile of papers from a chair so that he'd have a place to sit. Jeffery stuck his head out of a door that was behind the desk. He smiled at the look on Giles face knowing the man was something of a neat freak.


“Why don't you come in here Mr. Giles,” the former monk said with a chuckle, “I use that front office as a kind of storage area for my research. I do most of my work back here.”


As Giles came through the door he was amazed at the difference between the two areas. While the front office was a cluttered mess of papers and books ranging from ancient scholarly writings to modern fantasy novels and comic books.


The back area was clean neat and brightly lit, it was so clean Giles was wondering if his friend was bringing him into a sterile area.


“This is where I spend all my time working on the research for our holy battles,” Jeffery said, the influence of the church still came out in the young man. “The hospital has promised me an assistant soon. I'll probably test them out by having them straighten out that room, the first to stick around long enough to finish that Herculean task deserves to stay. It would probably mean they have the stamina to stick it out with this research. The hospital found out who I was and they couldn't wait to give me a title so they cold use me to gather more operating funds, because of the prestige of having an Oxford Fellow on the staff here. Or that is what Cher...ah...Dr. O'Bryan says.”


It was Giles turn to chuckle at his blushing friend when he slipped and almost referred to the beautiful trauma surgeon by her first name. From what Giles could gather from the hospital grapevine the two doctors were spending an extraordinary amount of time together, and many times emergency had found Cheryl in Jeffery's laboratory or the multi-talented Dr Fallon would accompany Dr O'Bryan to the emergency room to assist her. The entire hospital was awestruck at the way the Oxford trained doctor handled himself in the operating theater, many older highly-experienced surgeons would fill the galleries to observe some unusual

procedure the foreign physician was performing. All of this amazed Cheryl and drew her to the remarkably shy and socially inexperienced young doctor.


While she admired his skills and massive reserve of knowledge in the medical field, it was his inexperienced and innocent outlook on the world that made her want to take him in and shelter him from all those that would take advantage of the trusting young doctor, so far she had become like an agent for him making sure that he received the proper respect and consideration the hospital owed him.


Actually this was one of the few times that Giles had been able to talk to the newest Scooby without the presence of the doctor that had taken a close interest in Dr. Jeffery Fallon.


“Well Mr. Giles what brings you to my inner sanctum?” the young doctor quipped, “I'm sure it is something you don't want the others to know which is why you are here instead of having me come to your home.”


“Yes, quite right Jeffery, it is refreshing to know you haven't abandoned all your former teachings.” The statement was a shot at the former monk's less than professional attitude toward his lovely new colleague,


Jeffery wasn't at all happy about Giles constant mention of his feelings for the woman.


“I was a monk *Mr* Giles not a priest,” the irritated man snarled. “In any case I was released from my obligations by Papal decree and I am free to pursue a life if I wish. Now what is it that has caused you to disturb my work?”


Giles could tell he may have pushed the sensitive young man too far and knew if he wanted his help, then the former librarian would have to apologize.


“Sorry old man,” he said. “I wasn't trying to make a judgment just making a jovial comment. It wasn't funny and I do apologize.”


“Okay, I really am tired of everyone here trying to get into my affairs,” he realized his mistake as soon as the words left his mouth. “Poor choice of words there, but you know what I mean.”


“Yes I'm sure I do,” Giles agreed not wanting the conversation to get sidetracked, “Now for the reason I asked to meet you here. I'm afraid that there is a recurring problem around here and it would appear that once again it is rearing its corrupted head, and it threatens to interfere with our work. I think we need to come up with some way to assure that the problem is taken care of and this time it will be permanent.”


“What is the problem Giles?” the doctor inquired, “Why have I not heard of any problem until now?”


“Well for one thing it is not a proud moment for either myself or any of the rest of us, the council included.” The ex-Watcher began, “The problems name is Faith Spencer and she is in this hospital in a coma that has lasted for four years after Buffy put her there.”


For the next few hours Giles sat in the laboratory and told Jeffery the whole story of Faith from her unexpected appearance to the fight between her and the Slayer that ended with her laying in a coma.


“And that was the last we heard of her or the Mayor,” Giles concluded “until today when I heard Cordelia call her name during one of her apparent seizures. I can't help but believe that somehow that damn woman is behind Cordelia's troubles and it's time she was dealt with.”


“What do you mean ‘dealt with’?” the doctor asked warily.


Giles looked the young doctor straight in the eye and said without batting an eye. “I do not want that young woman to come out of her coma. In fact I would say it was time for her to succumb to her illnesses and injuries."


Dr Fallon nodded his head and went over to a locked steel cabinet. He opened the door and took out a small vial and showed it to the Watcher.


“A small amount of this into her IV should take care of it. It will be quick, painless and quite undetectable.” He told the man as he sat the vial down in front of him, the doctor's eyes flashed angrily when he saw that Giles made no move toward the vial.


“Am I supposed to do it for you. I have noticed from my research that you Watchers are great at life and death decisions as long as your lily white hands remain clean.” He snorted his disgust at the man's embarrassed look and began filling a syringe with the clear fluid from the vial.


“It will be done tonight.” The doctor said curtly, contempt dripping from his voice, “Go home Watcher and make sure you are seen, so you will have an alibi.”


Without another word Giles got up and left too ashamed of his own cowardice to defend his actions. He went straight home and waited by the phone for the news that the dark Slayer had slipped away in her sleep.




Cordelia was completely confused, she felt the same way as when she was transported to the place where she met that strange woman that called herself Goddess, but this wasn't anything like that place at all.


That place was solid and had substance, all that was here was thick dense grey fog. She was lucky if she could see three feet. There was no hallway lined with pictures from her past, no opulent room occupied by that exotically beautiful woman that had known everything about her family, right down to those secret things no one ever talked about.


The former cheerleader and most popular girl in school was beginning to get frightened, there was nothing in sight she couldn't even see the ground she was standing on, even that was obscured by the dense fog. She was feeling isolated and alone for the first time in her life Cordelia Chase was completely alone there was no one anywhere to be heard or seen.


It was a terrifying experience for her and one she had no desire to continue or repeat.


<>This must be what Faith felt like before she turned to the Mayor and his followers<> The frightened woman told herself as she felt the loneliness as if it were a living thing attacking her heart and soul tearing them to shreds <>It was my fault, I should have gone to her. I could have saved her from all the pain and torture she has suffered all this time. It's all my fault. <>


That Epiphany drove the beautiful brunette to her knees, tears of guilt and shame stung her eyes blurring her vision. She knew now that her prejudice and cowardice had driven the younger inexperienced and frightened girl into the welcoming open arms of the demonic mayor and his Darkness worshipping allies.


Then ultimately to her untimely destruction, not that the battered and abused young girl from the wrong side of Boston was dead, no that wasn't good enough to end her life of torture and degradation, oh no, that would have been merciful, no the fate that Faith ran into like a brick wall, when her true soulmate refused to save her, the destiny Cordelia's cowardice had sentenced the pretty young Faith to was far worse than death.


The second Slayer was damaged almost beyond repair, laying in a bed in the same hospital cut off from the world totally alone and abandoned being kept alive by machines and the tubes that ran into and from her body.


No hope, no future, no joy of life, no one to see or speak to her, totally alone forever all because the almighty Queen C was too afraid of losing her popularity and position.


Trying to evade the guilt and self loathing that was beginning to build inside her Cordelia wondered into the realm of if onlys.


<>If only I had another chance, I'd do better. <> the brunette swore silently to any higher power that might be listening, then she spoke out loud. “If the Goddess would just give us another chance I know I can be what she needs. If she'll just let me try, I know I can be the kind person that the Goddess said I was destined to be.”


A sense of panic began taking root in Cordelia's mind as thee feeling of isolation and loneliness built up in her mind. Kneeling there in the dense fog the scared young woman began crying, filled with hopelessness and sorrow, sure that she'd been abandoned in this cold silent place to finally pay for her numerous sins and for the way she'd abandoned Faith when she had needed the brunette the most.


“Please don't make me be alone anymore,” Cordelia cried into the solid walls of impenetrable fog. “I can't stand this any longer I can't be alone again. If I can't be with someone then please just let me die, right here right now.”


Just as those words were leaving the frightened brunette's lips she felt a shift in the atmosphere of the place of her exile.


Then there was a tingling sensation going up her spine and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Without looking she knew that she was no longer alone in this mysterious place. The familiar knot in her stomach told the still weeping brunette exactly who had joined her in this seeming prison.


While she watched a slender feminine form with medium length light brown hair slowly came into her line of sight. Even if Cordelia hadn't already known, that deceptively casual yet dangerously aggressive stance would have given her visitor away.


Even after all this time there was no way Cordelia would mistake that stance and form for any other, especially after she had spent hours surreptitiously watching that particular forms every move and nuance.


Cordelia tried to speak but at first nothing would come out. Even though the woman was facing away from her she still had the power to render the former cheerleader speechless. Her throat was dry and rough; it was nearly impossible to force any sound through it. Finally a foreign sounding croak escaped, forming a name Cordelia had thought she'd never get the opportunity to say ever again, and the name she had begged to never stop saying as long as she could speak.




Part 10


Morrigan set a very stunned and confused Buffy back on her feet and waited for the young student to absorb the startling information she had just been given. The warrior stepped back and waited for the eruption she knew would occur when the overwhelming implications of what she had been told hit the Slayer.


“What do you mean that Dad isn't my Dad?” Buffy asked in a small insecure voice. “How do you know? Mom would have told me. She wouldn't think of holding back something this important from me. I mean especially the way he's been treating me ever since LA and then after...this...last...year...?”


Buffy stopped as suddenly certain things from the past began to make more sense when added to what Morrigan had just said.


“Why didn't mom tell me?” Buffy asked as her resistance to the idea faded quickly, “When he abandoned us like he did why wouldn't she tell me

he wasn't my father? Who is my real father if it isn't Hank Summers, who is he and who am I?”


Brigit took the confused young woman's hand and gently led her to the couch where Brigit sat next to her. She was taking over for Morriganknowing that she was better equipped to handle this kind of discussion than the legendary warrior.


She loved her wild eyed and gruff mannered mate but when it came to subtleties and feelings the woman just wasn't the one to send.


“Elizabeth, I have a story to tell you, but I must ask you to hear me out and not to make hasty judgments until you have all the facts.” The compassionate blonde told Buffy softly her voice soothing the Slayer's rattled nerves.


Her eyes took on that same inner glow that came to Lugh and Willow whenever they were telling someone something they really needed to hear. She could feel the almost magnetic pull of the power washing over her calming and relaxing her making Buffy more receptive to what Brigit had to say.


“It's really a sad tale in one way a story of love and death, but on the other hand it is a story of hope and sacrifice as it has yet to see its’ ending.” Brigit began slowly wanting both her students to hear and understand to story she was about to tell. “Are you willing to hear me out my child?”


Buffy was shaken to the core, these people were asking her to question everything she'd taken as fact since she could remember. Memories of all the wonderful times spent with her "father", Hank Summers, growing up in a loving caring atmosphere. Pictures of her father's proud and loving face when she won her skating competitions. Back when she was Daddy's girl. The nights spent sitting up late to watch a special movie munching popcorn with him.


All these memories faded as she recalled when the shallow Daddy's girl met Merrick and became the Slayer, then came the viciously cruel Lothor, her first master vampire, visions of blood, death, destruction, her first prom.


Oh yes, her first prom night, and its aftermath, those memories came crashing unwanted and un-welcomed, but undeniable and indelible.


The screaming, the throwing things, the accusations. Then a memory surfaced, one she had suppressed deep in her subconscious in the hopes that forgetting it would make it go away and never had happened. Just a hurtful thing said in the heat of passion that wasn't really true.


Or was it?




It was the week after the prom, when everyone was hurrying to forget vampires and Slayers, and were turning them into gangs and hoods, when Buffy was fast becoming the scapegoat of all the bad things that happened, so survivors could sleep well at night, and some could forget their short comings, and embarrassing cowardice when faced with pure evil.


Her mother and father were having one of their worst screaming matches to date. They didn't know Buffy could hear, and now, she wasn't sure they even really cared if she did.


“Hank what is your problem?” Joyce had yelled, “How can you possibly believe that Buffy could have done all that? She's a good girl. I just know there's a good reason for all this. If she says she was trying to save her friends then that's what happened. After all she is our daughter.”


“She is YOUR god damn bastard daughter!” her father had yelled back viciously trying to hurt his wife, “certainly not mine. Face it you were out whoring around and got yourself knocked up, and when “Mister Wonderful” found out he took off and left you high and dry. Then good old stupid Hank comes along, and covers your whorish ass and takes on some other man's bastard spawn and look at my reward. A wife that stiffens at my touch and fucks like an iceberg, and a stupid little cunt of a daughter that is nothing but an embarrassment and constant trouble. Well bitch I've had it and after we're finished with this mess I'm gone.”


Buffy had cried herself to sleep that night, and by the time she woke up the next morning the frightened young girl had convinced herself that it had only been a bad dream. By the time all the prom night mess was cleared up and all the charges taken care of she had forced herself to forget it altogether.


Even when her father had packed his bags and left without even saying goodbye she still refused to connect the two events. Then with the divorce, selling their house in LA and moving to Sunnydale, and learning of the Hellmouth and all the things that went with it, including a new Watcher, she managed to never think of that fateful argument so long ago ever again.


Until now.



As soon as Brigit and Morrigan had brought up that Hank Summers wasn't her father, it all came roaring back into her consciousness with a vengeance. Silent tears fell from the Chosen Ones eyes as her emotional world began to crumble all around her.


She needed an anchor, she needed a steady shoulder to lean on and there was only one thought on her mind <>I want my...<>


"W-w-w-il-l-l-low?" Buffy stammered her voice wavering and tiny as she called out the only name she knew that meant unconditional love and support, something it seemed nobody had ever given her before, “W-wills, honey, I need you.”


Even through the overwhelming pain and anguish she was still getting Willow heard her lover calling for her. The Slayer's voice was tiny and broken, like a lost child, all alone and searching for the only one she could trust above all others.


In a flash the witch was off the bed and had maneuvered herself behind her lover so that the emotionally devastated blonde was sitting between her legs and leaning back into Willow's chest, with the warm comfort of the redhead's loving arms enveloping her, holding her close.


“I'm here sweetheart,” Willow whispered softly into her lover's ear. “I've got you my love. We'll get through this together.”


Buffy leaned back into her wife absorbing the warmth and comfort from the love of her life


“Alright Brigit,” Buffy began with a resigned sigh and drawing strength from the very presence of her wife. “I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Explain why you think that Hank Summers isn't my father, and just who you think is.”




Jeffery Fallon was putting the final touches on an experimental vaccine  that would combat the effects of the Tien Szu demon's venom.


The venom was a particularly nasty weapon the Tien Szu demon would spit it on their victim where it was almost immediately absorbed through the skin. The venom contained a virus that would begin to multiply in the victim's system until it reached fatal proportions.


It was a horribly painful death that took several days to reach it's conclusion. That was why Jeffery had worked so hard on the vaccine.


That and he'd received reports that there were Tien Szu demons in the service of the newest Dark Lord that was known to be operating in and around Sunnydale. If it worked on people the way it did on his test animals then he would be able to save a victim that had been poisoned up to eight days before.


The longest anyone had known to live after being was fifteen days before he succumbed to the venom.


The dedicated researcher and physician carefully place the vial of precious fluid into the secure cabinet. As he turned away from the cabinet he noticed the vial and full syringe laying on the counter, he picked up the vial and replaced it in the cabinet, then he picked up the syringe and studied it thinking back on the conversation he'd had earlier with Mr. Giles.


The more he thought about it the more he became uncertain of this course of action. Thinking of the way the man had reacted and spoke was very out of character for the former watcher.


In fact this was just the sort of heavy-handed action that caused the man to turn his back on the council, in the first place. In short this entire episode wasn't at all the way Jeffery had seen the Scoobies do things.


The former monk decided that Giles wasn't acting like Giles and he wasn't at all sure he should follow through on the orders from this questionable source.


He looked at his watch and noticed that it was nearly time for Dr. O'Bryan to meet him for dinner. The thought of the beautiful surgeon brought a gentle smile to Jeffery's usually solemn face.


<>That is what I shall do<> the doctor thought coming to a decision <>I will talk this over with Cheryl, she will be able to help me find the proper solution to this dilemma.<>


Whistling an ancient Gypsy love song he had learned as a child the doctor locked up his laboratory and office then headed for the emergency room where he knew a beautiful green eyed woman with raven black hair would soon be joining him, as they did nearly every night.


She had even gone on a couple of patrols with him. She was well aware of the threat that existed in Sunnydale, and the way it had to be fought. She hadn't liked it, but she was practical enough to realize the necessity of the crude and violent methods.


The doctor entered the emergency room and was greeted by one of the most beautiful sights he'd ever seen. Standing at the admitting desk was the incredibly gorgeous woman that for some reason he couldn't begin to guess had become a very important part to doctor Jeffery Fallon's life.


The smile she gave him when she first saw him made him stop in his tracks and listen to the angels sing.


<>How could anything be a problem with such a woman at my side<> Jeffery thought<> With Cheryl's help I am sure that whatever we decide to do it will be the right thing<>




Slowly the youthful Slayer opened her eyes and let them focus on the beautifully built woman that had said her name.


“Yeah Cordy, it's me.” Faith answered trying to keep her voice calm hoping that this woman that was her destiny wouldn't notice the way she was trembling. “It's ah been a while huh?”


“Y-yes, yes it has,” the ex-cheerleader said sure that Faith would be able to hear the way her heart was pounding in her chest. “Did...ah...the...ah Goddess send you?”


Faith took a tentative step toward the woman she'd been told was the mate to her soul, but she hadn't been told about the way being near her would make her soul sing and her heart flutter. That her mind would go blank and her body would be almost impossible to restrain from rushing to her side and either sweep her into her arms and kiss her senseless or fall to her knees and beg to worship her like the Goddess she truly was.


It was at this moment that Faith's mind, body, heart, and soul knew for certain that Cordelia was truly the one being in the universe that could bring back the light to her life that had disappeared so very long ago.


“Yeah, I ah I've been kind of a guest in her temple many times over the last few years.” Faith told her as her voice broke, betraying how nervous the dark Slayer truly was. “She's ah well the Goddess she's really somethin' ain't she?” Cordelia let out a nervous chuckle at the younger woman's remark. Faith had always been the mistress of the understatement and this was definitely one of those times.


“You got that right.” the still frightened woman agreed “and that's a real accomplishment from someone that grew up on the Hellmouth.”


The two young women shared a slight laugh then became serious. They gazed into each others eyes both looking for some clue of what to do or say next. They were both uneasy and neither one was sure where to start.


Being the one that was used to dealing with awkward social situations it was really no surprise when Cordelia spoke first.


“Faith?” she asked her voice barely above a whisper, “Do you know where we are? I mean I've seen the Goddess' temple but for some reason I don't think this is the same place.”


“ mean I know...or...well she...the Goddess...she said that this is the ah astral plane or anyway that's what she called it.”


“Hum, okay, I think I've heard Willow mention that before.” The brunette said thoughtfully as she sifted through her memories some times a photographic memory came in handy, another side effect of her visions. “I remember it was several months ago, she said it was where you went when you left your physical body. So that would mean our bodies are still back home or at last wherever they were before we were brought here.”


Faith was trying to think of what the beautiful woman standing in front of her was saying but she was having a hard time focusing on her words, while her eyes kept wondering over Cordelia's incredible body. It was as if they had a mind of their own and they wouldn't obey her when she tried to force them up to look into the ex-actress' eyes, but they wouldn't listen and on their own accord kept boldly roaming over Cordelia's magnificent curves.


<>Ohmygodohmygodohmygod<> Faith's mind was screaming at her <>She is so damn gorgeous, I can't believe she's talking to ME! She's talking TO me, not at me, like all the rest of them. Oh man her voice is so beautiful, it's like listening to that choir music I always heard at the soup kitchens back in Boston. God I loved that music. Oh shit she's expecting an answer nonononono, how can she expect me to pay attention when she's standing there with that body. She's just so-so-so



Once she finished her silent mental melt down and scream Faith found herself able to figure out that the other woman was asking her a question.


“Huh...what?” Faith stammered clumsily, “I ah well oh shit! Could you ask that again. I guess I wasn't paying attention or something and I missed what you needed to know.”


Cordelia's blush almost matched Faith's when she realized why the other woman hadn't heard her question. She thought she'd seen those incredibly deep dark eyes taking in her body, but she couldn't be sure because Cordelia realized she had been giving Faith's body and clothes an appreciative appraisal. She could feel the heat of her own blush creeping up her neck.


<>What is wrong with me!<> Cordelia scolded herself<>I've seen lots of people checking me out and lord knows I've done my share of checking out hot bodies both men and women. I never even gave it a second thought. Geez how many times have I had conversations with the top of somebody's head while they talked to my chest. It never bothered me before, but one look from this ravishing creature and I've lost my mind. Come on girl get it together this is too important for me to blow it over some childish reaction to a simple look. I've got to make this right for both of us, I can't let my life turn into the hell the Goddess said it would become without my soulmate, and I  can't condemn Faith to that same hellish loneliness and despair. I just hope she'll believe I'm serious, but it's up to me to convince her to

give me a chance and maybe with her help we can be whole again. I can't fail us this time, I don't think there will be a third chance.<>


Cordelia looked up and noticed that Faith had a strange look on her face, like she was trying to see where a piece of a puzzle goes without looking at the picture on the box. Cordelia could tell from what little Faith had said up to now that she had spent a lot of time with the mysterious Goddess which to Cordelia meant Faith was far better informed about what was going on than she was.


That raised Cordelia's hopes considerably, that Faith knew why they were there and her being here meant she was at least willing to listen to what she had to say. It also seemed to mean that the Slayer was willing to try to make this work for both of them.


That maybe there was a real chance that they could get their lives back on the right track and be where they were supposed to be.


"Ah...Cordy maybe we should find some place to sit," Faith said her voice wavering like a little girl that was lost "I think we both have a lot to say."


It was right then Cordelia could actually feel what her soulmate was feeling, and she knew that the battered abused and brutalized young woman's insecurities, suspicions, and fears were about to rear up and try to ruin the little bit they'd managed to gain to now.


She knew it was time for her to take some desperate action or she would lose this one last chance at something she'd dreamt of since adolescence, someone to love that loved her back completely and unconditionally.


Cordelia wanted it, she knew Faith needed it and damn it they both deserved to have their lives have meaning and fulfillment just like everyone else. Cordelia stepped up fell to one knee, gently but firmly took Faith's hand in her own and looked deeply into those incredibly magnetic dark eyes. Knowing she had the young Slayer's complete attention she first kissed the back of the woman's hand.


Faith wasn't sure what was happening but when she looked down at Cordelia's tear stained cheeks and intense shining eyes, she knew that her life was about to be irrevocably changed.


She only hope it wouldn't kill her.


Cordelia gazed lovingly into those almost black eyes and felt herself being drawn into their fathomless depths. She could feel the tears stinging her eyes and her body trembling in fear as she knew that she was about to gamble not only with their futures but also their very souls.


Faith's eyes took on that ready to bolt, fearful look, and Cordelia knew she'd better speak quickly or they were dead before they ever got started.


“Faith? Are you alright?” the kneeling brunette asked her voice thick with fear and other powerful emotions, “Please give us a chance. Open your heart and listen to me or we both lose. I promise I will listen to everything you have to say, but we both have to set aside our fears and suspicions, or we will be wasting our time. Can you do that? I'm scared Faith, I've never had so much at stake without being able to be in control.”


She searched Faith's eyes trying to find the answer, the word or phrase that would convince the wary young street child to let her in and let her try to mend the fractures that were keeping them apart.


“Faith, I know you have no reason to trust me and to be honest if I were you I wouldn't give me the time of day.” Cordelia decided to just be straight with Faith, it was something no one had ever tried before. “I promise to do everything I can to work all this out for us, but in the end it's up to you. Can you trust me just enough to open those defenses and hear me, or should I just give up and put an end to this right now. I'll abide by your decision Faith, no begging no whining. So what do you want?”


Faith was taken completely off guard by the brunette's heartfelt appeal. No one had ever given Faith the choice before. It was exhilarating, this was a freedom she'd never felt.


As she savoured the moment the youngest Slayer was struck by a tremendous concept that was so foreign to her, that she almost refused to believe even existed. The dark eyed woman suddenly realized that not only had the once arrogant and snobbish Cordelia Chase given Faith the freedom to decide the course her own life would take, the former prom queen had just put her life and future in Faith's hands as well.


Cordelia had taken the first step toward mutual trust and respect between them. She had shown Faith in the only way possible that she had complete faith in the girl with a well-deserved bad reputation. The girl who had even once tried to kill her.


Faith was in awe of this incredible woman, she felt a sudden powerful wave of love and adoration wash over her. She found herself not only willing to listen to whatever Cordelia had to say, but she was now willing to make what concessions and sacrifices necessary to have Cordelia in her life from now on.


“I...ah...I..::achem” her new found emotions had caused her to choke up a little as she tried to express her intentions to this wonderful woman. “I really do want us t-to see if w-we can w-work th- this out you and I, okay?”


As if a thousand suns had suddenly lit the skies as Faith found herself captured and staring into the most blindingly brilliant smile she had ever seen, come to Cordelia's lips. Faith was unable to move or speak as she gazed into that amazing look on the gorgeous brunette's face and even better that smile was for her, and the best thought was that Faith had caused her to smile like that.


<>Note to self<> Faith thought with a chuckle <>I gotta figure how to put one of those on her face a lot<>


“You know something, Faith?” Cordelia said brightly pleased that her gambit had worked so well


“Huh?” the still dazzled girl answered


“We really do need to find a place to sit down.” Cordelia continued un-phased by her companions' monosyllabic answer. “I think we both have a lot to clear up and I don't think either of us want to just sit in this fog.”


As those words left Cordelia's mouth the air behind Faith began to shimmer and with a minor flash of blue light a big gazebo appeared. Cordelia stood stunned as she stared slack jawed at the structure. She couldn't believe it, that was the exact replica of the gazebo that had sat in the center of her grandparents huge gardens at their estate in Georgia.


She hadn't been there in years and looking at this some very nice memories surfaced, bringing a smile to her face. Her grandmother had spent many warm summer nights sitting in that old structure just sipping tea and talking to her favorite grandchild.


Unfortunately there were sad memories too. Like the last time she had seen her much beloved grandparents there had been a huge fight between her father and her grandfather, over money as always and they'd left in the middle of the night. Then came word that they had died.


She recalled that night vividly. She was very upset with her parents because they refused to allow her to attend the funeral. She remembered sitting at the top of the stairs, tears of anger and grief flowing freely. Listening to her father rant and rave about something her grandfather had done.




“I can't believe that vindictive old bastard did that to me,” her father had roared and she heard her mother mumble something drunkenly. “I don't care if he was right. He even changed the wills and gave MY inheritance to HER. I can't believe it.”




After that night her relationship with her parents went rapidly down hill. In public they were coldly civil to each other, in private they were openly hostile. She had never understood why but she just pushed on through the pain and then the IRS showed up and took everything they had except for a few bags of clothes.


Then her father went to prison and her mother went into her drunken seclusion while living on an adequate stipend from her family that she never offered to share with her daughter. Cordelia was more than happy to sever all ties with them and bust out on her own.


She hadn't thought about any of that until just now and to be honest it shook her up a little. Seeing the brunette's confusion Faith reached out and gently took Cordelia's hand and with great care led the silently weeping girl into the big white structure.


As they entered Cordelia closed her eyes and inhaled deeply and smiled.


<>Just as I expected, honeysuckle and magnolia, with just a touch of roses<> She thought reveling in the long forgotten scent<>Just like Grans' place<>


She opened her eyes and looked through her tears at the woman that had already won her heart and soul.


Faith led her to a comfortable looking chair and helped the reminiscing brunette to sit, then she took a seat in a similar chair across a small table from Cordelia. On the table was a tea service and two fine china cups with saucers and a plate of scones, all of Cordelia's favorites.


Cordelia poured each of them a cup of the aromatic beverage and offered Faith one. She shook her head and sat there nibbling on a scone. Cordelia looked into Faith's bottomless dark eyes and saw confusion, and fear in those nearly black orbs.


“What's wrong Faith?” the ex prom queen asked the concern evident in her voice. “You look like you're about to face a firing squad instead of having a talk with a woman that cares very deeply for you.”


Faith's eyes went wide with surprise at Cordelia's words, she froze momentarily, not sure she'd heard correctly.


She was terrified that she had wanted to hear the beautiful one time debutante say something like that so badly that her imagination had twisted the brunette's words until they sent the message she wanted to hear.


“Uh...what did you say?” the often rejected young Slayer asked stammering slightly as all her doubts, insecurities, and fears suddenly came out of nowhere and assaulted the dark young woman causing her to doubt herself and the woman that she was sure destiny had meant for her. “I-I...hum...d-don't th-think I heard y-you right. You do remember who you are talking to, right? I'm Faith remember, the bad seed, servant of the Darkness, the demon Mayor's enforcer, th....”


Her speech was cut off when Cordelia came over and placed two fingertips gently against the babbling young woman's full soft lips. Both women were jolted by the electricity that passed between them at their first tender touch. The older brunette was the next one to speak.


“Hush now silly,” she scolded softly beaming a sunshine bright smile at the obviously stunned woman across from her then she became serious. “Honey we have all done a lot of things we aren't going to be bragging to the kids about, with less reason than you had. The way we treated you it just isn't any wonder that you turned to the first person that treated you with any kind of affection and respect. We all know how disarming and persuasive the mayor was, he was a master at convincing people that he was concerned about them, that he had only their best interests at heart, and we all know he didn't have one of those.”


Faith nodded silently remembering how the mayor had treated her and how he actually been using her all along. The Goddess had taken her through step by step covering her entire life showing her how the agents of the Darkness had tracked her down, and knowing the prophecy about the two Slayers, they interfered so that when the time came they could easily lead Faith down the path to the Darkness after she became an active Slayer and set her against the greatest warrior of the Light.


Then the Goddess proved that while the mayor may have cared for her in his own way, he too had used her to further his own agenda. How he had set up that last battle with Buffy by making sure Buffy and her allies knew that Faith was on her way so they could set a trap.


He may even have thought she could eventually prevail but he really didn't care as long as she lasted long enough to provide a distraction to keep Buffy and company away from the Mayor's Ascension until it was too late to stop it.


Then she was shown that when the Council had showed up to try to take Faith's unconscious body away to no one knows where, and do what to her no one really wanted to guess. How all the Scoobies had stood up to them, and demanded that Faith be left alone in the hospital and that if she ever came out of her coma the

Dark Slayer would be allowed to go her own way and that the council had no choice.


They were finally convinced when Joyce showed up and displayed the guardianship papers and threatened to take them to court and expose them to the world for the murderous cowards they were.


Now the two young women were getting another chance to meet once more only this time as friends. Cordelia took her fingers from the soft sensuous lips and gently caressed the Slayer's warm soft cheek trying to convey her feelings even before she said them out loud.


The affection starved young woman leaned into the gentle touch, latching on to the warm feeling rising from the touch. A deep sigh escaped Faiths’ mouth as she reveled in this new set of feelings.


“Faith,” Cordelia began softly, “do you trust me? I so want you to trust me with your precious heart Faith. Just as I trust you with mine. All that separates us now is a lack of honesty, straightforward honest trust between us. I'm drawn to you my love, I always was. Only fear and prejudice kept me from your side the first time we met. We've been given a second chance by the Goddess, and Faith, I really want us to take advantage of it. Can't we try my love, please?”


The dark Slayer waited a few heartbeats, taking the time to study the woman in front of her. This wasn't the same Cordelia she had known before.


That Queen C. (as Faith had called her) was mean spirited and cruel. A snotty hateful rich bitch that was quick with a put down to anyone or anything that was different. She would not have been willing to associate with the like of her.


This new Cordelia was kind and compassionate as well as forgiving and nurturing, and Faith was at a loss for the words to express her joy and willingness to do whatever this Cordelia wanted of her too so they could be together forever.


"Faith?" Cordelia whispered her voice cracking with fear misunderstanding the others hesitation, "honey, I know you were told you'd have to talk me into this relationship, and it wasn't all that long ago I probably would have turned you away, and not cared what happened, but something happened. I'm more worried about hearts and souls now than opinions and appearances. I have to admit the Goddess opened my eyes to a lot of things, the most important of which are my true feelings for you. Now that I know the truth in my heart I'm not fighting it any longer and I'm not giving up on us. If you are willing to work with me, then I promise to stand at your side,  to give you love and support, when you need it. I will be your partner, lover, defender, and best friend for as long as you'll have me. So, Faith, what do you say?”


“Do you still want me? Even though I was such a vindictive and arrogant bitch to you before?”


The two women stayed frozen in place, the anticipation weighing heavily as their eyes were locked in a gaze that made the very air around them crackle with the energy flowing from them. All was silence as if the universe itself was awaiting Faith's final answer.


Part 10C


Faith still couldn't believe what she was hearing. The Goddess had said that Cordelia would realize that she and Faith belonged together, but she always said that the socially ambitious woman would have to be convinced that the dirt poor young woman from the wrong side of Boston that had once tried to kill her and her friends, was the other half of her soul. Oh yeah, she shouldn't forget that this was also the most incredibly beautiful, most popular girl, Faith had ever met. Then of course there was the tiny little fact that Faith was a murderer and Cordelia had hated her. Oh and did anyone mention that Cordelia Chase was straight?


Now here it was, Cordelia was on her knees and asking if she would forgive her and become her life long mate. All Faith could think about how wonderfully brave Cordelia was.


Faith already knew that the last woman that the ex-actress had given her heart to had not just broken her heart, no, the LA Detective had ripped it from her chest and stomped it into the dirt, and to make matters worse the sadistic bitch had waited until she had an audience so her victim could be ever further humiliated as her tender vulnerable heart was crushed, all this Faith knew from her conversations with the Goddess.


<>Oh my god<> Faith thought incredulously at the strange turn of events her life had taken. <>I've met a Goddess! I've not only met her, I was shown why my life had basically sucked so far. I even joked around with a real live, honest to God, Goddess!<>


Cordelia studied the girl's face as she waited for the dark Slayer's answer, she noticed several different emotions cross her face, then the strange look in Faith's dark eyes.


<>She's going to say no<> Cordelia thought feeling a sense of panic rising <>NO, she can't say no. It's all my fault, I was so mean before and she thinks I'll hurt her again. Now comes the payback, she's going to condemn us both. She must really hate me. Oh sweet Goddess help me, I have to convince her that I love her.<>


Cordelia's racing mind sputtered as those three words sped through her brain.


<>I do love her!<> Cordelia's mind exclaimed <>It's really true I do love her with everything I am. That's what that empty ache was in my chest. I needed her, all I needed to make my life complete is Faith. It's been that way all along. Everything I've ever needed is siting right here.<>


<>Well it's about time sweety!<> the voice of the Goddess came into Cordelia's mind <>I'm surprised at you Cordy. Just look into her eyes can't you see it. That girl loves you more than life itself. See her with your heart Cordy, and you'll know. She loves you, and it scares her to death. Everyone our little Faith has loved has hurt her then left or died or gave up on her. Don't be one of those Cordy. All you must do to win the fragile heart of our dear little Faith is to prove that you're not giving up and that you love her and only her, and she'll be at your side for all eternity.<>


“Faith?” the crying brunette asked, “all I have to say is that no matter what or who doesn't approve of you I'm staying right by your side. I'll be with you through it all Faith. All I ask is that you please don't say you love me now just to hurt me again. I couldn't take that Faith, can't you see I would die if I lost you.”


Hearing the truth in the words the woman kneeling at her feet was saying Faith realized how hard it was for the wounded woman to offer herself to anyone let alone a twisted psycho bitch that tried to kill her, naturally she would fear that she would be treated the same way as the supposedly fine upstanding public servant, a stable and "heroic" citizen had treated the gift of her tender loving heart.


“I'm not her Cordelia,” Faith whispered softly just loud enough for the woman at her feet to hear. “I swear I will never hurt you like that. In fact I would love to get a hold of someone that would.”


Faith reached down and placed her hand under the weeping woman's chin and lifted her head so that Cordelia could see the truth in Faith's eyes.


“I mean it Cordy,” Faith continued, “I love you and I know it won't be easy. There's a lot of bad out there Cordy,  and from this moment on I swear I'll try to protect you from it, if I can. It wont be easy for us, not only do we have to face the narrow mindedness of other's prejudices, but we must also face the anger and mistrust from your friends, because of me. You know what? I don't think they can do anything to us, not as long as we're together. What do you say, are we willing to work this out together?”


With these words Faith slid off of her seat and went to her knees in front of Cordelia so they were face to face. Each one tried to think of the perfect words to say to make it clear to the other how much they meant to each other.


Then as if by divine intervention they both knew the only way possible to show the love that shone clearly in their eyes. Very slowly they leaned into each other until their eager lips came together.


They gasped as the electric jolt seared along their nerves to explode in a multi hued light show in their minds. Tentatively Faith brought her arms up and wrapped them around her worlds' waist, drawing her destiny closer until the only thing that separated their burning bodies was the thin clothing they wore.


With a determined moan Cordelia brought up her hands to the back of her beloved's head, and ran her fingers through the thick mane of dark brown hair. She held the back of Faiths's head holding in tightly to her making sure that neither one broke off the fiery kiss short of the nirvana they sought.


Some time during the burning declaration of their love and desire for each other, at last, their bodies began to fade. Unwilling to break away to voice their disapproval Faith growled at the powers that had brought them together here only to separate them during the confirmation of the very commitment the Goddess had sent them to find in each other.


Just before they disappeared completely Cordelia heard Faith's husky sensuous voice purr in her mind in low seductive manner that was all Faith, like an animal calling to its mate, the sexual beast that Faith was, called to the primal sexual desires of her chosen mate.


“Come to me where I sleep, my heart,” the voice purred in her mind, “Come my love it's time, I will awaken only to the sound of your voice and the heat of your touch. Hurry beloved, we have little time if we are to be rejoined in the earthly realm. Quickly my love I need you now.”


Hearing the desperation in her lover's voice, Cordelia became frightened. She prayed to the Goddess to hurry and place her back in her corporeal form, Faith's urgency infecting the brunette galvanizing her decision into a life-affirming quest.


<>My Goddess please hurry<> Cordelia cried in her mind knowing the Goddess could hear her thoughts clearly <>I think my soulmate is in need of me. I can feel her and this is not desire it is fear! Oh please Goddess! Don't think to treat me gently, the time is on me and the need is dire and I feel that it is now or never. Please I have to save her, my Faith is in danger.<>


That was the last word she sent to the Goddess as she suddenly felt the agony of entering and reconnecting with her inured body. As a further blessing from the Goddess, Cordelia's battered and bruised body was healed and the desperate lover was instilled with the power to heal her Slayer upon her awakening.


This time when Cordelia became aware of being back in her body she could feel herself waking up. Her eyes fluttered open and struggled to focus. Slowly the ceiling went from a blurry white blob to individual tiles.  Once her vision cleared she looked around and tried to take in her surroundings.


Eventually she realized she was in a hospital room. For some reason Cordelia felt she was more aware of her body, and while she still had some aches and pains, it wasn't nearly as bad as it had been before she had left her body before.


Concentrating she was able to "see" each place she had been injured and was able to judge the severity of each wound and its current state of health. When she was sure she could get up. Cordelia sat up in the bed. She winced at a sharp pain in her arm and looked to find the source of this new distraction. She found the large bore catheter that they were using to feed the IV into her veins.


Irritated by this inconvenience that was trying to slow her down and delay her reaching her lovers side. She hastily pulled the tube from her arm and let it drop to the floor. The Goddess' healing gift caused her skin to seal over the wound left by the IV before even a drop of blood escaped her arm.


Cordelia swung her legs around and let them hang over the side of the bed. She sat there for a few minutes trying to get her bearings. The young womans sudden movements woke Joyce who had dozed off in the chair next to the bed. She was shocked for a moment at the sight of her young patient not only out of her coma and sitting' it was obvious that the brunette was about to get out of bed and take off walking somewhere.


“Cordelia?” Joyce asked coming out of her shock as she saw the young woman getting to her feet. “Cordelia honey, where are you going?”


“Huh?... Why?...I gotta go,” the still slightly confused woman babbled “I can't stay...she needs me...I need her...I have to go to her!”


Cordelia headed for the door. Moving as quickly as she could Joyce got to Cordelia and tried to hold the younger stronger woman, in an attempt to keep her in the room.


“Where are you going?” Joyce demanded of the struggling woman.


Cordelia felt like she was trying to run through syrup. Everything she did seemed to be in slow motion, her muscles stiff and lethargic from the prolonged stay in bed. The Goddess gift hadn't totally renewed her body yet.


“I must go to her,” Cordelia stated simply as if every moron in the world should realize her destination.


“Who Cordelia?” Joyce asked as she tried to restrain her patient, hoping to delay her until Giles or one of the nurses got there to help. “Tell me Cordelia who is this she that you have to go to?”


“My destiny,” she snarled through her teeth that were clenched in anger at this person that was trying to keep her from her soulmate, “She is my destiny.”


Stunned by this sudden revelation Joyce's hold loosened just enough to break free and open the door leaving the room. Being the mother of the Slayer, that was also the chosen one, Joyce knew all about destinies.


“Who is she?” Joyce managed to gasp out as the struggle to slow her down was taking its toll on her, but determined to know where the young woman

was going. “Tell me Cordelia, who is your destiny?”


Knowing the powerful pull and unavoidability of these destinies that seemed to affect everyone in Sunnydale, just ask her daughter's wife, The Great Sorceress.


“I must be there to awaken my destiny,” Cordelia replied angrily the urgency becoming greater with every passing second.


Cordelia was about to break into run, but Joyce recognized the move and grabbed the escaping womans' arm and spun her around to face her. Cordelia jerked and tugged at her arm trying to get away from this person that was apparently trying to keep her from her destined lover and mate.


Suddenly she stopped struggling and turned her burning intense eyes on the obstacle to her beloved. With her lips curled in an angry nearly vicious snarl she answered Joyce's question.


“Faith,” Cordelia growled through clenched teeth, a red blinding murderous rage building inside her at the person in her way. “My destiny is Faith. Now RELEASE ME!”


The name accompanied by the rage radiating from Cordelia, hit Joyce in the chest like a hammer, feeling faint at the mention of her daughter's most dangerous enemy. Her grip weakened and Cordelia easily pulled away from her.


Cordelia stopped and looked down at the suddenly weakened woman and let all her anger flow out at the person who dared to try to keep her from her beloved, the hostility became almost palpable as she began trembling suddenly knowing true fear of this one time irritating but harmless young woman. Joyce looked up into the blazing eyes of pure rage.


“Do not interfere with my destiny again woman.” Cordelia growled her voice quiet yet the menace and danger fairly dripped from her words sending a chill of abject fear up Joyce's spine. “I won't deal with you so nicely the next time you do.”


The brunette turned and sped down the hall leaving the gasping woman behind her, leaning on the wall as if the older woman never even existed.


As Joyce watched the normally fashion conscious girl disappear around a corner the last sight she had of the now wild eyed young friend of her daughter was her very shapely rear showing as the loosely tied hospital gown flapped uselessly as she ran.


Joyce only wished she would stop trembling enough to get up before someone saw her there. Her only thought was a hope that whoever was watching over the Scoobies would protect Cordelia as she rushed headlong in to what could very likely be her death.


“Take care Cordelia, and remember who you're dealing with.” The Slayer's mother mumbled so that no one could hear. “I only hope your destiny won't be the death of you.”





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