If Destiny Wills It


By Alex


Disclaimers – go see Part 1


Feedback – Yes always. You can reach me at keeper444@webtv.net




Chapter 12


The sleek black Lear jet glided easily out of the gun-metal grey sky and landed smoothly at the small private airstrip just outside Sunnydale. It taxied directly to a large hanger that sat away from the other buildings.


The only break in the planes shining black exterior were the white “call” letters required by international laws and the crossed gold keys of the Vatican.


It sat all alone on the tarmac like some solitary bird of prey.


No one moved toward the plane and there was no movement from inside the curious aircraft. A long black limousine pulled into the airstrip driving onto the tarmac heading directly to the waiting private jet. It came to a halt next to the plane and the planes passenger door opened.


A chauffeur got out of the limo and hurried to the rear door closest to the plane, opening it then turning to look expectantly toward the plane. Three men, in long black coats and black hats with wide flat brims that partially hid their faces, got out of the aircraft and headed straight to the limo.


The first two entered the car with only a slight nod of acknowledgment to the driver. The third stopped and held out his hand to the nervous young man who immediately knelt down and kissed the large ring on the man's finger.


“Welcome your Eminence,” the driver said reverently as he stood up.


“Thank you Brother Jeffrey,” the man said his voice soft and deep, with a middle European accent. “You know where we need to go and please in this capacity I am a simple Abbot, nothing more.”


“As you wish father,” the driver answered. “If you wish we can go straight there now.”


“Fine, brother Jeffrey, fine,” the man said placing a hand on the eager younger mans shoulder and giving it a friendly squeeze. “You are efficient and prepared as always my son, which is why you were chosen for this particular mission. Our Order is pleased and proud of the way you have handled this difficult and unusual task.”


The driver blushed slightly at the praise from his revered superior. He mumbled his thanks and after the man was in the limo he shut the door securely and hurried and slid into the drivers seat.


The limo swiftly and silently left the airstrip and smoothly onto the road headed toward Sunnydale.




The last crimson rays of sunset faded from the sky, surrendering to the black velvet blanket of night. The Slayer sat on the couch between her lover’s legs, leaning back into Willow using her for a backrest.


Willow had her arms wrapped around Buffy, enjoying the feel of her lover against her and feeling her warmth even through their clothing. The witch rested her chin on top of the Slayers blonde head, leaning down every once to whisper some random lovers secret in Buffy’s ear causing her to shiver with delight.


This was the first time in weeks either of them had been this relaxed, even though they both knew they’d soon be facing one of the most dangerous enemies any of them had ever faced.


The revelations of earlier in the day, along with Giles plan slowly coming together had gone a long way toward normalizing their emotions. Even though they knew that when they made it past this night they still faced two of the most important days of their young lives they were positive they could get through it together.


Both Willow and Buffy knew that one of the smartest decisions they’d made was putting Cordelia in charge of the wedding arrangements. They were amazed and proud of the way Cordy had handled it all and was still on speaking terms with both of their mothers. In their eyes their friend was a miracle worker.


Being an indispensable part of Giles’ plan, Xander and Cordy ‘the Miracle Worker’ had arrived earlier and had already been briefed on what they were expected to do during the nights activities. They already had chosen the weapons necessary to the tasks.


Willow had pulled her life long friend aside and given him some “special” instructions about the others involved in the plan. Xander let Willow know he completely understood and he had no problem what so ever doing as she asked.


Now the young lovers were sharing one of Giles overstuffed easy chairs. Cordelia was on Xander’s lap her legs draped over, one arm her arms wrapped around his neck. They were now engaged in a passionate kiss after several minutes gazing into each other’s eyes or as Cordelia once put it, looking all gooey eyed at each other.


Giles came out of the kitchen with his cup of freshly brewed Earl Grey and frowned slightly at the sight of the two couples open displays of affection in his living room.


“I feel like I’m living in some sort of teenage brothel,” he said shaking his head and chuckling softly.


“What’s the matter G-man, jealous?” quipped Xander, causing the three girls to laugh at the thought.


“That, my dear Xander, is not the point.” Giles grumbled at the laughter at his expense.


“Somebody is certainly Mr. Cranky this evening.” Willow scolded the ex-Watcher. “This is just the logical expression of one persons love for another. So there!”


The redhead stuck her tongue out at the complaining man causing her lover to giggle causing Giles further frustration.


Then he suddenly laughed at himself when he realized what he must sound like. “Dear lord,” he mused. “I sound like my father.”


Before he could make any further revelations he was interrupted by a knock at the front door.


“Must be a guest,” he mumbled as he left the room. “I don’t think I know anyone that has the courtesy to knock any more.”


Giles returned quickly with a man that looked very familiar to Willow. Buffy felt her lover’s body become ridged with tension and moved so she could see Willows face trying to determine the problem.


The sight caused Buffy to slide over to the far end of the couch.


Willows normally open loving and compassionate face had been replaced by a hard, suspicious, angry, glaring one. Her eyes seemed to radiate a pulsating green glow that was apparently aimed at the man that just entered with Giles.


“What is it sweetheart?” Buffy asked concerned by her lover’s sudden change and a little frightened. “What’s the matter?”


“Why is HE here, Giles?” the witch snarled not bothering to hide her anger and distrust of the man's presence. “No one here is ill or requires the services of this ‘doctor’.”


“You know why I’m here, young one,” the man said softly before Giles could say anything.


Willow and the man stared at each other, everybody was looking first at Giles then at Willow then at the newcomer then back to Giles searching for some explanation for their friends strangely hostile behaviour.


“Who is this Giles?” Buffy asked, rising from the couch disturbed by Willows uncharacteristic behaviour.


“I doubt if you remember Buffy.” Giles answered eyeing Willow. “This man is the doctor that tried to help you during your recent illness. This is Dr. Jeffrey Fallon.”


“Pleased to meet you doctor,” Buffy said holding out her hand.


“NO!” Willow barked angrily.


Buffy stopped and looked at her obviously very upset friend. She started to ask why she was being so rude when three more men entered the room.


Buffy’s attention was drawn away by a low menacing growl coming from her lover as the three strangely dressed men came in. She was shocked by the hostility that Willow gave off in waves.


Buffy could tell the young witch was bristling with fury, apparently caused by the newcomers.


“What is your purpose here priest?” Willow snarled challengingly. “Come to murder my soulmate and I, like your pious forefathers did our sisters just a few centuries ago?”


The glow from Willows eyes seemed to spread out, first around Willow herself, then it expanded to engulf her other half.


Everyone else in the room wisely moved back out of the line of fire, surprised by their normally sweet even tempered friends sudden display of hostility and power.


Giles stepped up and started to speak but was stopped by the raised hand of the shortest and oldest of the newcomers.


“You are the one that found and destroyed our hidden archives,” the man stated as fact not a question with a slight sad smile. “Do not interfere Watcher, knowing what she read in those files she has every reason not to trust any of our calling.”


“Why...ARE..you..here..PRIEST?” Willow spat out each word like a curse.


“Be calmed Sorceress,” the man said.We are here to help you and to attempt to atone for a grievous error in judgment made by a misinformed church because of untruths given her by certain over zealous, over ambitious and yes even envious men that misrepresented the facts over one thousand years ago.”


Willow snorted in anger.


“Your kind slaughtered an entire class of women whose only sin was to love each other and be warriors of the light.” Willow stated, her contempt dripped from her voice like venom. “How do you plan to atone for their lives, how do you plan to justify your betrayal of their innocent souls?”


“Willow really,” Giles said trying to stop her recriminations. “They are here to help after all. You knew this, we discussed it.”


“The Sorceress speaks her heart Watcher,” The man said. “Her suspicions are well founded.”


“But your Emin....” Jeffrey Fallon tried to protest but was stopped by the older man.


“Please, Brother Jeffrey, we discussed this,” he scolded softly. “On this mission I am a simple Abbot.”


“You think to hide your true self from me priest?”  Willow asked sarcastically. “Why, if not to hide your true intentions?”


“Not from you Sorceress,” the abbot said his middle European accent becoming more pronounced as he spoke. “But from others less dedicated to our mission. The Darkness has its allies everywhere.”


This revelation brought a heavy silence to the room. Willow faced the newcomers, her attention focused on the Abbot, searching his face for any hint of deception. The pulsating green aura swirled and glowed around both Buffy and Willow shielding the lovers from any attempt at treachery.


“We have known that once a Slayer and her Sorceress were together on the Hellmouth, the joining of their souls would eventually occur,” the Abbot explained. “And with that joining would come the rebirth of the Sisters. As part of the Church’s commitment, our Order was formed to watch over the two of you when the time came and provide what ever assistance we could.”


“At first we hoped that Brother Jeffrey’s treating of the Slayers illness would be all that would be required,” his explanation continued. “But circumstances have arisen that have caused us to take a more active role in your joining. This joining was destined to happen and according to terms created before the age of man the joining was considered sacred and was deemed inviolate by both sides. Apparently someone on the side of Darkness has taken it upon themselves to violate the agreement and interfere. This being is powerful and has a limited number of extremely powerful allies, those however are nearly depleted. There will be no reinforcement so they are desperate.”


“So now by the powers given us by God through the Holy Father in Rome, we have left another office we hold in the church to return to our first and foremost duty, as Brother warriors in the war against the dark and to insure the your joining in the manner of the ancient Celtic sect known as the Sisters of the Soul and in the name of the Church to welcome that sect as allies in our continuing war for universal balance.”


“Pretty words priest,” Willow growled, conceding reluctantly. “But given the track record of your kind, I’m sure you’ll forgive me for not trusting you completely. As you know both the Slayer and I are sworn not to take a human life, our friends however have no such limitations.”


She looked at Xander and when their eyes met Willow nodded slightly and Xander smiled coldly.


“No prob Will.” Xander said as he turned a hard humorless smile on the clerics and hefted a 9mm automatic that appeared almost magically in his hand. “No one will get a shot at your back.”


The eerie green glow now enveloped all four young people. This development caused a debate among the clerics, that was soon interrupted by Willow.


“If you are truly here to help us priest, then we’ll gladly accept.” The witch said her voice soft and clear while showing the iron in her words. “But if you are contemplating treachery then as you can see we are prepared to deal with it. We have no time for subtleties and negotiations, no talks no compromises. Tonight is all or nothing.”


Seeing the fiercely protective look in Xander’s hard dark eyes and hearing the calm confidence in Willows voice, and the determined looks on all of the young peoples faces, Giles knew that they were not bluffing.


He felt a deep sense of pride of the loyalty they displayed, but a cold chill ran down his spine at the easy manner that Xander displayed in his willingness to defend his friends, even to the point of murder.


“You seem to inspire great loyalty, Sorceress,” the Abbot commented. “That speaks well of you, but right now if we can, I need to speak privately to you, the Slayer, and your Watcher.”


Chapter 13


“Is there somewhere that we can speak?” the Abbot asked. “I do not wish to be rude, but there are some things that are only for the three of you can divulge to anyone else.”


“Of course Abbot,” Giles said indicating the door to his study. “We can speak in my study. I’m sure everyone can calm themselves enough for that.”


The Abbot followed Giles with a very wary Willow and Buffy not far behind. The girls sat together on the love seat, while Giles sat in a large overstuffed easy chair, turning his desk and chair over to the Abbot.


The older man laid a large wooden case on the desk. Buffy studied the case and was fascinated by the intricately carved and obviously ancient case and wondered what it could possibly contain of interest to them.


She knew that Willow wasn’t comfortable with these people and so she was naturally suspicious because her friend was the one that saw the good in every one. If her Wills didn’t trust these guys than Buffy resolved that she’d watch their every move.


The Abbot sat back in the comfortable desk chair and let out a heavy sigh of both relief and exhaustion.


“I am getting too old for this,” the elderly cleric said smiling wearily at Giles. “This running around the world is a young persons game. I am only glad to have lived long enough to see the culmination of my life’s dream and to finally be able to carry out the duties of my office of



“What’s your dreams and duties got to do with me and Wills?” Buffy asked not sure she wanted the answer.


“You Slayer,” the Abbot said locking eyes with the young blonde. “You and your beloved little witch are my life’s work. It’s what I and my predecessors have lived and worked secretly for over three hundred years. Our duty is to help the Slayer and the Sorceress fulfill their destiny and, God willing, begin to pay back a debt long past due.”


He paused for a moment to be sure he had the attention of everyone in the room before continuing.


“You must understand when the errors of our predecessors were discovered, the Holy Father at the time was appalled and was determined to make it right.” The Abbots deep slightly accented voice helped his listeners to relax and absorb his narrative. “In an effort to see that the Church and its representatives did their duty, that Pope and every one since has maintained a secret Order of a few dedicated individuals to gather, keep, and preserve all the records, legends, and artifacts we could gather pertaining to the Sisters and keep them in trust for this time.”


“Over the generations our brothers have searched and waited keeping an eye on the Watchers Council and their Slayers knowing it was only a matter of time until the Slayer and her Sorceress of their time would be joined, thus renewing the ancient sect.  Many times it came close but the Slayer usually died before destiny could join her with her Sorceress. It was as if someone or something was trying to kill them off to keep destiny from joining. When it was reported that the two of you had met early and when we learned this Slayer had lived past her 18th birthday we were further encouraged because you my dear are the first to do so and it appears that you are truly destiny’s chosen ones.”


Buffy and Willow looked at each other and gasped in awe at what they’d just learned and the ramifications it carried. For the first time they realized that Buffy and Willow were the Chosen Ones, not just Buffy. They both were relieved that now some of the weight destiny had placed on Buffy’s shoulders would now be shared by the two of them.


Buffy knew that for the first since becoming the Slayer she was never going to be alone again. With his words the Abbot had confirmed everything they had learned from Brigit and Morrigan. It really was destiny that brought them together.


Not everyone was relieved by the Abbots words, everything that Giles knew and believed was shaken to the core by the truth revealed by the Abbots history lessons. Giles knew the rest of the truth behind the failure of the Slayers’ premature deaths, and he knew why his Slayer was the exception.


“The test.” Giles whispered, horrified by his revelation and the treachery of his own organization. "Those bastards were so afraid of losing their control over the Slayers they murdered them so they couldn’t be joined and become independent. If I had followed orders blindly like the rest they would have made me an accomplice in Buffy’s murder. All their high and mighty talk and the marvelous ideals they preached, all CRAP!”


Giles slammed his fist down on the desk as he roared those last words. He leapt from his chair and began pacing the floor of his study. His rage was becoming a living thing feeding on his outrage and grief as his world fell apart around him.


Before he’d thought that only a few individuals were responsible for the problems and inconsistencies he’d come across, but now he knew the entire Council was corrupt from its very foundations.


He was lost. For the first time in his life he questioned his reasons for living. As if reading his mind Willow reached out and caught the agitated man as he past her.


She pulled him over to stand in front of her and Buffy and waited until he looked into her eyes, then she began to comfort the man she had come to consider a father to herself and the person she loved most in the world.


“Giles please don’t blame yourself." Willow said her voice soft and warm, wrapping around his raging spirit like a comforting blanket and stilling his anger. “You are the finest, most honorable man we’ve ever known. You have always dealt fairly and honestly with all of us, and more importantly you have always followed your conscience even, when it cost you dearly. You’ve always put Buffy and her welfare ahead of everything else. When the Council tried to set her up and ordered you to drug her you did everything you could to thwart them. You are the single most important reason my Buffy is alive to be with me today. For that alone how can we help but love you and forgive any mistakes you may have made because you trusted men who lied and manipulated you.”


“Yeah Giles-y, what she said.” Buffy said trying to lighten the mood. “I mean it’s like your my Dad, and what Dad hasn’t screwed up raising their kid because they listened to some idiot that tried to tell them how to do their job? So do what other dads do. Admit your mistake, say you’re sorry and GET OVER IT! So deal okay.  Now I think the Abbot-guy has some more to tell us and I don’t think I got time. Remember I'm getting’ married tomorrow and the little spitfire I’m getting’ hitched to isn’t gonna take any excuses from you or me for being late.”


Giles looked down at the two girls and was overcome with emotion. He fell to his knees and hugged both of them. Then realizing what he was doing he blushed at his lack of control.


He straightened up removed his glasses and began cleaning them as he went back to his seat.


“You are quite correct Buffy,” the Watcher said. “I am sorry for the interruption, please continue father, it won’t happen again.”


The Abbot sat quietly for a moment reflecting on what Giles had said and the trust displayed by the two girls. He was more than a little surprised at the closeness shared by these three and was glad that they had each other. His studies and experiences had shown him how important that could be.


“What you say about the Watchers Council would explain much,” the Abbot said as he absorbed the gist of what had been said. “It would also explain their very active role in the witch hunts.”


“I hope you wouldn’t try to divert attention from the role your own people played in the atrocities during the Burning Times priest,” Willow snapped sarcastically. “I imagine they simply followed your example, they just never stopped. They do however have valid reasons to fear the

Sorceress. When we have time I'm sure we’ll get around to what to do about the Council and their role in all this.”


That statement left the room with an ominous silence until the full impact of what had been said hit Buffy like a ton of bricks.


“Okay you mean that the reason the Council tried to get me killed was to keep me and Wills from getting together,” Buffy blurted out suddenly outraged. “Why those...those...those not nice guys...they...I ought to...that’s just...that’s just about the funniest thing I ever heard.”


Buffy started laughing so hard it hurt and tears were streaming from her eyes, then she noticed that the others were looking at her like she’d lost her mind. Buffy straightened up and tried to explain.


“I just thought about all the sneakiness and hateful things they’ve done to us, just to keep me and Wills apart. All they did was bring us closer together, and drive a good man away from them, and give me a Dad.” Buffy smiled mischievously at the two people. "Oh boy I bet someone is really pissed at somebody for that foul up. I suppose when this is over we really should send the Council a note of thanks for helping us get together.  “What do ya’ say Wills, you want to write it or should I?”


Willow broke out laughing at the thought of the look on the faces of the Council when they received that particular piece of correspondence. When she shared her thoughts with the ex-Watcher he too had to chuckle and asked to help compose it, which caused all three of them to break out in laughter again.


The Abbot watched the easy and natural camaraderie displayed by the Watcher and his two charges. Being in his position he knew how rare and valuable such closeness was when facing the unknown dangers these people shared every day.


He hated to interrupt but he had a lot to take care of and limited time in which to do it.


“I’m sorry to interrupt but I really must get this done before we leave for the confrontation we face tonight,” the Abbot sighed. Then he sat up and, after pushing some hidden latches on the wooden case, the Abbot opened it. “As we are instructed by prophecy when the Slayer and the

Sorceress come together, the artifacts gathered in their names shall be returned to them, so I believe these belong to you.”  He turned the open case around to show its contents to the two girls.


Buffy and Willow craned their necks to see into the case and gaped at what they saw.


The case contained a large collection of wood, crystal, and silver items along with some well maintained leather gauntlets with long sharp silver spikes.


They could feel the power and history of the items calling to them. There were also several sealed bottles and vials of powders and liquids that radiated their metaphysical strength, even Giles could feel the power that was contained in the case the Abbot had just presented to the girls.


“I am not an expert in the meanings and uses of all of these items, that is Jeffrey’s area of expertise,”" the Abbot explained as he picked up two amulets on silver chains. “These two however I have reserved to give to you myself, as has every one that has held my office.”


He walked around the desk to the love seat where the two girls sat watching him intently. The first amulet was a crystal and silver swan.


This one he handed to Willow as she held it the amulet took on a pulsating green light that pulsed in time with the young witch’s heartbeat.


“This is for you to give to your beloved,” he told her his voice reflecting the reverence and respect he had for the small ceremony that was about to take place. “It is the symbol of your love and commitment to her and a token of your promise to protect her always and to remain at her side to share her joys and sorrows for the span of your lives.”


Willow locked eyes with the old priest and she could see the deep emotion he was feeling and finally understood the true meaning behind his actions. He was truly happy for the two girls and was giving their union the closest thing to a blessing the tenets of his religion would allow.


She smiled up at him and nodded her consent as a single tear fell down her cheek.


The old man turned to Buffy and put a delicate looking crystal rose amulet in her hand, it was soon glowing with a bluish white light that pulsed in time with the Slayer’s heartbeat.


“Since the beginning of known records, the single white rose has been the symbol of the Slayer,” he began. Buffy and Willow gasped when they realized that Buffy had always favored white roses. “This is for you to give to your beloved Sorceress as a symbol of your love and commitment and a token of your vow to protect and cultivate her soul. It also is a notice to all creatures that she is the mate of the Slayer that to assault her is to incur the wrath of the Slayer, something even the most powerful minions of the dark would think twice about.”


“Thank you,” Buffy whispered, in awe of what the old Abbot had just told her.


“Over the years I have found that love and trust like you two have for each other is a rare and precious find where ever you find it.” The Abbot told the girls seriously. “Many of my own colleagues would disagree with me even to the point of condemnation and excommunication.

Even the Church cannot publicly support you. Privately however is another story. Before we leave this place both you and your Watcher will be given several diverse methods of contacting our Order. We are authorized to provide with any and all the support you need, all the resources of the Church are available to us.  Then there is of course Brother Jeffrey, he will be available to you at any time. I think you will find him to be an intelligent and reasonably liberal thinking man and he is well educated in other religions.”


The old Abbot looked down at the two young people and was touched by the love and respect they openly held for each other.


<>They are lucky to have each other.<> the old cleric thought, considering the terrors they faced on a daily basis. <>No one should have to face that alone.<>


Realizing how late it was getting he decided to move right on to the next part of his reason for being there in person.


“It is time for the rest of the purpose of my visit,” the Abbot said with quiet reverence. “There is a small ceremony that is not mentioned in any of the reference material, the reason being our order removed it.”


“How dare you presume....” Willow started to protest, but the Abbot held up his hand


“Please before you condemn us let me explain, please Sorceress.” He asked her and when she nodded her consent, he continued. “Yes I will admit we removed it for selfish reasons. After everything our predecessors did, we wanted to reserve this one thing to be our gift, so to speak. To prove our sincerity and, to be honest, every Abbot since the conception of our Order has reserved this for themselves.”


His only hope was that the two young people in front of him would understand and accept his explanation.


Chapter 14


In order to explain the motives for his predecessors interference in the affairs of an ancient sect long extinct and until recently unknown to anyone outside the Church, the Abbot felt he must explain the sacred duties of his office and the dedication of the men that held it through the centuries.


“At the time we are chosen for this office we spent many hours studying the rituals until we are able to recite them from memory perfectly. Only then are we allowed to take our position as Abbot.”


“Every Abbot has dreamed that he would be the one to perform this ritual and I am fortunate enough to be chosen by destiny to be the one that performs the first of your joining rituals, a sort of betrothal ceremony. I think you will be surprised at the benefits you will receive as you complete each stage of your joining.”


Willow studied the man’s face, concentrating on his dark brown eyes, and could find no hint of deception. She was still leery of the intentions of the Church, but her ability to read people had been greatly enhanced by her powers, and if there was some ulterior motive behind this gesture the man standing in front of her had no part of it.


“I have one question before I can agree to this unknown ritual.” Willow said, the contempt and sarcasm now gone from her voice. “It is a matter of honesty and trust between us and it goes no farther than this room. Do you agree?”


Seeing her sincerity and genuine willingness to cooperate the Abbot answered her. “As long as it pertains only to me personally I see no problems with your request, Sorceress. Ask your question.”


“I understand that while you’re here, you are a simple Abbot in charge of a highly unorthodox order of brothers, but still only an Abbot. That isn’t exactly a powerful enough office to carry out all the things you have promised us.” Willow said watching the old man’s face intently looking for any sign of deceit. “So my question my dear priest is, when you aren’t running all over the world on the order’s business, just what is your office within the Church. Or as an old friend of mine used to say, what’s your day job?”


The Abbot thought for a moment then realizing the witch probably already knew the answer, or at least had an idea, he chose to tell them the truth.


“Good question my dear and fair considering the nature of our relationship,” the Abbot said looking Willow straight in the eye. “When I am not on business for the Order, I am a Cardinal and personal assistant to the Holy Father. So as you can see, I am well placed to keep any promises I have made. Does that answer your question satisfactorily, Sorceress?”


Willow looked up at him for a few seconds then smiled a triumphant grin, knowing the Abbot had just stepped over the line and had trusted them to keep his secret. It was enough for her.


“When do we do this ritual and what do we need to perform it?” The now satisfied witch asked brightly.


The others in the room gave a sigh of relief as it became clear that Willow believed the Abbot and was going to trust him as much as her own natural suspicions of the Church would allow.


“What we need is already here,” the Abbot began. “This is like a kind of betrothal ceremony. The two of you announce in front of two official witnesses your feelings and intentions toward each other, while exchanging the amulets. I will officiate and Giles is the second witness. I chose him not for his position as Watcher but because of his close personal relationship with the two of you. As for when, I believe there is no time like the present. It is an informal ritual and it needs to be done before we face whatever we must face tonight.”


Buffy and Willow locked eyes and searched for any doubt, seeing none they leaned forward and kissed lightly. They turned to the Abbot who was smiling down at them his eyes alight with hope and compassion for the two girls.


They nodded their consent to begin.


“So it begins,” the Abbot said with quiet reverence. “Willow now that you have found the mate of your soul, and have agreed to join with her, place your amulet around your beloved’s neck and tell her what is in your heart.”


With trembling hands she carefully put the chain around the Slayer’s slender neck, and with some initial nervous fumbling she eventually closed the intricate clasp, which faded away leaving a permanent joining.


“Buffy, my love, what can I say?” Willow began, her trembling voice so soft only Buffy and the Abbot could hear. “I’ve loved you since the day I met you.  You have become my life, my world, my universe. All that I am, all I do, and all I’ll ever be is because of you. Without you I’m nothing, I would not exist. I need you, I want you, but more than anything else I love you and with your consent I will spent my life trying to make you as happy as you make me by just looking at me. Please let me be at your side to face with you all that life has to offer for good or bad.  I’ll always be there for you and as long as we have each other, there is nothing that can defeat us.”


Willow stopped, no longer able to speak her throat constricted by the overwhelming emotion she felt for her lover at this moment. Her eyes shone with unshed tears and her entire body was trembling.


“Now you Slayer,” the Abbot indicated to the petite blonde barely able to control her own raw emotions the redhead had made her feel. “It is time to declare your true feelings and intentions.”


Following her lover’s example she leaned forward and tenderly placed the white rose amulet around Willow's neck. Once the clasp closed, it also disappeared leaving two fused links in it’s place.


“I love you Wills.” Buffy whispered reverently almost as if she were praying. “I don’t have a lot of fancy poetic words to describe how much I feel. If you were only in my heart or my mind we wouldn’t be here, but what I feel goes way beyond that. You’re in my heart, my mind, my soul, in the very core of my being. If I was dissected and put under a microscope they would see you.

Without you there is no Slayer, no Buffy, I need you in my life to make me complete. I want you in my life to be my love and life long companion. Please stay with me and never leave because, if you go, you take my heart and soul with you leaving me nothing but a hollow shell, just waiting to die.”


As Buffy finished speaking the two amulets slowly changed the rhythm of their pulsating until they became synchronized.


The Abbot stepped forward and gently placed one of his large strong hand on each girls shoulder.


“Now the two are becoming one,” the Abbot intoned repeating the words he’d memorized years ago in preparation for just this moment. “You walk the world as one, face adversity as one, and face the forces of Darkness as one. As you celebrate your union with your community and before the gods of Light remember you face them as one. What one feels the other feels, what one knows the other knows. For now and forever your love and devotion have made you one that is stronger than any force the Dark can bring against you. My hopes, both for you and for humankind, go with you.”


The Abbot turned and left the room without further comment. Buffy and Willow shared a deep passionate kiss, then separated to look into each other’s eyes as if finding visions in their depths they’d never seen before.


“Wow that...” Buffy began.


“...was different.” Willow finished.


“Hey how did you...”


“...do that? I don’t know...”


“...I just knew what you...”


“...were going to say.”


The two girls looked at each other wide eyed with confusion. Every time one of them had a thought the other would have the same thought at almost the same moment.


“This is kinda...” Buffy started.


“...sorta really spooky.” Willow again finished the thought.


They stared at each other for a few moments then they both remembered the Abbot’s words…What one knows the other knows. They smiled realizing they were remembering the same thing and coming to the same conclusion, time to go, they’d study this new phenomenon later.


They turned to look at Giles who was watching them fascinated by this newly developed link, how fast the girls were adjusting to it, and curious as to how deep it went.


“Giles, don’t you...” Buffy started.


“...think we should really be going.” Willow again finished.


“Well...ah...yes...I ah...suppose so.” Giles answered still a little taken back by the easy way Buffy and Willow simply slipped into this new situation like it was nothing special, plus he wasn’t sure which one to answer. “We really need to talk though, very soon, so we can study this new....ah...development.”


“Fine, later but for now...” the Slayer spoke first.


“...let’s pass out those weapons...” her lover continued without missing a beat.


“...and get moving.” Buffy finished as she and Willow broke out giggling at the look on Giles face.


When they’d first become lovers Buffy and Willow could tell what the other was feeling with a lot of concentration, but now with a casual effort they could share every conscious thought.


“Wow this is...” Buffy stated.


“..kinda weird but..” Willow continued.


“...it could be...”


“...really handy...”


“...not to mention...”


"...a lot of fun.”


Both girls laughed at Giles as he rolled his eyes.


“You two are going to be impossible to live with now,” the ex-Watcher sigh in mock frustration. “I’ll never know who is speaking for who or...or...oh whatever.”


Both girls beamed innocently at him, giving their surrogate father their best ‘who me’ face causing the normally reserved man to chuckle at their antics.


“I’m going to help the Brothers arm themselves.” Giles said as he rose from his chair. “And I’ll have Brother Jeffrey come in and help you find any items that may be useful to us tonight.”


“Okay Giles and hey could you...” Buffy began.


“...also send in Xander and Cordy, I have a strange feeling...” Willow joined in.


“...there’s some stuff in here for them too.” Buffy finished the girls looking at each other perplexed over where that knowledge had come from.


Giles took one last look at the two girls before he left, pondering how the shy, confused, uncertain children he’d met all those years ago had turned into these strong, sure, confident young adults. Even Xander was showing signs of maturity and strength that had been hidden deep inside him for so long.


Giles realized he couldn’t be prouder of the Scoobies (he laughed quietly at the name the kids had given themselves years ago) if they were his own children.


As he turned to finish his preparations he sent out a silent prayer that they get through this night safely.




A few hours later Buffy and Willow walked out of the townhouse with Xander and Cordelia, they walked together until they reached the main through street.


They split up like they did every night, Xander and Cordelia turning east toward their new apartment, and the Slayer and her partner headed for one of the many cemeteries that were a large part of Sunnydale.


This night they headed south to the oldest of the cemeteries as planned.


Xander and Cordelia kept walking until the other two were out of sight, and as sure as they could be that they weren’t being followed, then they quickly cut across back yards to get to Cordelia’s car that she’d hidden earlier.


They jumped in and headed for the rendezvous Giles had set up earlier near the old cemetery where Giles had set up the ambush.


Around an hour later Giles and the four clerics left the townhouse and as two groups made their way separately to meet the other two to set up their part in the ambush.


As they neared their destination Giles was hoping the “secret weapon” he’d sent for would come, preferably in time to help and that Buffy wouldn’t be mad at him for using it.


Continued in Part 6


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